After I closed the door and went back to the house, Fifth Brother asked me what was wrong, and I told him everything I knew.

After hearing this, Fifth Brother was shocked and speechless for a long time.

I thought for a while and asked: "If Hu Changhe is willing to be with him, I mean the kind of 'together', can they do this? Will it violate some laws and regulations..."

Fifth Brother shook his head, and seemed to sigh secretly, and said: "I don't know. Normally, if you owe this person's past life, you can choose to repay him, and then everything in the past life will be over. But like this— —" Fifth Brother pondered for a while, "Like this kind of husband and wife in the past life, one of them remembers all kinds of past lives because of his long life, but the other can't remember anything, no one knows what the ending will be..."

I nodded, and couldn't help but look at my bedroom, feeling worried about the fox in it. "It's no wonder that Hu Changhe doesn't want to talk to him, and he can't talk to him... Not only are they of different types, but they're also of the same gender..."

Fifth Brother sighed again, and seemed to say with emotion: "Sometimes, feelings are beyond my control... I think, as long as you protect him sincerely, even if you can't be together, he will feel your love." This feeling..."

"Oh, fate tricks people!" I couldn't help but sighed, and then persuaded him: "Forget it, let them deal with it themselves, let's go to bed quickly, what time is it!"

"Yeah." He replied muffledly, got up and walked to his room.

I yawned and hurried back to the house to sleep.


Although I know that Lang Tianyue is not hostile to Hu Changhe and "loves deeply", but this is their own business, and I will not take the initiative to help Lang Tianyue.Therefore, I didn't take the words of the rat spirit to heart.

A few days later, I received a call from Chen Qi.Although I was surprised, I still chose to answer.He asked me to meet alone, I thought of the unpleasantness of the last meeting, so I immediately refused.

He smiled and said, "What? Afraid of me?"

Afraid of your uncle!My stubbornness popped up in an instant, and I immediately retorted: "Time and place!"

He laughed in a low voice, then told me the appointed time and place, and asked me to go to the appointment alone.

When Chen Qi had a fairy family before, I was not afraid of him. Now that his fairy family follows mine all day long, it is even more impossible for me to be afraid of him!

In the afternoon, while Fifth Brother was instructing the staff to count the medicines in the store, I said to go out to buy something, so I stopped by to meet Chen Qi.

This guy doesn't know what he's thinking, but he even asked me to meet at the park in the middle of the street. It's not a date, so it's awkward to think about it there.

From afar, I saw him sitting on a bench, leaning against the back of the chair with his eyes closed, looking like he was basking in the sun and sleeping warmly.When I approached, he slowly opened his eyes, smiled at me and said, "Here you come? Sit down."

I didn't want to sit next to him, so I stood in front of him and said, "If you have something to say, I'm going back!"

He didn't answer my words, but looked behind me and said, "Is the wolf fairy following you all the time?"

I said nothing, and said in my heart, if he can see it, he will know the answer, and if he can't see it, then I will not tell him the answer.Not for anything else, just to make him more troublesome!Because this person is so annoying, always smiling, but there is never a smile in his eyes.Sometimes when I talk to me, I still feel weird, but that time when I squatted on the edge of the cellar and watched me fall like that, how could Bao Buqi gloat in his heart!I didn't offend him, just because I stayed with Fifth Brother, he disliked me, which shows that this person has a mental problem!

Anyway, I don't know a single good thing about him, so I can't like him anyway.

Seeing that I ignored him, he was neither angry nor embarrassed. He continued to smile and said, "I came to you because I wanted to tell you something."

My intuition told me that what he was about to say was never a good thing.

"Go ahead."

He thought for a while, and then slowly told the story of how he met Fifth Brother.Among them are a few things they did together when they had a deep relationship, such as hanging out together and organizing school activities together.

Seeing him talking endlessly, I am a little impatient. After all, I am standing and he is sitting. Is this trying to exhaust me to death?I interrupted him directly and said, "Are you saying this has anything to do with me? Get to the point!"

He froze for a moment, then smiled again.

It was just a change of expression, but I suddenly felt that the person who just talked about the past was real, because when he was telling the story, the happiness and nostalgia he showed from time to time made his expression vivid.But now, the person who smiled politely was a person who was hiding behind a mask, making it difficult to figure out what was going on.

"I like Qingfeng, you know?" He glanced at me with a smile, and seeing that I hadn't spoken, he added: "Did you overhear me outside the door that day?"

I was taken aback and frowned involuntarily.Although eavesdropping is disgraceful, my focus at this time is not on it, but——he actually knew that I was outside the door at that time!What about the fifth brother?Does he know?

He ignored me, and continued on his own: "I pursued him, but he refused." He sighed, "He said, he can't implicate me."

My brows furrowed even tighter.

Brother Wu's anger is indeed overpowering others, but I think his rejection of Chen Qi can be based on his sexual orientation. If it is true what Chen Qi said, and he confessed to him, what does that mean?It shows that Fifth Brother trusts him and is willing to tell him his very important secret!It can even be explained that Fifth Brother really cares about him and doesn't want him to get hurt or think about it, that's why he told him about it...

I don't know why, no matter what it is, I feel very uncomfortable.

"He said that his life was too hard and he would overwhelm those around him, so he left me for my own good." Chen Qi said with a sigh.

I replied coldly: "If you really love him, you wouldn't care about these things, would you?"

His uncle, why are you pretending to be innocent!He's almost thirty old man, why is he so hypocritical?And he's even married!Marrying a woman and still thinking about a man, how split the spirit is!I scolded him several times in my heart.

"I don't care, but he does, and I don't want to make him feel guilty after the accident, so I decided to let go." He said without blushing or panting, as if it was true, but I couldn't believe this sentence talk.

If it's true love, when you know it won't last forever, you will definitely choose "Once Owned".Just like my mother, knowing that my dad married her not only because he likes her but also to continue the incense, and once I was born, my dad would not live long, and she might not even live long, but she still married my dad and gave birth to me.The situation in our family is much more serious than that of the Wugekes.

"You've been talking about it for a long time, but you just want to say that you like Fifth Brother, don't you? Even though you're married, you still miss him, don't you? But what does this have to do with me?" I didn't argue with him, and asked directly.

He smiled and said: "I just want to say that if you are with him, you will probably be killed by him."

I really want to look up to the sky and laugh a few times, and tell him that I have a special physique and Fifth Brother won't beat me!I suppressed my complacency, and said solemnly: "Why should I believe your words? I know very well the fifth brother's character, and he won't keep me by his side when he knows it's not good for me!"

Want to sow discord?Boy, you are using it in the wrong way!

"Believe it or not, if you know how his family treated him, you will know that what I said is true." He stood up, approached me and said, "If what I said is true , you know that you will be killed by him, will you still stay by his side?"

He stared into my eyes tightly, as if he wanted to take all my reactions into his eyes.

I froze for a moment, thinking about this question secretly.If it's what he said, will I stay with Fifth Brother?At the beginning of the meeting, the answer is definitely not.If Hu Changhe had told me so at the time, I would have specified that I would not be his assistant.Who will be chased to die?Even if the life is not long, it is just one more day to live.But now, I know that I will continue to stay by his side, because the thought of leaving him one day fills me with resentment, emptiness and sadness.If you live in pain for a lifetime, it is better to live happily for a while.When I was with Fifth Brother, life was blissful and happy, how could I be willing to leave.

Seeing that he kept staring at me, as if he would not stop until he got an answer, I slowly said, "Yes, because I think it's worth it."

He smiled meaningfully and said, "You don't even have to die, the feelings are very deep!"

Of course, we are a lifelong friendship!

"Okay, it's getting late, I'm leaving, see you later." He hurried away without waiting for my reaction.

I looked at his back, not to mention the anger in my heart.

This bastard, what is in his head?Why do I always feel that he wants to get me away from Fifth Brother, but wants to watch our unexpected development?Want to see how Fifth Brother got rid of me?Wait, the word "dump" is really easy to cause ambiguity...

When I returned to the store, I found that Brother Wu's face was darkened, and then I realized that I had been walking for too long without my mobile phone.

He asked me where I was going in a cold voice. After thinking about it, I felt that if I made a mistake in one link, I would reveal my truth and leave a bad impression on him, so I honestly took all the tricks.

After listening to my words, he lightly reprimanded me: "Stay away from him in the future! Also, don't leave my sight again!"

I nodded like a pounding garlic, not daring to breathe, this was the first time I saw him so angry.

He still couldn't calm down, he dragged me directly into the office, locked the door, turned around and said to me: "Listen well—what he said is all false! False, you know? I didn't tell him We are together because I don’t like him! Also, I said, I won’t beat you! You are the only one who won’t be beaten by me so far! Remember?”

"Remember!" I hastily nodded vigorously and obediently.

"If you dare to sneak out alone again, don't blame me for falling out with you, you know?" He continued to attack me.

I nodded again, obediently sitting on the chair and not daring to move.

"I want to eat braised pork ribs and sauced eggplant tonight!"

"Oh!" I nodded, and suddenly realized something was wrong...

Why did he suddenly mention the evening meal?This change was so fast that it made people feel a little confused.But looking at his livid face, I knew that I just had to follow suit. As for why, I'd better not ask...

The author has something to say: Fifth Brother [Crazy]: I really want to eat this little thing!

[Helpless]: Well, since I can't eat it yet, let him cook instead...

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