After the general offensive strategy was determined, everyone spent nearly half a month discussing and determining the specific marching route, siege tactics, deployment of troops and weapons and equipment, transportation of supplies and other matters.

At the same time, the Wolongge spies stationed in Chu State are also constantly collecting military intelligence of the enemy country.

According to the information from the spies, since the news of King Wei's southward expedition was confirmed, the border counties of Chu State have entered a state of preparation for war.

They focused on blocking the river, setting up traps and building fortifications at the land pass, and deliberately controlled the battlefield between Fengxi Pass and Taiqing Mountain.

After all, everyone knew that once the enemy army penetrated into the territory, he would fall into the passive defense of the city, so the river channel in Chen Nanjun became the key object of defense.

It's a pity they didn't know that Wei Jun had no intention of attacking Chen Nanjun at all.

"The battle at the Taiqingshan pass is crucial."

The night before the official start of the battle, the night was dark, and Bu Jingyun and several generals and counselors were conducting the final review of the battle plan.

"Pry open this hole, and our army will be able to drive straight in and capture Fulong County." Bu Jingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, holding a candle in one hand and a small flag in the other, and deduced in the sand table, "Now confirm that the enemy is in Taizhou The deployment of troops for customs clearance..."

Jiang Shu sat on top, quietly listening to their discussion.

In this battle, the comparison is not only military strength, weapons and equipment, but also a very critical thing, which is military intelligence.

It has to be said that they have an open-type advantage in this regard.

In the past few years, Chu State has tried to plant spies in their army, but the player's ability is too cheating, no matter how superb your camouflage skills are, and how you change your tricks to sneak in secretly, as long as you don't have a green name on your head, you will definitely Get noticed by players unless you stay out of hiding.

Bu Jingyun took advantage of this point to conduct regular investigations for the army, and almost every time he was able to catch a few red names who were very inconspicuous from the outside.

So Jiang Shu is sure that at least his army is absolutely clean.

In contrast, the situation in Chu State is terrible.

Since Yin Yunying had been sending spies to the south in the past two years, there were over a hundred members of Crouching Dragon Pavilion in Lingzhou alone.

Coupled with the fact that the original Wei civilians who could not bear the rule of the Hu people and voluntarily worked for the king of Wei, from the low-level people to the counselors and officials, except for Xing Sang, they could not get in. The court and military and political system of Chu State have long been corrupted by spies riddled with holes.

Therefore, in Jiang Shu's eyes, Chu's military deployment has actually reached the point where it is almost transparent.

Often the enemy general just ordered to send more troops to a certain place, and Crouching Dragon Pavilion would be able to learn the news immediately, and after confirming the authenticity of the information, turn it into a secret letter and put it on Jiang Shu's desk.

In this case, their winning rate can be described as quite high.

But even so, Jiang Shu will not let down his vigilance against Xing Sang.

After all, that was the protagonist of the original novel who conquered the world!

So after everyone finished discussing, Jiang Shu asked: "Xing Sang once served in the Miyang Army, and he knows the combat habits of the infantry generals. He is proficient in martial arts and has a very high talent. He may not be able to guess our tactics. , so, be careful and watch out.”

Hearing this, Xie Feng and Lu Jian looked at each other, then they bowed their heads and said "No".


Three days later, it was too clear.

At noon, the hot summer sun shone brightly over the observation deck. The sentry on guard was so hot that they were covered with oil, but they did not dare to relax their guard, straightened their bodies and squinted their eyes to look around.

Suddenly, the sentinel's eyes froze and his brows frowned.

On the winding mountain road in the distance, the black cavalry team was like a swimming poisonous snake, quietly poking its head towards itself.

Under the blue sky and white sun, the undisguised black is simply eye-catching and insolent.

"The enemy is coming!"

The sentinel suddenly became anxious, and quickly pushed the hammer to strike the bronze bell behind him, one after another, urgently sending messages to the camp.

Not long after, I saw smoke rising slowly from Taiqing Mountain.

"Damn it, the signal flies fast enough!" Nie Feng, who led the team, couldn't help but sneered when he saw the beacon fire igniting in front of him.

Huo Yuntian continued: "They must have been on guard against us a long time ago, and it is estimated that reinforcements from all directions have been activated by now."

Ning Chengzhen: "Don't tell me, Xing Sang's guess is quite accurate this time. He has arranged the most troops on the Taiqing Mountain side. If it weren't for our internal support inside, we might really fall into his ambush."

Shangguan Feidao: "That's not necessarily true. No matter how many reinforcements he has, it won't be able to withstand the high output damage of our Tigers."

Blue Dragon cared more about the task rewards, and said to the others: "Let's pay attention to cooperation this time, and be careful of Ling Baobao, so we can't be robbed of the boss by this kid again."

Ning Chengzhen glanced at him with disgust: "Can you be more open and aboveboard, and you still want to form a group to bully children."

"He's still a child? Don't think he's real just because he's eighteen in the game. In reality, he might be an old urchin in disguise!"

"Then you are ashamed to bully the old man?"


Unlike the relaxed and noisy state of the player team in front, the cavalry team in the rear is silent.

Looking up and seeing the black smoke rising in the sky, Xie Feng's face was serious, and indescribable tension and uneasiness filled his heart.

Although he took the initiative to ask for a fight, this was indeed his first real participation in a war, so it was hard not to be nervous.

Moreover, what he was facing was a rather difficult combat task.

In this battle, the Light Cavalry Army led by him and the Flying Eagles led by Nie Feng were appointed as the attacking vanguard.

The task Bu Jingyun gave them was to capture Taiqingguan in one fell swoop and clear the way for the army to attack Fulong County.

If Taiqingguan is just an ordinary pass, then this amount of troops is indeed enough.

However, according to intelligence, the enemy focused their land defense on Taiqing Pass. In addition to the [-] defenders in the camp, there were also [-] reinforcements hidden near Taiqing Mountain.

With 8000 troops fighting against an army of [-], even if he was partnered with the ever-victorious black-robed army, even if the battle had gone through several sand table exercises before the battle, Xie Feng still felt deeply disturbed.

With only the manpower of the vanguard, can they really win the pass smoothly?

After walking for another half an hour, the army arrived at Taiqing Pass.

500 meters ahead, blocking the intersection is a huge dock built of bricks and stones.

There are three layers of defense inside and outside the Wubao. There are blockhouses at the four corners of the outer wall, and the inner wall is high and wide.

The entire dock is stacked on top of each other, like a three-layer cake. Except for the narrow shooting window, there is no place to attack. It looks like a tough nut to crack.

Lan Long was speechless slightly: "Why do I think this Wubao looks so familiar, it's very similar to the ones in Miryang."

Huo Yuntian: "I also think it's like the one Mu Lili originally designed."

Shangguan Feidao: "It's so similar, you can sue them for plagiarism."

Blue Dragon: "Then is this considered plagiarism by Xing Sang, or is the game party taking it on its own?"

Nie Feng: "Stop arguing, I just bombarded it!"

On the other side, Xie Feng glanced at the soldiers hiding in the windows of the high wall who were aiming at them with bows and arrows, and couldn't help frowning deeply. This pass was far stronger and more difficult to attack than he imagined.

He was about to send someone to ask the leader of the Flying Eagles if he wanted to attack according to the original plan, when he suddenly saw a few black-robed soldiers escorting a small group of soldiers carrying five heavy and dark weapons like long iron buckets. The dock ahead.

Xie Feng's eyes froze, he knew the weapon.

It was something called the Tiger Cannon, which was said to fire projectiles for sieges.

Although Bu Jingyun had heard about the function of this object, he had never witnessed the firing of a cannon with his own eyes. The scene of the firing in his mind was just like a catapult, ejecting stone bullets from the dark mouth of a tiger cannon. , smashed on the enemy's city wall, destroying the wall soil.

But the stone wall of Wubao looks so strong, even if three rounds of projectiles are fired, how much damage can it have?

Xie Feng was deeply worried, worried that their plan would be hindered at the first step.

But the matter has come to this point, and he has no better attack plan, so he can only look at the firing effect of the artillery first.

In front, the Shenji Battalion team carrying light artillery held a calm and calm state, and fixed the artillery in the center of the Wubao and its own army, ensuring that the enemy's arrows could only hit them, and the sound of the artillery firing was also the same. Does not frighten one's own horses.

Because artillery firing is dangerous, in this battle, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were only responsible for loading ammunition and adjusting the firing angle, and the players of the Flying Eagles were the ones who fired the guns.

The five players who were responsible for the ignition also gave their temporary team the title of Tiger Expendables.

As Nie Feng in the rear raised the command flag, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion loaded the ammunition deftly and neatly.

After a while, the firearms were ready, and the members of the Shenji Battalion took a few steps back. After listening to Shi Chang's order, the five players of the Flying Eagle Team lit the fuses together.

After a while, the cannons fired in unison, and the tiger cannons burst into dazzling flames!

Accompanied by bursts of bangs, the projectiles mercilessly fell on the Wubao. The big lead smashed the bricks and tiles, and the small lead killed the defenders. In an instant, the brick wall cracked, the earth and tiles splashed, and the panicked wailing of the soldiers came from the Wubao. .

The artillery fired three rounds in a row. At the end, the roof of the inner wall and the wall of the watchtower in the center were full of potholes and holes, and the outer wall was damaged to nothing.

Xie Feng stared at this scene dumbfounded, his heart was beating wildly, and his hands were constantly trembling with excitement.

It turns out that this is the cannon, which is as powerful as thunder, powerful and ferocious, no wonder it is called the Tiger Cannon!

It wasn't just the aborigines who were excited, the players were also extremely excited seeing this scene that seemed to appear in a film and television drama.

"Damn it, it's so exciting!"

"Sure enough, you have to fire cannons in war. It's an inside smell!"

"Will the history books be written like this in the future, on a certain day in a certain year and a certain month, the Flying Eagles fired the first shot of Wei's unification in Taiqing Mountain."

"A few more rounds, fuck it, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

"It's almost done. It will be a waste of shells if we continue to fight."

"To be honest, I still feel a little pity to attack such a small dock with cannons."

"Brother Nie, can you charge now? I can't control the Cold Shadow Cangyue Knife I bought with [-] points!"

Nie Feng waited quietly for a while, and when the swirling dust around Wubao settled and a clear entrance appeared on the outer wall, he was ready to officially launch an attack.

Their plan is to overcome the customs clearance before the enemy's reinforcements arrive, and if the enemy's reinforcements arrive early, it will not be so good.

So, after the return of the Shenji Battalion, Nie Feng raised the command flag and gave orders: "All the cavalry obey my orders and march forward according to my command, and take Wubao in one fell swoop!"

"Come on!"


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