Cao Yehuali was very calm when he heard this sentence, and he didn't feel excited to pay for it.

"Although but." She said realistically, "I have no money."

No matter how Fu Heisher talked about arresting people, she had no money at all.

And according to Fu Heisher's personality of not paying attention to money and not giving away eagles, it is impossible to give her a part-time job for nothing.

"And Wujo Wu's words." The real person smoothed the clothes slowly, smoothing the corners, "Human, you have a big tone."

Speaking of this, he smiled, showing a bit of naive malice, "Of course, if you are not afraid of death, I think it's okay to try it now—"

Although he still retains some interest because he hasn't used Wuwei Transformation on Fuhesher.But if I really want to say it, I'm not really reluctant.

"Oh." Fu Heishan suddenly lost interest, "Wujo Wu."

He clicked his tongue, "I see, your aesthetics are terrible."

Kusano Huali: "Can you beat him?"

Otherwise, the next time she said this in front of Wujo Wu, she would have to find Hua Yu to try to get him out, and Wujo Wu had a bad temper.

Fu Heisher glanced at her and sneered, but didn't answer her.

It seems that it is not necessarily over.That's right, the conjurer who can beat up Leuhu so that Tuo Gen can't even recognize him is probably not so easy to deal with.

Thinking of this, Kusano Huali sighed a little sadly.

She wants to raise a pet, but it's so difficult... It's fine to ask her for (non-existent) money every day, and she may find a lot of things for herself.

How about another cat next time?

I heard that cats are very independent, maybe she doesn't need to raise them.As long as you rub it once in a while when you are interested, isn't this easier to raise than a human being who asks for money?

Kusano Huali pondered for a while, and felt that the white cat he saw before was not bad, and he could refer to that one next time.

"Let's not talk about that." She turned over the cabinet and said casually, "Let's put it there first, maybe Gojo Gojo is willing to come to the door by himself."

"Come to the door voluntarily." Fu Heisher swept her up and down, "Did you come to the door and kill you?"

He groaned, remembering that the two in front of him are curse spirits, maybe this thing can really be done.

He doesn't like to owe favors, and he doesn't like to owe curses, so he rarely said kindly, "It's true. Do you want me to send him the address?"

Don't conjurers just like to run after the ass of the curse spirit?

As soon as he heard that there was a special magic spirit here, Wujo Wu probably came over immediately.

"Thank you, no need." Kusano Huali felt that this human being was a bit inconsiderate, "I don't want to go to reincarnation just yet."

She thinks coldly, even if she likes someone, she can't be allowed to take the initiative. The word initiative sounds almost exhausted——

What's more, this is not the only one, it is one of the two!

Then there is nothing rare, let's talk about it later.If you run around and disturb her in her dreams, then press and beat her up.

"Yes, yes." The real person looked at her with his chin on his shoulders, "Reincarnation is boring—"

"Is Xiaohuali going out today?" He looked at Caoyehuali who had already pulled off two pieces of clothes, intending to drive her away, "Hmm... Another container for Su Nuo?"

Kusano Huali pushed him out, and said bluntly, "Yes, he invited me to watch a movie, if it's not for nothing."

By the way, show the thing of the conjurer yesterday to Yuzu Yujin to see if he can return it.

And she is very interested in the classmate of Knotaba Yuhito, a conjurer who is said to be able to transform animals with shadows.

If she could learn it, wouldn't she be able to lie on the back of the transformed animal anytime, anywhere, and just tell the animal what to do and where to go?

"I want to go too—" Zhenren was pushed out in twos and twos, and he still did not forget to act coquettishly, "I don't know what Xia You is doing recently, and no one plays with me! It's super boring!"

He has been squatting at home reading books for the past few days. Although those books are also very interesting, how can it be interesting to meet human beings and have fun with them?

"You don't come here." Kuano Huali didn't believe the words of the real person at all, "If I remember correctly, you still have more than ten humans in your hand."

She went around the cave where the real person slept before, and found that the real person hid a lot of human beings privately.

There is no need to guess, it must be the human being that Xia You encouraged him to catch and come back to play with... I don't know why the real person is so close to that Xia You.

"Yeah, the aptitude is pretty bad." The real person didn't hide his disgust, and shouted through the door, "Speaking of which, if Huali is willing, why not trade with me—"

He looked at Fuheshier who was leaning against the wall, his eyes sparkled, "If this human being plays with me, he can play for a long time!"

"Yes." Fu Heisher said perfunctorily, "Give me the money."

And, for fun?He twitched the corners of his lips, not bothering to comment on a curse spirit like Daoist who couldn't walk back and forth ten times under his hands.

If he hadn't been cut off, he wouldn't be able to eat and drink here. Fuheisher, who is still a black household, would not be soft in the morning.

This curse spirit is really counted, and it is equal to a first-level magician.

After changing clothes in twos and twos, Kusano Huali grabbed the phone and pushed open the door.

"I'm fine." She said, and glanced at the real person who was circling ants on the ground and stood up excitedly when she came out. I'm going out, there's nothing to talk about."

She doesn't want to go out with a real person who does bad things at will and doesn't know how to deal with the follow-up. She would rather take Hua Yu with her than other real people.

Looking back, Zhenren bombed a shop on a whim to cause trouble, and she had to help clean up the mess, so tiring.

The real person dragged his voice out, and said with a smile, "If you don't take me there, I'll kill all these people, how about it?"

Although he said it in a joking tone, he seemed serious.

"Oh." Kusano Huali said without a wave, "You can bully the weak if you want. Don't throw the pot at my door, don't throw the pot on my head, or let Tuogen flood your hole tomorrow, he I have been interested for a long time."

A hostage is only useful when she is alive, so she won't be fooled by a real person.

"Got it." Zhenren was obviously upset, "I'll deal with these people later."

He patted the pants of the doll costume, feeling aggrieved like a giant penguin, "Wow, Huali is getting harder and harder to deceive—" He began to miss the simple and cute Huali who was tricked back by him because he hated the noise .

"Stop looking for such trivial things, real man." Seeing him backing down, Kuano Huali also took a breath, "When I come back, I will tell you an idea that I have been thinking about for a long time, and I don't need to worry about it."

If you really want to do something, do something big.What is it for a real person to toss about catching a few ants in his mind?

The real person blinked, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

There are so many human beings, even if Wuwei Transformation is becoming more and more refined, it will not take a while to restore them to their original state and use magic power to reconcile their amnesia. He has to go back first.

Kusano Huali heaved a sigh of relief after the real person was sent away.

She glanced at Fuheshier, who was half leaning against the door, who was quite peaceful in comparison, and she spoke a little better towards the humans she raised.

"Fuhei, do you want to go together?" Kusano Huali asked, "Didn't you say you have a son? Maybe I can ask Knotweed later if there are any conjurer kids you know..."

If you know each other, don't you need to look for it?

"Anything." Fuhesher said.

He yawned lazily, "My son, I don't know what his last name is now."

But he was dead. Although he didn't pay attention to how many years he had been dead, he was probably completely dead in the eyes of others.

It doesn't matter if you change your last name.

Kusano Huali, who doesn't quite understand: ...I always feel like I've heard something extraordinary.

She hesitated for a moment, but thoughtfully passed the topic, "Then let's go together, the knotweed man is still very good."


On the other side, Knotabagi Youruhito said yes in a refreshing and vigorous manner, and went downstairs with Fu Heihui, who was expressionless beside him.

The two made an agreement with Yidizhi Jiegao yesterday, and today another assistant supervisor will take them down the mountain during routine purchases.

But in fact, they were blocked before taking two steps.

"Nagizaki?" Yuzuhito Katsuo looked at Wild Rose Nagasaki who was rushing aggressively, "What's wrong?"

"What are you going to do?" Nagasaki Wild Rose asked directly, "Going down the mountain?"

Knotabagi Yuhito didn't understand, so he nodded, "I'm going to see a movie..."

Fu Heihui on the side couldn't bear to look directly at him, covered his face, and took a few steps back by the way.

"Okay, I knew you guys must have done something wrong to hide from me recently!" Nagasaki Yamei picked up the collar of Knotabazu Yuhito, and dangled it rudely, "Going out to watch a movie Don't call me!"

It's fine that these two guys didn't call her when they went out on a mission last night, and they claimed not to disturb her beauty sleep, but they dared to hide it from her when they were going down the mountain today, damn it!

Immediately afterwards, she began to recount their strange whereabouts recently, and the two boys often whispered, which made her think that the two guys of her companion had secretly joined some terrible top-secret mission, and planned to enlighten these two people as the eldest sister. Worried guy--

In the end, he just went out to play behind her back!

With the knotweed Yujin dangling in his hand like soda, Kizaki Ye Qiangwei shouted at Fu Heihui, "Fu Hei, tell me, what's going on."

"Ah, um, um." Knotabagi Yujin's eyes started to stare, "Nagizaki, I've made an appointment, ah no, it's a curse..."

He raised his hand with difficulty, "It's almost late."

"Ha, you still have an appointment?" Nagasaki Wild Rose's eyes lit up with gossip, "Who is it?"

After a moment of silence, she realized something was wrong, "Curse spirit?"

Knotabagi Yuhito nodded, and said as a matter of course, "Yes."

"You and a curse spirit." Nagasaki Wild Rose looked at Fu Heihui, "You...go to a movie with a curse spirit?"

It's over, she thinks the world is crazy.It's okay for Yuzu Yuhito to be a person who has never been in contact with the magic world and is still making up lessons. How could Fu Heihui go with him?

Fu Heihui, who just felt that it was not safe for Katsuobu Youren to go out alone: ​​...Actually, they didn't want to hide it.He didn't really want to involve other people, the guy with knotweed probably forgot to mention it.

"This matter." He explained with difficulty to Nagasaki Wild Rose who looked at him like a fool, "It's a long story..."

"Then it goes without saying." Nagasaki Wild Rose said bluntly, "I'll go too."

Such an interesting thing, why leave her alone.

The author has something to say: Brother Qiang: Rebellion.jpg


There's one more to come, turn back!

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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