Grass head fairy's breaking evil

Chapter 17 The Legend of the Ghost Tower

After several days of heavy rain, the temperature dropped and unfortunately, I caught a cold.

Unable to go out for a run, Fifth Brother asked me to run on the treadmill.After running to warm up my lower body, I learned boxing from him in the living room.

"The posture is good, but there is no strength at all!" Brother Wu commented while correcting my movements.

If you have a stance but no strength, you're just embroidering your fists and legs. I know this, but my small body just doesn't have much strength.

"The next move is the vajra pounding the pestle." The fifth brother demonstrated, and I followed the gourd to draw the ladle.

He looked back at me and suddenly smiled, "Wipe your nose quickly, we're almost crossing the river!"

"Oh." I hurried to the coffee table to get the paper, twisting my nose in embarrassment.

Alas, Brother Wu has to say that I look like a child now, after all only children have a runny nose.

A cold will recover in a week with or without medicine, but symptoms such as stuffy nose and runny nose are too uncomfortable.I continued my morning exercises with Fifth Brother while I was sick. Fortunately, Apart from the pharmacy work, Fifth Brother hadn't received any job as a supervisor these days.

When I get better from the cold, the weather will heat up.In July, it is not far from the dog days.I followed Fifth Brother to the mall to buy clothes, but as soon as the sun was shining and the air conditioner was blowing, I suffered from heat stroke.

Originally, I told Hu Changhe: Look, I also said that the fifth brother would beat me, but it turned out that I have been here for a few days and everything is fine, and I didn’t even break a single dish when I was washing.I think his luck beat my bad luck.

As a result, I was so proud that I caught a cold the next day.The cold just happened, and I got heatstroke again.

Brother Wu brought me some Huoxiangzhengqi liquid from the pharmacy, I squeezed my nose and drank it, the unpleasant smell came back and filled my nasal cavity as soon as I let go, it was so uncomfortable.

After taking the medicine for several days in a row, the symptoms of cold sweating, dizziness and lack of strength improved.

Hu Changhe lay on the altar, without opening his eyelids, and said to me who was lying on the bed: "How does it feel to be sick for two consecutive times?"

"I guess it's my own bad luck. My body can't stand it when the weather changes." Anyway, I can't push my weak constitution, easy to get sick, and bad luck on Fifth Brother.

Hu Changhe didn't argue with me and continued to sleep on it.


This afternoon, I was taking a nap when I heard someone knocking on the door, so I opened it in a daze.

A strange man stood at the door, and he said politely, "Hi, is Mr. Wei at home?"

Fifth Brother went to the pharmacy and was not home, so I politely replied: "He has something to go out and hasn't come back yet. May I ask who are you?"

"Oh, I'm his friend, surnamed Jiang. I called him when his cell phone was turned off, so I came here directly."

When I heard that it was Brother Wu's friend, I hurriedly invited him in, but he waved his hand and said, "When he comes back, just tell him that I have looked for him and ask him to call me back!"

"Okay, I must tell you."

Shortly after I sent that friend surnamed Jiang away, Fifth Brother came back.I told him about this, and he took out his mobile phone to look at it, and said, "It automatically shuts off when it runs out of power, no wonder he can't find me."

After Wu Ge plugged in his mobile phone, he called the friend surnamed Jiang.

After hanging up the phone, he said to me: "Xiao Kai, I will go to see a friend tomorrow. If you are not well, you can rest at home!"

"I'm fine, I'll go with you!"

Staying at home for the past few days is almost suffocating, and I finally have the opportunity to go out, how can I miss it?

"Next time, you get well first."

"No, I'm going crazy these days, just let me go!"

Seeing me looking at him pitifully, Fifth Brother finally nodded in agreement.

The next day, my fifth brother and I went to a place.

It was a small three-story building, and the third floor was obviously newly built. The color of the cement was very new, and the doors and windows had not yet been installed.There are not a few pieces of window panes left on the first and second floors, and the yard is full of weeds. It is obvious that no one lives here.

We parked outside the fenced iron gate, went to the gate and looked inside.

Brother Wu said, "Have you heard the legend about the 206 ghost building?"

I shook my head. After all, I don't live in the urban area, so I don't know much about the rumors here.

"Here it is."

Brother Wu told me about this legend.

It is said that anyone who spends the night in this building will definitely fall asleep, and when he wakes up, he will find himself sleeping outside when he opens his eyes.Then a certain faction on Tuanjie Road - a few people from the station didn't believe in evil, so they came here with a guy (gun) to play mahjong.It was originally planned to play all night, but when it was almost dawn, several people fell asleep without knowing it.After waking up, several people not only slept outside, but even their guns were thrown far away.

After listening to Fifth Brother, I asked him, "Is it really haunted here?"

"Who knows? Let's see."

The fifth brother’s friend surnamed Jiang bought this place not long ago. Not only did he not believe the rumors, but he even added a layer on it, but a strange thing happened—building materials were piled up in the yard, and the next day it must be Scattered all over the place.Moreover, some workers fell from the top and broke their legs, and some workers said that they saw dark things flashing by.

In the end, this friend surnamed Jiang thought of Wu Ge who was in this business, so he came to the door, hoping that Wu Ge could show him.

"Turn in?" I asked.

"It's daytime now, and I have a strong yang energy. If the ghost hides after we go in, we won't be able to find it." Fifth Brother thought for a while and said.

"What should I do?"

Fifth Brother looked at Hu Changhe on my right shoulder, and said, "Please ask Fox Immortal for a favor, let him go in and take a look."

I turned my head to look at Hu Changhe. Before I could speak, Hu Changhe snorted: "No."

I was a little helpless, and turned back to look at Fifth Brother.

Fifth Brother smiled, as if expecting it to say, "Since it refuses to go, we have no choice but to climb over the wall and go in, let's go."

Brother Wu walked towards the red brick wall beside him as he said that, and I followed.Just when the two of us were holding on to the top of the wall and were about to climb up, Hu Changhe opened his eyes and stood up, and said helplessly, "Let me go."

The fifth brother smiled, as if he had guessed that Hu Changhe would compromise, and said to him: "Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiao Kai!"

Hu Changhe rolled his eyes at him, jumped onto the wall, then jumped into the yard, and walked towards the door.

Seeing that Hu Changhe was about to go in, I quickly reminded: "Be careful!" Even though it is a fox fairy, I was still a little worried.

Brother Wu grabbed my shoulders and comforted me: "Don't worry, it will be fine."

I nodded, and seeing him holding my shoulder tightly, I wanted him to let go, but suddenly understood what he was doing.Once Hu Changhe is gone, I will be in danger. Only by being next to Fifth Brother, who is full of yang, can I be safe.

While we were patiently waiting for news from Hu Changhe, suddenly a sharp cry came from the building.I couldn't help being startled, and immediately shouted: "Fox Immortal!"

Hu Changhe, who had entered from the first floor, suddenly appeared at the door on the second floor. He jumped to the top of the wall in front of me, and then onto my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked it eagerly.

"It's okay." It squatted and looked in the direction of the ghost building.

Following its line of sight, there is a vague figure in a window on the second floor, it seems to be a woman, I can't see her face and clothes clearly, but I can see clearly what she is holding in her hand—that It's a pure black cat!It is estimated that the sharp meow just now was made by the cat. Although it is slightly different from the usual cat meow, there are still similarities.

"Sure enough, it's one person and one animal, just like in the legend." Fifth Brother said softly from the side.

I asked him, "What do we do now?"

"Go back first!"

My fifth brother and I got into the car, and I could still feel the prying eyes of that ghost and cat until we were almost out of the crossing.

Brother Wu said: "Although I don't know Feng Shui, I can tell that the location of this house is not good. Even if there are no ghosts, it is not a good place to live."

According to Wu Ge, the house is located at a three-way intersection, and there is a river across the road in front of the door. According to Feng Shui, it is easy to gather Yin Qi.

Anyone who goes out to burn paper on Ghost Festival night knows that the address must be chosen at a crossroad or a three-way intersection, and some people will go to the riverside or riverside, because these places are closest to the world of ghosts.

When I got home, I asked Brother Wu what his plans were, and he said, "There aren't many things left, let's prepare first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

After lunch, Fifth Brother said he wanted to buy something, so I followed him out.

We came to a incense and candle supply store, Fifth Brother stood at the door, glanced at me and said, "Can you go in?"

I was startled, and just about to ask him what he meant, Hu Changhe said, "We'll wait outside."

I was taken aback again, looked at Hu Changhe, and asked what was wrong with it.

"There are Buddha statues inside." Hu Changhe explained.

Because of the hot weather, the door of the store was wide open. I stood at the door and looked in. There was a shrine on the opposite wall, which contained several Buddha statues and Guanyin statues.

Among the grass-headed immortals, there are those who uphold Buddhism and those who uphold Taoism.The paper used to enshrine Baojiaxian is red and yellow, and this is the difference.In some fairy halls, it’s okay to worship together the hall list and the Buddha statue, because those fairy houses respect the Buddha, otherwise, like Hu Changhe, he will be offended when he encounters the Buddha statue.

Since it couldn't get in, I couldn't go in alone either, so I had no choice but to say to Fifth Brother, "Let's wait outside."

Brother Wu smiled and said, "I don't feel comfortable going in, so I won't go in." After speaking, he shouted inside: "Second Zhang, come out to pick up the guests!"

Pfft - I almost burst out laughing, Brother Wu's words are easily misunderstood!

The boss named Zhang Lao Er was lying on the innermost recliner and taking a nap, when someone called him, he sat up in a daze, stared blankly at the fifth brother at the door for a long time, and then reacted and called out "It's you!" He walked over.

Fifth Brother briefly said a few words to him, took out a list and handed it to him, "Everything must be fine!"

"Don't worry, when did I give you a bad one!" Zhang Er Er went in with the list.

Fifth Brother bought a lot of joss sticks, burnt paper, and yellow paper. After saying goodbye to Zhang Laoer, we walked back.

"Fifth brother, do you always stand at the door every time you buy something?" I asked him.

"It's okay to go in, but I feel uncomfortable all over." The fifth brother replied, "I am a Taoist, and the second master python is not a Buddhist, so it must be offensive to go in."

I nodded, expressing my understanding. When I was a child, I went to a small local temple with my classmates, but when I walked to the door, I felt uncomfortable. After hearing what Hu Changhe said, I dared not enter.

Although the store offered Buddha statues, customers like us couldn't get in, but the boss had to do this, otherwise his family's joss stick paper money would attract ghosts.If you are haunted by ghosts and ask for ghost money, you won't have to pass that day.

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