After a few days, Brother Wu found Qi Fu and said that he wanted to ask him to look after the cemetery.Qi Fu is in this line of work, so he readily agrees if he has money to make.So the three of us drove to my hometown with my fifth brother.

After arriving at my family's cemetery, Qi Fu looked at the six graves, hesitated and said, "The three generations of your family didn't live long, did they?"

Surprised, I gave him a serious look.If the news of my family’s offense against the weasel had already spread, he would only know about my grandfather and my father’s two generations, but about my great-grandfather and grandma, he couldn’t possibly know about it, because it was too long ago.In fact, he was right. Although my great-grandfather and grand-grandmother died of old age, they did not live past the age of 60, because the living and medical conditions at that time were too poor, and they basically had to wait to die if they had a serious illness.

He already knew from my look that he had guessed right, so he went on to say, "I can't tell you how I got it, but I have to tell you that if you don't move your ancestral grave, your life span will be shorter."

I pursed my lips tightly and didn't speak, because although I knew that my life was short, I still couldn't tell whether he knew about it by looking at the cemetery.

After returning from Dalong Mountain, because I knew that there was a person who was doing bad things secretly, I had to be wary of the people around me, because that person knew us very well, and I thought he should know us.And Qi Fu's appearance, if it is not a coincidence, then he has another purpose for approaching us.

After listening to Qi Fu's words, Fifth Brother said: "I have planned to help him move the grave for a long time, but I haven't found a suitable place. I have to ask Mr. Qi to help find a good place."

Qi Fu looked at the nearby terrain and the hills in the distance, and said: "I have been here before, and I did find a good piece of land, but whether you can get it or not depends on you."

In the end, Qi Fu pointed out a piece of land to us and said that we would come to him after we got that piece of land.

That piece of land undoubtedly belonged to someone in our village too, but I don't know whose.The cemetery is not divided equally every few years like cultivated land, it was divided decades ago.When I went to visit the grave before, I didn’t pay attention to the land in the distance, and the land was very large, there was only a small grave in the corner, and the grave was covered with weeds. It was obvious that no one had visited the grave for a long time.

Because Qi Fu helped find a piece of land, we arranged for him to have a good meal after we went down the mountain, and when he left, Fifth Brother stuffed him with a cowhide envelope.

After seeing off Qi Fu, Brother Wu and I returned to my house.After I tidied up the house, the two of us sat on the kang and discussed the matter.He asked me to go out for a while and find out who owns this place, and he will do the negotiation afterwards.

I nodded, but before that, I have one more thing to do.I took out all the cash from my bag. This is what I have saved over the past few years, plus what my fifth brother gave me after winning a card game a year ago. The total is 8 yuan. Although it is not much, I think it is worth buying a cemetery. Absolutely enough, after all, in a small place like ours, the monthly salary is only a little.

Seeing that I took out the money, Fifth Brother hurriedly asked me, "Why is this?"

I said seriously: "This is my family's business, I have to pay for it myself, I can't let you spend it."

"Oh, about your family..." He repeated, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You mean I'm an outsider?"

I was immediately anxious, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that! Fifth brother, I owe you too much, so I can't let you spend any more money this time! Besides, this is not a small amount, how can I let you spend this for nothing?" money……"

"Who said it was nothing for you?" He smiled, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hook the back of my head and pulled me over, then put his forehead against mine, looked into my eyes and said with a half-smile: "Take me!" Let your body pay off the debt!"

His face was so close to mine that the tip of his nose was about to bump into each other. When he spoke, his warm breath sprayed on my face. I suddenly became nervous. When I heard him say such a joke , I was so shocked that I could only stare blankly at him, not knowing how to react.

He let me go slowly, then rubbed my hair, and said, "Silly boy, since you know what you owe me, then work hard in the future, and the money will be deducted from your salary!"

It turns out that this is what he meant by "using your body to pay off the debt"... I breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time reacted, and said, "When will I be able to deduct so much money? I may not be follow you all the time, so I still I'll give it back to you now!" I almost said something about my near death, he didn't want me to know about it, so I kept pretending I didn't know, if I slipped my mouth at this time, he would definitely think about how to comfort him Me, then I got him into trouble again.

He froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Just do what I said, and wait until the day you don't want to follow me, and then we'll settle the score."

I still wanted to stick to my point of view, but he interrupted me. He yawned and said, "The wine I drank with Lao Qi at noon is too much. I need to sleep for a while. Go out and inquire about the land." He said Then he spread the bedding by himself and lay down on it.

Seeing that he really closed his eyes and was about to go to sleep, I had no choice but to shut up obediently and leave the room.

Alas, forget it, even if he doesn't want the money, I will leave it to him when I die. Anyway, he is the closest to me left in the world.

Thinking of the word "close", I subconsciously touched my forehead.I touched his forehead just now, and I was still entangled in my eyes. Thinking about it makes me nervous and embarrassed, because this kind of action is too intimate... If I didn't know that he doesn't like men, I almost thought he was going to kiss me... Thinking about it This, my face suddenly burned up.I couldn't help touching my lips, and suddenly felt that my thoughts were too outrageous... I must have been made a little nervous by Feng Yukun...

Standing outside the door, I took a few deep breaths, until the heat on my face subsided, I patted my cheeks, cheered up and walked outside the door.

I went to the house of the oldest grandpa in the village, that is, the grandpa Wan who used to love telling stories to us children.He is already in his 80s, and he has a lot of knowledge and knowledge. In the past, he was the one who arranged for weddings and weddings.Later, weddings were held in restaurants with hosts and masters of ceremonies, so there were fewer people looking for him, but the villagers still couldn't do without him for their funeral affairs.Especially the younger generation who don't understand anything, if you don't invite him, you will have to be caught blind.Because he has been responsible for all the funeral affairs in the village in recent decades, so I think he must know who owns the land.

Seeing that I was gone, Grandpa Wan enthusiastically let me go to the back room, poured me water, saw that I had brought him wine and pastries, and even called me a layman with a stern face.In fact, he is one of the few people in the village who is warm to me, so this is another reason why I come to his house.

I said that my friend wanted to get a piece of land to bury his deceased family members, and he saw an open space in the cemetery, but he didn't know whose family it was, so let me help to find out.

After listening to my description, he told me that the land belonged to Lao Xing and his father-in-law's family.Because the only brother of Lao Xing's wife went to prison, no one cares about her parents' graves.

I said, that piece of land is quite big, and my friend didn't want to buy all of it, but kept a part for their family, and the remaining two-thirds could be sold.

Grandpa Wan promised to help me go to Lao Xing's house to ask his wife, and he would come to my house to find me when he got the letter.I heard what he said, so I went home and waited for his news.

When I got home, I saw that Fifth Brother was fast asleep, so I lightened my steps.I stood on the edge of the kang and looked at him for a while, and felt that he was cute and harmless when he was asleep, and the facial features after he was completely relaxed had soft lines, making him even more handsome.My eyes wandered over his face for a moment, and finally fell on his lips.His lip color is not very red, it is a bit light, and it looks very soft... I subconsciously poked it with my finger, and found that it is not as soft as I thought, it feels full and powerful, maybe use "flexibility" " is a more appropriate description.

I poked my lips again, and found that my own was softer. Maybe it had something to do with my physical fitness. Compared with him, he was a tiger and I was a sheep, and it was a domesticated one...

Seeing that it was getting late, I gently closed the door of the back room and started to cook dinner outside.It is estimated that when he wakes up later, it will be time for dinner.

After staying at my house for one night, Grandpa Wan came early the next morning.He said that the daughter-in-law of the old Xing family agreed to sell the land. Her younger brother was sentenced to life for injuring someone and was caught up with the "strike hard" back then. A few years later, the sentence was changed to 20 years. The money can come out immediately, so she wants to use the "useless" land of her natal family in exchange for her brother's early release from prison. She doesn't want her brother to spend his 45th birthday in prison.

Brother Wu said that he wanted to buy land, and then Grandpa Wan took us to Lao Xing's house.After a bargain with Lao Xing's daughter-in-law, Fifth Brother and Lao Xing's wife reached an agreement.Because the land is not allowed to be bought and sold privately, the two signed a contract.Lao Xing's wife and her younger brother contracted the land to Wu Ge for 2 years at a price of 30 yuan.

Brother Wu told me privately that the current property right period for cemeteries is 20 years, but rural land can be contracted for 30 years.

In fact, Lao Xing's daughter-in-law initially asked for 5 yuan, but Wu Ge said that she asked for too much and would have to buy land from someone else, so she let go.Then the fifth brother said that the maximum price would be 1 yuan, otherwise he would go to Lin County to buy a cemetery of more than [-] yuan.Finally, Lao Xing's wife agreed to the price.

Brother Wu told me that the reason why he lowered the price was not because he was reluctant to part with the tens of thousands of dollars, but because he was afraid that others would be suspicious.Fifty thousand is not a small amount in the countryside. If you spend such money to buy a small cemetery on a hillside, you will probably be able to guess what it is.But if it is the normal price, it will not be so conspicuous.

In fact, he doesn't need to explain these things, I can trust him completely.Since the day I met him, I haven't seen him take advantage of anyone.

Still, I'm glad he was able to tell me this, it shows that he trusts me and cares what I think of him.

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