Jiangzhou Pu County, Dulong City.

In the army camp outside the city, Xing Sang led people to receive the envoy sent by the leader of the Di tribe.

"The general's intentions, Shan Yu has already understood," the envoy said slowly in a generous voice, "The general has extraordinary courage, and Shan Yu appreciates it very much. He will come to Dulong City in person to meet you in a few days."

"Okay, I'm here waiting for Shan Yu's arrival." Xing Sang responded in a straightforward tone.

The envoy stroked his mustache and nodded, and after a few words of flattery, he got up to leave.

When the envoy of the Di clan left the camp, the bright smile on Xing Sang's face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After being quiet for a while, Guo Tonggui asked in a low voice: "The leader of the Di tribe has accepted the general's refuge?"

Xing Sang glanced at him, nodded "Yes".

"That's fine..."

Meng Xiu saw that the counselor who was also from the Wei family seemed to be very popular with the lord, and wanted to show off in front of the lord, so she said suddenly: "The general's plan is very clever!"

One sentence attracted everyone's attention, he stood up, faced up and said: "We develop in the southwest, and sooner or later we will face the Di tribe. The Di tribe itself is weak, but the current leader Qi Ye is extremely powerful. He is good at buying people's hearts. The Nanyi, Xiqiang, Wuhuan, Southern Xiongnu and other six tribes are all used by him. If the general is against him, it is difficult to get any benefits. There are so many handsome men, if we want to win their favor and take advantage of the power of the Di tribe to expand our territory, we need to find another way."

Speaking of this, he felt Xing Sang's inquisitive eyes on him, and deliberately lowered his voice: "I heard that the leader of the Di tribe has a beloved daughter named Hu Yu, who has not yet engaged in marriage, the general may..."

Before he finished speaking, Meng Xiu suddenly felt a dazzling white light flash in front of his eyes, and when he took a closer look, the military thorn that Xing Sang often used was planted on the ground in front of him, only an inch away from his toes!

Meng Xiu's heart tightened for a moment, she quickly took a step back, and knelt down to beg for mercy: "Xiu overstepped, please forgive me, General."

As his trembling voice fell, there was silence all around.

The quieter it was, the more frightened Meng Xiu became. After an unknown period of time, he heard the person in front of him get up and walk towards him. After a few steps, a pair of leather military boots stood in front of him.

He glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and it seemed that the boots still had the flesh and blood of the people killed in the siege two days ago, exuding a strong and ominous smell.

Meng Xiu felt the cold air wrapped around her body, and goosebumps appeared on her back one after another.

Xing Sang lowered his head, his thin brown pupils stared at the trembling back of the person in front of him. When he was young, he pulled out his army thorns and walked away from the tent without saying a word.

When the footsteps faded away and no sound could be heard, Meng Xiufang swallowed and stood up slowly.

In just a short while, his clothes around the collar were completely soaked, from his neck to his armpits were covered with cold sweat as sticky as frost.

Seeing his pale face, Guo Tonggui walked over with a sigh and said, "For the sake of being Han Chinese, let me remind you that this lord is not a kind person, he only uses obedient people, and finally What I hate is that someone guesses what he means without authorization, and when you are in a bad mood, you should be especially careful not to mess with him."

"Why is the general in a bad mood?" Meng Xiu wiped off her sweat and asked humbly, "I just joined the general's tent, so I don't know the general's likes and taboos at all, so I ask Guo Canjun to give me some pointers."

"Well, I can't say well..."

After his questioning, Guo Tonggui realized that he had never seen Xing Sang having any joy, and even if he had, it was just pretending for others to see.

I am afraid that no one knows better than Xing Sang himself how disgusted his face with strong alien features is when it is not disguised.

But maybe because he was saved by the other party, in Guo Tonggui's view, Xing Sang's face is actually not so cold and scary, but for some reason, that deep-lined face always reminds people of "Xing Sang" whenever he is expressionless. The dark soul of the beast...

"Guo Canjun?" Meng Xiu didn't wait for an answer, and called out.

Guo Tonggui withdrew his thoughts, raised his head and faced the flattering smile of the person in front of him.

He knew that the people who worked around Xing Sang would be a little afraid of him, and it was natural for Meng Xiu to want to ask about his lord's preferences, but considering that he couldn't understand the mind of that Jie youth, he didn't talk to Meng Xiu. Xiu talked too much, and only persuaded in a tactful tone: "In short, think twice before acting, you should be more careful in the future."

Meng Xiu paused, then smiled and nodded stiffly.


"Lu Canjun, I put your newspaper in the mailbox at the door for you!"

Following the yell of the newspaper delivery man, Lu Qing woke up from his sleep.

He heard the man's footsteps briskly going away from the corridor outside the door, and after a while, that young voice appeared again in front of the next house.

"Zhang Zong, I put your newspaper in the mailbox at the door for you!"

Except for the different titles, the words and tone are exactly the same. Such a vigorous voice should be that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

Lu Qing lay on the bed, thinking about these irrelevant trifles aimlessly. After he regained consciousness for a while, he got up, picked up the clothes on the bedside, and put them on.

Stepping on thick and soft cotton slippers, Lu Qing walked to the window and opened the thick linen curtains. With the biting morning breeze blowing in front of him, the bright morning sun fell on the wooden floor of the room through the window lattice.

He picked up the teacup on the desk by the window, poured the cold water that he hadn't drunk last night into the potted camellia on the table, then added two briquettes to the stove, and took a ladle of water from the water tank Pour it into a pot, lift the pot and put it on the stove to heat.

While waiting for the water to boil, he opened the door and took out the newspaper that had just been delivered from the mailbox nailed to the wall on the right side of the door. Afterwards, he did not rush back to the house, but went to the sunny place on the porch to dry it. up the sun.

Because it is winter, most of the flowers and trees in the courtyard have lost their leaves and their branches are bare, which looks like a winter withered scene, but under the reflection of the morning sun, it looks unexpectedly refreshing and clear.

Lu Qing looked out at the courtyard and stretched, feeling unprecedentedly comfortable.

Since entering the military mansion and joining the army as a secretary, he has moved into this mansion named "Luming Mansion No. [-]" to live in.

According to my colleagues, the residences in the two neighborhoods were the private residences of noble officials a few years ago. Later, the lord took Miryang City back from the Xiongnu and learned that the original owners of this house had been killed by the Xiongnu. These unowned houses were collected for public use, and after unified repairs, they were named Luming Mansion. They were specially allocated to officials in the mansion to live in, and occasionally received guests from outside.

There are many officials in the state capital, and the residences are limited. It is impossible to allocate a house to one person. Therefore, a rule was established at the beginning. Anyone who has a family or has both parents can apply for a separate courtyard. Colleagues live in the same courtyard.

As a bachelor, Lu Qing can only live with his colleagues no matter how high his official position is.

However, he didn't have any requirements for the accommodation conditions. It was a free accommodation, so why should he pay so much attention to it.

What's more, the assigned room has been well-renovated enough. Not only are all the indoor furniture available, but there are also many strange things that he has never seen before, such as the smokeless, odorless and easy-to-burn briquettes, the high desk and chair that are convenient for writing He likes the sleep-promoting window curtains that, once drawn, can make the room dark.

In addition, staying in this Luming mansion, every season and special festival, you can also receive some extra benefits from the lord to the officials.

If he stayed in winter, he would receive a set of cotton products including bedding, blankets, shoes and hats, cotton clothes, a stove for heating water, and a potted camellia with white buds.

When Lu Qing received this camellia potted plant at first, he was a little puzzled, and pondered for a while what the lord's intention was.

Later, he put the potted plants indoors on the desk where the morning sun can shine. Whenever he looked up and saw the dark green color when he was working at home, he always felt a lot more relaxed, and only then did he understand the good intentions of the lord .

Basking in the sun at the door and flipping through the newspaper, it didn't take long for the kettle in the house to make a gurgling sound when the water was boiling.

Lu Qing entered the room with the newspaper, washed with hot water, made a cup of hot tea, and sat at the table while reading the newspaper while drinking tea.

Today he doesn't have to go to the military mansion to report, but only needs to go to Wolong Pavilion to give lectures in Sishi Middle School, so there is still plenty of time in the morning.

With hot tea in this way, after reading the new newspaper in December, Lu Qing took his time to change his shoes and go out.

It is rare to have such a beautiful and sunny winter day, so you should take a stroll in the streets.

After leaving the building, he deliberately went to the Nie's restaurant opposite the county school to eat a bowl of tomato egg noodles.

The soup noodles have a strong tomato flavor, sweet and sour, very appetizing. The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that there is no tomato in the soup.

Lu Qing is not a fussy person, but he ordered this noodle just to eat the tomato, and now that the tomato was not in sight, he was unavoidably unhappy, so when the clerk passed by, he stopped him and asked him a question.

"The tomato soup at Zhending Hot Pot Restaurant is full of boiled tomatoes, why is there nothing in your tomato egg noodles?"

Seeing his displeasure, the clerk probably thought he was here to inquire about the crime, so he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, guest officer, if you had come two months earlier, we must have tomatoes here, now, just You can cook it with tomato sauce, but you can’t afford fresh tomatoes right now, the tomatoes in the vegetable market are almost sold for [-] yuan a catty, if you use fresh ones, your bowl of noodles will cost more than that.”

After hearing his explanation, Lu Qing understood that tomato is not a vegetable of this season.

Seeing that the clerk still had a flattering expression, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. He actually wanted to hold him back to question such a question that ordinary people would know at a glance, almost making a joke out of it.

Lu Qing thanked the buddy, and then couldn't help expressing that sentence again in his heart.

Coming to Miryang, he still has a lot to learn!

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