A stack of thick papers together with a student roster was placed on the desk by Zi Ming. When the papers rubbed against the desk and fell, they exuded a smell of paper and ink unique to the examination papers.

Jiang Shu took the roster and opened it, and on the first page, there was a player's name listed on it——Luo Pengfei, who scored first in four subjects, nearly full marks in classics, history, and laws, and got full marks in mathematics.

The full score in the mathematics test was not beyond Jiang Shu's expectations. He used to spend time taking a pen to do the math paper before going to bed this time. It only took half an hour to complete the entire paper, and a pair of answers followed, even if He can still get a high score even though he hasn't touched a math test for several years after graduation, so if other players are often exposed to this subject, it shouldn't be a problem to get a full score in the test.

To his surprise, Luo Pengfei was able to get such high scores in the other three subjects.

You must know that the historiography and jurisprudence they take are not the history and law of China. Only by studying in the county school, they can thoroughly grasp the knowledge that is completely unfamiliar in another world. It seems that this player is a person with a super memory. Hiding the top student.

Jiang Shu thought to himself, and turned to the next page, and what he saw was another player's name, Song Xueyan.

It's a pity for this player, only one subject of economics is slightly lower than No.1, and the scores of other subjects are exactly the same as Luo Pengfei's. It is estimated that the other party will regret it for a while when the results are announced.

The first two were taken by the players, and then scrolling down, they were all the names of the aborigines one after another, occasionally mixed with a few players.

While looking through the pages, Jiang Shu roughly remembered their names and the subjects they were good at, and would call Liu Gongcao to arrange suitable positions for them tomorrow.

When the roster reached No.60 and No. 240, a student with a total score of less than [-] appeared for the first time. Jiang Shu took a closer look and found that it was a player named Zhang San.

Unfortunately, he will miss the career of "official" because of the difference of two points.

When they negotiated the admission score line with Qin Shang and others, they set the rule like this. If the total score of the four subjects is lower than the passing line, they will have to repeat the grade and continue studying.

The main purpose of this graduation exam is to select low-level officials for the prefectures and counties in Lianxun and Pingluo. The two counties and thirteen counties together require a lot of officials, so the difficulty of the test paper is set relatively low. As long as you listen to the class, you can pass. Most of those who failed to pass the exam did not spend much time studying, and it is not a pity to be screened out.

After looking through the roster, Jiang Shu took the time to browse the top ten test papers.

He was going to select three of the top ten to stay in Miyang County Mansion for training, so he discussed with Qin Shang the moral character of these students for a while, and when he had a good understanding, he called the guards with guns at the door to come in and ordered them Send the papers and roster to the archives room specially set up by the government office for the county school for backup storage.

From now on, no matter who wants to access these papers, it needs to be approved by the government.

After completing this, today's work is almost over.

He sent Qin Shang and his assistant away with a smile on his face, and when the two guards came back, Jiang Shu asked them to help Ziming carry the gift box of cosmetics back to the back house.

These complete sets of cosmetic gift boxes were sent by Jin Cao together with the account books today. They were a gift from "Qiyan Pavilion" to the major shareholder behind him. Jiang Shu thought that he could give one or two sets to his mother, so he just accepted it.

The new cosmetics for the first time are actually divided into two series, one is the simple and gorgeous mother-of-pearl lacquerware series, and the other is the exquisite and elegant carving and embroidery series. Qiyan Pavilion gave him five sets of each of the two series of products, a total of ten box.

Jiang Shu was going to send two sets to the Xunyang County Mansion for the Liu family to choose and use. He didn't know who to give the remaining eight sets to, so he planned to give them all to Xie Min.

What's more, Xie's son is like a leader among the gentry, these few boxes of cosmetics sent to the South may even be able to advertise for him in Hengchuan.

With such a plan in mind, Jiang Shu asked Zi Ming to carry two gift boxes back to the main courtyard when he passed the fork road leading to the courtyard next door, and then led two guards to the courtyard with a dense green view.

But he didn't seem to come at the right time.

When he arrived in front of the porch, the door of Xie Mintang's room was closed tightly. Xu Hai walked up to him with an apologetic smile and said, "Mr. Lang is changing clothes and taking a bath. If you have urgent matters, you can tell the servant first."

Naturally, Jiang Shu was not in a hurry, so he left the eight gorgeous gift boxes and briefly explained the purpose of these things to Xu Hai.

After finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and go back, when he suddenly heard the door "squeak" open.

Jiang Shu followed the prestige, and the next moment he saw Xie Min in a damp white coat standing at the door leisurely, his thick eyelashes were covered with water vapor, and he could smell the rich and strong fragrance in a trance.

He probably heard the sound as soon as he came out of the tub, and put on his clothes before drying off the water drops on his body, only to see that the thin summer silk material was tightly attached to his arms, outlining the outline of his waistline , the thick long hair was also wet, and because of the soaking of water and the background of the pure white cloth, the hair hanging on the chest became more and more black and thick.

Jiang Shu noticed the drops of water running down his cheeks, and was stunned for a moment.

Xu Hai on the side was even more stunned. Mr. Lang never liked to be served when he took a bath, and he even hated to appear in front of others with disheveled clothes, even his own brothers. Will break it for Jiang Shu at this time, the shock in Xu Hai's heart is beyond words.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Xie Yin stared at Jiang Shu with a slightly suspicious look, and called "Shudi" lightly.

Hearing this long-lost address, Jiang Shu suddenly came back to his senses.

Maybe it was because of the scorching hot air in the evening wind in early summer, he curled his fingers uncomfortably, turned his eyes and glanced at the row of gift boxes on the steps under the corridor, and then pretended to be calm and smiled He said: "That's the makeup set of Qiyan Pavilion, they gave a little more, I don't need it, so I brought these here and gave them to Brother Xie."

When Xie Yin heard the words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Give it to me?"

Jiang Shu was taken aback by his question, then looked at the other person's flawless face, and shook her head honestly: "I don't think you need it, you can arrange these gift boxes as you like, and you can give them to relatives and friends , I also kept two sets to send to my mother.”

Hearing his explanation, Xie Min realized his intentions, but nodded dispensably: "Thank you."

"Why are you being polite between us!" Jiang Shu smiled brightly, and seeing that the other party didn't reply, she unconsciously sped up her speech, "If there is nothing else, I'll go back. You continue to take a bath, and I won't bother you."

Xie Yin responded quietly.

Jiang Shu turned around and left with the people. After walking a few steps, he suddenly and mysteriously turned his head to look at the main house, who knew that he happened to meet those clear eyes.

With just this very light glance, Jiang Shucai's calm mood rose and fell again, as if he had suddenly entered the hottest day of summer, and his ears were burning hot.

Back in the main courtyard, Zhitao asked him the first time he saw him: "Mr. Lang thinks it's hot, how about I get some ice?"

Jiang Shu shook his head casually, replied "It will be fine in a while", and then stepped into the room and closed the door.

Until sitting at the desk in the study, Jiang Shu still felt warm in his ears, and a vague intuition lingered in his heart.

He has always admired Xie Min's appearance, and he is sure that the other party is also well aware of his own beauty.

However, because he knew too much, Xie Yin put aside his cognition of his own appearance.

His beauty is arrogant, he only wears the clothes he wants to wear, does what he likes to dress up, never cares about how others see him, let alone make any changes to please the worldly eyes.

Jiang Shu always thought so.

But just now, Jiang Shu had a subtle intuition that Xie Yin did it on purpose.

He obviously didn't need to show up, but he deliberately opened the door before he left, still dressed in disheveled clothes.

He seemed to be tempting me.

Jiang Shu thought to himself.

But is it possible?

With Xie Yin as a person, would he do such a thing?

Jiang Shu thought about it, recalling the cause and effect in his mind, the more he recalled, the more he felt that he was thinking too much.

Maybe Xie Yin came out just out of politeness, after all, he is now his follower, as a counselor, he can't leave the "lord" out of the door, the fantasies he imagined are obviously just the three big things in life that men often appear in. Just an illusion.

"Sezi has a knife on his head, I shouldn't have such frivolous thoughts. He treats me like a brother so he doesn't guard against me. How could I misunderstand him like that? If he knew that I missed him so much, wouldn't he tell me on the spot Broke off?"

Jiang Shu whispered to himself, slowly convinced himself, and his mood gradually calmed down, then he lay down on the desk and sighed: "Be a good person, Jiang Shu, that is the first friend you made here ah……"

Then, in order not to continue to be uncertain, he opened the forum to brush players' posts to divert attention.

It's just that there are a lot of old critics hidden in the forum. Every time I see the words "Xie Meiren" appearing in the comment area, Jiang Shu always sees the look that the other party passed through the gap between the pine branches when he turned to leave.

Those indifferent eyes with a little warmth, as cold and gorgeous as red plums in the snow and bright moon in the water, are firmly imprinted in my heart with one glance.


Three days later is the day when the graduation exam results will be announced.

In the early morning of that day, all the players who participated in the exam went online early, and huddled with the aboriginal candidates in front of the notice wall at the gate of the government office, waiting for the officials to come out and post the leaderboard.

Song Xueyan looked at Luo Pengfei's position, tried her best to squeeze through the crowd to his side, then put his shoulder on his shoulder and said hello: "Good morning, Brother Luo, how are you doing in the exam?"

"So-so, stepping on the line to pass the kind." Luo Pengfei replied briefly, and asked courteously, "How about you, how are you?"

"I'm pretty much the same. Anyway, I've answered all the questions. It's up to fate if I pass the exam." Song Xueyan grinned and answered with a bright smile.

Standing next to them was an aboriginal who studied hard. Hearing their conversation, he sighed and said, "I just hope to pass the line, otherwise I may not be able to afford another year of study."

Song Xueyan comforted him and said, "It's okay, Brother Li Jin, take it easy, you study so hard, you will definitely pass the exam."

They waited bustlingly for a while, and when the sun rose, the gate of the government finally opened, and a team of officers and soldiers escorted the red list embedded in the wooden frame to the announcement wall.

"Give way, let's all make way."

"Stand back, don't delay the release of the rankings."

While maintaining order, the officers and soldiers took out nails and hammers and nailed the long wooden frame to the wall. After finishing, they stood guard at the side so that no one would get emotional after reading the ranking and rush forward to destroy the red list.

As soon as the list was on the wall, Song Xueyan tiptoed to look at the top ranking, and the excited smile on her back suddenly froze.

"No.1, Luo Pengfei." Someone read out the ranking.

This name hit his spirit cap like a bolt from the blue, making him stiff all over, his cheeks flushed, unable to recover for a long time.

"It's not bad, Brother Song, you got second in the exam." Luo Pengfei said to him sincerely with a smile.

Song Xueyan squeezed out a smile: "You are even better, top of the list."

Luo Pengfei sighed softly: "I didn't expect to get so high in the exam. You know I didn't study much. Maybe it's because I have a good attitude, but I did well in the exam!"

Song Xueyan gritted her teeth in her heart, good guy, she even stole his lines.

Although he was upset, the grade had already been set and there was no way to change it, so he could only comfort himself that No.2 was not bad, pretending not to care, and said, "Indeed, I didn't study much and got second in the exam, and the exam really tested my mentality the most. "

Li Jin next to him was quite happy to see that he was on the list, but after hearing their talk about Versailles, he suddenly became unhappy for some reason.

I thought everyone was at the same level, but it turned out that he was the only one who really crossed the line.

Obviously just graduated, Li Jin already felt the hypocrisy and sinisterness of the future officialdom at this moment.

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