Calculating carefully, Jiang Shu hasn't seen Xie Yin for three years and three months since Xuan and January of the fifth year.

During the past three years, the only exchanges between the two were letters, gifts and secret reports from Wolong Pavilion.

Missing is naturally common, but due to busy work, even if you miss, as their identities, you can't willfully put everything down and run to each other.

Therefore, whenever she thinks of the other party, Jiang Shu either opens the forum to search for Xie Yin's recent situation, or persuades and encourages herself to devote herself to work more attentively, hoping to achieve the great cause as soon as possible and complete the unification, and then she can be with her lover for a long time.

Because of this repeated psychological suggestion, Jiang Shu often felt that he had integrated the thoughts of Xie Min into every aspect of his life, becoming an invisible and ubiquitous thing.

He can feel the existence of longing, but he will not worry about it, worry about it, and only have a touch of expectation and love.

It's strange to say that he obviously didn't care so much during the parting period, but now that Xie Yin was standing in front of his eyes, he felt the emotion of missing him become extremely strong.

The other party's slender and classically handsome eyebrows, lightly pursed thin lips, jet-black hair, slender white fingers, the desolately wafting fragrance, and even the neon clothes she wore as a gift, every detail is in the spotlight. Stimulating his desire for a lover who is deeply affectionate.

However, under the watchful eyes of all the people, you still have to pay attention to the influence in the eyes of outsiders. Even if you want to get close to each other, you have to scratch your heart, but Jiang Shu didn't show any special emotions.

After reaching out to support Xie Min, he smiled and greeted Xie Min like a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

Not long after, Xie Xian also went to the pier. Under the watchful eyes of his elders, Jiang Shu became more restrained, and did not dare to do anything beyond the boundary between superiors and subordinates and friends.

It happened that the time was close to lunch time, and after all the officials on board got off the pier, Xie Xiao said that a banquet was held in the mansion and invited everyone to go to the county mansion for a feast and rest.

When he walked out of the pier, he saw a row of carriages parked beside the ferry, and Jiang Shu couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy, thinking that maybe he could ride in the same carriage with Xie Yin, but Xie Xiao thoughtfully prepared a luxury car exclusive to King Wei for him.

Standing in front of the gold-rimmed carriage, Jiang Shu expressed disappointment. He couldn't abduct his son in front of his father, so he restrained himself.

On the other side, seeing the youngest son staring at the frame in front of him absent-mindedly, Xie Xian reminded: "Your servant must not overstep until the master speaks."

Xie Yin withdrew his gaze and nodded slightly in response to "Yes".


The situation at the luncheon was as Jiang Shu expected.

Although he himself was a guest, at other people's banquets, he turned into the master instead, not only sitting in a high position, but also had to lead the topic and guide the atmosphere of the banquet. As a caring host, he could not ignore the emotions of any officials present.

Because there were a lot of people present at this banquet, including officials from Qingzhou, officials brought by Jiang Shu, and people who were not in contact with each other like Xie Xian, it was impossible to discuss any serious business when it came to topic selection , can only talk about some non-nutritive topics such as "Qingzhou's cultural landscape" and "interesting things on the boat".

To participate in this kind of banquet, Jiang Shu would rather browse the forum to eat alone. At least there are many sand sculpture players on the forum, and the content of the discussion is strange, which is still very interesting.

However, he has long been used to this kind of occasion, even if he feels bored, he can calmly lead the banquet.

At least Xie Yin is here today, and while drinking and drinking, he can occasionally exchange a look with the person he likes, looking at each other and toasting a cup of tea and warm wine, which is already very satisfying.

After the banquet, Xie Xiao enthusiastically invited everyone to rest at the house, but Jiang Shu didn't want to waste time.

According to the plan, the fleet will stay in Shengying City for two to three days. In addition to the need for the crew on the ship to go ashore to purchase food and supplies, the most important thing is that there is a batch of key weapons to be loaded onto the ship.

He didn't drink much at the luncheon, so Jiang Shu didn't feel tired, so he asked Xie Xiao to get down to business.

The superior had an order, Xie Xiao naturally agreed, and immediately sent someone to arrange the frame.

So an hour later, Jiang Shu, Xie Yin, Xie Xiao and a small number of relevant officials came to the secret arsenal established in the outskirts of Shengying City.

This arsenal was approved when the first batch of copper concentrates were transported ashore by sea. The purpose of building the factory was to facilitate copper smelting. Later, with Xing Sang establishing the state of Chu, the members of Wolong Pavilion who were hiding in the dark repeatedly News of this formidable enemy came and the nature of the factory changed.

In the description of the spies, there are large and small weapon foundries all over the country of Chu. The bows, arrows, knives, guns, and armor in the arsenal are piled up like mountains. High, the more repaired, the stronger it is, and it is difficult to break through even with explosives.

Under such circumstances, Wei Guo had to prepare countermeasures in advance, so in a certain military discussion, Zhang Zifang proposed to change the smelter in Donghe County into an arsenal.

To the outside world, this heavily guarded factory is still called a copper smelter, and it often ships refined blister copper to Xunyang Industrial Park. In fact, there is a more tightly guarded building inside, in which dozens of autonomous The professionals transferred from Xunzhou, they researched and manufactured the cannon that Zhu Ming had been thinking about back then.

Entering the gate of the factory by car, after passing two groups of connected stone buildings and a path shaded by woods, you come to the center surrounded by barbed wire.

The afternoon sun sifted through the dense branches and leaves of the trees and fell on the concrete path, leaving a mottled light and shadow.

The carriage stopped in the light green light by the side of the road, Jiang Shu stepped on the footstool and got out of the carriage, only to see several familiar faces waiting beside the iron gate ahead.

Headed by Zhang Zifang's most valued former Miryang weapons department craftsman Han Chun and Zhu Ming's chief disciple Zhang Lin, this team formed by a combination of aborigines and players is the main force of the new factory's ordnance development.

"Greetings to the King of Wei." Seeing Jiang Shu and others get off the car, Han Chun immediately led the crowd to greet him, "Greetings to Mr. Xie Shijun, Mr. Xiefu, Captain Qin, and Wu Dushui."

"Please get up," Jiang Shu said softly, "Does the Han envoy know the purpose of my coming here today?"

"My subordinates know that the military equipment is ready, everyone, please come with me." Respectfully made a "please" gesture, Han Chun led the way ahead.

I don't know if it's Jiang Shu's psychological effect, but since he stepped into this park, the air seems to be filled with the smell of metal and flames.

But in fact, the environment outside the factory is very good, not only surrounded by green trees, but also surrounded by huge stone buildings, and even blooming roses are planted.

Following Han Chun and his party, they soon came to the large warehouse where the ordnance was stored.

Pushing open the warehouse door, with the light from the window, I saw a row of big guys standing inside.

Walking into the warehouse, Jiang Shu raised his head and swept across the front, his gaze was naturally attracted by the biggest guy among them.

Those cannons were placed on the cannon carts, which were two meters high and nearly three meters long. The front was thin and the back was thick.

I have to say that these guys fit Jiang Shu's imagined image of a cannon very well.

"At present, our workshop has successfully developed three types of artillery. Please take a look." Han Chun's voice drew Jiang Shu's attention back. He led everyone to the front of the small artillery, and introduced: "This is The first artillery piece that we successfully developed was called the Tiger Cannon.

"Tiger Cannon is a light artillery, two feet long, weighing only 36 jin, and can be filled with hundreds of small lead bullets each time it is fired. Its advantage is that it is light in weight and easy to carry, but its range is not far, with a maximum range of about 500 meters. "

After talking about the small cannon, Han Chun walked to the large cannon that Jiang Shu was concerned about, and said in a slow but forceful voice: "This is the brave and invincible general cannon. Its advantage is that it can be loaded with lead bullets every time it is fired Five hundred projectiles, the projectiles are powerful and have a wide impact range, with a strike width of up to twenty feet.

"The disadvantage is that the range is low, the flexibility is low, and it is inconvenient to transport. It is only suitable for destroying solid fortifications at a short distance.

"The long-barrel cannon here is called the Flying Poison Cannon, which can be used to fire explosive bombs and shotguns.

"This is the first small-caliber long-barreled gun we made. Compared with the mortar gun, it has higher accuracy and a longer range, and the maximum range can reach a thousand meters. At the same time, we have added a front car for the artillery, which is convenient maneuver and traverse complex terrain."

Following his introduction, everyone carefully observed these artillery pieces.

Jiang Shuyin knew about it a long time ago, and was not surprised by the power of these artillery, but most of the aborigines were shocked.

Although they haven't seen the scene of the artillery firing with their own eyes, they can roughly infer its power after listening to the various data described by Han Chun.

The range is kilometers!

Even the most powerful archer can shoot 200 meters at most, let alone [-] meters away. In fact, he has lost his accuracy and lethality. What a terrifying weapon!

"Currently the only artillery made by the factory is the arsenal?" Jiang Shu asked with awe.

He just counted the stock of artillery in the warehouse. Tiger cannons are the most, with a total of 35, and the number of brave generals is the least, with only three. Flying poisonous cannons are also not many, only twelve, and the entire warehouse has only fifty. artillery.

"Yes." Speaking of this, Han Chun felt a little regretful, "Due to the limitation of raw materials, I only cast these for the time being."

Jiang Shu nodded, understanding his explanation.

In fact, the workshop has not been established for a long time, and the artillery casting process is extremely complicated. It is quite good for Han Chun's team to achieve the current results.

As far as Jiang Shu knows, Zhang Zifang originally wanted to directly provide the spiral rifle technology and anti-recoil device technology of the rifled gun, but considering the time and cost of the investment, he was worried that the development of the artillery would not be able to keep up with the battle of attacking Chu, and in the end he had to settle for the second best. Pick the easy finish first.

Facts have proved that his choice is correct, otherwise, in this short period of one and a half years, it would be hard enough to conquer the anti-recoil device of the artillery.

"Thank you." After a tour, Jiang Shu turned to look at Han Chun, and said in a low voice, "Tonight, I will send troops to secretly load these firearms on board. Remember to make preparations in advance."

Han Chun's expression suddenly became serious, and he bowed his head and answered "No" in a low voice.


After leaving the warehouse, Jiang Shu and others went to the factory to visit and learn about the casting process of various cannons and the smelting of copper ore. It was already sunset when they came out of the arsenal, so the group hurried back to the county mansion by car.

That night, Xie Xiao prepared a dinner in the mansion again, and arranged a dance and music performance with great pains. There were many beauties with excellent dance moves and looks winking at him in the maiko. Unfortunately, Jiang Shu, who was full of work, didn't have the heart to appreciate it.

As soon as it got dark, he ordered Qin Lang and Wu You to order one of them to be in charge of transportation and the other to be in charge of receiving them on the ship, and they must complete the task of escorting the ordnance before dawn.

After Qin Lang and others received the order to leave, Jiang Shu went to the courtyard that Xie Xiao arranged for him in the mansion.

The courtyard was very large, and there were many children and servants, which seemed a bit lively, but as soon as Jiang Shu moved in, these people were replaced by guards with guns.

At night, the moonlight is bright.

When Jiang Shu came out of the hot bath, the thoughts that were occupied by work had been emptied a lot. Sitting alone in front of the desk, he began to hesitate while looking at the flickering candles on the candlestick.

Are you going to find Xie Yin?

But in his elder brother's mansion, isn't it inappropriate to make such a publicity?

With some worries, Jiang Shu hesitated, but when he thought of the heartbeat when they met again during the day, all kinds of worries were covered by a surging impulse.

Why bother so much, old friends who haven't seen for a long time, isn't it normal to catch up with each other at night?

Thinking of this, Jiang Shu suddenly got up to change clothes.

But at this moment, the door was knocked suddenly, and the guard's voice came: "My lord, thank the governor for seeing me."

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