After receiving the edict from King Qin, Jiang Shu immediately called the principal officials of the two governments to discuss the matter.

The meeting must first determine one point, whether to send troops to serve the king?

Although the Southwest King is a rebellious minister, it is not worth saving. He and Su Mian are two rebellious ministers who are thieves and thieves, no one cares, but once the Hu tribe joins in, the nature will be different.

Xing Sang was going for the emperor. If he really killed the emperor, then the state of Wei might be destroyed.

From the point of view of a minister of the Wei Kingdom, there is no doubt that he should send troops to rescue him. However, Jiang Shu is not a loyal minister. Like the Southwest King, he also has a heart of disobedience. The chaotic situation in the south is beneficial to him of.

Even, to put it bluntly, if Xing Sang really overthrew the imperial court, it would be regarded as solving a troublesome matter for him.

After all, being a traitor is always dangerous.

In this case, whether to send troops to serve the king has become a key problem.

"Since my lord has called this meeting, it must be that a decision has been made." Qin Shang said.

"That's right." Jiang Shu nodded slightly, looked at the crowd and said, "I want to do what King Qin does."

When Gao Kang, the governor of Cangzhou, received the edict from King Qin for the second time, he immediately issued a letter announcing that he strongly condemned Su Mian for taking refuge in the Di clan and attacking Jiangqing City. Harassment, lack of skills, can only respond to King Qin's call verbally.

The situation in the other nearby states was similar. They were either making excuses or simply did not respond. After all, it would take a lot of money to go out to fight in winter, and not everyone could afford the consumption of war supplies for an army of tens of thousands of people.

Compared with Cangzhou, Xunzhou is even farther away from Chen Nanjun. Even if an army is sent, it may not be able to save the little emperor in time.

If it is calculated according to the betting period that Xing Sang said to kill Wei Tianzi within three months, then unless he makes all the Flying Eagles commit suicide and revive them in Chen Nanjun, it is impossible to catch up.

In such a hopeless situation, Jiang Shu did not hesitate to spend a lot of supplies to send the army, and what he wanted was definitely not to save the emperor.

He has two goals, one is to take advantage of the chaos to occupy Huaizhou territory, and the other is to win people's hearts.

People's hearts are word of mouth, even if he couldn't save the little emperor this time, at least he sent a large army to rescue him. With the army of Xunzhou, it would be able to stop the further expansion of the Di tribe to the south.

This is a reassurance for ordinary people, officials and gentry, it makes them know that even if the world is chaotic and the court is lawless, the Northland is still stable and there is still a place for them to stay.

All of you here are smart people, and with a little thought, you can understand his intentions in making this decision.

"If we decide to send troops, then this will be our first appearance on the southern battlefield, so we have to prepare well." Zhang Zifang said first, and then asked: "How many troops does my lord plan to send?"

"Su Mian first led an army of [-] to surround Chennan County, and then Xing Sang led [-] Qingrui to the battlefield. In Lingzhou area, there were at least [-] reinforcements. There are many forces in the south, and the situation is changing rapidly. In case, our army will dispatch at least [-] troops." Jiang Shu said in a slow and cautious tone.

Hearing this, everyone present looked dignified.

Xie Yin once said that there are few soldiers in Xunzhou, this is not a casual remark.

It is true that there are few soldiers in Xizhou. For one thing, limited by the geographical location, Xizhou is connected to the Xiongnu Kingdom in the west and the Xianbei tribe in the east to the north. The border must be guarded by heavy troops. Unless it is fighting with these northern Hu tribes, otherwise the border The army is determined not to move.

Secondly, although Miryang has been recruiting soldiers for the past few years, at the same time, their battles have not stopped.In addition, after the development of Xunzhou, the life of the people gradually improved. It was not a last resort, and few people were willing to sacrifice their lives to serve as soldiers, so the number of soldiers recruited each year was also decreasing.

To this day, if you don't count Shangbu Jingyun's army, the number of troops that can be sent out in Xunzhou is only [-].

Although there are few soldiers, it does not mean that they are weak.

Each of these [-] soldiers has undergone rigorous training in the barracks. In addition to regular assessments, the barracks will also conduct military drills every two months. In order to improve the enthusiasm, sense of belonging and competition of the soldiers, a special incentive mechanism is also provided. , The soldiers trained under this kind of training are all heroes who can stand up to ten.

Most of the military officials in the army can read and write, understand the art of war, and have taken martial arts exams.

Not to mention the Shenji Camp cultivated by Zhang Zifang himself.

From the officers to the soldiers to the weapons battalion, they are a strong army alone, and they are a real elite division when they are combined.

With such a great army, they are not afraid of fighting, but everyone is a little doubtful about the [-] army that Jiang Shu said.

Lu Qing thought about it and said: "If the infantry general can lead [-] troops, and Xunzhou sends [-] troops, where will the other [-] soldiers come from?"

Jiang Shu tapped the edge of the table with his index finger and spit out two words: "Yongzhou."


After discussing and deciding on a plan to send troops, Jiang Shu first issued a mission order to Bu Jingyun, ordering him to lead his troops back to Miryang, and then wrote a letter and sent someone to Yongzhou.

The content of the letter was to borrow troops from Xun Ling.

In fact, the begging army led by Duan Yingxiong can be called directly by releasing game tasks.

However, considering that they have voted under Xun Ling's sect after all, and have washed away their identity as a rebel and become a regular Yongzhou army since they drove away the Huns and made meritorious service, so as not to cause any misunderstanding to Xun Ling, it is more troublesome to go "excuse me" Soldiers" process is better.

After the letter was sent, there was no response so quickly.

Taking advantage of this period of time, the governments of all counties and counties in Xunzhou worked together to collect food and grass, and prepare military supplies, so that after Bu Jingyun led his army back to Miryang, they could immediately set off to the south.

In mid-February, Jiang Shu received a reply from Xun Ling. The other party not only agreed to borrow troops, but also increased the number of soldiers from [-] to [-], and promised to bring their own food and grass without Xunzhou's preparations. Meet at Xianhe County, Yizhou.

There is no need for Jiang Shu to be in charge of food and grass. This is actually not a borrowing of soldiers, but more of an alliance between the two parties, but one of them has given up the command of the army.

The originally planned [-] army suddenly expanded to [-], Jiang Shu couldn't help feeling strange, and thinking that most of the [-] soldiers brought by Bu Jingyun were from the Qingzhou Army, this seemed to be an alliance of the three states military.

He couldn't help thinking, if he borrowed another [-] soldiers from Yizhou's uncle, and made up a round of [-], wouldn't it be more powerful to shout?

Of course, this is just a thought, with Liu Lang's character of "being wise and protecting himself", most likely he would not be willing to wade into this muddy water.

Not long after receiving Xun Ling's letter, Bu Jingyun arrived in Miryang with an army of [-] including the Flying Eagles.

The army camped outside the city for a night and recuperated. In the morning of the next day, an army of [-] troops officially marched to the south.


"Xizhou sent troops?" Pei Xin looked surprised.

Among the governors of various prefectures, Jiang Shu was the one he had the least hope for. After all, he had no friendship, and Xun prefectures were far apart. He did not expect that this man would be the one who sent troops first.

If he had known this, he should have asked Xunzhou for help from the very beginning, then maybe the crisis at this moment would have been resolved.

The soldier who came to report continued: "There is another news that Yongzhou is also planning to send [-] troops."

"But Xun Rongyue led the troops himself?"

"This... my subordinates found out that it was the governor of Xunzhou who borrowed troops from him, and the [-] soldiers were all borrowed by Xunzhou to command."

"Heh, so, if Jiang Fengcheng didn't borrow troops from him, Xun Rongyue didn't plan to send troops?" Pei Xin sneered embarrassingly, "Why, do I have any enmity with that Xun?"

He had just said this in self-mocking, but suddenly remembered that General Xun was defeated in the battle, and he had some connection with him, so he swallowed the sarcasm again.

"Since Xunzhou has sent reinforcements, we only need to stick to it for another two months." Pei Xin ignited hope, squinting his eyes and said: "Pass me an order to order Li Dan and Peng Meng to strictly guard the pass and river channels, especially pay attention to defense Honghe, Su Mian is very familiar with this area, it is very likely that we will attack by water when we are not prepared."


"The scouts have come to report that the enemy army has gathered heavy troops to guard the river, and the original plan to cross the Hong River at night may not succeed." Su Mian stepped into the camp, saw the general of the Jie tribe frowning at the map, and sat down beside him. .

After waiting for a short time, he couldn't wait for a response, so he couldn't help asking: "How? Should we continue to divide our troops to attack the city and gradually move towards Jiangqing City, or..."

"Xizhou sent troops?" Xing Sang raised his eyes suddenly and interrupted him.

"There is indeed this news." Su Mian met his gaze, and found that the young man's expression was extremely serious at this time, and there was a trace of anxiety in his brows.

Is this worrying about the approaching deadline of the bet?

Su Mian had a guess in her heart, but she also felt that it shouldn't be. Based on what he knew from getting along with Jiehu during this time, the other party would not be troubled by this matter.

What's more, the so-called "killing the Emperor Wei within three months" does not focus on the deadline, but on killing the Emperor.

As long as Xing Sang can kill the king of Wei, it proves his strength, even if it exceeds the deadline for a few days, what's the problem?

But if it wasn't for worrying about gambling, could it be that he was afraid of sending troops from Xunzhou?

Su Mian was puzzled, and asked tentatively, "Isn't General Xing worried that the Xunzhou Army will ruin our plan?"

Xing Sang didn't nod, nor did he deny it.

"In my opinion, this is the least of our worries. Xunzhou has traveled all the way here, and by the time their reinforcements arrive, we have already gone deep into Huaizhou."

"Don't underestimate the Xunzhou Army." Xing Sang said such a sentence abruptly, then let Su Mian be puzzled, and looked down at the map by himself.

After contemplating for a moment, he locked his eyes on a certain point on the map, and said, "The defense of Shumen Pass is the weakest. Gather your troops and concentrate your forces to capture this place."


In the next few days, the defenders of the cities in Chennan County noticed that the surrounding enemy troops began to retreat. At the same time, some scouts detected a large number of small boats on the Hong River leading directly to Jiangqing City. Soldiers were faintly seen on the boats. The scorpions are connected together, which is quite spectacular.

When Pei Xin heard the news, he became more and more sure that the enemy was going to attack by water, so he sent more troops to defend the river again.

But just when the Southwest King was confused by the enemy's suspicious strategy and turned his attention to the waterway, Xing Sang suddenly led an army to attack Shumen Pass.

After several troop transfers, the land official road, which is convenient for passage, has the fewest defenders.

Xing Sang took advantage of the opportunity to raid the pass at dawn, and Wei's defenders were caught off guard. In the end, under the forceful attack of tens of thousands of troops, they resisted for less than half a day, and were wiped out before reinforcements arrived.

After capturing the pass, Xing Sang didn't stay here any longer. He ordered the soldiers to take only five days of rations, pack lightly, and quickly attack Jiangqing City.

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