The news of Murong Qing's assassination on the way was sent back to Dingshan County three days later. Upon learning of this, Murong Liao immediately summoned Murong Feng to ask him whether it was true or not.

"The crown prince encountered an ambush on the way back to the city. He said that he found the letter you wrote to Duan Bu on the ambush soldier. He suspected that this assassination was a conspiracy between you and Duan Bu. Is it true?"

Murong Feng was horrified when he heard this, and almost thought that he had given some wrong information, which made Duan take action without authorization.

But then he felt that it was impossible, so he hastily denied it: "There is absolutely no such thing, my son did have some friendship with Duan Bu's son, but that was the friendship formed four years ago when the three alliances fought, and you know it, father." In this matter, my son has always respected brother Wang's benevolence and generosity, how could he do such a despicable act, please father Wang clearly."

"Well, I also think this matter is a bit strange." After a moment of silence, Murong Liao slowly analyzed, "As an assassin, carrying letters with him is too deliberate, it seems to be intentional."

"What the father said is very true." Murong Feng agreed, feeling a little relieved.

In fact, he even doubted that this was a scene directed and acted by Murong Qing himself, but just now he said that he respected his elder brother's virtues, so it is not good to ask questions at this time, so he can only bear with being aggrieved for a while.

Murong Liao paid attention to the expression of the second son, seeing that his expression of shock and forbearance did not seem to be fake, so he dispelled his doubts about him.

At the same time, he thought deeply, assassinating the crown prince in the name of Murong Feng and Duan, if the assassination succeeded, who would be the winner?

In an instant, Murong Liao came to a conclusion.

In the current situation, if he really falls into this trap, he will definitely punish his second son severely and hold grudges against the Duan family. At that time, the two will become enemies, and he will withdraw his troops and return to the city to stand firm. Bu Jingyun will undoubtedly gain the most.

But it is impossible for Bu Jingyun to know the connection between Murong Feng and Duan Bu, and it is even more impossible to forge his letters. Moreover, going north from Donghe County to Dingshan, one must either cross the river or take a detour from Miankou, both of which are heavily guarded. It is almost impossible for an ambush of more than a hundred people to pass quietly.

And once the suspicion of the Wei people is put aside, the most likely to carry out this plan is their neighbor Yuwen Department.

Thinking of this, Murong Liao narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has always been aware of Yuwen Yingshuo's ambition to annex the various ministries of Donghu and unify beyond the Great Wall, and even some of his subordinates secretly colluded with the Yuwen Ministry. If Yuwen Yingshuo sent someone to do this, then everything can be explained smoothly.

It seems that no matter how low-key he is, the Murong tribe went south to expand their territory and strengthen their power, some people still couldn't hold back their envy.

"Father, do you want me to send someone to investigate the identity of that ambush soldier?" The more Murong Feng thought about it, the more he felt that Murong Ming was trying to frame him, and he couldn't help feeling resentful in his heart.

Fortunately, his father trusted him enough, otherwise he could only suffer this dark loss and be reprimanded.

He wanted to seek justice and expose Murong Liao's lies, but Murong Liao shook his head: "Three days have passed, if you go again at this time, all you will see is a pile of rotten bones bitten and devoured by wild animals. Can't find anything."

Murong Feng frowned, but didn't respond.

Seeing his reluctance, Murong Liao comforted him and said: "The enemy is dark and we are clear. It is hard to find a solution to this matter. We can only send an army back to the capital to strengthen our defenses. As for the prince's misunderstanding of you, I will write to him to explain." .”

Murong Feng took a deep breath, restrained the anger in his heart and said, "Thank you, father, for your trouble."

"At the moment, we still focus on the situation in the south." Murong Liao said in a low voice, and then changed the topic: "According to reports from scouts, the Wei army has been collecting food and grass from many places recently, and it may be preparing to attack Miankou."

Murong Feng clasped his fists and said, "My son, please lead your troops to defend."

Murong Liao frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Bu Jingyun is full of tricks, I will personally lead the troops to Zhongdun to deal with it, and you stay in Dingshan County to prevent the Wei army from crossing the river and making a surprise attack."

Murong Feng paused, then nodded yes.


Because of the assassination incident, Murong Qing was worried on the way back to the city, fearing that he would be ambushed and attacked again by Duan's Xianbei, and he rarely even got out of the carriage along the way, until the team arrived in Datong City, he was relieved.

A few days later, Murong Liao sent General Guangwu to lead [-] soldiers back to the city to guard the city, which relieved Murong Liao a little. Extremely dissatisfied.

He said that the assassination was too suspicious, and advised him to think carefully and put more trust in Murong Feng. In Murong Qing's view, this was his father's blatant preference for his younger brother.

He had resentment in his heart, but because of the upright Huairen image he had always pretended to be, he had to pretend to express his trust and understanding for his younger brother in the letter to his father, which made him even more annoyed.

"I said earlier that my father loves him very much, and I will not believe that this matter is his mastermind." Because Xie Min was the one who experienced the assassination incident with him, Murong Ming found him immediately after receiving the letter Confiding, expressing the dissatisfaction that has been smoldering for a long time.

"But His Highness informed Shan Yu of this matter, at least in the next period of time, Second Highness will restrain himself."

"It's restrained now, what about the future?" Murong's pale and delicate face became a little distorted because of jealousy and anxiety, "The evidence is clearly in front of us, but the father turns a blind eye and doesn't get rid of him. Do you want me to live forever?" Under his threat?"

"Since His Royal Highness has returned to Datong City, there will be no danger in the short term. Shan Yu has a clear eye. As long as His Highness can take advantage of this opportunity to make achievements and win the hearts of the people, even if His Second Highness is favored again, it will not affect His Highness. The position of the crown prince," Xie Min advised in a thoughtful tone, "As for revenge, His Highness must not act in a hurry, especially not to let his cronies participate in the planning, otherwise once the plan is leaked, Shan Yu will be suspicious."

Murong Qing's expression was slightly stagnant, and suddenly he seemed to be inspired by something, and his eyes sparkled when he looked at him: "You mean, you want to borrow someone else's hand?"

Xie Min's lips were straight, and he said calmly: "It would be most appropriate if I could borrow someone else's hand."

Murong Qing nodded, then got up immediately, pacing the hall with a pensive expression.

Xie Yin lowered his head, picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, the room was silent.

After a while, Murong Qing broke the silence: "He can borrow the strength of the Duan family, and I can also borrow troops from the Yuwen Department."

Xie Min raised his eyes to look at his half-dark side face, and gave a suggestion: "I'm afraid this is inappropriate. The Yuwen Department has always been strong, and I'm afraid it will be easier to invite God than to send God away."

"You're right, but the person I want to contact is not the head of the Yuwen Department." Murong Xuan turned to him sideways, with a calm expression on his face, as if he had thought about it a long time ago, but only revealed it at this time, "General Zuo Yuwen Tou is Yuwen Yingshuo nephew, and my mother is his own sister, if you ask him to help, he should keep his promise in terms of kinship."

Xie Yin remained still, as if he was weighing the pros and cons of this plan. After a long silence, he raised his head and said, "If there is such a relationship, you can give it a try."

Meeting his peaceful eyes that implied affirmation, Murong Qing suddenly had great confidence in his own thoughts.

Once he had a rough plan, he instantly broke away from the anxiety about his own life, and returned to a gentle and hypocritical appearance. He sat back in his original position, smiled and said politely: "Thank you!" What Sheren said earlier is reasonable, I really should take this opportunity to win the hearts of the people as soon as possible, and I would like to ask Xie Sheren for advice on where to implement it."


"Huyanyou, the great Shanyu of the Xiongnu, died suddenly. His second son, King Guli, and his wife Zhuanquyanshi wanted to usurp the throne, but they were beheaded by Zuoxian King Huyan Manman and the left and right generals."

Jiang Shu opened the secret letter with the seal of Wolong Pavilion, and the first piece of information he saw was this shocking news.

He wanted to know more details about the internal turmoil in the court of the Xiongnu, but the Wolong Pavilion had just been established, and there were not many people who could collect information, and since Yin Yunying left, the Xiongnu lacked spies who could inquire into the upper-level secrets. So what can be learned at present is only such general news.

The Xiongnu forces have been entrenched in the Northland for a long time and are deeply rooted. The death of the Hun King will undoubtedly cause a huge shock to the situation in the Northland. From the current point of view, the two places that are most affected are Yongzhou and the other. It is in Xizhou.

Because of the internal turmoil in the royal court and Wuxia was concerned about the territory of Yongzhou, Xun Ling took the opportunity to lead an army of [-] troops northward to recover the lost ground.

At the same time, relying on his accumulated prestige among the Xiongnu soldiers, Xing Sang took the opportunity to gather several Xiongnu routs and a few Jiehu slaves who were defeated by King Zuo Xian and belonged to King Guli. An army of [-] people turned westward with great speed and captured Peilin County, Xizhou. The base claimed to be the prefect of Peilin and the champion general.

Xing Sang's betrayal of the Xiongnu was expected by Jiang Shu, but he was still in awe of him being able to establish his own power and territory in such a short period of time.

Sure enough, the protagonist is still the protagonist, and his ability to dominate will not be affected by changes in the plot.

According to the analysis of Xing Sang's current actions, his goal is still set in the west. If his power grows in the future, he will inevitably conflict with the Di tribe who are entrenched in Xizhou.

Although the growth of Xing Sang's power is not something to be happy about, the Di tribe is also not easy to mess with. If the two meet and spend each other's strength, it will be a good thing for him.

Jiang Shu calculated in his mind, looked away and continued to look down.

I thought the news of the death of the Hun King was surprising enough, but I didn't expect that there would be something even more outrageous below.

Since the beginning of spring this year, the Di tribe has sent a large army south to Jiangzhou, sending troops to attack Riyan, Qingzhi and other counties. He had to seek support until Yongwu County, where the state capital was located, was captured, and he finally became afraid. The county magistrates in the southeast of Jiangzhou and other places resisted hard, and he fled south in a hurry and hid in Huangzhou.

After reading the news, Jiang Shu didn't know what to say.

Wang Ci's departure is tantamount to packing up the Jiangzhou territory and sending it to the Di people, and he is a big sinner for both the country and the people.

However, considering his background from the Dingshan Wang family, he probably doesn't care about the infamy. As the younger brother of the chariot general Wang Yi, even if he does such irresponsible things, he will not be convicted by the court .

Jiang Shu shook his head speechlessly, then looked down.

Because of the outrageous deeds of the governor of Jiangzhou, he was no longer surprised when he saw the battle on the court side.

Since Duan Yingxiong led the begging army to leave Lingzhou, Southwest King Pei Xin dismissed Su Mian from the post of governor of Lingzhou on the charge of suppressing rebellion, and issued an edict to proclaim himself the shepherd of Lingzhou and Huaizhou.

Under the blessing of the Kong family, Su Mian has been majestic for many years, so how can he accept this anger? He has already been targeted by the Southwest King, no matter whether he accepts the imperial court's orders or not, he will die. The Southwest Kingdom is ruled as the king in the Lingzhou area.

The Southwest King was angry and anxious about this, and declared to the outside world that he would personally lead an army to wipe out the rebels.

But in fact, judging from the information obtained by the spies, the king of the Southwest's move was really a ulterior motive.

——He pretended to lead an army to attack Lingzhou, but in fact he wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Huaiyang King, a confidant.

As early as more than a month ago, the remnants of the Kong family had been wiped out by Xun Ling, but Huaiyang King still refused to retreat at Huazhou. How could the Southwest King, who regarded Huaizhou as his territory, tolerate it.

Therefore, he conspired with his staff to come up with such a trick, deliberately sending troops to attack Lingzhou, creating the illusion that the capital is empty, but in fact, he has already sent troops to ambush inside and outside Hengchuan City. Attack Huaiyang King's army in the name of crusade against rebels.

Now this plan has not yet been implemented, but Jiang Shu saw the strategy of the Southwest King, and could already foresee the chaos in the Southland.

"It doesn't matter if there is chaos or chaos, the court can't take care of itself, that's my chance to seize Qingzhou."

Speaking of the situation in Qingzhou, at the end of the secret letter there is only a short sentence of information - "Prince Murong Xianbei Murong Wei was ambushed, and Xie Qixian was the mastermind behind it."

This is no wonder, after all, apart from Xunzhou, Qingzhou is the place with the most players, and any news that can be obtained on the surface has already been spread on the forum.

Regarding this item in Qingzhou, Wolong Pavilion recorded it as if it was a routine, and Yue Mo Yin Yunying thought that he had known all Xie Yin's plans for a long time.

In fact, after learning that Xie Yin plotted to assassinate the prince and blame Murong Feng and Duan's Xianbei, Jiang Shu could indeed roughly infer the other party's follow-up plan.

This plan can be said to be specially designed to target the weaknesses of each of Murong Liao and his son. If it goes well, there will be chaos in the three tribes of Xianbei.

Whenever Jiang Shu deduces the changes in the situation in Qingzhou Beidi in his mind, he can't help but sigh with emotion. He never imagined that the characters of Murong, father and son, who were written by Bu Jingyun to facilitate the fight against Murong Xianbei, could be captured by Xie Yin. So well utilized.

Looking at it now, Murong Liao is not without flaws, his flaw is "appointing people on their merits".

This should have been his advantage, but he mistrusted Xie Min, mistakenly thinking that what he brought back was really just a noble, weak and sickly scholar from the South who was captured by him, and overconfidently thought that at his age Experience can easily play with these young people in the applause.

But this is also normal. Xie Yin's flawless white jade-like appearance is naturally able to make people feel close to him. If he deliberately pretends to be a bit more, he will show a little bit of himself in the posture of a sickly beauty. Family background and knowledgeable, few people can not fall into his trap.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shu suddenly had a thought: Actually, am I the same?

At the beginning, he also clearly knew that Xie Yin approached him for the purpose of curing the disease, but later, at some point, he unconsciously showed his sincerity to communicate with the other party. Until now, what Xie Yin said, Whether it is following him to make contributions, or expressing his words, he has never had the slightest doubt.

Once he replaced himself as Murong Liao, Jiang Shu suddenly felt terrified.

If you say that you are also the one who was deceived, all of this in the past was a play on the occasion, Xie Yin never changed his purpose from beginning to end, and following him was only for his family...

These things flashed through Jiang Shu's mind, and he quickly shook his head, it's impossible, Xie Yin has done this for him, how could he doubt the other party's sincerity.

Immediately, he began to think back on the past with the other party, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

To put it bluntly, it is still the sense of crisis caused by the distance. If Xie Min was by his side at this moment, he could touch it with his hand, he would definitely not have these worries and distractions.

Jiang Shu picked up the secret letter and burned it on a candle.

Seeing the letter paper igniting flames and gradually turning into ashes, he sighed slightly and said silently: "Quickly end it."


In the north of the city, Wolong Pavilion.

The newly bought house is still being renovated, and Yin Yunying, the owner of the pavilion, can only explain his affairs in his bedroom for the time being.

He carefully looked at the woman in front of him for a moment, and said: "Your body and face are in good condition, but your figure is too mature and lacks the slenderness and lightness of a girl. Maybe it's not the type that Hu Yan quite likes."

Ji Wuyou showed worry: "Ah, then I have to change my body?"

"No need, it's good to have a good temperament, and the figure can be covered up with clothes," Yin Yunying said, taking out a document and handing it to her, "The experience and preferences about Huyan Manman are all on it, you can look at it and think about it yourself , find a way to get close to him."

"it is good."

"In addition, pay attention to protecting your own safety. If you experience psychological discomfort during the performance, you should quit in time. The task is not that important."

"Don't worry, teacher, my heart is very strong." Ji Wuyou clenched his fists and said.

Yin Yunying nodded, and finally added: "By the way, there is one thing I forgot to write. There is a white moonlight in Huyan Manman's heart called Yinger. During the mission, you can change your name to Yinger or Xiaoying. Just to get his attention."

Ji Wuyou first answered "Yes" with a smile, then seemed to suddenly realize something, and asked with flickering eyes: "Wait, teacher, you must have acted this shadow, right?"

Yin Yunying didn't answer, but just smiled ambiguously.

So Ji Wuyou couldn't help showing an excited smile: "Don't worry, Teacher Yin, I will love him for you."

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