When Jiang Shu was called to the main hall to discuss matters, he saw Jiang Ke's sunken eyes and haggard face, as if he had aged ten years overnight.

Three batches of messengers came this morning, bringing three messages.

The first is that Miryang was captured, and the governor of Qin fell from his horse and died. The second was a letter from Zhaonan County that the Huns attacked Wubao with [-] cavalry. Go to war.

After the three messages were finished, there was silence in the hall.

It is said that there are three messages, but in fact the whole series is a siege and aggression strategy of the Xiongnu.

Break through Miryang first, then go down to Zhaonan, and then attack Bailanxing back and forth. When Xunling's army is defeated, it is only a matter of time before Yanqiao is conquered and settled in the former king city.

In fact, when the emperor ordered the capital to be moved, the officials who stayed in Xunyang were prepared for this day to come sooner or later.

But when they really heard the news of the fall of Xing County, and heard that the governor of Xunzhou had passed away, and only Yanqiao County was left alone in Xunzhou, everyone still felt a deep sense of powerlessness pervading their body, mind, spleen and lungs. .

"Why was Miryang compromised?" After a long silence, Jiang Shu broke the silence and asked.

Even though he had guessed this matter long ago, he still couldn't figure out why Miryang would be breached when there were enough supplies and reinforcements.

His question is also the question of everyone present.

Jiang Ke sighed, and said slowly: "Because the governor of the Qin Dynasty could not come out, the Xiongnu used tricks to yell and challenge the city, which aroused the army's anger. However, when the Yongzhou reinforcements went out of the city to fight, they repeatedly pretended to be invincible and withdrew their troops to confuse the situation. Sight, tired army morale.

"A few days ago, the Xiongnu army repeated their old tricks. When the two armies were fighting, they pretended to be defeated and fled again. The governor of Qin wanted to return to the city immediately to guard, but his general Tian Wei rushed forward greedily and rashly led [-] soldiers to pursue him. As a result, it fell into the hands of the Xiongnu, and was ambushed by the Xiongnu army at Yongxia Pass, almost annihilating the entire army.

"Qin Inspector knew about this and immediately led the Yongzhou Army to the rescue, which was also greatly damaged. Qin Inspector even died on the way to withdraw troops, resulting in the occupation of Miryang and the complete fall of Xing County."

"Tian Wei, it's this person again!" Jiang Xian frowned when he heard this, and said indignantly, "The reason why the Duanmen battle was lost was because of his great success, he guarded Sheng County, and even tried to send troops to retake Xizhu, but instead lost because of this." After entering Duanmen, he failed once, but he still hasn't learned his lesson, and now he has caused the army to be defeated, countless soldiers died in the wilderness, and even the governor of Qin... this man is really a disaster!"

Others also held the same opinion. They clearly made a mistake in judgment once, but they were still unsuspecting of the Huns' tricks, which made a catastrophe that could have survived safely, and finally ended up with annihilation of the entire army. This is far more shocking than the failure of the war itself. People are angry and sad.

Jiang Shumo remained silent, listening to Jiang Ke's absurd reason for losing the city, he suddenly felt a little confused.

I thought that with supplies and reinforcements, Miryang could at least last until after the autumn harvest, and if we persisted for a while, it might be possible for the Xiongnu to return without success, but I didn’t expect that Miryang would still be breached under such circumstances. .

It's just that it only lasted a month longer than the time it broke the city on the original timeline.

Why is this happening?

Are these established plots destined to happen?

For a while, Jiang Shu felt extremely flustered.

If all the previous efforts were useless, wouldn't he also be unable to prevent the fate of Xunyang being breached?

Can he really save the Jiang family from the Xiongnu knife?

Just when his thoughts were chaotic, four words suddenly fell into his mind.

——The trend of the times.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shu couldn't help closing his eyes.

That's right, isn't that how his outline is set?

The Xiongnu had been accumulating power for many years, accumulating surplus food, and had strong soldiers and horses. It was the time of prosperity, but the Wei family had been depraved and corrupt for a long time. When they heard that the three counties of Xingjun had fallen, no one in the court even thought of sending out an army to resist. The policy of moving the capital to the south was adopted at an extremely fast speed. What a weak regime this is.

Such a regime has long been unable to maintain the operation of the country, and the state of Wei has already reached the point of disintegration.

Therefore, even without Tian Wei in the battle of Miryang, without this mistake and defeat, if the Xiongnu really do not count the loss of the army, Xingjun will be defeated sooner or later. This is the general trend of the world!

The general trend of the world cannot be moved by human power.

But is it because the general situation is hard to change, so Xunyang will not guard it?

—Of course you have to keep it.

Jiang Shu replied firmly, as he said at the beginning, the world will be in chaos, and it will not be safe to flee anywhere. Instead of going into exile, it is better to stay in Xunyang to fight for a chance.

What's more, his relatives and friends are all here, and the sweet potatoes and peppers he planted have not yet been harvested. No matter how difficult the future is, he will try his best to try.

Jiang Ke also had the same attitude. Perhaps he never thought of giving up. After the initial shock, resentment and grief when he heard the news, he quickly adjusted his emotions and called everyone to give countermeasures.

"No matter what, Zhaonan County must not allow any losses." Jiang Ke arranged: "Cangcao and Jincao need to prepare the military supplies and fodder for Zhaonan as soon as possible. Bingcao gathers all the county soldiers and sets off immediately to support Zhaonan County today."

The few people who received the order stood up immediately: "Follow the order of the Fujun."


After the discussion, Jiang Shu stayed alone.

He had already counted the supplies and fodder to support Wubao two days ago, so he was not in a hurry to go back and preside over Cao Nei's affairs.

After everyone left, Jiang Ke saw that the youngest son was still sitting at the table, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you still stay here, son?"

Jiang Shu let out a sigh of relief, got up and walked into the hall, bent over and cupped his hands and said, "Father, I have something to ask."

Jiang Ke frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Shu answered clearly: "My son wants to personally escort the food and grass, and go to Zhaonan County with the county soldiers."

Only then did Jiang Shu think about it carefully. The number of county soldiers is too small. Only with enough military equipment can Zhaonan County be able to withstand the attack of the Huns. Liannu is definitely not enough.

But it is too late to build weapons now. In this case, Jiang Shu can only consider taking a shortcut and use points to buy weapons and equipment in bulk in the mall.

However, this created a problem, the origin of his armament was unknown.

Swords and weapons are different from sweet potatoes and peppers. You can ask any player for help. The dangerous items controlled by these countries will arouse Jiang Ke's suspicion if they are not handled properly.

After thinking about it, Jiang Shusi could only consider sending himself there first. When he arrived in Zhaonan County, without the constraints of the county government, he would find a way to take out the weapons and equipment exchanged in the mall and mix them into the supplies. Identity, probably no one will care.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Jiang Ke frowned deeply.

Seeing that he seemed to disagree, Jiang Shu explained: "I have experienced the robbing of food and grass before, and I am really worried about the transportation of food. I must personally watch these materials enter Zhaonan County."

"Do you know how dangerous Zhaonan County is now?" Jiang Ke raised his voice and said sternly, "That small town will face an army of tens of thousands of Xiongnu!"

"I know."

"Then you still have to go to Zhaonan!" Jiang Ke slapped the desk with the document in his hand, making a bang.

Jiang Shu trembled all over, and slowly raised his eyes to look at Jiang Ke.

The other party's face was solemn and his cheeks were flushed, as if he was really angry.

But he had reasons to go to Zhaonan County.

Jiang Shu had no choice but to knelt down and kowtowed in desperation, and begged in a firm tone: "I promise to protect my own safety and never be involved in any danger. Father please agree."

After the words fell, there was silence in the hall, not even a whisper of wind could be heard.

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for a response, Jiang Shu raised his head, only to see Jiang Ke sitting on the table motionless, his face still serious and stable, but there seemed to be two spots of water in those eyes that were always extremely sharp.


Jiang Ke looked down at the youngest son who was kneeling below him, and vaguely saw his thin figure slowly overlapping with the eldest son five years ago.

Not only the demeanor and actions are similar, but also the tone of voice and tone, and even the gloomy weather outside the door at this time are very similar.

——"The frontier is a dangerous area, if no one in the court is willing to go, then I will go."

——"If you guard the city, you will not die, and you will never allow Xianbei children to step into the land under my rule."

——"My son wants to go to Wu Xing, I beg my father to agree."


"Why are you so stubborn..." Jiang Ke sighed, slowly closed his eyes, and asked, "You must go?"

Jiang Shu nodded: "Yes."

"Well, it's up to you." After finishing speaking, he stood up with his head down, and walked slowly towards the back hall.


Thanks to the efforts of multiple departments, the support materials were prepared that afternoon.

There are a total of 800 county soldiers. Because Wei Zhuo needs to stay in Xunyang to defend the city just in case, Bu Jingyun is temporarily selected as the leader of the county soldiers.

The material team and the county soldiers gathered outside the west gate. Jiang Shu didn't know how to ride a horse, so he took thirty Jiang's trilogy and gunpowder weapons made by Zhang Zifang in a carriage, and followed at the end of the team.

Before departure, Jiang Xian accompanied him to the gate of the west city.

"Why do you have to go to Zhaonan County?" Like Jiang Ke, Jiang Xian also felt that this trip was too dangerous.

He didn't understand why his younger brother took such a risk. After thinking about it, he only had one thought: "Are you worried about Captain Xun's safety?"

Jiang Shu laughed, and said in a relaxed tone: "I just want to personally escort the supplies, and it has nothing to do with Captain Xun."

Jiang Xian didn't know whether to believe it or not, and sighed: "Auntie doesn't know about this yet, if she knew, she would definitely not agree with you to do this."

"Then Brother Lao can talk to Aunt more when she is worried, and persuade her to relax."

"You..." Jiang Xian shook his head: "Since you have already made up your mind, I can't persuade you, so be careful when you arrive in Zhaonan County."

Jiang Shu nodded: "Yeah."

"Remember to send letters back every day. Father and mother will not worry until they see the letter."

"Okay, I will."

After a while, the convoy was about to leave, and Jiang Shu bid farewell to Jiang Xian.

When he got up, his eyes accidentally swept across the distant city wall, but he saw Jiang Ke in an official robe standing in the wind on the city wall, his gray beard was blown up by the wind.

Jiang Shu raised her head and looked at him for a while, then shook her sleeves, raised her hands to where Jiang Ke was standing, and slowly bent down and bowed.

This bow took a long time, and when he got up again, he found that Jiang Ke had left, as if the scene on the city wall just now was just his hallucination.

Jiang Shu raised the corners of his lips and smiled lightly, turned around and stepped into the carriage. Xing Sang, who was acting as the driver, pushed his right hand on the frame of the carriage, and sat on the carriage in a flexible posture.

Just as Jiang Shu was about to get into the car, a voice came from behind him, "Jiang Shu stay!"

Jiang Shu turned around, and saw a familiar gorgeous carriage galloping.

When the horse jumped out of the city gate, the driver tightened his grip on the rein and reined in the horse, just in time to make the carriage stop beside Jiang Shu.

After a while, the flying dust dispersed, and Xie Min, who was wearing a dark blue gauze, came out of the car.

He was still so elegant and elegant, as soon as he appeared, even the turbid air outside the city gate was slightly fragrant.

Jiang Shu was surprised by his arrival and asked, "Brother Xie, are you here to see me off?"

Xie Yin didn't speak. For some reason, Jiang Shu felt that his face was indifferent at this time, as if he was throwing his temper at himself.

Xie Min was indeed a little angry. He thought the same as Jiang Xian, and felt that Jiang Shu had no reason to go to Zhaonan County. The only thing was that Xun Ling was in Bailanxing.

Because he was worried about Xun Ling's safety, he would rather put himself in danger than go to Zhaonan County for support. Xie Min was angry at this.

Didn't he ever think that there was another person's life in his hands, and if something happened to him, he wouldn't be able to live for a few months without the medicine?

He showed so much admiration for himself before, but it turned out to be only a three-point enthusiasm. In this young man's heart, Xun Ling is probably the only one who ranks first. He Xie Yin is the same as that exhausted slave, but it is just a substitute for entertainment.

Jiang Shu didn't know that he had made up so much in his brain, and he didn't notify Xie Yin simply because he didn't expect it.

Just a few days ago, he gave Xie Min the blue life-sustaining pill that he exchanged after upgrading to level four. The blue pill was effective for a hundred days. Jiang Shu thought, he should come back after a hundred days , I didn't think much about it.

At this time, seeing Xie Minguang standing on the frame and staring at him without making a sound, Jiang Shu didn't know why he was sulking, so he just smiled and said: "Thank you brother for coming to see me off specially, the situation is urgent and we can't delay, so that's it Don't pass."

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands towards the other party and made a gesture to enter the carriage.

Xie Yin finally said when he turned around: "I must come back safely."

Jiang Shu turned around.

Xie Yin added: "I'll wait for you here."

Jiang Shu suddenly raised a smile: "Okay."

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