She hasn't been back to Jincheng in the past two years. On the way back to the apartment, she found that some places had changed so much that she couldn't recognize them at all.

She called Ge Qing to report her safety, and sent a text message to Jiang Ying, saying that she was back.

After staying abroad for so long, she often heard Jiang Ying complaining that she would not come back after a year, and she missed her so much.

Sure enough, when the text message was sent, Jiang Ying sent a series of words, which she couldn't understand.

The whole content embodies two words, quick see.

Jiang Yunchu lowered his eyes and smiled, and replied, OK.

Back at the apartment, the living room was unexpectedly neat, clean, and spotless.

"Chu Chu, let's move back, I've already moved back." Seeing her surprise, Jiang Chen knew what she was thinking.

Jiang Yunchu's eyes lit up, it seemed that the house mortgaged to the bank had come back, and he had been living in it with his parents before: "Okay, why don't you just take me back there?"

"There may be luggage in the apartment that you want to take away." After all, everything is in the apartment.

"Well, then I'll go clean up first, you wait for me."

There are a lot of things to take back, Jiang Yunchu planned to go to the utility room to get a few large storage boxes, but saw the photo album on the cardboard box.

There is a separate photo between them, which is the graduation photo that was shown to Nan Gui back then.Jiang Yunchu picked it up, pulled out the photo, glanced at the timid girl, and silently inserted the photo back into its original position.

The grown-up Nan Gui is not at all cute as a child.

Jiang Yunchu pulled away from his memories, not letting himself think about those miscellaneous things, it took more than an hour to pack up, and he sat on the sofa to rest for a while before setting off.

The house where she lived was not far from the apartment. In order to make it easier for her to move out and go home in the future, her parents chose the principle of choosing the closest one, and returned to the very familiar home again.Jiang Yunchu's eyes were covered with water vapor, and she almost cried, but she held back.

Now that everything was back on track, she held back the tears that were about to fall and smiled again. She should be happy, but there was an empty place in her heart, and she knew what it was, but she never thought of repairing it.


"Have you heard? Miss Jiang's family is back."

"This has been spread for a long time. Didn't you read the announcement? She is the newly appointed vice president."

"I quickly glanced at the announcement and said that I haven't seen the eldest lady for a long time."

"He just came back to China not long ago." The young lady at the front desk is the most front-line news, everyone in the company has to pick up the courier from her, and you can learn a lot of information when you chat.

The rhythmic sound of high heels colliding with marble interrupted their conversation.

The receptionist looked up, his eyes filled with surprise that couldn't be concealed.

The woman in front of me has exquisite makeup, and a pair of peach blossom eyes looking forward to shine, but her cold face is a little more alienated. The light yellow suit and the knee-length skirt outline the beautiful curves, making people's eyes bright and eye-catching. The color is mature and has a bit of playfulness.

"It's Missy." The front desk recognized it, and poked the colleague next to her with his ribs.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang!" The two said in unison.

Jiang Yunchu took a look at the two of them, smiled slightly, walked to the elevator entrance, and took the exclusive elevator for the upper floors.

The eyes of the two followed Jiang Yunchu, and they instantly turned into little fans.

"Mr. Xiao Jiang is so beautiful. Now I announce that Mr. Jiang is not the motivation for me to come to work, Mr. Jiang is."

The front desk nodded vigorously.

Jiang Yunchu didn't know that on the first day of work, he got two little fans. They all said that the new official took office three fires. She had to show the majesty that a vice president should have on the first day of work, otherwise it would affect her future work.

The office is on the same floor as Jiang Chen. When she walked in, she found that it was quite spacious, and there was a stand on the desk.

Vice President Jiang Yunchu.

It was done well, Jiang Yunchu was very satisfied.

This day, Jiang Yunchu was very busy. He met with all the high-level executives, got acquainted with the current situation of the company, learned about some things and the company's planning and development, and his head was swollen.

In the first few days since she took office, she will not have any practical work on her hands. Jiang Yunchu knew that it was Jiang Chen who released the water. How could the vice president be so leisurely.

She still took a project from Jiang Chen, this project has just started, and now she is in charge, just to prove her strength.

She started to get busy, and the Sunday meeting with Jiang Yingyue was pushed back. Jiang Ying complained to her for several days about working overtime in the company.

She didn't have time to meet Jiang Ying until the project made preliminary progress, the company's senior management also saw her ability, and she never heard any gossip.

Jiang Ying was still working in Nangui's company, and originally wanted to make an appointment on weekends, but Jiang Ying wanted to see her quickly, so she had to make an appointment during lunch break on Wednesday.

Considering the time and the fact that Jiang Ying is just a small employee, it is impossible to delay for a long time, so Jiang Yunchu had to make a reservation at the restaurant opposite Nangui's company.

On Wednesday, the wind was bitterly cold, and Jiang Yunchu was a little timid when he went out, so he hurried into the room and took off his coat and changed into a thick down jacket.

When we arrived downstairs at Nangui Company, it was exactly twelve o'clock. If the time hadn't changed, it would probably still be the lunch break.

Fearing that Jiang Ying could not see her, she stood at the revolving door of their company. Nangui probably wouldn't come down, and she wouldn't go to the cafeteria during lunch break, let alone come down to eat.

That's why she stood at the door unscrupulously. It was too cold outside, and she could still feel the heat at the door.

Even if they meet Nangui, there is no possibility between them, and goodbye is just a stranger.

Ten minutes passed, Jiang Yunchu frowned, and made a phone call.

"I'm sorry, Chu Chu, Sister Lu gave me something temporarily, I'm in a hurry and haven't finished it yet, please give me another 10 minutes."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you." Jiang Yunchu expressed his understanding.

"I know you are the best, I love you."

Jiang Ying's joyful voice came from the phone, full of energy as always, Jiang Yunchu laughed softly: "Wait for you."

The cold wind was blowing wantonly, and Jincheng was exceptionally cold this winter. Nangui had just returned from the signing ceremony, and saw a familiar figure across the road. Her breathing was stagnant, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

It wasn't clear what he saw through the car window, Nan Gui hurriedly got out of the car in order to be more sure.

Her eyesight was very good, and she could even see the woman's long hair being blown by the wind, but she still checked the place several times without confidence. When the green light turned on, she hurried across the road.

She was almost hit by an oncoming vehicle, and she heard the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, which was extremely ear-piercing.It was a green light, and she didn't apologize. She walked faster and faster with her long legs, and finally turned into a trot.

Nangui had never been so embarrassed when crossing the road. The cold wind blew her hair and partially blocked her vision. The driver who was still on the side was still dazed, not understanding why Nangui got out of the car in such a hurry.

When he was about to get close to the person he was thinking of, Nangui's speed slowed down instead, and his steps up the stairs were much slower than usual.

She was thinking about what to say later.

Jiang Yunchu has always been sensitive, and he noticed a ray of eyes fixed on her. The inexplicable coolness was not the feeling brought by the cold wind.

She turned her head, it was Nan Gui.

I haven't seen her in the past two years, and the indifference and alienation between her brows has become even worse, but what is the melancholy in her eyes?

Before the brain can react, the body has already reacted further, and the right foot has already taken a step.After that, she took it back again, so what if she saw it, it doesn't matter anymore.

Nan Gui stopped in front of her, but Jiang Yunchu didn't seem to see her, his eyes didn't move away.

Her girl was prettier and more attractive, and more attractive to her.Nan Gui pursed her lips, wanting to know her current relationship status, but she couldn't ask.

"Long time no see." After a long time, Nan Gui spit out these four words softly.

Jiang Yunchu only looked at her now, even Nan Gui was the only one who said this so bluntly, she really hasn't changed at all.

"Long time no see." Jiang Yunchu said the same words again.

Jiang Yunchu had a cold face and didn't want to see her. Nan Gui felt bitter, and didn't want to end the conversation like this: "Are you waiting for Jiang Ying? Do you want to go in and wait, it's cold outside."

"No thanks."

She was so polite and polite that Nangui had no choice but to strike up a conversation for the first time, she was so embarrassed, she was willing.

"Chu Chu, do you have to do this?"

Beginning?Nangui had never called her so intimately when he was with her, and Jiang Yunchu's face remained unchanged. She was no longer the girl who blushed when Nangui said a few nice words in the past.

"Mr. Nan, I'm not familiar with you." Jiang Yunchu's tone was cold.

"I saw a psychiatrist and accepted the treatment obediently. I have been changing what you said. Can you forgive me?"

Nan Gui's tone was unreasonably soft, Jiang Yunchu raised his eyelids slightly and looked at her.

Nan Gui's eyes were full of melancholy and sadness, his tone of apology was Chen Ken, his right hand was clenched uneasily, Jiang Yunchu seemed to see his former self, extremely humble.

She almost softened her heart, and now the situation feels ridiculous and sad in reverse.

"Mr. Nan, I think you have misunderstood. The relationship between us is over. There is no reason not to forgive."

Just because it's over doesn't mean it's impossible to start again. Facing such an indifferent Jiang Yunchu, Nangui has no confidence or certainty. After finally looking forward to her return, it's impossible to just watch her walk past her like a stranger.

She didn't want to be a passer-by in Jiang Yunchu's life, she wanted to be the one who held her hand from beginning to end.

"In that case, I'm going to pursue you now." Nan Gui's dark eyes flickered, she slightly curled her red lips, and her glamorous face brightened up. Where could I still see the shadow of humbleness just now, and it turned into something unbearable again? Mr. Nan for the first time.

The cold wind was howling, Nangui's words clearly penetrated into Jiang Yunchu's ears, she was slightly startled, her heartbeat became chaotic.

She couldn't deceive herself, the residual emotion towards Nan Gui existed, and there were signs of resurgence when she met her.

But she is no longer the former Jiang Yunchu, chasing her?You can try it.

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