"Did I ask you to wrap it so tightly? How can I touch you?"

Nan Gui's words were tinged with anger, Jiang Yunchu's hand holding the quilt tightly, was extremely flustered inside, but on the surface he was still pretending to be calm.

Was it her actions that displeased her?

Jiang Yunchu pulled back the quilt, and there was no shelter between the two of them. She closed her eyes nervously, not daring to look at Nan Gui.

Nan Gui remained silent, his eyes lingered on her face for a long time, the brows softened a lot, his frosty face was like ice and snow had just melted, and his expression became warmer.

She reached out and turned off the light.

Jiang Yunchu didn't wait for Nangui's touch. He was a little surprised and secretly pleased. It took him a long time before he opened his eyes and took a sneaky look at Nangui.

Nan Gui had already laid down, sleeping in a very regular position, with his hands and feet in place, and his eyes closed.

The night was very dark, and the moonlight was translucent, illuminating the dark night and casting a layer of warm light on the room, so that Jiang Yunchu could clearly see Nan Gui's eyebrows.

His eyebrows are cold, his facial features are exquisite, and his lips are very light.

The image of her kissing Nangui flashed across Jiang Yunchu's mind, and he felt his lips burn instantly, so he turned away from looking at Nangui.

Maybe it was because I watched it for too long, but Nan Gui's face was imprinted in my mind for a while, and I couldn't shake it off.

Nan Guisheng is excellent and has a high IQ, which is a completely enviable life for others.

Jiang Yunchu didn't know how many people wanted to climb into her bed, but he knew there must be many. Smarter people would want to hold her tightly, but Jiang Yunchu's mind was not on it.

I don't know if the company can run smoothly.

In an unfamiliar environment, with a completely unfamiliar person lying beside her, Jiang Yunchu was preoccupied with thoughts. She was thinking wildly, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she fell asleep.

In the dark night, Nan Gui opened his eyes and felt the even breathing of the person beside him: "I really don't know if it means you are overly vigilant or defenseless."

When Jiang Yun first woke up, Nan Gui was no longer beside her, and when she opened her eyes to see a strange environment, she felt like a dream.

She didn't have much time to think about life. It was lucky that Nangui didn't touch her last night. Now that she woke up later than her, would Nangui be unhappy again?

Jiang Yunchu also felt that she was too cautious, but now she is dependent on others and has to be like this.

Jiang Yunchu went out in his pajamas and went downstairs to explore.

Nangui was already fully dressed, sitting at the dining table and eating breakfast elegantly, he couldn't tell if he was in a good or bad mood.

Jiang Yunchu turned around and went back to the room to change clothes.

"She's awake, Mama Zhang, I'll ask her to have breakfast later." Nan Gui wiped his lips with a tissue, and then said to Mama Zhang beside him.

If Zhang Ma hadn't been asked to call her, Jiang Yunchu might not have taken the initiative to come down for breakfast.

Zhang Ma nodded and went upstairs.

Jiang Yunchu just finished changing his clothes, and when he opened the door, he saw Mama Zhang approaching.

"Miss asked you to go downstairs for breakfast."

Jiang Yunchu glanced downstairs, and there was no sign of Nan Gui, so she said, "Okay."

Breakfast is a very simple Western-style breakfast. It looks very delicate and looks very appetizing.

It had been a long time since her parents had passed away and she hadn't sat down at the dining table to eat breakfast properly.

"Did Mr. Nan go to work?" Jiang Yunchu couldn't help but wonder when he didn't see Nan Gui after eating.

"Miss just left."

Jiang Yunchu nodded to show that he understood, and glanced at the empty dinner plate opposite, feeling a little dazed.

It snowed yesterday, and the road was still wet. Nan Gui sat in the co-pilot and looked at the woman beside him.

"Why are you free to pick me up today? Don't you like to sleep in late on weekdays?"

"I'm in a bad mood, so I woke up a little earlier, and I turned around to pick you up. Should I raise my salary?" Yu Lu said to Nan Gui in a joking tone.

"Well, you can tell the accountant yourself."

Nangui's reaction was within Yu Lu's expectation, she grew up with Nangui and knew her very well.

"It's boring, I heard you accepted Miss Jiang's family?"


"Do you like her? People will change when they grow up." Yu Lu asked seemingly casually, and her hand holding the steering wheel tightened unconsciously.

Nangui didn't answer.

Yu Lu was a little frustrated, but she didn't show it, and returned to her careless and lazy look: "Don't play songs every night, it will delay work."

"No." Nan Gui denied.

She thought of Jiang Yunchu curled up in her arms like a little milk cat when she woke up in the morning, and she had the idea of ​​sleeping more.

When packing her luggage, Jiang Yunchu found that Nangui basically prepared everything for her, even when she washed up in the morning, her and Nangui's toiletries matched.

The slippers are also in pairs, a seemingly small detail, but it reminds Jiang Yunchu of many things.

Why did Nan Gui suddenly find her brother and ask her by name.

Before, she could have believed that Nangui suddenly felt empty, and when she heard that the Jiang family had lost, she asked her to come and play.

But when she opened the closet, there was a row of styles she liked, from different fashion brands, which she used to buy often.

This is not a coincidence, at least it can prove that Nan Gui has been paying attention to her for a while, and it is definitely not a whim.

Is there anything about her that can attract Nan Gui, or whether Nan Gui approached her with a purpose, and what is he trying to do.

Jiang Yunchu really couldn't figure it out.

"Miss Jiang, don't you have class in the afternoon? It's almost time." Mama Zhang came over to remind her.

"When did Mr. Nan prepare these clothes?" Jiang Yunchu asked.

"A few days ago." Mama Zhang answered truthfully.

Jiang Yunchu understood: "Is Mr. Nan busy at this point? I want to call her."

"Miss said that you can contact her at any time."

Jiang Yunchu was eager to unravel the doubts in his mind, Nangui helped them, and she paid the price accordingly.

It doesn't mean that she is a fool, just be this lover obediently.At least, she didn't want to cling to Nan Gui without knowing it.

What kind of person Nan Gui is, and what kind of person she is Jiang Yunchu, in comparison, it's like heaven and earth.

Jiang Yunchu called Nangui, but he didn't ask these questions immediately after he got through.

"Mr. Nan, have you had lunch yet?"

"Yes, how about you?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Yunchu noticed that her voice was much lower, and she didn't have that cold feeling anymore.

"After eating two bowls, Mama Zhang made all my favorite dishes."


It's really the end of the topic, Jiang Yunchu was silent for a few seconds and didn't plan to play around with her anymore.

"Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

When Jiang Yunchu asked this sentence, Nan Gui understood what she was thinking, and she just followed her words and asked, "Where is the coincidence?"

Jiang Yunchu took a deep breath, knowing that she was pretending to be confused: "The clothes in the closet, breakfast, and many details, Mr. Nan, I don't think I need to say more."

Nan Gui never expected that Jiang Yunchu, who was still a little white rabbit last night, would turn into a smart fox so quickly.

"I have indeed noticed you for a long time."

Jiang Yunchu held her breath, but Nangui admitted it easily, which was beyond her expectation.

"But it's not just you." Nan Gui's tone was calm, as if he was stating an ordinary fact.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, Jiang Yunchu felt a lot more relaxed, which shows that Nan Gui had multiple goals at the beginning, and finally chose her.

It seems that Nan Gui is not as serious as she appears on the surface, maybe there are many unrevealed lovers before her.

"I've been thinking too much."


"Mr. Nan, bye." Jiang Yunchu hung up the phone before waiting for Nangui's response.

"Your little lover is quite smart." Yu Lu leaned against Nan Gui's desk, crossed her arms and smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with being smart." Nan Gui glanced at her indifferently, then lowered his head and continued to read the documents.

Yu Lu didn't care about Nan Gui's indifference at all, he treated everyone like this, and nothing seemed to arouse her emotions.

"But you said that just now, don't you worry about Jiang Yunchu misunderstanding? You just dug a big hole for yourself and created a promiscuous character."

"She's too defensive."

"You think a lot."

"How long do you plan to stay here? I don't spend money to please idlers." Nan Gui thought she was noisy.

"Nangui, I gave you the document. It's because you haven't signed it. If you don't sign it, how can I leave?"

Nan Guiyi was at a loss for words for a while, quickly browsed through the document, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, signed his name and handed it to her.

Yu Lu was in a good mood, this was the first time Nan Gui was so embarrassed in front of her.

"By the way, let's talk about cooperation tonight, and ask them to make another appointment tomorrow."

Yu Lu was surprised that Nangui seldom put off work, she hated procrastination, and always adhered to the practice of finishing today's work today.

The employees below will never work overtime as long as they finish today's work.

"Any other plans for tonight?"

"No other plans, just want to go home early for dinner."

The smile on Yu Lu's face disappeared after hearing this: "Nan Gui, don't you think you are too kind to her?"

Nan Gui glanced at her indifferently: "It's better to call me Mr. Nan when I'm working. Also, you care too much."

Nangui doesn't like other people meddling in her affairs, Yu Lu is already an exception.

"Okay, Mr. Nan." Yu Lu bent her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes.

In just a few days, Nan Gui's soul was taken away.

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