[Ziweixing: Received! 】

After replying to the message, Ziweixing couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, with excitement hidden in her eyes.

As a member of Crouching Dragon Pavilion, he had been hiding in the enemy's camp for many years as a monk, and all he received were small, dispensable tasks, and now it was finally time for him to do a big job.

In order not to delay the plan, Ziweixing got up quickly, took out the matches exchanged for the points from the backpack and hid them in his sleeves. When he opened the tent curtain and went out, he happened to bump into the patrol team guarding the camp.

The patrol captain, with his eye-catching green name on his head, glanced at him.

Although this glance did not reveal any emotion, Ziweixing knew that the other party must have received the action notification just like himself, and was using the convenience of his status to clear the way for the actions of the members of the three groups.

Grasping this opportunity, Ziweixing pretended not to see anything, walked out of the tent calmly, and walked towards the baggage camp behind.

About a quarter of an hour later, shouts of "grain and grass fire" and "fire fighting" suddenly sounded in the Chu army camp, and as the patrol team rushed to the grain and grass camp, the Chinese army tent and several other army tents also burst into flames one after another.

The fire intensified under the westerly wind, and gradually spread to the entire barracks, billowing thick smoke floating and rolling in the sky.

So when Xing Sang led his troops to retreat to Banpo, what he saw was the camp at the foot of the mountain that was shrouded in black smoke and raging fire.

The fire spread for thousands of kilometers, with no end in sight, and the specific situation could not be discerned.

The barracks were burned, either because the enemy had captured the camp, or because a certain general who had retreated first set the fire on purpose in order to block the pursuers.

No matter what the truth is, the road ahead has been cut off, and the ghost-faced army is chasing after them. The dense arrow rain is fired one after another as if it will not be exhausted. They must find another way out as soon as possible.

Looking around, looking around, there are dense forests and hills on the left side, which is not conducive to retreat. Xing Sang can only glance at the gentle slope with exposed vegetation on the right.

"Your Majesty, this is Chiling," a soldier panted, "the local people say that the soil and fire in Chiling are poisonous, and there is no vegetation and no food for people."

"It doesn't grow vegetation, but it's easy to walk around." Xing Sang judged calmly.

The sound of killing was approaching, and before he had time to think about it, he turned his horse and ran up the relatively slow slope on the right, stepping on the low grass with iron hooves.

The Flying Eagles were in the front row, seeing Xing Sang's team turn to the right, Nie Feng immediately sent a message to Bu Jingyun: [The target has gone to Chiling. 】

[Bu Jingyun: Block the line of defense at the foot of the mountain and gradually narrow the encirclement. I'll be right there. 】

Nie Feng replied "received", turned around and gave Xie Feng the commander's order to let Xie Feng lead Qingqi to surround the foot of Chiling Mountain, while he led the Flying Eagles to catch up with the enemy.

Xie Feng had no objection to this arrangement. Although guarding at the foot of the mountain would probably lose the chance to make a contribution, he and his soldiers no longer had the energy to chase after them.

At this time, it has been more than four hours since the start of the battle. From noon to the west of the sun, the continuous intense activities have greatly consumed their energy and physical fitness. Whether it is the retreating Chu army or the pursuing Wei army, soldiers or horses , were exhausted and sweating profusely.

In the end, the only ones who were as energetic as ever were the flying Eagles.

Players are constantly exchanging the cheapest crossbow bolts from the game store while taking medicine.

The personal guards around the King of Chu, even the lowest-level guards, are rewarded higher than ordinary soldiers. If you can shoot one to death, you will earn money, not to mention there is a big boss with 20 experience hanging in front. Such an opportunity is rare. So everyone pursued with all their might.

In this way, they pursued for another half an hour along the road that the Chu army had stepped on, leaving behind nearly a hundred enemy corpses along the way.

At dusk, the light gradually dimmed, and the setting sun shrouded the mountains, and all that caught the eye was red and black.

The further we went, the steeper the hillside, although there were no tall trees, the low shrubs were very lush, and it was difficult for the horses to pass through them, so we had to slow down.

Gradually, Xing Sang realized that they chose the wrong path.

In other words, he has no choice at all, and no matter which direction he evacuates, he will eventually fall into the same predicament.

From the moment he was besieged by Bu Jingyun, he had already fallen into the enemy's serial trick.

Because the speed of escape was slowed down by the unfamiliar terrain, the Flying Eagles behind him quickly caught up.

Seeing that the enemy army was approaching and hundreds of arrowheads were pointing at him, Xing Sang glanced at the dozens of soldiers around him, ordered everyone to dismount, and then whipped the horse's buttocks, and a group of war horses immediately galloped towards the Flying Eagles.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xing Sang turned around and fled with his personal guards.

The charge of the horses delayed the Chu army's escape time, but it was only a delay, and it could not change the situation that they were hunted down.

If there are deep forests and tall trees around, they can still hide, but on this barren red soil mountain, the soldiers in black armor are as eye-catching as scarecrows in the farmland.

After all, horses are livestock and will not take the initiative to attack the enemy. After avoiding the chaos of the war horses, the Flying Eagles immediately followed the mountain road to catch up.

When approaching the top of the mountain, they finally surrounded the remnants of the enemy.

In fact, there was no way for the Chu army to retreat. The reason why Bu Jingyun designed to force them up Chiling was precisely because the end of Chiling was a thousand-zhang high cliff.

The mountain wind howled, blowing the bushes and rustling.

Nie Feng was about to organize the arrow team to carry out a long-range attack, Xing Sang suddenly turned around and led his bodyguards to attack them, his pace full of resolute domineering.

Seeing this, Nie Feng seemed to be suddenly aroused bloody, also put away the crossbow, grasped the handle of the knife, and led the people to kill.

On the high mountains, the two sides fought fiercely again, the weapons were handed over, and the strong smell of rust permeated the mountains and fields.

After slashing a soldier to death with a knife, Shangguan Feidao raised the corner of his mouth: "It's not in vain that I spent [-] oceans on a box of stamina potions in advance, and these points are enough!"

Huo Yuntian: "It doesn't matter how many points you earn. If anyone can kill Xing Sang today, he will become famous in one battle, and he will soar to the top of the rank list!"

Father Ling turned his head when he heard the words: "Brother Long, have you touched the boss yet, or should I let you?"

Blue Dragon killed an enemy soldier, wiped off his sweat and shouted: "Fuck you, today I will avenge my shame and take down the big boss!"

After chasing all the way, there were only five or sixty guards around Xing Sang, while the number of black-robed soldiers was several hundred.

Facing an enemy several times larger than its own, the Chu army did not retreat, and fought hard to kill the swarming enemies.

However, this is destined to be an unfair duel, a one-sided massacre.

In the case of a few or even a dozen people besieging one person, it can be said that Chu Fang has no chance of winning. No matter how brave and good at fighting, he will still be defeated in the end when his physical exhaustion is exhausted.

As time went by, the reddish-brown land on the top of the mountain was stained red like cinnabar with blood, and the corpses of both sides lay on the ground in disorder.

The sun was setting in the western sky, and the dazzling rays of light sprayed out from between the clouds, like lava flowing on the cliff.

When Bu Jingyun rushed to the top of the mountain, there were only two people left beside Xing Sang. They were all badly wounded, covered in blood, and their armor had been tattered by knives, guns and arrows, but they were still fighting.

Under the siege of many people, it didn't take long for the two soldiers to fall to the ground after a few quick gasps. Only one person was left fighting in the encirclement, like a tiger surrounded by wolves.

The tiger was not only bruised and bruised, but also exhausted. It had reached its limit. Although it had been resisting stubbornly and fiercely, it was also getting weaker and weaker in the resistance.

His breastplate, armor, and helmet were covered with blood, and his hair was sticky, sticking to his cheeks and neck, dripping with sweat and blood.

Finally, in the struggle with the three of them at the same time, Xing Sang was targeted at the gap and pierced his lungs from behind. Blood gushed out immediately and soaked through the breastplate.

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow.

"Damn, are you going to die? I'm going to take down the boss..." The sneak attacking player shouted excitedly, but before he finished speaking, Xing Sang turned around and chopped off his neck.

After killing the last person in front of him, Xing Sang turned his head and met Bu Jingyun's awe-inspiring eyes.

As if knowing that the other party would not make another move, he turned around suddenly, supported by the golden horse lance, and walked towards Shifeng on the edge of the cliff like a slow motion.

There was silence all around for a while, except for the light sound of King Yu Chu's boots stepping on the soil, which constantly echoed in the mountain wind.

The setting sun was like blood, stretching his shadow long and narrow, casting it on the road he walked.

After a while, some players finally couldn't help but ask: "What is he going to do, isn't he going to jump off a cliff?"

"Jumping off a cliff is no good, isn't it a waste of time?"

"The boss is almost out of blood, who will make up the last knife?"

"The boss is here, let the boss come."

"Why is the boss not moving? Is he unable to bear it? After all, we have fought together before..."

Because Bu Jingyun was here, everyone felt that the general should make up the last knife, but Bu Jingyun just looked at Xing Sang solemnly, and had no intention of doing anything.

Seeing this, Ling's father suddenly pushed Lan Long from behind, and said, "Brother Long, I'll give it to you."

Blue Dragon was stunned: "Really give it to me?"

Ning Cheng said: "I'll give it to you, and I'll let you get away with it."

Although it was a good thing, Blue Dragon felt flustered for no reason.

He hesitated for a moment, and raised his crossbow.

He was about to shoot an arrow at Xing Sang, but when his eyes focused on the lonely figure standing on the mountain peak, his throat tightened suddenly, and the arrow he shot only deviated from the direction.

"Can you do it, the accuracy is so bad?"

"No, I..." Blue Dragon pursed his lips, unable to speak.

He has always regarded this as a simple game, regarded killing enemies as a game task, and regarded enemies as NPCs without emotions, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a strong vitality surging from the NPCs.

This sudden emotion weighed heavily on his heart, and he couldn't bear to do it, or rather, he felt that he was not worthy of making up for it.

During this dawdling moment, Xing Sang's blood bar was almost left with a layer of blood.

Relying on this trace of blood, he walked up to the highest point on the edge of the cliff, standing under the vast sky, in the afterglow of dusk, he inserted the spearhead into the crimson rock formation.

Then he just held the golden pole in his hand, raised his eyes, looked at the flowing clouds in the distance, and remained motionless.

The mountain wind came and went, blowing a few strands of his hair gently swaying.

The upright figure was reflected in everyone's eyes, with a clear outline like a red pine bathed in the setting sun.

"Dead." I don't know who said it first, and there were whispers in the player team.

A group of blackbirds fluttered their wings and flew through the fiery red sunset. The silhouette of the bird and its standing back were photographed by the player.


The news of Xing Sang's death quickly spread throughout the forum, and photos of his tragic back at the time of his death were circulated among various posts, which aroused heated discussions among players.

It was getting dark, and Jiang Shu was still sitting on the wall of Fulong City, waiting for the army to triumph.

Through the player's post, he also saw the photo. Although he was prepared in his heart, when he heard the news, his chest was still stuffy and he was a little disappointed.

It's not that I feel sorry for Xing Sang, but I just feel that the disappearance of the protagonist is like an era is over, and everything in this world has nothing to do with the story he wrote.

He stared at the slightly unfamiliar back in the photo for a long time. The man stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the red clouds in the distance, which made him suddenly recall what Xing Sang had said to him when they met in Shannan County, Yongzhou.

"You stood on the top of the peak, what did you see?"

Jiang Shu talked to himself, and couldn't help raising his head to look at the lonely sky.

At this moment, the glow of the setting sun has completely disappeared, and the shadows of the clouds are dim and blurred, like ashes left behind by a raging fire.

In the twilight, the half-curved moon has just risen, and the moonlight is clear and bright, accompanied by a lonely star.

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