"The newspaper is sold! The newspaper is sold!"

"Miryang's first monthly report contains a congratulatory message from Prefect Jiang, and a copy only costs three pennies!"

In the early morning of the first day, firecrackers were set off at the gates of every household to drive away evil spirits. If possible, they would wear new clothes and bring gifts to pay New Year's greetings.

After a night of lively New Year's Eve, the streets were a little quieter than usual, but because there were a group of newsboys hawking in the streets, it also made the New Year's morning a little more angry.

"Sell newspapers and sell newspapers for three yuan a copy, which is very cheap!"

"Is it the monthly newspaper produced by the county school?" A boy with a basket on his back stopped the newsboy and asked.

"That's right, sir, you're well informed, would you like a copy?" The newspaper boy was wearing a gray and black old cloth jacket, with a cloth bag for newspapers on his back, his cheeks and hands were flushed from the cold, but he was still smiling. Yes, puffs of white mist emerged from his mouth as he spoke.

"Only three dollars?"

"Yes, only three dollars."

The boy hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to take out three copper coins from his cloth pocket and give them to him: "Give me one."

After receiving the money, the newspaper boy smiled even more happily, and hurriedly took out a newspaper from his bag and handed it to him: "Mr., take it well."

The boy took the newspaper and sniffed the fresh ink on it, held it in his arms contentedly, and continued to walk home.

Passing through a narrow alley and entering a small courtyard, the young man shouted as soon as he entered the house: "Father and mother, I'm back."

In the courtyard, my father was chopping firewood, and he had no time to pay attention.

After a while, a thin woman came out of the kitchen, wiped her hands and asked, "Da Lang is back? Can the tofu be exchanged?"

"Well, the chamber of commerce has activities today. Buy one get one free, so I exchanged some more things." The young man unloaded the back basket and lifted the sackcloth. There was a basket full of things inside. A piece of tofu, with potato flour, two small jars of fermented bean curd and a yellow paper bag of fried potato chips.

"Hey, why did you buy so much? You can't buy so much even if you have a gift!" The woman frowned all of a sudden, and turned her head to see the young man took out a newspaper from his arms again, more and more Feeling distressed: "What are you buying this for? It can't be eaten or used, so hurry up and return it."

"It's not expensive, only three dollars a piece."

"I don't know, the little boys selling this thing ran all over the alley early in the morning."

"Mum, don't worry. My son is studying engineering and art. He often receives jobs from the government. The money he earns is enough to buy some food and newspapers." There are a lot of agricultural knowledge published in the newspaper, and following the monthly report to learn how to plant the land can make the grain yield in the field abundant. If other families buy it, but my family does not have it, by next year, won’t other families have more grain than us?"

Hearing that this small newspaper was related to the harvest of food, the woman didn't back down for a while, but instead asked: "You have only learned a few words, can you understand it?"

"Don't underestimate me, I am the fastest literate in the class..." The boy said this, but he froze when he opened the newspaper.

Under the "Miryang Monthly News", he did not recognize the first word of Jiang Taishou's congratulatory speech.

But it doesn't matter, he can probably guess the meaning by referring to the following words and sentences, so he pointed to the big characters and said to his mother: "Look, here is also the congratulations from Mr. Jiang Fu."

"Really?" The woman was surprised: "What did the Fu Jun say?"

"He said he hoped that in the new year, the people would be able to reunite their families and the country would be safe and peaceful."

"It is indeed like what the Lord Fu said."

On the day Miryang just took it back, the woman also went to the street to watch. The handsome and elegant young man who stood in the carriage and brought them hope was always imprinted in her mind with just one glance.

The life of their people is so easy now, but it is all thanks to Mr. Jiang Fu!

"With the words of the lord, this thing is precious, so it must be kept well."

"Of course."

The woman went on to ask: "Just now you said that there are some people who teach farming at the top. What did they teach?"

The young man turned his gaze to the agricultural knowledge page aside, and there were many words he didn't understand at a glance, so he coughed lightly and said, "Let me read it first, and I'll tell you when I understand it."

Regarding her son who can read and go to school, although the woman kept silent, she was a little proud in her heart, and said: "Okay, then watch, I'm going to work, and your uncle and the others will come to eat later, if you see If you understand, you can also read and listen to them.”

The boy nodded, then sat at the door and flipped through the newspaper to read.

The content of the first newspaper is more serious. It publishes government orders issued by the government, popularization of agricultural knowledge and medical first aid knowledge, and the content is mostly related to people's livelihood.

The content of the second newspaper is much richer, and all the manuscripts of poems collected from scholars are published here.

The young man has only studied in a technical school for a short time, and his literacy is not much. In addition, the words and sentences used by the scholars are full of profound meaning. Even if he can connect the context and context, it is quite difficult for him to look at these things, basically frowning completely. Read on in perplexity.

This state lasted for a long time, until he saw the article on the last section of this page - "The Strange Story of Cultivation of Immortals".

Although there are still many characters he does not know, this article is much easier to read than other poems, and the content is very novel. After reading a few paragraphs, the boy was quickly attracted by the plot.

Seeing the male protagonist lamenting that he has no talent, he substituted himself who was smart but of humble background. Seeing the male protagonist being bullied by the servants, he felt aggrieved and angry. Aptitude, he also became excited and nervous!

But at this moment, the novel came to an abrupt end in the words "to be continued", and there was nothing after turning the page, leaving only a line at the end saying "this article is purely fictitious, please do not imitate".

It turned out that he had already read the three newspapers before he knew it.

Suddenly realizing that this is an unfinished manuscript, the young man feels uncomfortable, scratching his head and wanting to read the next content, but unfortunately there is nothing, no matter how much he searches the newspaper over and over again, there will be no more content.

In the end, helpless, he had no choice but to persuade himself to wait for the new newspaper to be published next month before buying it, and turned the newspaper back to the front page, preparing to read it again.

This time he paid special attention to the author of this article. The names of the author and the editor of the manuscript are listed side by side, as "Wangshu" and "Chuxian".


In the soldiers' barracks, Long Te'ao was surrounded by several players.

"To be honest, Mr. Ottman, did you really not secretly contribute to the newspaper without telling everyone?" Qu Lu asked, pointing to the "Cultivation of Immortals" in the newspaper.

"No, I've said it several times, it's really not!" Long Te'ao has been asked this question since it went online, which is really annoying and funny, "Writing in reality is painful enough. Still writing, am I fucking out of my mind?"

"This reader can be sure that it wasn't written by Aoteo slowly," said Zhang Rui, a long-time fan of Longteao's readers. "He doesn't have such a good writing style. Just the style of writing in this newspaper, he may not be able to write it in ten years. .”

"Huh?" Long Te'ao raised his eyebrows, "I'm going to rebel if you say that!"

Zhang Rui: "Why are you rebellious? Will you change a thousand words in three days after you go back?"

"Depend on!"

"Then who wrote this? Wang Shu? Is there anyone with this name among our players?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it must not be written by an NPC, and the game team will not put such an obvious bug in it. This is obviously a modern male frequency novel!"

"Is there someone in the newspaper office, ask?"

"I asked on the forum earlier, but no one knew. The editor-in-chief brought the manuscript, and no one except the editor-in-chief knew who wrote it."

"I'm so curious. This writing style must be a master in reality. Maybe it's a great writer."

"Isn't that better than Longteo's?"

When Long Te'ao heard that they stepped on him again, he got up angrily and took away the newspaper: "Damn it again, I'm really going to rebel. Isn't this just an ordinary routine of cultivating immortals? I'll write a copy right away." Believe it or not, it's even more powerful than this?"

"I believe in you." Zhang Rui said leisurely, "I'm just a little worried, will your writing fail to pass the first draft here?"

"Damn!" Long Te'ao went out angrily, and said at the door: "Just wait and see, next month you will see Lao Tzu's shocking masterpiece in the newspaper."


For the time being, Jiang Shu doesn't know the controversy his novel has caused among players. He is busy receiving officials who came to pay New Year's greetings.

Few of the officials in the county government are rich, so the congratulatory gifts are mostly eggs, bacon and other food.

Compared with the value, these gifts contained more intentions, so Jiang Shu accepted them one by one.

Since people sent blessings, they couldn't even invite a meal, so at noon that day, another banquet was set up in the main hall of the government office, and all the officials who came to visit were invited to eat.

In fact, at this time, the county magistrates of the counties in the county should also come to the county mansion to pay a visit to the prefect and explain the harvest loss and various matters in the county in the past year. During the busy period under the rule, Jiang Shu considerately sent someone to inform them a few days in advance to inform them that they don't need to come here because they are busy with their own business.

Anyway, with the army stationed and the postal supervisor out to supervise, he was not afraid that some people would not be able to do practical things well.

Xie Min also attended the noon banquet, Jiang Shu saw that he was also wearing a jade pendant with cowhide today, so before the banquet started, he asked, "Is this a gift from the elders of Brother Xie's family?"

Xie Yin knew what he was referring to, nodded and said: "The fifth brother brought it some time ago."

"May I see it?"

For his request, Xie Min was a little surprised, but still took off the jade pendant around his waist and gave it to him.

Jiang Shu took the jade pendant and touched the cowhide carefully, and found that there was nothing inside, so he returned the jade pendant, then picked up his own and said, "Why do I feel like I put something in this one, but there is nothing in Xie Xie's?" ?”

Seeing his actions just now, Xie Min understood what he was thinking, and replied: "Sometimes, the elders will put a message to the younger generation in the cowhide."

This answer was expected by Jiang Shu, he asked: "Then can I open it?"

"Yes, but it will have to wait until next year."

"Can't you tell me directly?"

Xie Yin met his sincerely expectant eyes, smiled, and then shook his head.

"Okay then, I'll wait until next year to dismantle it." Jiang Shu regretted for a moment, then quickly raised his spirits again: "Brother Xie, please sit down, the banquet kitchen has prepared a lot of good dishes today, the first dinner of the new year, can you Eat more."

"it is good."

After a while, everyone was seated, and delicious food and wine were served on the table.

Jiang Shu glanced over all the officials, raised his wine glass and said, "It's a good day to meet you all. This glass wishes you all auspicious new year and all the best."

"Thank you, Lord!"

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