Jiang Shu didn't know exactly when he fell asleep, but he felt that the night was already deep and the candles had all been burned out. He was tired and weak, and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

The next morning, the weather was slightly cloudy, with fog around the window lattice.

Jiang Shu was called up by Qin Lang who came to report the affairs. At that time, Xie Min was still sleeping peacefully on the bed, so he put on his clothes lightly and went outside to deal with official duties.

Hearing that the fifty cannons, including the huge General Cannon, had been secretly and safely loaded onto the ship, Jiang Shu was completely relieved, and asked his subordinates who had been busy all night to go back and rest quickly.

After Qin Lang left, he walked into the back room and saw that Xie Min had already woken up, leaning lazily on the soft pillow, playing with the small porcelain pot containing Luhua ointment.

Seeing that he was holding this thing in his hand, Jiang Shu seemed to smell the fragrance of roses left in the room, and her ears felt slightly hot.

He touched his nose, turned the focus intentionally, and said, "Have your clothes... been delivered?"

"Someone has been sent to fetch it." Xie Min replied briefly, put down the porcelain pot, and got up from the bed, "I'll help you get dressed first."


Although three years have passed, the tacit understanding when dressing seems to have been engraved in the bones, and the body will naturally cooperate without verbal communication.

Raising his arms, holding his long hair, he let Xie Min tie his belt.

When putting on the coat from behind, Jiang Shu heard his cold voice ringing in his ears: "My lord is much thinner."

"Have it?"

"En." Xie Yin responded, picked up the pendant and tied it on him, and asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Jiang Shu shook his head, he was really tired last night, but after a good night's sleep, he could feel refreshed.

After a while, Xie Min said again in a low voice: "My lord, you need to pay attention to diet and rest."

Jiang Shu paused, and replied, "Okay."

After waiting for a while, Xu Hai came with Xie Yin's clothes, so Jiang Shu helped Xie Yin put on the clothes in a courteous manner.

He still remembered that when he helped Xie Min get dressed for the first time, he couldn't tie the belt well. Later, he fumbled and practiced a few times, and now he can tie it proficiently.

Pulled out the tie and tightened it, adjusted the angle of the knot, Jiang Shu straightened up and asked, "How is it? Is there any progress?"

Xie Yin smiled and nodded slightly.

After freshening up, Jiang Shu thought to himself that the news that Xie Min stayed with him last night would not be able to hide from his father and brother anyway, so there was no need to deliberately avoid suspicion, so he simply kept Xie Min for breakfast.

The court food Xie Xiao prepared for King Wei was very rich, with meat and vegetable soups available.

The two had breakfast, chatted a few business matters, and talked about the purpose of going south this time, Xie Yin suddenly asked: "When is my lord going to leave?"

"Since the important things have been done, there will be no accidents, and we will leave tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xie Min was slightly taken aback, then nodded calmly, and looked away.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Shu felt turbulent, thought for a while and said, "When I return from this trip, how about we find an opportunity to formally meet my family?"

Xie Min raised his head suddenly, his eyes showed surprise.

The young man spoke of things which he had not expected.

"Didn't I promise you last night? No wife and no offspring." Jiang Shu raised the corners of his lips. He was deeply impressed by what Xie Yin asked him last night, and he would not ignore it just because it was a bedtime talk.

"Since Xie Gong knows about this, I should explain it to my family." He said clearly, stirring the fish porridge gently with a spoon: "Actually, when you came back from Datong City, I I wanted to do this, but my parents, brother and sister-in-law were all at the gate at that time, so I couldn't find the right time."

Xie Min hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you act like this, your father may be angry."

Although Xie Min was very happy to hear Jiang Shu mentioning this matter, but at the same time he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The two of them are men after all, the most optimistic way to put this kind of matter in front of the elders is to turn a blind eye like Xie Xian, in short, they will not admit such a relationship in the open.

"It's inevitable to get angry, and I've been mentally prepared for it." Jiang Shu sighed, "It's destined not to be made public, but I think relatives should let us know."

In his modern conception, since he has found a partner who is ready to spend his life together, he should take someone to meet the parents in a serious manner, regardless of whether the partner is a man or a woman.

It is best to get understanding and blessings, but it’s okay if you don’t get them.

Jiang Shu thought carefully, Jiang Ze, the son of his eldest brother, has turned sixteen this year, and will reach the age of marriage in a few years. The second brother also had a son after marriage. Not long ago, the second sister-in-law was pregnant with a second child, so The descendants of the Jiang family must be guaranteed, and Jiang Ke will not embarrass him with the matter of staying behind.

He took Xie Min back, and in the worst case, he would be beaten or kicked out of the house.

Hurry up, he's independent enough now anyway.

In short, I must let my family know about this and understand his attitude towards this relationship so that there will be no misunderstandings in the future.

"It's just that, at that time, I'm afraid brother Xie will be wronged to accompany me to bear my father's anger." Jiang Shu said in a relaxed and bright tone, but there was a calm and firm will in his words.

Facing the smiling eyebrows of the young man, Xie Min felt a warm comfort as if shrouded by the rising sun, and couldn't help but curled up the corners of his mouth and nodded seriously.

Seeing his smile, Jiang Shu also relaxed, and asked: "After dinner later, how about going to the boat with me to see?"

"it is good."


About an hour later, the two arrived at the ferry by car.

Under the guidance of Wu You, the two first boarded the cargo ship to check the goods delivered to the cabin last night, and then went to the building where the officials lived. Room.

Since the early morning, the weather has been gloomy, with a damp cool wind blowing, Jiang Shu guessed that it might rain today.

Sure enough, when the two were sitting in the restaurant at noon, there was the sound of rustling rain outside.

It was inconvenient to drive on rainy days, so the two simply stayed on the boat, leaving aside their subordinates and entourage, chatting and playing chess in the room to pass the time.

Although he didn't do anything serious, the afternoon time passed quickly, as if in the blink of an eye, the pendulum clock on the table struck five o'clock.

The dinner was brought to the room by Ziming. I ordered two luxurious set meals in the restaurant, and the dishes were very rich.

In the evening, the light in the cabin is dim, and because honey candles are lit, it has the atmosphere of a candlelight dinner.

Especially since it was still raining outside, listening to the sound of the rain made me feel more peaceful, as if there were only the two of them on the whole big ship.

Jiang Shu enjoyed this time alone with his lover, and while eating grilled fish, he suggested, "How about staying on the boat tonight?"

Xie Yin raised his eyes to look at him, nodded and said "OK".

"Will your father be angry if he finds out?"

Xie Yin smiled faintly, and replied: "Then I will wrong the lord and bear my father's anger with me."

He returned exactly what Jiang Shu said in the morning.

Jiang Shu was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

After the meal, the rain decreased a lot, and the two walked to the rain-soaked terrace and looked at the pier in the distance.

It's dark, and it's going to be dusk.

The raindrops hit the river surface, and mist rose up, and the mist filled the pier, making it hazy and quiet like a dream.

Standing in front of the railing, Xie Yin said: "My lord, you know, what am I thinking right now?"

Jiang Shu looked sideways and looked at him questioningly.

"I'm thinking, if the rain is heavier, it will be fine for one more day."

Hearing this, Jiang Shu felt a sense of emptiness and melancholy in his heart.

He knew what the other party meant, and it was inconvenient to sail on rainy days. If it rained, the fleet would have to continue to dock here.

"Just one more day?"

"It will be fine in one day, if it is too much, it will delay the work of the Lord."

Jiang Shu pursed her lips, feeling powerless.

In fact, more than anyone else, he wanted to keep Xie Yin on the boat, and wanted Xie Yin to accompany him to the south to experience the most critical battle.

But officials have the duties of being officials. Since they are the governor of a state, they should guard the territory they belong to. How can they leave their posts for no reason?

He could change Xie Yin's official position and transfer him to his side, but at this time he was transferred away from the other party, and he couldn't find a suitable person to take over the job in Qingzhou for a while.

There are too many important projects in Qingzhou, such as copper mines, salt fields, arsenals, water transportation, and even the sugar factory established in the three counties of Dongzhou after Murong's surrender. If you are not firm at all, you can't resist the temptation to make money from it.

Therefore, Jiang Shu can only let Xie Yin continue to sit in this position until someone he trusts can be found to take over.

Sighing slightly, Jiang Shu said, "Qilang."

Hearing such a shout suddenly, Xie Min's heart beat, and he lowered his eyelashes to look at him.

"I heard Taishou Xie called you that." Jiang Shu stared at the beauty's longing eyes, raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Privately, can I call you that?"


"Then trouble Shichiro to close his eyes and bow his head."

Xie Yin closed his eyes and followed suit silently.

Jiang Shu held her breath, kissed Xie Min's cheek lightly, and then whispered in his ear: "I'm in charge, let the rain continue for another day, okay?"


The light rain stopped that night, but Jiang Shu asked the fleet to stay on the shore for an extra day on the grounds of overhauling the ships.

During the day, the two lived and boarded on the boat. During the day, they handled documents and discussed current affairs together. At night, they snuggled up on the bed, reminiscing about the past and exchanging friendship.

Pure love is an extremely healing existence. In the past two days, Jiang Shu has a deep understanding of this.

Mingming had only been alone with Xie Yin for two days, but he felt that the tiredness he had accumulated in the past few years seemed to dissipate overnight.

Unfortunately, the time to relax is always extremely short.

The next day, the sky cleared and the clouds were light. The morning light shone in through the embroidered curtains and spread in the room.

When Ziming knocked on the door, both of them had finished dressing and washing.

According to the plan made last night, the ship will officially sail at nine o'clock this morning.

At this time, there was still an hour before the departure of the boat, and according to Zi Ming's report, Xie Xian, Xie Xiao and a group of county government officials had all come to the pier to see him off.

The old man came to see him off, Jiang Shu naturally had to show his face, and it happened to see Xie Min off the boat.

However, before opening the door, the two stopped at the same time and looked at each other.

In the dim cabin, the two pairs of eyes meet, silent for a long time.

Until Xie Yin spoke, breaking the silence.

"Rong Min is rude."

He said something briefly, and before Jiang Shu could react, he stretched out his arms, wrapped his arms around the young man's shoulders, and pulled him into his arms.

With the friction of the fabric and the close contact of the neck skin, a faint fragrance wafts in the air.

Jiang Shu felt the warm breath on the other party's body, and immediately enveloped himself.

Although I was reluctant to give up, after all, there were still people waiting at the pier, so I couldn't delay it for too long.

After embracing for a while, Xie Min slowly let go of his hand, looked down at him, and asked in a rare and serious tone: "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, in case of any change, don't rush forward, go first, I will send troops to meet him in Xiuchuan .”

Jiang Shu knew what he meant, smiled and said, "I don't think I'm so unlucky."

With all the cannons, he really couldn't think of any reason for himself to lose.

Unless Xing Sang has the aura of the invincible protagonist, once he meets him, he will encounter a devastating natural disaster on his side.

Xie Yin frowned, then smiled helplessly, and said again: "Be careful."

Jiang Shu held his hand and shook it gently: "Don't worry, I will be back as soon as possible."


Half a month later, in Youmen County, Jiangzhi City.

The weather today is excellent, the sky is clear and the sun is shining.

However, the normally bustling ferry is now eerily quiet, because a group of black-robed soldiers wearing ghost masks lined up at the pier. The officials who greeted him were also sweating, and they stood stiffly, not daring to relax.

Although the atmosphere at the scene was quiet, the small group of the Flying Eagles was very lively.

[Gou Ribi: Coming soon, a crew member posted a post, it will be there in about 10 minutes! [Excited rubbing hands]]

[Blue Dragon: Brothers, have you forgotten the rehearsal process? 】

[Xiong Bing: I can't forget it, I practiced it several times...]

[Blue Dragon: Listen to my password when the time comes, pay attention to have momentum, be sonorous and forceful, and have a sense of ceremony! 】

[Ji Shaobai: I'm a little worried. If we do this, the boss won't punish us if he finds out, right? 】

[Shangguan Feidao: It's okay, brother Nie Feng said, he will take care of the accident, he and the boss are good brothers! 】

[Liu Yuanyuan: Can't wait, this is the first time I've seen the leader of the faction live, excited and nervous! 】

【Jiang Shiyi: Be nervous, you're wearing a mask, no one can see you. 】

[Blue Dragon: Remind me again, pay attention to discipline, don't rush up in agitation, I will not be held responsible if you get arrested...]

Under the eager anticipation of the players, soon, the huge fleet finally slowly appeared in the noon sun.

Jiang Shu stepped onto the deck and was not surprised to see the neatly lined up and eye-catching black-robed soldiers on the pier.

Before that, he knew that Bu Jingyun was unable to come to pick him up in person because he was leading the army on the border with Chu State, so he sent a thousand Flying Eagles to dispatch him.

After the ship docked, Qin Lang led the army to clear the way to eliminate the danger, and then Jiang Shu stepped on the gangway to get off the ship.

When he stepped onto the pier, he naturally turned his eyes to the officials who greeted him, but before the officials saluted, he heard the command "three two one" from the Flying Eagles behind.

Immediately afterwards, a thousand black-robed soldiers squatted down and knelt down, clasped their fists and shouted: "The ghost army welcomes the lord Shengjia's personal conquest. The lord will last forever and dominate the world!"

The sound of this slogan was neat and loud, especially the four characters "Xiong Dominant the World", which was so majestic that it could shake the world.

All of a sudden, the officials who greeted him at the front and the people who watched behind him were all in awe of the "King of Wei" who came from the north.

Jiang Shu: "..."

Suddenly I feel like a cult leader.

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