When the news of capturing Xianfu City reached Miryang through the forum, Jiang Shu was exercising on horseback at the racecourse.

He has been busy with official business all along, Jiang Shu seldom goes out to play, and occasionally goes out for other business, he often feels sore back recently, presumably it is because of sitting in the official office for a long time, so he pulls the same uncomfortable Xie Yin, who often goes out, came out to get some air.

They went to the horse farm where the horses were trained, and there would be some infiltration of player forces in other places, but this place only had aboriginals and horses, so it was suitable for him, the leader of the faction who is very popular with players, to come here.

Today's sky is very clear, the morning clouds are light when we get up in the morning, and there is no cloud in the afternoon. The golden sun shrouds the wide wilderness unobstructed, and the temperature is as hot as summer.

On the racetrack, two steeds galloped briskly with the young man on their backs, and the dust was flying everywhere they passed.

Jiang Shu learned horse riding in his previous life, but he was not a professional, and he was not a hobby. He was only invited to a friend's club to experience it a few times. It has been too long and he can't remember it. Under the guidance of Xie Yin, I regained the feeling.

Xie Yin can ride a horse!

This was really beyond his expectation. He thought that the other party's original body should not be able to do such activities.

Jiang Shu couldn't restrain his curiosity, so he asked when the two were riding side by side, "When did Xie Xie learn to ride a horse?"

"When I was young." Xie Min answered briefly at first, and seeing Jiang Shu's expression of interest, he added a few more words.

"In the past, when the condition had not deteriorated, I would occasionally practice horse archery with the sixth brother, but the horse should not gallop or ride for too long. At that time, every time I saw the sixth brother galloping on the horse, I was very envious."

Jiang Shu nodded suddenly.

Xie Yin's sixth brother, Xie Feng, is an outlier in the Zhujiang Xie family, he doesn't like literature but prefers martial arts, I heard that he is currently serving as an infantry captain in Beijing, which can be regarded as a leisurely and prominent official position.

"Then you can realize your childhood dream now, are you happy?"

Xie Yin neither denied nor admitted, but said in a flat tone: "Since the period of desperately wanting to get it has passed, it will only feel normal to get it again."

Perhaps it was because he was wearing a slim riding and shooting suit today, the cuffs and trouser legs were tight, and he was a bit more aggressive than when he was wearing a toga with long sleeves, so when he said this, he also showed a more The imperious aura makes it hard to answer.

Jiang Shu didn't know how to reply, so she muttered in a low voice: "You are really difficult to serve."

After finishing speaking, he was worried that Xie Min would hear his retort, so he lightly clamped the horse's belly with his leg, and ran forward alone.

In the rear, Xie Min was slightly stunned for a while when he heard his words, and then he didn't show any expression, and quickly rode his horse to catch up.


After running around again and sweating, the two went to the small courtyard of the military horse farm to rest.

The steward of the racecourse brought tea and snacks for them to replenish their strength and chat while eating.

There are doors and windows at the front and back of the huts in the yard, and the four sides are ventilated. The slight warm wind blows the main room in the afternoon, bringing the breath of green grass.

While eating tea, Jiang Shu thought that the army would attack Xianfu City today, so she opened the forum to take a look, and then saw that under Bu Jingyun's post on conquering Yu County this morning, Zhang Zifang had just posted a comment a few minutes ago— - "Xianfu City has also been captured."

Just opened the forum and saw the good news, Jiang Shu's mood immediately became more comfortable, but it is a pity that he can't share this joy with the people around him for the time being.

Then I saw a post below, which was probably posted by a player in Hengchuan, saying that the King of Southwest led an army to threaten the outside of the city. Recently, the atmosphere inside the capital is very tense, making it impossible for him to do business.

Jiang Shu flipped through this post roughly, then closed the forum, and started other topics: "The King of Southwest has entered Xichu, separated from Hengchuan by a moat. What Brother Xie predicted in the past may come true. Really."

Xie Yin paused for a moment, then Shu Er looked up at him and asked, "How is the Lingzhou begging army?"

Jiang Shu didn't know why he suddenly brought up this matter, took a sip of tea, swallowed the pastry, and replied honestly: "After taking Luoyu County, I took a rest for a while and prepared my troops to deal with the imperial court's army to suppress the rebellion."

"Maybe let them continue to expand," Xie Min suggested, with a calm tone, "If they can win most of Lingzhou's territory when the Southwest King is in power, maybe the seal holders of Lingzhou Mansion will be replaced."

Jiang Shu blinked, at first she didn't understand what he meant, but after thinking for a while, she slowly understood.

Su Mian, governor of Lingzhou, is a member of the Cong clan. If the King of Southwest can really go to Beijing to attack the Kong clan, Su Mian will definitely end badly. Once Su Mian falls, the two biggest forces in Lingzhou will be King Pingjiang and the rebel army.

The King of Southwest himself is on the throne as a royal family member, so he will definitely be wary of King Pingjiang, who went out to attack the Kong family together, and will not allow him to have too much power. Then the rebel army that will occupy most of Lingzhou will become A force most likely to control Lingzhou.

It stands to reason that the rebel army is a rebel army and must be suppressed. The Southwest King will send troops to suppress the rebellion even if he pretends to be. But his army is stationed in Hengchuan. It may be a bit difficult to put down tens of thousands of rebel troops by relying on the scattered Lingzhou army. difficulty……

What if you can't suppress it?

The first word that Jiang Shu thought of was win over.

If the Southwest King could really replace Kong Cheng, when he first came to power, in order to quell the chaos in Lingzhou as soon as possible to show his own strength, he would probably confer the title of Duan Yingxiong, the leader of the rebel army at this time, and win him over to work for him.

In this way, the begging army, which was originally a rebel army, became the regular army of the imperial court.

Thinking through all this, when Jiang Shu looked at Xie Min who was drinking tea slowly, it was as if he was looking at the real chess player behind the scenes. Even the dark teacup in his hand turned into a black and white chess piece.

Of course, the above developments are just his speculations. Duan Yingxiong became the leader of Lingzhou based on several necessary conditions. For example, the Southwest King must enter the capital to replace Kong Cheng. For example, Duan Yingxiong must win Lingzhou. For example, the army of the Di people will not suddenly change direction to attack Lingzhou, or the strength of the Qihuo army must be strong enough to make the Southwest King have nothing to do with it...

If any of the above conditions are not met, the last step cannot be reached.

But because Jiang Shu is the author, he knows that the king of the Southwest will definitely come to power, so the chess game provided by Xie Yin is indeed the most likely evolution of the situation in the Southland.

That being the case, why not give it a try?

Jiang Shu thought about it, and soon came to a decision, and asked the opposite party: "Brother Xie, do you think it is appropriate to attack north, or is it easier to go east?"

It is absolutely impossible to go south. To the south of Luoyu is Pingjiang Kingdom. Attacking Pingjiang Kingdom will attract Pingjiang King and Su Shishi who are fighting together.

"The east side is vast, and the north side has many mountains and steep peaks. However, the Southwest Kingdom is on the east side. Going to the east may attract the attention of the Southwest King..." Xie Min looked at the desk with his eyes fixed, as if he was analyzing After thinking, after a moment of silence, he came to a conclusion: "It starts in Wenchuan and ends in Ponao."

When Xie Yin said this, Jiang Shu also opened the game map, and through his last two short sentences, he connected the rebel army's next attack route on the map.

He carefully checked this northward offensive route, and could not find any mistakes. Considering it comprehensively, this was indeed the best offensive route for the rebel army.

Keeping these in mind, Jiang Shu closed the map, let out a sigh of relief, and was about to thank Xie Min, when she looked up and saw a butterfly resting on the other's right shoulder.

The butterfly's wings fluttered slightly, and the white wings were painted with black patterns that looked like cracked ice, which was particularly beautiful.

"Brother Xie." He called softly, and when he attracted the other party's attention, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look at your right."

Xie Min turned his head, only to realize that there was a butterfly resting on his shoulder.

He put down the teacup, and casually brushed away the butterfly with his slender and clean fingers, but after a while, the butterfly flew back and landed on the edge of the table beside his hand.

Seeing this, Jiang Shu couldn't help laughing, and teased: "There is a little raccoon in front, and a flower thief in the back. It seems that Brother Xie really likes these little animals."

Xie Yin ruthlessly drove away the butterfly again, then raised his eyes to stare at him.

Stared at by his fixed eyes, Jiang Shu was in a trance, and added in a strange way: "It's also likable."

Hearing this, Xie Min's eyelashes flickered, and after a while he replied: "The same is true, my lord."

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