After more than half a year, Yin Yunying saw Xing Sang again, and obviously felt that the murderous spirit on the other party was stronger than before when he was in the Huns' camp, and there was some inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

He remembered that he had also seen this kind of look on Huyanyou's face, a frightening and unpredictable look.

After hearing his reason for coming, Xing Sang looked at him without a trace of a smile and asked, "How to prove it?"

"On the way out of Hengchuan City, I got separated from my subordinates, and no one can testify for me." Yin Yunying frowned, and said in a hoarse voice, "However, I have a birthmark on my left shoulder. You escorted me to see King Di, he knew it at a glance, this is something only my parents and elder brother know."

Xing Sang turned his gaze to his shoulder and said, "Look at the birthmark, otherwise I can't trust you."

The bearded man showed obvious displeasure on his face, but after all he wanted something from others, so he had no choice but to unbutton his robe, revealing the birthmark on his left shoulder.

It was a dark red mark, similar to the shape of a butterfly.

Xing Sang took a glance and looked away, his attitude improved a little, but he was still lukewarm: "I will send someone to send a letter to Da Shanyu immediately, during this period, please stay here temporarily."

Yin Yunying put on her clothes and said "Thank you" in a displeased manner.


On this day, Jiang Shu received three pieces of information from Wolong Pavilion. The contents were that Yin Yunying had successfully infiltrated into Xing Sang's camp, Bu Jingyun led the army to capture Shangyu County in Yiling County, and Xie Min arrived in Zhongdun City in Miankou County.

As the number of Crouching Dragon Pavilion members dispatched abroad gradually increased, he would receive secret letters almost every day.

At first, the sender tried to send the secret letter to the state capital through some inconspicuous means, but now there are too many letters to hide, and Lu Qing, who joined the army as a recorder, goes in and out of the Wolong Pavilion headquarters from time to time , causing the news to spread gradually: it turns out that the Yile Restaurant in Xishi is a government property!

For a while, many people went to Yile Restaurant to eat and talk about things.

Having said that, since Bu Jingyun's army had conquered Shangyu, there was only one more Wuxing County left to take back Yiling County and the whole of Qingzhou.

And news came from Wolong Pavilion that Xie Min had arrived in Miankou County, and the timing was just right.

Spring is coming soon, Qingzhou has just been recovered, and more labor force is bound to be needed to help the war-torn counties resume production and construction.

In addition, a new project will be launched this year, shipbuilding to go to sea, and the establishment of a shipyard, which will inevitably require a large number of professionals.

So, it's time to call in a new batch of players!

Jiang Shu made a decision, while Ziming was not in the palace, Dang even opened the game panel and started the fifth player summoning.

Considering that the territory he can control has expanded a lot, the number of player organizations is also expanding, and the major chambers of commerce, Flying Eagles, Crouching Dragon Pavilion, etc. all need the injection of fresh blood, so this time he set the number of summoners at 1 .

As for the screening of player occupations, he narrowed the scope a lot. The selected occupations are mainly concentrated in the shipbuilding and repairing industry, civil engineering construction industry, instrument manufacturing industry, coastal aquaculture industry, offshore workers, navigation industry, etc., which are urgently needed at present. within the industry.

Of course, the medical staff and soldiers who have been in short supply must also be ticked.

After making the selection, Jiang Shu clicked "Submit", and soon a series of familiar system prompts sounded in his ears.

He immediately opened the forum and released the five-test announcement.

[Administrator: The new year is here. In the blink of an eye, players and netizens have spent three years with the game!

In order to thank everyone for your support and love for the "Simulation of Wei" holographic game, the game has decided to open the five-test registration!Click the link below to fill in the relevant information to participate in the lottery for the fifth test quota (you don’t need to fill in again if you have already filled it out). The fifth batch of internal test has 10000 people. The list of selected players will be announced in three days. There are a lot of people in this lottery. , everyone enthusiastically sign up! 】

As usual, as soon as the announcement was issued, a large number of netizens immediately ushered in, but this time everyone's feedback seemed a little strangely emotional.

[7guigy: Hello? 1 people, is this called a lot of people in the lottery?Are you mocking me?

9jg6fd: There are still enthusiastic applicants, please open your eyes and see the number of applicants below, it has already exceeded [-] million!Is it reasonable to withdraw [-] from [-] million?ah? ? ?

500hhg: It's been three years, I've been waiting for a game for three years for the first time, how many three years are there in my life...

3fyfu4: Stop the internal beta, if the test continues, the old players will have to type out the ending, and later people are still playing a fart, go online directly, please!

gu78u9: Think about it, at least the number of draws is increasing every year. Before the [-]th test, I will definitely be able to enter the game :)

shjhui: Don't be in such a hurry, it's normal for such a super-large-scale and super-popular game to take a long time in closed beta!

tsh5hg: It supports games. Think about it, during the closed beta, helmets are always free. When the public beta is released, a game helmet will cost tens of thousands, right?

932ghh: An idea, not necessarily right, will the game not start public beta until Brother Shu becomes emperor and the world is at peace?

aaerar: Curse me, I still took out the ID cards of my grandparents, grandparents, uncles and aunts to sign up.

Mulus: Hey, old players are passing by, good luck to everyone!

zbz56c: All major guilds have posted recruiting posts, strategy posts, travel posts, shopping and food posts have also been topped up, I am so envious of the next batch of players...]

While scrolling through the comments, Ziming entered with several volumes of documents, and Jiang Shu quickly closed the forum.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and it was almost evening, and the light in the hall was dim, as if it had fallen into the sluggish atmosphere before dawn.

Ziming put down the paperwork, and immediately got busy lighting the candles.

Facing the pile of extra documents on the case, Jiang Shu thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Go ask Zhang Zong to come over."


He invited Zhang Zifang over because he thought that some of the previous batches of players were sent by the country, and this batch should be no exception.

That being the case, it would be best if he sent a bigwig in the professional field that he urgently needed right now.

Therefore, after Zhang Zifang came to the main hall, Jiang Shu first chatted with the other party about the situation and battle in Qingzhou, and then said tactfully: "In the next few years, the port construction in Miankou County will be a key project. Shipping needs to build big ships, but Xunyang’s industrial park has not yet been completed, even if Mr. Zhu has the ability to support the sea and the sky, under the pressure of many affairs, he may not be able to do it all at once.”

Before Zhang Zifang came here, he knew that the five tests were about to start. Hearing what he said, he had a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, right after, Jiang Shu smiled at him and said: "Mr. Zhu was recommended by you at the beginning, but now there is a shortage of talents in Xunzhou and Qingzhou. Recommend something to me?"

In fact, even without Jiang Shu's opening, Zhang Zifang had a similar thought when he saw the five test announcement.

Even if Zhu Ming is capable of building ships, it is still too difficult for him to take care of multiple projects by himself.

What's more, this old friend is also a very old person in reality. If he is drained of energy in the game and affects his body in the real world, the loss outweighs the gain.

So upon hearing this, Zhang Zifang cupped his hands without hesitation and replied, "My lord has a request, and I will do my best."

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