"Carpenter head! Wait a minute!"

Mu Lili was about to step up the stone steps of the bunker when a loud voice suddenly came from behind him.

She was already very familiar with this voice, without turning her head, Mu Lili knew that the person coming must be Zhang Pu, the leader of the construction team.

Sure enough, not long after, the team leader with a Chinese character face and a strong body rushed in front of her.

"Captain Zhang, what's the matter?"

Looking at the black and bright eyes of the girl in front of him, Zhang Pu's face was a little red, and before he could speak, he couldn't help but grinned and showed a naive smile.

"I have a question to ask you." He replied somewhat shyly.

In fact, when he was first told to bring a female craftsman to build Wubao, Zhang Pu was not very happy. Except for the cooks, most of the people who came out to work were men. How decent is it for a young woman to be mixed into a group of men!

But it is useless if he is not happy, he still has to obey the arrangement of his superiors.

Because of the dissatisfaction in his heart, Zhang Pu's attitude towards Mu Lili was not good at the beginning. Even if he heard some soldiers in the team teasing Mu Lili's body as thin as dry wood, he was too lazy to take care of it, and even intentionally put it in front of Mu Lili. Li Li said nonsense in front of him, "Slim arms and legs, you can't even lift a brick, so don't get in the way here".

I thought that Mu Lili would definitely not be able to bear this kind of making things difficult and insulting, and would go back in a few days, but who would have thought that the other party did not take them seriously at all, eating and drinking well every day so as not to delay working hours.

Not only that, but she also worked with a group of men, moving bricks, building walls and mixing cement, and everything was done, proving that women are not inferior to men.

Everyone could see her hard work, and before she knew it, no one dared to tease the figure and strength of this female craftsman.

And as the fortification progressed, more and more difficulties were encountered during the construction process. Once when digging a tunnel, it encountered a situation blocked by rocks. Zhang Pu really had no way to solve it, so he took the blueprints like a living doctor. I went to ask the female craftsman for advice, and the result was unexpected. Mu Lili not only successfully solved his problem, but also drew a new design drawing of the underground passage on the spot.

It was also at this time that he realized that the intricate drawing of the dock wall was actually drawn by Mu Lili.

From then on, Zhang Pu admired this female craftsman from the bottom of her heart, not only did she no longer feel that it was inappropriate for her to show her face as a woman, but she also admired and admired her faintly in her heart.

So much so that now whenever he talks to Mu Lili, he always feels nervous, excited and somewhat guilty.

At this time, Zhang Pu said with twinkling eyes: "The dock wall here is almost built, I am going to hang a plaque outside the gate of the fortress, what words do you think should be mentioned on it?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just mark the location?" Mu Lili's words were as concise as ever.

"Is it that simple?"

"Otherwise what else?"

Zhang Po paused, and did not give up asking: "Then this place is near the Green Gourd Mountain, so it is called Gourd Fort?"

Mu Lili thought that you can be called Calabash Baby, so it doesn't matter, and said, "Yes."

Zhang Pu nodded, and wanted to hold back some more topics, and took this opportunity to spend more time with Mu Lili, but the other party was already impatient: "There is nothing else, I'm leaving."

Zhang Pu blushed and responded: "Oh."

Ignoring Captain Zhang who was in a complicated mood, Mu Lili climbed up the three-story bunker by himself, and then leaned against the window and stared blankly.

The bunker was built on a high slope. Standing on the window and looking out, you can see the mountains, woods and fields thousands of meters away, with a very wide field of vision.

The most important thing is that standing here, you can see the official road from Yanqiao to Xingjun. As long as someone comes from Xingjun, the guards on the bunker will be able to spot it immediately.

Of course, because the Wubao has not yet been completed, there are no guards on the bunker for the time being, only Mu Lili comes to visit occasionally.

This is her latest new hobby.

Because she is always troubled by heavy study tasks during the day, Mu Lili especially enjoys the game time at night. Whether she is alone looking at the scenery in a daze, or moving bricks and building houses with NPCs, she feels relaxed.

Even if the NPC sometimes said some impolite words about her gender, Mu Lili didn't take it to heart.

It's just a group of set data, what's there to care about with them, if you want to scold, you're scolding the dog planner behind it.

It's just a game, making the background setting so realistic is really unfriendly to female players.

Speaking of which, Mu Lili was staring at the golden wilderness under the setting sun in a daze, enjoying the rare time alone, when suddenly she saw a group of small black spots like ants appearing on the official road turning from the foot of the mountain.

"Huh?" Mu Lili gathered his attention and focused on those moving black dots.

At first she thought that those were refugees from other places, but as the black spots became more and more, a long line was marching forward, and a high-raising military flag appeared in her vision, she suddenly realized, What an army it seems!

For a moment, Mu Lili recalled that words such as "Zhanluan", "defending the city", and "Xiongnu" were often mentioned in the missions received before. She felt bad, could it be the Huns calling Bar!

Mu Lili suddenly became nervous. Although she had long wanted to find some exciting ways to play, she was the only player here, and she couldn't beat it!

Soon, she made a decision. First, she went down to the bunker and randomly found someone to inform Zhang Pu of the arrival of the army, and then immediately logged on to the forum and sent a post for help.

[Mu Lili: It's urgent!

Just now I was standing on the bunker and saw an army coming towards us. I suspected it was the Huns army, if not, it was probably the enemy camp, because they seemed to be riding horses, which gave me a menacing feeling.

Then the problem came, our place should be the first battlefield if there is no accident!

I think they are going to attack Zhaonan County, but now our Wubao is built on the only way to Zhaonan County, so they will definitely attack our Wubao first.

What to do, Wubao is full of migrant workers, and there are only about [-] soldiers, there is no way to stop them, please find an emergency solution! 】

As soon as Mu Lili's post was posted, she saw Zhang Pu hurried over with two soldiers.

The other party only boarded the bunker and took a look, then frowned and gave the answer. It was indeed the Huns who came.

"You, immediately go to Zhaonan County on horseback to inform Cui County Magistrate that the enemy is attacking the city, and you go and tell all the migrant workers to hide in Wubao and close the gate of the village," Zhang Pu quickly gave instructions, and immediately waved his hand, "The rest follow me to the warehouse I don’t know how many Hu thieves are there, we must find out the strength of the Huns as soon as possible and send the news to Xunyang.”


After that, he was about to go to the warehouse, when Zhang Pu saw Mu Lili, he stopped again, and persuaded: "Carpenter, why don't you leave now."

Mu Lili raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, look down on me?"

"That's not the case." Zhang Pu frowned, then sighed helplessly, "If you don't leave, you'd better hide in the tunnel, in case Wubao is breached..."

"You really underestimated the Tunbao I designed!" Mu Lili interrupted him, saying: "Leave me alone, go do your work."

Zhang Pu glanced at her hesitantly, then turned and left.

"Talking too much." Mu Lili frowned and muttered.

When I opened the forum, I saw that the help post she just posted had already received many responses, and the first person to reply was actually Bu Jingyun!

[Bu Jingyun: It is recommended to close the gate of Tunbao village immediately, and people other than soldiers should bring supplies and gather in the tunnel to escape.Fortresses are easy to defend and difficult to attack, so soldiers should not fight head-on. If you have bows and arrows, it is best to hide on the bunkers to ambush. The exchange mall has crossbows, shields and wound bandages. If you have enough points, you can exchange some just in case. 】

This reply came just in time. Although she was surprised that a godman player who had never appeared on the forum actually replied to her post, the situation at this time did not allow her to waste any more time.

Mu Lili quickly thanked Bu Jingyun, then opened the game store, and calculated how to maximize his points.

As a test player, she has accumulated nearly [-] points.

Some of them were saved by moving bricks in the past, some were obtained after receiving the task of building a dock, and at most one time was to present a blueprint of the dock, which rewarded her with [-] points at once.

Mu Lili usually saves these points and is reluctant to use them, but now that the situation is critical, exchanging more wound medicines may save a few more people.

Although those NPCs were just data, she remembered that the rules of the game said that every NPC here is unique, and they will not be refreshed after they die.

After getting along for a while, she still couldn't bear to watch this group of lively people disappear.


Xunyang City, the county government.

When the sunset light slanted on the tops of the crabapple trees in the courtyard, Jiang Shu was sitting on the porch watching Ah Meng and Ah Yuan show off the military boxing they had learned in the barracks.

The boy servants who were sent to the barracks to train with Bu Jingyun all returned to the Jiang Mansion after the expiration of one month. Jiang Shu kept his promise and let them join the Jiang family's trilogy, but Ah Meng and A Yuan still stayed in the mansion to protect him. safety.

It is said to show what they have learned, but in fact it is to learn from each other and fight each other.

The two of them had been in the barracks for a month, and their skin had become a lot stronger. On one side, they were severely beaten to the ground, and on the other side, they didn't hurt for three seconds, and they jumped up as if nothing happened and continued to beat them.

Both of them wanted to fight for face in front of the master, and neither of them would admit defeat. In the end, Jiang Shu yelled to stop, so they had to separate from the scuffle.

"That's right, it's very brave," Jiang Shu praised, "Everyone will go to the cashier to receive a reward of two thousand."

The two of them smiled when they heard this, clasped their fists together and thanked, "Thank you, sir."

Jiang Shu nodded, glanced sideways at Xing Sang's clenched fist, thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to practice martial arts?"

Without thinking, Xing Sang let out a "huh" forcefully.

Jiang Shu had said earlier that he would let him learn literature and martial arts, and seek revenge from the Xiongnu in the future, so he would not break his promise now, and then he said to the two new episodes: "Ah Meng, A Yuan, take an apprentice and send you to the camp. The martial arts learned in middle school is taught to him, and from today onwards, every day at this time, he will practice martial arts here."

"No!" The two had no objection to Jihu, since the master ordered them, they did their best to complete the task.

Ah Meng waved to Xing Sang: "Come here, let's take a stride today."

Xing Sang walked over immediately, punched the two masters, and followed Ah Meng's instruction to step forward.

The process of laying the foundation of martial arts was a bit boring, Jiang Shu got up and went back to the house after watching it for a while.

Before the dinner peaches arrived, he opened the forum with nothing to do, and then saw the help post sent by Mu Lili on the front page.

The Xiongnu attacked Zhaonan County?

"How could this be!" Jiang Shu turned pale with astonishment.

He hurriedly flipped through the post from beginning to end again, and after making sure that he read it correctly, his thoughts immediately became confused.

Isn't the Huns attacking Miryang?Xing County has not been broken, and Yongzhou's reinforcements have not been defeated, how could they enter Yanqiao County!

"Could it be that Miryang has fallen?"

Jiang Shu was in a state of confusion, thinking about it, he could only come up with one result, if what Mu Lili said was true, it meant that Miryang had already been breached, it was only because of the long distance that the news could not be delivered in time. Enter Xunyang.

The Xiongnu probably planned to take advantage of this time difference and send troops quickly to capture Zhaonan County in one fell swoop.

If this plan is successful, Miryang and Zhaonan will be able to attack Bailanxing's guarding army from front to back, and once the Yanqiao army led by Xun Ling is defeated, everything will be over.

Jiang Shu frowned. If it was as he thought, the situation would be quite bad.

Now, no matter what the real situation is, Wubao and Zhaonan County must be rushed to the rescue as soon as possible.

However, at this time Xun Yang has not received the news, and he who has the news cannot immediately call people to discuss...

Forced himself to calm down, Jiang Shu quickly turned his mind several times, and finally made a decision.

He looked at the time first, it was three quarters of the unitary hour, that is, around five or six in the morning China time, at this time, Mr. Zhang Zifang should not be offline yet.

Without too much hesitation, he immediately walked out quickly and rushed to the newly established weapon workshop in the county mansion.

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