With Jiang Shu's current status, he was going to hold a crowning ceremony, and naturally many guests were invited.

It's just that the current situation is special, it's okay for those who are close, but for those who are far away, even the relatives of the Liu family in Xiangjun can hardly come, so they can only send someone to send a congratulatory gift as a token of blessing.

Therefore, when he held the coronation ceremony this time, he received a lot of congratulatory gifts from outside the prefecture and county, and even some aristocratic families who had never met before, did not know where they got the news, and sent people to send congratulatory gifts early.

As for the guests who came to attend the ceremony, they were mainly relatives and friends from Xing County and nearby counties, including Jiang Xian. As his elder brother, he also spared time to rush over from Duanmen. He arrived in Miryang two days in advance to help his parents prepare together. Crown matters.

When the youngest son is an adult, the busiest person is Jiang Ke. He is responsible for the busy running around of the preceptors, divination guests, and guest guests.

Although we are in troubled times, many etiquette procedures have to be simplified, but above the crown ceremony, it is still very important to choose the official guest who will perform the crowning ceremony for the crowned person. Jiang Ke is really troubled by this.

If it were a year ago, even when Jiang Shu was still the prefect, this candidate would not be so difficult to choose, but now with his official position, it is really difficult for the current Xunzhou to find enough elders with high morals and prestige to perform the coronation ceremony, Jiang Ke After thinking about it for a long time, Fang remembered that in the suburbs of Xunyang, there lived a famous Confucian, Yuan Gong and Yuan Ling, who had been an official to the head of the Jiuqing.

Yuan Ling is now 76 years old, and because of his advanced age, Fang did not move to Hengchuan with the imperial army, but now it is really not easy for him to go to Miryang at his age.

Although he felt that there was little hope in his heart, there were too few suitable candidates, so Jiang Ke went to visit the long-retired former Taichang Qing with gifts and invited him to be the youngest son crowned The guest of honor at the ceremony.

I thought that the other party would not agree, but unexpectedly, after Yuan Ling heard what he wanted, he agreed without hesitation.

"Your son is extraordinary. He can make Xianzhou peaceful and prosperous, and crown the governor of Jiang. This old man can't refuse."

With a few simple words, the most important guest of honor was resolved, and the big stone in Jiang Ke's heart finally fell. At the same time, he was secretly proud. If the youngest son had not quelled the Hun rebellion in Xunzhou, he would definitely not have invited this famous Confucian as the guest of honor.

When he heard that an old man who was nearly eighty years old was going to come all the way to crown himself, Jiang Shu really panicked, and specially arranged for two players from the Healer's Chamber of Commerce to escort him along the way, just in case something went wrong along the way.

As for the praiser to assist the crown ceremony, after Jiang Ke invited Yuan Ling, he went to the Xunyang County Mansion nearby and asked Cui Ming, who is currently Yan Qiao Yin, to be the one, and the other party also readily agreed , expressed his willingness to put aside the affairs of the county for the time being, and go to Miryang, just to take this opportunity to visit the governor and learn from the governor in terms of government affairs.

Once the guest of honor and the champion of the crown are determined, the choice of other assistants for the crown ceremony will be easy, just select a few people from the state government officials.

The day before the crowning ceremony, Cui Ming and Yuan Ling arrived in Miryang one after another. Jiang Shu personally greeted them at the gate and arranged for them to stay in the state capital temporarily.

Yuan Ling used to be Taichang, in charge of the ancestral temple cemetery, rites and music sacrifices, and all the emperor's sacrifice ceremonies were guided and presided over by him. He is a real expert in etiquette.

Hearing that the crowning ceremony was not held in the family temple, but in the state capital, although it was out of etiquette, he could understand it. Instead of showing displeasure, he personally pointed out how to arrange the main hall, the orientation of each item, The positions of the personnel and the selection of sacrificial objects were all asked one by one, and reasonable suggestions were given.

This made the crowning ceremony, which had been simplified a lot, look more formal, and also made Jiang Shu feel a little more serious and tense about his coming-of-age ceremony.

There was no rehearsal for this matter, and there were many guests who came to watch the ceremony. If I made a mistake in any step, I would really lose face.

So on the eve of the crown ceremony, Jiang Shu kept memorizing the route and process Jiang Ke instructed, and ordered Zhitao and the two guards to cooperate with him to simulate the process of the crown ceremony twice. After confirming that it was probably correct, Fang went to bed with a slightly nervous mood. .

The next day was very beautiful, it was a warm and sunny day.

Early in the morning, Jiang Shu started to get busy after a simple two bites of food. Under the service of the maid, she washed and dressed, put on a black cloth with red brocade trim, and tied her hair with red brocade.

The pure combination of red and black all over her body made Jiang Shuqing's upright face suddenly more serene and solemn.

Even Zhitao, who was dressing up for him, accidentally looked up and saw the dignified and luxurious young man in front of him, she couldn't help being stunned, and said: "Mr. Lang looks quite powerful in this suit."

Jiang Shu slightly raised his eyebrows: "Lack of momentum in the past?"

Zhitao shook her head quickly: "What I mean by this slave is that the momentum is even stronger now."

Jiang Shu smiled and didn't answer any more.

After the preparations were completed and the time was up, Jiang Shu was led to the main hall.

Stepping into the main hall, one can see that all the guests have arrived, and the hall is filled with the bright morning sun.

As the host, Jiang Ke, the guest of honor Yuan Ling, and the praiser Cui Ming are all dressed in Xuanduan, with calm and solemn faces. Jiang Xian is also dressed in black, which is rare and serious.

Infected by the atmosphere, Jiang Shu couldn't help but lighten his movements, and sat down at the banquet holding his breath.

As if sensing his nervousness, Cui Ming purposely raised the corners of his lips and smiled at him before sitting down to comb his hair.

This young man has a gentle and handsome face, and when he smiles, there is a special appeal. Jiang Shu saw his smile, and for some reason, the scene of Xie Yin tying his hair before leaving suddenly appeared in his mind.

Soft memories flashed, which made him relax a lot unconsciously. He raised his eyes to Cui Ming and smiled back, and said "Thank you" in a low voice.

When the hair was tied, Cui Ming got up and stepped aside.

Yuan Ling walked slowly to the hall to wash, turned around and bowed to Jiang Ke, then went to the banquet and sat down, tidied Jiang Shu's bed, then got up again, went down a step from the west side, and took the hat from Yousi , holding the back item of the crown in his right hand and the front end of the crown in his left hand, walked up to Jiang Shu, and said: "On the auspicious day of Lingyue, I will start to add yuan clothes. Abandon your young ambitions, and follow your success. Shoukao Weiqi, Jieerjing blessing."

After all, he sat down before the banquet and solemnly put on the black cloth crown for Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu got up slowly, accepted the guest's salute, and then returned to the room to put on Xuanduan and Juewei.

Then it's the same process again.

After changing his clothes, he went back to sit at the banquet, and added a leather hat for the second time.

"The auspicious moon and the chen are Shen Erfu. Respect Er's majesty, Shu Shende. My sister will live forever and receive Hu Fu forever."

Yuan Ling's deep voice echoed in the hall, adding a bit of simplicity to the ceremony.

The guest of honor was crowned, and then the person who praised the crown tied the belt. Jiang Shu accepted the ceremony, went back to the room again and changed clothes, put on Suji and Suwei, tidied up his appearance, and came to the hall.

The third time it was added as the crown of Jue Bian.

"With the righteousness of the year, with the order of the month, Xianjiaer obeys. Brothers are present, so that they can become Jude. The yellow scorpion has no boundaries, and it is celebrated by the sky."

As soon as the wide and long crown was worn, Jiang Shu seemed to feel that his body became heavy all of a sudden.

Looking up at the old man's deep and kind eyes, he clearly realized for the first time that his body in this world will formally become an adult, and the responsibilities he must shoulder in the future will inevitably be heavier.

When he went back to the room again, changed into heavy clothes and pure clothes, tied on red knee caps, and saw himself in the mirror when he turned around, Jiang Shu suddenly felt as if he had been separated from another world.

Under the sunlight, my face reflected in the bronze mirror was glowing with white light, I couldn't see my face clearly, I could only see a grand dress on my body, all the past life seemed to be a distant dream at this moment.

During the quiet moment, Jiang Shu slightly changed the angle and saw her face clearly, a face that was a little more mature than when she first saw it, and because she was wearing dignified and gorgeous clothes, she looked extraordinarily imposing.

He straightened his appearance in silence, and thought to himself: Jiang Shu, you are an adult.

Completing three coronations means that a person has officially come of age, but the coronation ceremony is not over yet.

Immediately afterwards, it is necessary to learn the sacrificial rituals from the guest of honor, sacrifice the ancestors with fine wine, dried meat, and meat sauce, and take the dried meat to worship the mother and thank her for her kindness in giving birth.

After going through a series of matters, it was almost noon when I returned to the hall.

The sunlight in the hall faded away, leaving only a warm residual temperature. Jiang Shu stood quietly on the west side, waiting for the guest of honor to add his words.

I only heard Yuan Ling's thick and old voice slowly announce: "Etiquette is ready, and the moon is auspicious, and I will tell you the word. The word Kong Jia, the fashionable man is suitable. It is suitable for fakes, and it will last forever. It is called Fengcheng."

Jiang Shu raised his hand and made a deep bow.


After the coronation ceremony was over, Jiang Shu returned to the room, exhausted. After changing into the usual swallow clothes, she lay down on the rocking chair. While rocking the rocking chair, she wanted to fall asleep drowsily.

But before he closed his eyes, he still couldn't restrain the particularly turbulent thoughts in his heart. He opened the forum and left a comment on Papa Ling's post.

[Administrator: Jiang Shu asked me to bring a message. He held a crown ceremony today and took the word "Fengcheng". 】


Xie Min came out of Murong Qing's courtyard, feeling the yellow sunset shining on his face, he couldn't help but stop, and looked up at the sky.

The sun was setting, and there was a gorgeous cloud floating in the western sky, which looked magnificent and peaceful.

Suddenly a sound of footsteps broke the silence, Xie Min looked sideways, and saw Murong Feng in black boots walking towards him with a few attendants.

"Xie Qixian," Murong Feng seemed to have come here specially for him. He clearly knew that Murong An's residence was right next to him, but he didn't even look at it. The farming and mulberry affairs ordered by the king?"

Xie Yin did not deny it: "What does Your Highness want to know?"

"I don't want to know anything. I'm not interested in farming and raising silkworms. I just came here to remind you." Murong Feng looked at him and lowered his voice slightly: "You have to be careful, my brother Wang Refined and elegant, in fact, the most hypocritical and jealous, what he hates the most is young talents like you who are smarter and more elegant than him. Jealous of you, if you don't do well, it will give him a reason to sue the father."

Hearing this, Xie Min frowned slightly as if in embarrassment, and then said, "According to what His Highness said, what should I do?"

Murong Feng waited for him to ask this question, and replied: "If you don't want to do things for him, I will ask my father to let you come to my tent to be my assistant, how about it?"

"Your Highness is not worried that I will steal military secrets?"

"You have the guts, though you can try."

Xie Yin was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said inexplicably, "Your Highness, it looks like Shan Yu."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands and bowed, and left this place first.

Seeing the back of him leaving gracefully, Murong Feng couldn't help being stunned, then turned around and asked the attendant behind him: "What does he mean when he says that I resemble my father? Are you praising me for being wise and powerful?"

Looking back on Xie Yin's tone, the attendant didn't think that the other party seemed to be praising Murong Feng, but he saw that Murong Feng loved Xie Yin and intended to please him, so he echoed: "My little one thinks that Xie Sheren is doing something It implies that His Highness is more like Shan Yu and more suitable for the position of prince."

Murong Feng raised his eyebrows, stroked his chin and thought for a moment, felt that what the attendant said was very reasonable, couldn't help but smile: "Thank you Qixian, you really have vision."


Xie Min returned to his courtyard, and saw Father Ling sitting on the steps of the corridor at the door, leaning against the porch pillar and staring at the void, with his legs up and down, very unsettled.

He cleared his throat, and Papa Ling immediately put down his feet and stood up. He said happily, "You've come back. Let me tell you some good news, do you want to listen?"

"Go in and talk."

"It's okay, there's no one here," Ling's father said quickly, "The good news is Brother Shu's. He held the crown ceremony today, and took the word, called 'Feng Cheng', the phoenix of Phoenix, the present."

Xie Yin stopped abruptly, then turned and looked towards the sky.

All the clouds in the west had dissipated at this time, only a streamer-like crimson remained in the clear sky, like a phoenix spreading its wings.

"Feng Cheng..." He said it silently, with a soft smile in his eyes.

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