As night fell gradually, the heat of the day gradually dissipated.

On a section of the official road leading to Wubao, two men led an old horse and walked slowly in the middle of the empty road. The setting sun made their shadows thin and narrow.

"Hey!" Li Daqiang suddenly raised his head and sighed, shaking his head and sighing: "This situation reminds me of an ancient poem, the old road is the west wind and the thin horse, you carry the burden, and I will lead the horse..."

"Don't force me," Wen Baichuan interrupted him, "You still have the nerve to say that you spent so much money to buy an old and skinny horse, but after running for two days it couldn't run anymore, and I had to pull it to get rid of it." willing to go."

"Good horses are expensive, at least two or three thousand yuan a horse, and the two of us have only one thousand yuan in savings, so we can only make do with this kind of retired old horse."

"I knew it would be better to sell this thousand dollars. Before I came here, I saw a local tyrant collecting copper coins in the forum. Can you believe that a copper coin is sold for [-] RMB? Anyway, if we don't kill the boss this time, we will lose a lot It's..."

While chatting and walking, the rope that Wen Baichuan was holding the horse suddenly stretched, he was dragged and staggered, and when he turned his head, he saw the old horse stamping its hooves on the spot a little restlessly, no matter how much he pulled it, it would not move.

"What's the matter, brother, you refuse to leave again?"

"You're hungry." Li Daqiang patted the horse's head and said.

"I'm really convinced, five or six meals a day."

Wen Baichuan muttered, and was about to feed the horses some fodder, when Li Daqiang suddenly patted him hard, raised his hand and pointed in front of him and said, "Look over there, are there a lot of people here?"

Wen Baichuan looked in the direction he pointed, and he saw a black shadow undulating on the official road hundreds of meters away, moving towards him quickly.

"Damn, it seems that they are still riding horses."

"I felt the ground tremble."

Wen Baichuan turned his head and looked at the snorting old horse beside him, doubting: "Isn't that why my brother didn't leave? Are those people dangerous?"

While they were watching in a daze, the black shadows got closer and closer. After a few minutes, the two finally saw the soldiers sitting on the horses clearly.

All of them were wearing black armor, with fierce faces, and red "Hun" names and blood stripes on their heads.

"Damn it, Quan...Quan is a fucking famous red monster!" Li Daqiang was dumbfounded, this was the first time he saw a famous red name in this game.

"There are so many people, my society may not get better!" Wen Baichuan said.

"Isn't the Xiongnu attacking Wubao? How did they meet here?"

Wen Baichuan quickly opened the forum to take a look, and explained: "Mu Lili posted a post, they are not going to attack Wubao anymore, they are going to attack Zhaonan County."

Li Daqiang: "Then is our rescue mission still effective?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you will definitely get points for killing the boss!"

"That's right, here we come!"

Seeing the red name getting closer and closer, Wen Baichuan immediately took out his equipment from the game backpack, and was about to put on the armor when he turned his head and saw that Li Daqiang had already rushed over with a big knife.

"Damn, you calm down, you can't fight like this!"

"There are so many famous names, you can just hit one of them—" Li Daqiang shouted and rushed over.

Wen Baichuan was shocked by his courage, he even forgot to put on his armor, and just watched him yelling and running over without moving.

Li Daqiang didn't seem to realize the disparity in strength between himself and the enemy until he ran in front of those tall black horses, and his pace paused slightly.

And in this second of hesitation, he was pierced through the chest by a spear from the Huns, and blood was sprayed on the ground.

Wen Baichuan watched helplessly as his former lively companion slowly fell down, turning into a blood-red mosaic.

He raised his eyes to meet the chilly eyes of the Xiongnu soldier, was stunned for two seconds, then immediately turned around and got on the old horse, turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, at this time, the old horse also seemed to know the danger, so he didn't get angry with him, and fled back quickly with him.

Wen Baichuan was relieved when he ran two miles away until it was dark, and found no one chasing after him. He took the old horse and hid in a bush. dialog box and asked him if he was okay.

After a while, Li Daqiang replied with a message.

[Li Daqiang: I'm resurrected. I'm in Green Gourd Mountain. I'm fine. I haven't lost my level experience, but my heart is a little dark.

Li Daqiang: Fuck, this game is really scary, although it doesn't hurt, but when I was pierced, I was almost scared out of my wits.

Wen Baichuan: Who told you to be so brave, you rushed over without wearing any armor!

Li Daqiang: What about you, you were not hacked?

Wen Baichuan: Seeing that you were killed, I ran away.

Li Daqiang: Sure enough, he is a good brother...

Wen Baichuan: Otherwise, what can I do, I can't collect your body!

Li Daqiang: I don’t think this will work. These red-named monsters are too difficult to fight. Even ordinary minions are so powerful. Fighting alone is definitely not enough. We need to find more players to form a group. I will post a post on the forum later. Remember to give I top it. 】


[Li Daqiang: Please form a team, I was instantly killed when I met the Huns!

It can be regarded as a wake-up call for later players, the enemy camp is very strong and difficult to fight!

Because my brother and I set out earlier, we should be the first to encounter the Xiongnu. The situation at that time was not an exaggeration. There were red monsters in our eyes. I thought I could kill at least one of them, so I rushed over and was killed. A small soldier killed in seconds!

It is strongly recommended that players must form a team, and they must use tactics and cooperate. Don't be rampant like me, you can't beat it!

Finally, send me the map coordinates of my brother, and players who are willing remember to come to us to form a team. 】

When Jiang Shu saw the post, the convoy had just finished camping in a mountain depression, and was going to rest early tonight and continue on the road tomorrow.

There are also quite a few players in the county army. Although most of them have gone offline to recharge their batteries, there are still a few players who are enthusiastically giving advice to everyone on the forum. Yun guides them how to deal with the Xiongnu.

[Zhang Fei: You can dig traps, don’t the Huns all ride horses?Dig a hole in the road, they will definitely not have time to react.

Bohu: Or find a few people to ambush by the side of the road, pull the rope when a horse comes over, and immediately go to make up the knife when they fall off the horse.

bv540i: First send people to pull monsters, and then a few people form a group!

Ning Chengzhen: The traditional method doesn't work, the group of celebrities are on their way, they don't care about anything else, if you rush over, they will kill you with a knife.

Lanling: It's so late, they must stop and rest, take this opportunity to sneak attack...

Hua Munan: My nanny needs protection very much. How about some private players take the lead in creating a guild called Ying Brave Death Squad?

Yang Bai: This is too bad luck, let's call it the Dragon Soul Guild, we are all descendants of the dragon!

Niu Aili: When will the guild gameplay be added? @administrator

Mei Chuan Kuzi: The Yanhuang Guild was established today. The president, Gu Nifeng, who is a test player, holds an important asset, the Red Brick Brick Factory. He has now bought a house in Xunyang, which can be used as the base of the guild. If you are interested, please private message me to sign up...]

Jiang Shu has been paying attention to the actions of wild players on the forum. He is also a little moved by the suggestion of starting the guild mode, but considering that Xunyang is not under his control, supporting the expansion of non-governmental organizations may cause dissatisfaction from the government, so he temporarily suppressed it. I came up with this idea.

As for the sneak attack tactics given by the players, he felt that these little tricks should not be of much use in front of the crushing army, but they should still be very effective for harassing the opponent and delaying their attack.

What happened afterwards was just as he had expected. This group of players who were not afraid of death cooperated with each other and indeed added a lot of trouble to the Xiongnu army.

First, the Huns fell into a trap and threw their horses, and then some people drank stream water and had diarrhea, and they were raided on tents at night, etc...

Although the combat level of the players is not very good, they basically send one wave to one wave, but there are indeed some people who successfully make up the knife, kill the Hun soldiers and escape alive.

Because of being constantly harassed by these players day and night, the Xiongnu army was overwhelmed and at the same time had to be vigilant. Every time they walked a certain distance, they had to send soldiers to detect if there was anyone ambushing around, and they insisted on delaying the original half-day trip. several times longer.

Two days later, the Huns finally arrived in Zhaonan County.

Although it was late, the people of Wei who had heard the news had already closed the gates of the city, and the outside of the city was also solidified and cleared, but the Xiongnu army who had suffered mental torture all the way was inexplicably moved when they saw the guards of Wei on the city wall. .

Finally, without having to face the frenzied harassment of those groups of dead men, he could finally attack the city in a fair manner.

Diao Ye glanced at the city gate guards holding bows and arrows, smiled coldly, raised his hands and said loudly: "All the soldiers obey the order, build a meal on the spot, and attack the city in the afternoon!"


At this time, in a small hill 500 meters away from the county seat, a group of unkempt players were hiding in the woods and plotting loudly.

Bohu: "President, the Huns have started camping, what should we do next?"

Mei Chuan Kuzi: "It goes without saying, of course it's a surprise attack."

Gu Nifeng nodded: "Yes, when they start to attack the city, it is the best time for us to attack.

"When the army is dispatched, the guards in the camp must be weak. We will take the opportunity to sneak attack on their tents. When the time comes, equipment, mounts, food... take whatever you see, but try to be careful. If you are found, run away immediately. Everyone has property. , it’s better not to die.”

"It doesn't matter if someone like me has died once, I'll cover for the brothers!"

"I will also cover for you. If you have something to do, you run first, and I will be in the rear."

"Bohu, you better say goodbye, don't you have to deliver tofu to the Lu family every now and then?"

"It's okay, just say that it turned out to be my elder brother. My elder brother died of illness, and now my younger brother will send it to me."

Gu Nifeng clapped his hands: "Okay, everyone, hurry up and eat something to replenish your strength. Later, our Yanhuang Guild will have a big fight!"

Kuko Meichuan was the first to raise her hand and shout the slogan: "Fight for the Yanhuang Guild!"

The rest responded one after another: "Fight for Yanhuang Guild!"


At the end of the day, when the bleak wind blew across the high city wall, the Xiongnu officially launched an attack on the county.

The defenders on the city wall had been preparing for many days, when the team leader gave an order, waves of feathered arrows were shot at the attacking barbarians.

The Xiongnu held a shield against the rain of arrows, and set up a ladder to climb up the city wall. Soon, countless rolling logs and falling stones were thrown, and countless soldiers were thrown down. At the same time, more soldiers stepped on their companions to climb up. .

"Pass me the password, the first person to climb the tower will be promoted to a hundred riders and will be rewarded with ten thousand dollars!"

As the sun got hotter and hotter, a strong smell of blood filled the air.

Wu Han slashed a Hun soldier's neck with a knife, kicked him off the wall, and shouted at the guards, "Hold on, as long as you can hold out for two days, reinforcements will come!"

After he finished shouting, when he turned around, he suddenly saw a gentleman in brocade clothes and jade face appearing not far behind him.

After identifying the identity of the person, Wu Han immediately frowned and walked quickly: "Xianzun, this place is dangerous, you shouldn't come up."

Cui Ming shook his head: "As the lord of a county, in times of crisis, you should defend the city with the people."

"But swords have no eyes. If you have troubles, who will stabilize the rear..."

"Captain Wu, don't worry, I have guards to protect me, and nothing will happen."

Wu Han couldn't persuade him, so he nodded and said: "Then you must be careful."

After the words fell, he was about to go back to fight, but he heard the guard loudly reporting: "Captain leader, the Hulu have retreated!"

"What? Retreat so soon?"

"The enemy's rear camp was attacked, and the camp was on fire!"

"Sneak attack? Who will sneak attack?"

"I can't see clearly, it seems to be a group of... horse thieves?"

Cui Ming raised his eyebrows slightly upon hearing this, and immediately walked quickly towards the city wall.

Wu Han said "Be careful, the county lord", while covering him with his body to move forward.

After a while, they reached the edge of the city wall. Looking into the distance, the two found that the Huns' camp was on fire.

Surrounded by the black smoke, a group of horse thieves who were riding Hun horses and were chased and killed by the Hun soldiers could be vaguely seen.

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