It was early the next morning when Jiang Shu got the news of Xing Sang's rebellion.

At that time, he was preparing to have breakfast with the sand sculpture netizen's post as usual, and then he turned to this post that had been hanging on the front page all night.

After reading the cause and effect of the matter, he was not surprised, but felt that the dust had settled.

At the beginning when Xing Sang said that he wanted to enter the military camp, Jiang Shu expected that sooner or later he would seek revenge from the Huns.

He will leave here sooner or later, not this time, but also next time. I can't stop him, let alone trap him and prevent him from leaving.

All he can do is to teach the other party as much as possible before the other party leaves, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

In the original plot, the first thing Xing Sang did after gaining his own power was to kill the Huns who killed his mother, and it should still be the case now.

Jiang Shu only hoped that if he still decides to take the bloody protagonist's path after revenge, he can occasionally consider what he said to him when making some important decisions along the way.

As for the other more, I am afraid that he, the original author, can't help much.

Because of Xing Sang's accident, Jiang Shu didn't feel in the mood to continue brushing posts. After quickly eating up the food, he went to the main hall of the government office to start a day's work as the prefect.

In recent days, with more and more caravans entering and leaving Miryang, the business tax collected is also very considerable. In addition, after the trade route with Yizhou is opened, the silk brocade shipped out will also bring stable grain income , The warehouse of the county office is finally full.

With money, Jiang Shu wants to do more things.

First of all, more weapons and equipment for the army can be built. Secondly, the road from Miryang to Yanqiao needs to be repaired. Also, the school will start in two days, and the school's education expenses must also keep up. After the revival of the county, it will definitely cost a lot of money to support the construction of the counties...

After such a calculation, it seems that the warehouse of his county government is still not enough!

Jiang Shu looked at her work schedule, shook her head and sighed, money is really an invisible consumable!

Having said that, after Xingjun's return, his territory expanded even bigger.

At the beginning, the construction of Miryang alone made him feel hectic, but now that there are eight more counties, more people are bound to be needed to help.

Perhaps, the plan to summon the third batch of players should also be put on the agenda...

After planning the important things to do next, Jiang Shu immediately started to deal with today's work.

Just as he picked up his pen and opened the official document, a guard suddenly entered the hall and said, "Your Majesty, a group of refugees armed with weapons came outside the city gate. They claimed to come from Sheng County, and General Naibu arranged for them to join the army here."

Jiang Shu raised his eyebrows, and immediately realized that these people should be the peasant uprising team that had participated in the battle to seize the city in Sheng County.

The untrained civilian army is not suitable for the battlefield, but if so many people are left alone, it is easy to cause disaster, so Bu Jingyun asked them to wait in Miryang first, and make arrangements after the war is over.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shu explained: "Enter them into the identity and household registration and take them to the military camp. Before the infantry general returns, these people will train with the soldiers in the camp. Maybe there will be such refugees in the future. After the identity verification Take them all to the barracks."

The guard bowed his head in response to "No", turned around and exited the main hall.

The guard just left, and another person came in after a while.

Jiang Shu raised his head when he heard footsteps, and when he saw that it was Xie Min, he put down the brush in his hand and said "Brother Xie".

Xie Yin responded and put a stack of papers on his desk.

Jiang Shu glanced at it, and recognized that it was the manuscript of the novel he wrote two days ago, and asked, "Is it finished?"


"It's really fast."

He took the manuscript paper and read a few paragraphs, the more he read it, the more he couldn't help admiring him in his heart, he deserves to be Xie Xian's son, this literary accomplishment is really not covered!

If my original manuscript is only at the level of ordinary web publishing, after being revised by Xie Yin, it is at a level where chapters can be intercepted and put in textbooks for students to recite in full.

Regardless of the plot, just looking at the words, every word and sentence is quite beautiful and precise, in line with the artistic conception. In comparison, what I originally wrote is too popular and long. fate.

"Brother Xie's diction is clear and beautiful, and I admire him very much!" Jiang Shu said with emotion: "When the newspaper office is completed in the future, this article will be published together in your and my name."

Xie Yin nodded quietly with a smile, looked at him with dark and bright eyes and asked, "What did you write yesterday?"

Jiang Shu's joyful expression suddenly froze, and then he slowly pulled out a few manuscripts from under the document.

Seeing the thin thickness of the paper, Xie Min raised his eyebrows slightly: "That's all?"

"Yesterday was a bit busy, so..."

"To make up for it today."

"It should." Jiang Shu responded not very confidently, and suddenly noticed something was wrong when handing out the manuscript.

Wait, he is a prefect now, not a writer, so why is he being urged to write after he has come to ancient times to become an official?

But when he looked up and saw Xie Yinguang's shining face, Jiang Shu couldn't say "no".

It's all in his heart, with his lazy nature, he might put the novel aside at any time if he is not urged by others.

Xie Meiren is good-looking, has a good literary talent, and can help him edit his essays for free. With such a prompt editor, what dissatisfaction does he have?

Just accept it willingly!


After entering late autumn, the climate in the Northland became colder and colder, and the people had to wrap up a few more layers of linen clothes when they got up early to work.

On this day, the streets and alleys in Miryang City seemed to be much busier than before, especially the Guangyan Street where the county government is located. The roads were full of hurried men with cloth bags on their backs, ranging in age from children to young adults. have.

The merchants from other places did not know the reason, so they asked the passing farmers, only to find out that today is the opening day of the two schools.

Qin Lang is also one of these students.

Since coming to Miryang, the situation of the few remaining members of the Qin clan has improved a lot.

Since my elder brother was valued by the county guard, he served as the county governor's sacrificial wine, and his father's illness has long been cured. Now he is also a doctor of law in the county school. Qin Lang's life has calmed down, and he naturally wants to learn some skills to make a living. After some careful consideration, he went to the martial arts school of the technical school to register.

This decision was beyond the family's expectations. Both Qin Shang and his father Qin Tang felt that he should go to Xiangxu in the county instead of martial arts.

But Qin Lang had his own plans in mind.

For one thing, since someone in the family already has Wenwen, there is no need for him to learn these things.

Secondly, the previous experience of being a slave under the rule of the Huns also touched him a lot.

The current world is not fair, and it is not safe to entrust your life to others. Only by using your own force can you protect your loved ones. This is the fundamental reason why Qin Lang decided to study martial arts.

After explaining the reason to brother Cong, Qin Shang finally agreed with his idea, so this morning, Qin Lang came to the gate of the technical school in Yanqili with a small bag containing the school card.

Most of the students in the technical school were from common people. They lined up at the door in ordinary clothes, with expectant and nervous expressions on their faces. One by one, the guards at the door checked their school badges and entered.

Based on the appearance of these people, Qin Lang can basically tell which academy they belong to.

Those with the most plain clothes and calluses on their hands are probably going to study engineering and agriculture, those who carry the medicine box must go to medicine, and those who are tall and energetic should go to martial arts like him.

Qin Lang fixed his sights on a tall man, followed him into the school, followed the road signs and walked around a few long corridors and small courtyards, and he came to the two-story building with the signboard of "Martial Arts Academy".

They came relatively late, and when they entered the house, the seats in the hall were already filled with strong and strong men. These people were still familiar with each other, and they were chatting with each other in high spirits.

"For half my life, I first served as a soldier of Yanqiao County, and then served as a soldier of Miyang. I did everything from suppressing bandits and enemies to killing the Huns. I never thought that one day I would sit in a school. This is quite new. "

"Don't mention it, it's no problem for me to carry a sword into battle, but I'm really not sure about learning how to read and write."

"Haha Wu Zhang, aren't you afraid? If you can't go back as soon as possible, let your soldiers come for you."

"Shut up, boy, those recruits, wait until one of them can beat me and take my long seat, and then it won't be too late to teach me."

Qin Lang understood the identities of this group of people, they should be the county soldiers and military officials guarding the city of Miryang.

"Eh? I haven't seen this kid before!" Suddenly someone noticed Qin Lang's arrival and asked loudly, "Aren't you from the military camp?"

Qin Lang shook his head, walked to the empty seat in the first row and took a seat, and replied, "I haven't joined the army yet."

"You can come to martial arts without entering the military camp? Do you know how to fight?"

"It's because you don't know how to come to learn."

The man with the loud voice wanted to ask again, but he was tugged at his sleeve by the person beside him, and reminded in a low voice: "Look at his clothes, he is obviously from a family, and he may be your commander in the future, so don't offend me by talking too much here." people."

The big man took a few glances and found that it was really the case, so he frowned and stopped talking.

Qin Lang vaguely heard some of their discussions about him, and didn't want his classmates to have suspicions against him because of this, so he turned around and explained: "I used to be a son of a family, but after Miyang broke the city, my family status has declined, and I came to martial arts just for Restoring the family, all of you are warriors who have experienced many battles, they are my predecessors, and I ask you to give me a lot of advice in the field of martial arts from now on."

Hearing the words, the soldiers were silent for a while, and then laughed amicably.

"Sure enough, he is a child of an aristocratic family, speaking so politely."

"It's easy to say, you want to learn martial arts, and you can come to the barracks to find me when you are free. My name is Li Jian."

"Little brother, don't listen to him. You won't learn anything from him when you learn martial arts. When the army returns to the city after victory, the infantry general will come here to teach. You'd better learn from the infantry general."

The big man named Li Jian wanted to argue a few words at first, but when he heard the word "infantry general", he was speechless immediately.

Qin Lang thanked everyone for their reminders with a smile. Looking at the scene of all the sergeants in the room gagging and getting along harmoniously, he couldn't help but yearn for the next school life in his heart.

After a while, Sun Liang, the Confucian assistant teaching assistant in charge of managing their class of martial arts students, came into the house.

This Confucianism teaching assistant is also a teaching assistant of the county school, responsible for teaching martial arts students to read and write.

Although martial arts majors in martial arts and art of war, if you don't study literature, you can't read military books, and if you don't study mathematics, you will lack the ability to judge and think. Therefore, literature and mathematics are included in the compulsory subjects, and the same is true for other colleges.

The teaching assistant, Sun Liang, was an old Confucian scholar with a long beard. When the soldier saw this old master, he didn't dare to talk too much. They sat in their seats like quails, and they were so cute.

"General Bu has not come back yet. In the next few days, we will first learn words and mathematics, and Sun and Assistant Professor Yan will teach you. Qin Lang, help me distribute the textbooks."

Qin Lang should say "promise", got up and took the thick stack of books from Sun Liang's hand.

As the notebooks exuding the smell of ink were passed to the students, the teaching of martial arts officially began.

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