pure white glory

Chapter 6 I haven't released a press conference yet, what happened to me QAQ

I even thought why I didn't just die.

I almost cried during those few days. When I went home on the weekend, they still didn’t give me a good face. My brother who was studying abroad knew about it and called me. At that time, I was on the phone Just one sentence over and over again: "Brother, I'm really not a bad girl, really not."

Then I heard my brother sigh and say, "Of course you're not bad, you're just too stupid."

I was in tears at the time, and I really felt that I was redeemed from this sentence.

Then, when Yuntian said he wanted to help Yunruo, she didn't refuse—is it hard to understand?If in reality, we get into some big trouble, we are about to be demerited and expelled in school, and the family helps us find ways to solve the problem, you will feel that you should be stubborn and refuse the help from the closest relatives, and then die Carry it to the end?

That's the end of the reaction, now let's talk about why Yun Ruo insisted on keeping this child—it's actually very simple, she thinks it's a life, and she shouldn't take it away.

Well, so much nonsense, I just want to explain that Yun Ruo is really wrong, but anyway, she is not an unforgivable sin, let alone pretending to be pure and kind. It is excusable, and only in such heart-wrenching pain can she grow. She has never been a saint, and it is impossible to be perfect from the beginning. After experiencing such pain, when she reappears, she will definitely be like a phoenix nirvana , to become an all-conquering queen.

When I originally wrote this paragraph, I didn't expect that Yun Ruo would attract criticism. I just wanted to explain that people's words are awesome. However, from the comments below, I can also see that if there is such a thing in reality Gu Liang, the final result is probably either crazy or dead, just like Ruan Lingyu back then and Britney Spears in recent years.

Many times, we curse like this just for the sake of spiritual comfort, but it is very likely that it will kill a life.

Perhaps that person was at fault and deserved to be punished, but in any case, death is not a crime.

Put two handsome pictures of Luo Er~ (Looks like they are all Lord Luo?)

The first one is the evil Luo Er and the honest Xiaowa (Varane)

Little Theater of Lotus Flower


Marcelo: Cris, why do you have a bitter face?

Luo Er: I fed Filo last week...

Marcelo: Oh?

Luo Er: This week I eat bitter melon for breakfast, bitter melon for lunch, and bitter melon for dinner...sometimes afternoon tea and sports drinks are bitter melon flavored...

☆, interview

The interview that Mendes contacted Yuntian was actually a new live broadcast program of "Face-to-face Stars" (fictional) of the TV station. It has just started not long ago, so there is an urgent need for some important stars to increase the popularity of this program. Yuntian As a supernova who just came back not long ago, he was still a little short, but after the match against Bayern, Yuntian suddenly became the center of the storm. It is quite conducive to the development of the show to win him, let alone Buy one get one free to catch up with the current No. [-] superstar of Real Madrid - Ronaldo, although he only joined as a guest guest.

However, the program has a fixed broadcast time, so although Mendes has already agreed with Yun Tian, ​​the actual interview will have to wait until two days later, and these two days are enough to further ferment this matter—— I don't know what kind of mentality those people who smeared Yuntian have, it seems that the evidence has proved that Yuntian is a hypocrite through and through, all kinds of noble and cold accuse Yuntian of deceiving the world, especially cheating the little girl's feelings, It had an extremely bad impact on the society, and some people even thought that the strong man should sue Yuntian and send Yuntian to prison, because his actions constituted insult and intentional injury.

Some extreme Real Madrid fans surrounded Yuntian on the way to the training ground, holding posters and even banners and yelling at him to get out of Real Madrid. No need for such hypocrites either.

As for Yun Tian, ​​he didn't know how to react other than a slumped face. By the way, the temperature in the Real Madrid team has dropped a lot in the past two days. Even Cassie quietly pulled Ronaldo aside and let him Please comfort Yun Tian well, otherwise it will affect the atmosphere of the locker room too much.

After finally waiting for the day when the program was going to be broadcast, Yuntian arrived under the TV station building in Ronaldo's car, looked at the indignant crowd crowded on both sides of the road, and sighed slightly

——The most terrible thing is never evil, but self-righteous justice.

After checking the lines with the beautiful host in the background, this episode of "Stars Face to Face" officially started.

Seeing Yuntian frowning slightly, the beauty host Alisa (fictional) with exquisite makeup showed a hearty smile, trying to liven up the atmosphere: "Our handsome Philo has been frowning, is there anything unhappy? Speak up and listen, I believe that many people here are willing to share for you, right, girls?" Alyssa waved the banner with the words "Philo" and "Yuntian" towards the audience. The girls with fluorescent cards winked.

"Yes!" The girls immediately responded with loud screams. Of course, there were also some who curled their lips in disdain and muttered, "A hypocrite will put on a show."

"It's just a family matter." Yun Tian showed a trademark gentle smile, but the poor quality of sleep in the past few days made his smile look haggard and pale.

"Well, we know that after the game against Bayern, there was a video about you beating someone in a bar that went viral, can you explain?" Alisa asked straightforwardly, as a As an experienced host, she naturally knows that if this conflict is not resolved first, it will be difficult for this show to go on smoothly, unless she wants to completely offend Yun Tian.

"I admit that I hit someone." From the corner of the eye, he saw the disdainful expressions of some people in the audience, Yun Tian smiled slightly, and changed the topic, "But, I don't think I was wrong."

"How do you say that?" Alisa was taken aback.

There was already a young man in the audience who sneered loudly: "You can beat someone so confidently, it's really superb to be a man for your sake."

Yun Tian's expression remained unchanged, he just quietly looked in the direction of the young man, and said with a smile: "I don't know which gentleman was talking just now, dare to stand up and confront me?" After speaking, he turned to Ellie again Sha: "It's not against the rules, is it?"

Alyssa was taken aback for a moment, and from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the director on the side giving her permission, so she quickly glanced at it. This is also a variety show, and if a variety show wants to be popular, it naturally needs gimmicks.

The young man was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant, and seeing other people's gazes on him, he stood up with a stiff neck, and raised his chin to Yun Tian: "Confront me, I don't believe it anymore, you Hypocrites, can you still say black is white?"

"Then I'll just say it straight, this gentleman," Yun Tian still smiled, but it seemed a lot sharper, "In the video you saw, did I fight that gentleman at the beginning? ?”

The young man was even more stupefied now. How could he have seen that video, but people around him were saying that Yun Tian beat him up because of a disagreement, and even trampled him on the soles of his feet. He couldn't understand Yun Tian's behavior He pretended to be pitiful and pretended to be cheap and obedient, so he spoke out indignantly, but now that the trouble has come to this point, he can't show weakness, so he immediately resisted with a firm tone: "You were the one who made the move first."

"This is strange, how do I remember, it was that gentleman who was teasing me and reached out to touch my face, so I twisted his hand, and it was because he was unwilling to hit me, that I turned him fell to the ground?"

Yun Tian was still talking and laughing at Yan Yan, but every sentence in his words was cruel. The experience of the past few days had completely pissed him off.

He has never been a nice man, and he should let those people know that he is not a person to be bullied.

"Maybe, maybe he's just trying to be nice to you?!"

Yun Tian almost laughed angrily: "Then why don't you let me touch your face to show your friendliness?!"

"But, but you are a player of Real Madrid, you are a public figure, how can you hit people at every turn? Don't you know that your celebrity effect will affect many people?!" The young man seemed to have found a reason for himself, and he was confident again stand up.

"Then I was molested by a man, should I follow his molestation, or let him moles me while reasoning with him, waiting for other people to rescue me?" Yun Tian's smile has completely turned into a sneer, "I Being a public figure does not mean that a public figure has to become a soft persimmon for the sake of the so-called celebrity effect. If you care about your own face and allow others to hurt you, you still have to smile and say sorry. I should be hurt, thank you If you show mercy, you are the real hypocrite, right?!"

"Everyone has a bottom line. When the bottom line is violated, one should fight back instead of being a coward. Otherwise, people will lose the dignity and backbone that make them human!" At the end, Yun Tian could hardly hold back his heart. The anger, the tone is rarely seen harsh.

"You, you!" The young man was completely choked, he really wanted to refute that Yun Tian was using strong words, but he couldn't find anything to refute him, he stared fiercely at Yun Tian and said nothing.

He was stunned by the others, but he wasn't stunned. In the eyes of Yuntian's fans, he felt that Yuntian's appearance was really handsome, and they all couldn't help applauding. Those people who had curled their lips at Yun Tian to express their sarcasm were sensible and silent.

"It seems that Filo won this debate." Alisa, who had been watching for a long time, finally waited for the opportunity to answer, "So, in daily life, what kind of person is Filo? ? Let's see what Filo's teammates have to say!" After finishing speaking, he turned his seat and turned his side to the big screen behind him, which was playing the video of Yuntian's former and former teammates being interviewed. .

"What kind of person is Philo? Well, he should be regarded as a very talented, hardworking and humble junior. I think he has been able to go further. It is a pity that I can no longer play with him." Ji Gus answered to the point.

"Filo? He cooks delicious food! Hey, I haven't eaten his dishes for a long time. Philo, why don't you go back to Manchester United? Even if you come back to Manchester!" Rooney said with a sad face say.

"I have always felt that Filo's future is limitless. He has all the talent, character, and luck. Unfortunately, he does not belong to Manchester United now." Ferdinand expressed his dissatisfaction with Queiroz preventing Yuntian from returning to Manchester United intentionally or unintentionally.


"Filo? He is a very good and kind person, God bless him." Kaka showed his signature holy light smile.

"Filo is a very humble and low-key person, and we all get along very well with him." Casillas replied relatively officially.

"Filo? That's my new buddy. He's very loyal, he has a good personality, and his strength on the field is top-notch. I think he can't make mistakes!" Ramos smiled heartily.

"The dishes made by Filo are really delicious. I thought that the person who can make such delicious dishes must be a good person. In fact, after spending so many days together, my instinct was right." Marcelo He said it with sincerity.

"Filo is a rare player who is capable, talented and not arrogant. He gets along very well with our team. Under my management, he will definitely perform even better." Mourinho replied very well crisp.


"Wow, Philo, it seems that your teammates think highly of you," Alisa exclaimed, then turned her head and winked slyly at the audience, "However, did you notice that the one just now One person missing from the interview? That’s right, because that person has come to our scene to support his good friend, and he is——Cristiano Ronaldo!"

Ronaldo walked into the live broadcast amidst cheers and screams, Yuntian moved his butt a little to the left, and Ronaldo readily sat down next to Yuntian, not forgetting to wink at the camera.

"Okay, Cristiano, can you talk about your impression of Filo?" Alisa asked with a smile.

"Well, the first time I saw Philo, he was 14 years old. He had just arrived at the Manchester United youth academy. He looked very thin, because he was the only Asian in the team and had no relationship with others. How is it? The English tone is not standard. At that time, I felt that I seemed to see myself at the beginning. I thought I should help this introverted child. So one day, when I saw him training alone, I walked over. , "C Ronaldo said with nostalgia, "As a result, after I got to know Filo, I thought I must have been blind. Filo and I didn't think about it at all. He was an overly precocious freak."

C Luo paused, glanced at Yun Tian with a look of contempt, and continued: "Filo is the kind of person who can live a 15-year-old life like a 51-year-old-he is gentle and reserved , hard-working, humble, and tolerant. It seems that only football is left in his eyes. A 15-year-old boy is not rebellious at all. I don’t think it’s strange that the previous clothes are a bit short. In fact, I basically dragged him to go shopping when he went shopping. Sometimes I doubt that if it wasn’t for me, he would stay at home alone until it got moldy. It’s strange. What's more, his interpersonal relationships are actually handled well."

"Now that he is older, he is a little more outgoing, but only a little bit, so those who worry that Philo is a violent person can rest assured-if you don't mess with Philo, he will definitely not mess with you. Rather than provoking trouble, he would rather stay in the training ground for a while or read more books." Ronaldo shrugged and said.

"Is Philo such a boring person in daily life?" Alisa asked curiously.

"A little bit," Yun Tian smiled helplessly, "It probably has something to do with my childhood experience. If it is not necessary, I don't like to deal with strangers, so sometimes I will be more passive. At least I rarely take the initiative to ask people out. When it comes to this kind of thing, other people ask me out a lot, but Cris is very cheerful, so my social activities are not too few."

"You two have such a good relationship," Alisa sighed, "I heard that the name Filo was also given by Cristiano for you?"

"Well, my full name is Philomamondo, which means sky, because my word '天' has this meaning in Chinese."

"Well," Alisa nodded, and changed the question again, "Did you feel sad when the doctor said that you could never return to the green field in this life?"

"Sadness is for sure. After all, football is my dream, but without football, I can't say that I can't live anymore. Life must go on, and I can always find fun in other places." Yun Tian replied with a smile .

"How was it cured?"

"I don't know either. Through rehabilitation, I stood up. I got my diploma from Cambridge a year ago. I wanted to go out and relax. On the way, I met a strange doctor, the kind of person who is similar to a tribal witch doctor. , He said he could cure my leg, and I thought it would be a big deal to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, so it wouldn't be worse, so I agreed, and it turned out that he really cured it," Yun Tian said as if it was true, with a look of emotion on his face , "Sure enough, the world is so big that there are so many wonders."

"Isn't there a saying in China that 'the masters are among the people'?" Alyssa didn't intend to entangle too much on this topic, "Can you talk about your experience of joining Real Madrid?"

"After my legs recovered, I returned to Madrid and was spotted by coach Mourinho while playing in a roadside stadium. He invited me to try out Real Madrid. I agreed. After the trial passed, I joined. Real Madrid's first team." Yun Tian didn't think there was anything worth hiding about this experience.

"Do you know that there is a rumor in the outside world that you were adopted by Cristiano because of your face, and then you entered Real Madrid because of his nepotism?" Alisa asked this question a little sharply.

Before Yun Tian had time to answer, Ronaldo on the side opened his mouth in surprise: "Someone really said that? Sure enough, someone has the same idea as me."

Ronaldo counted the same number with his fingers: "I thought I should take care of Filo. You see, Filo is beautiful, has a good personality, and is good at cooking. He is a good football player." , It's very face-saving wherever you take it, where can you find such a good person, so, Filo, how about you agree to my request for support?" Ronaldo looked at Yuntian sincerely.

There were screams and cheers at the scene: "Promise him, promise him!" "Together, together!"

Even the host Alisa looked at Yuntian with a half-smile: "Look, Filo, there are so many people who support you to be together, why don't you really agree to Cristiano."

"If this nurturing relationship is reversed, I will accept it." Yun Tian smiled slightly, not moving like a mountain.

Ronaldo curled his lips: "Forget it."

The scream suddenly turned into a sigh of regret.

The host asked a few more questions one after another, and finally came to the most popular part of the audience - the audience's questioning session.

The first one to stand up was a quiet-looking little girl about 20 years old, but as soon as she took the phone, she shouted to Yuntian, "Filo, please let me give you a baby!"

"I'm sorry, I can't agree." Yun Tian was taken aback, and refused with a smile, but the tips of his ears were slightly red.

"Then, can you tell me your phone number?" the girl asked unwillingly.

Yun Tian shook his head and said sorry, the girl sat down with regret.

The second one stood up was a boy, and asked immediately, "Cristiano, can you tell me your secret to picking up girls?"

Ronaldo froze, glanced at Yun Tian, ​​who was smiling meaningfully beside him, and replied with a forced smile: "I don't know, it's all fate."

The boy obviously didn't believe it, so he wanted to ask again, but Yun Tianyan answered with a smile: "Cris has been a playboy for a long time, you should ask Karim about this question more effectively."

The boy had no choice but to sit down, and the questions that were asked next were relatively standard, and the live interview show ended satisfactorily.

The author has something to say:

This is the end of Yunruo's matter, I think I have said enough, so basically, I will not reply any more messages on this topic...

If any girl feels that my message is too radical or the reason is unacceptable, I will not force it, and you don't need to tell me, just click the little red cross in the upper right corner...

Originally, I read online articles and wrote online articles for fun, no matter if the article is cool or abusive, it must suit my own taste

The plot that the author wants to write, the plot that the author thinks is reasonable, cannot all be the plot that the reader wants...

Different paths do not conspire with each other, there is always a banquet in the world, if one day, you really feel that you can't stand me anymore, then get together and break up, don't tell me, just forget each other in the rivers and lakes like this

Some of my words today were a little rushed, and I apologize to the injured girls

Little Theater of Lotus Flower


Luo Er: Philo, do you love me?

Tiantian: Love.

Luo Er: Then if I become a devil with muscles, will you still love me?

Tiantian: Huh?Isn't it now?

☆, Mallorca ([-])

Watching the large Boeing plane carrying Qin Yao and Yun Ruo fly towards the far east, Yun Tian sighed slightly, lowered his head and rubbed his moist eye sockets.

Qin Yao has lost a lot of weight and aged a lot during this time. She used to look like she was in her fifties without makeup, but now, even with delicate makeup, she looks like an old man in her 60s .Every time Yuntian sees her, she feels guilty—this old man managed to survive the Cultural Revolution, spent so much effort and effort to finally find his relatives, and the grandson who found him told her when he was 16 years old I like men, and my granddaughter told her that she was pregnant when she was 16 years old. If it were a weaker old man, I would have been so angry that he would have fallen ill, but this old man still has to work hard to make plans for his grandchildren. road.

He owed grandma so much that he didn't know what to do to make up for it.

As for Yun Ruo, that little girl has gained a lot of weight from their soup these days, and her face looks quite rosy, and she often laughs heartlessly like before, and she will also laugh like before. It's just that he has seen more than once that this girl who has just turned 16 years old often unconsciously dazes when she is alone, watching a certain place in a quiet trance, accompanied by that girl. Zhang has not been able to completely fade his green face, and it makes people sad to watch.

Yuntian knew that the innocent little girl who always liked to follow behind him softly calling his brother would never come back.

He wished so much that he could protect that girl under his wings for the rest of his life, so that she would always smile so carefree, ignorant of worldly affairs, and ignorant of sorrow, but the reality turned all of this into a luxury. After all, it is still coming, and the little girl from back then finally grew up overnight amidst this heart-wrenching heartache.

"Filo, we should go." Ronaldo put his arm on Yuntian's shoulder and said softly.

"En." Yun Tian nodded, pulled down the brim of his hat, and followed Ronaldo out of the crowded international airport.

It was already at the end of August to send Qin Yao and Yun Ruo off, and Real Madrid's friendly matches this season have all come to an end. Five wins and one draw are pretty good results, but no matter how good the results of the friendly matches are, it is useless. As for military training, there are many teams in the football world who played poorly in friendly matches and performed well in the main match, and there is no shortage of teams that played invincible in friendly matches but failed in the main match. In the final analysis, it all depends on what the coach of each team thinks Forget it, if the friendly match is played as a main match, the results will be good, if the friendly match is used as a test to expose the team's weaknesses, the result is almost understandable.

Therefore, although the performance of Real Madrid led by Mourinho in the friendly match successfully silenced some noble and glamorous Real Madrid fans, there are still a considerable number of Real Madrid fans who are firm in their stance, unless Mourinho really Can use grades to shut them up.

In this atmosphere, the days passed day by day, and soon, Real Madrid's first official game of this season was ushered in-the away game against Real Mallorca in the first round of La Liga.

The Mallorca team is a bit strange, not a strong team, often wandering between La Liga and La Liga, never won the La Liga championship, the most brilliant achievement was in 99 with Barcelona and Real Afterwards, Madrid ranked third in the league and was named the eighth strongest football club in the world in 99 by UEFA.

As for entering the 21st century, if Mallorca can occupy a place in the middle and upper reaches of La Liga in any season, the team should be satisfied with doing a good job this season.

The above is not the strange thing about this team. The strange thing about this team is that after the 21st century, many of the honors he can achieve are related to Real Madrid-in the last round of the 0607 season, this team blocked Real Madrid from succeeding , so that Real Madrid handed over the league title that they had almost obtained to their rival Barcelona; in the 0708 season, this team even double-killed Real Madrid in the King's Cup, adding another stroke to their record book.

This team seems to be on a dead end with Real Madrid, and the idea is to make Real Madrid unhappy. In fact, this is also a strange place in La Liga-Real Madrid and Barcelona are also known as the two giants of La Liga, referred to as the Western Super League. , However, many small teams have completely opposite attitudes towards Real Madrid and Barcelona. They like to fight for points against Real Madrid, and they like to be discouraged and obey their fate when they play against Barcelona. It is no wonder that so many Real Madrid fans are upset.

Ahem, I accidentally dragged it too far, now let us turn our attention back to Real Madrid's preparations-in this game, Mallorca played 451, and Real Madrid formed a 433 formation: 1-Casilla Si/12-Marcelo, 2-Carvalho, 3-Pepe, 4-Ramos/14-Harvey Alonso, 6-M Diarra, 28-Yuntian/7-C· Ronaldo, 20-Higuain, 22-Di Maria.

Because Kaka had not recovered from his injury and Yuntian had performed very well recently, Mourinho thought about it and gave Yuntian a chance to start. Before playing, he patted Yuntian on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Yun Tian is also a little excited now. After all, this is his first start after 3 years. Moreover, when he was at Manchester United, he had very few chances to start because of his age. Therefore, facing such an opportunity, it is said that he If he wasn't so excited that he wanted to prove his ability, it must be hypocritical, calm to calm, gentle to gentle, he still has the competitive spirit that belongs to a normal man.

Besides, to be more selfish, he had had enough of the aggrieved performance in reality some time ago, and he could not bring this aggrieved performance to this green field again no matter what.

In this game, no matter what, he couldn't find a reason to lose!

However, this game is destined not to go as smoothly as Yun Tian thought - before the game, Mallorca's head coach Laudrup, who got Real Madrid's starting list, made an agreement with his players. In this game, Yuntian will become their key care object.

He has studied the videos of these few games of Real Madrid, and he is also amazed at the ability of this young player who has made a comeback. The 3-year injury does not seem to have weakened his ability as the number one supernova in Europe, but made him even stronger. matured.His presence has made Real Madrid's frontcourt offense smoother, no less than when Kaka was on the court.In terms of strong breakthrough ability, he is definitely not as good as Kaka, but he has the ability to organize the ball in the frontcourt that Kaka is not good at. The way to pour the ball into the goal, but with Yuntian, Real Madrid can connect the abilities of the frontcourt stars together, and send the ball into the goal through extremely subtle cooperation.It can be said that when Yun Tian is on the court, he is the core of Real Madrid's frontcourt attack. It doesn't mean that Real Madrid can't score goals without him, but without him, Real Madrid's offensive fluency will have to go to a higher level.

What's more, he seems to lack none of the abilities necessary to be a top player, such as speed, technique, and awareness. The only fatal flaw is his body—Yun Tian doesn't look like that A strong player, not to mention that he was injured and retired for 3 years, and was even diagnosed by a doctor that he would never return to the green field.

The task that Laudrup gave to the players is this game. They play offense against Real Madrid, but in defense, the defensive attitude must be tough and resolute. Kick out their own rhythm, and tell them to focus on taking care of Yuntian. If necessary, they can use some subtle actions to stop Yuntian. The defensive attitude towards Yuntian should be tougher. After all, as a player who has just retired from injury for 3 years, he encountered a tough defense. , it's hard not to shrink back, and once the heart is afraid, this player's ability will be greatly reduced, not to mention that Yuntian doesn't seem to be that kind of tough person, the effect is not good, restraining Yuntian, at least it is also restraining Part of Real Madrid's attack, but the effect is better, it can even make Yuntian invisible, making Real Madrid equivalent to one less person!

This may be a bit despicable, but if you want to grab a victory from Real Madrid, it doesn't matter if you are despicable at all. Yes, Laudrup didn't think about winning a tie today. The Iberostar Stadium won this victory from Real Madrid. First, he is good at attacking more than defending. Second, if he can win against an opponent like Real Madrid, then it will be very important for Mallorca in the next season. The psychology will be very beneficial-even Real Madrid has fallen under their feet, what else do they have to be afraid of? !

The two sides were waiting for the battle, the referee stared at the watch in his hand, and blew the whistle to start the game.

Real Madrid, who guessed the coin correctly, chose the ball, so the game was kicked off by Real Madrid, but not long after the kick-off, Mourinho on the sidelines keenly discovered something abnormal.

He had long expected that Mallorca would play offense against Real Madrid in this game, but he didn't want to play defense with this team either. In terms of offensive ability, this Real Madrid is more than a step or two higher than Mallorca?Even if it is playing against each other, it will definitely not be Real Madrid who loses.

However, not long after the kick-off, Real Madrid's offense was frequently interrupted, and even several ugly set kicks were awarded. Mallorca's defensive strength seemed a bit too great.Mourinho frowned, narrowed his eyes and glanced at Mallorca's coach Laudrup. It seemed that Mallorca wanted to play dirty with Real Madrid in this game.

Yun Tian also discovered this very quickly - when he was dribbling the ball past the opponent's front midfielder, the opponent secretly elbowed the opponent's lower back, and the opponent even cleverly stretched his legs to move him, causing him to stagger. He almost lost the ball, he managed to maintain the balance of his body and pulled the ball back. The next second, a foot was aimed at him and shoveled fiercely. Will shovel down hard on his feet and even his ankles!

Yun Tian was stunned for a moment, his position was not considered good, judging by the situation on the field, even if he was allowed to pass by, it would not pose too much threat, there was really no need to use such a vicious flying shovel, you know, this action takes one If not, you may get a red card!

This momentary hesitation allowed the opponent to successfully shovel the ball towards the feet of the Mallorca player. Yun Tian couldn't catch up and fell to the ground. When he got up, he saw the opponent's player showing him a provocative smile. Yun Tian frowned. Mei moved his eyes to the referee who was following the players towards Real Madrid's half-court, and found that the opponent didn't even blow the whistle, which meant that the referee thought it was a successful defense just now!

I am afraid that this game will be quite difficult.

"Filo, are you okay?" Ronaldo asked with concern as he ran over from behind.

Yun Tian shook his head and said to Ronaldo: "Be careful, this game is not easy." Then he ran back to his own half to participate in the defense.

Ronaldo froze for a moment, and soon frowned. He has played football much longer than Yuntian, and naturally has much more experience in this situation.

Sure enough, 5 minutes later, when Yuntian broke into Mallorca's half with the ball again, he was "warmly entertained" by the Mallorca players. In order to limit his speed, the opponent did everything possible. He can be said to be up and down, which almost made him get goose bumps all over his body.

Yuntian wanted to forcefully speed up and wipe away the opponent, but he secretly pulled his clothes to prevent him from rushing over. Yuntian turned his heart and threw his body and rushed forward, with a sound of "tearing", the quality customized by Real Madrid The excellent jersey was dismembered in this way, revealing Yuntian's tight waist curve, the player who was still pulling Yuntian's jersey was taken a few steps back by the reaction force with a shocked expression, sitting on his buttocks. on the ground.

The commentator of the Spanish TV station Freire even whistled frivolously: "It seems that our talented young player is in good shape, and his explosive power is even top-notch!

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