When Qi Cheng woke up the next day, he was overwhelmed with shame.

So that day, before Wen Siyu woke up, he quickly put on his clothes and ran back to the small apartment.

When he got home, Qi Cheng saw that he was on the trending search, but the source of the trending entry was the name of the original book.

But after clicking in, the most popular Weibo is about him.

Qi Cheng was a little worried when he clicked on the photo and saw it.

Afraid of being photographed in the car by the paparazzi.

He still clearly remembered that after he was drunk, he climbed into Wen Siyu's car in a familiar way, and then hugged and hugged Wen Siyu.

In the middle, they also tried to take off Wen Siyu's clothes.

When he was out of line, he even got in from the hem of Wen Siyu's shirt and bit his chest muscle.

The memory of the latter is relatively vague, and I don't remember exactly how I got home.

But he remembers clearly the incident of his drunken madness.

Including how he "tormented" Wen Siyu.

When Qi Cheng woke up, he saw a very clear hickey on Wen Siyu's neck.

Qi Cheng washed his face with cold water, and rubbed his face along the way.

There was also a message sent to him by An Yiqiao on the phone.

[An Yiqiao: Happy ending. ]

[Xia Guhe: Congratulations on finishing. ]

[Xiaguhe: Are you at home today?I'll buy some vegetables and cook you a delicious meal. I'll ask An Yiqiao if he's free and invite him to join us. Let's have a drink? ]

[Qi Cheng: Still not.I was drunk too much last night, and I'm still dizzy now. ]

[Xia Guhe: Okay, I’ll go over and cook you some hangover soup. ]

[Qi Cheng: Are you busy with work?Isn't today Monday? ]

[Xia Guhe: I am the boss. ]

[Qi Cheng: Then stop by and buy me a watermelon downstairs. ]

After half an hour.

Xia Guhe and An Yiqiao arrived at Qi Cheng's small apartment one after another.

Xia Guhe went to the kitchen to find a fruit knife and a chopping board to cut watermelon.

An Yiqiao ran up to Qi Cheng excitedly, with an excited expression on his face, "Do you want to hear some good news?"

Qi Cheng looked at An Yiqiao calmly.

An Yiqiao grinned, and said: "Before I came here, I happened to be with Xiao Weige, and I heard him answer the phone, talking about a TV series you filmed before, and the contracted platform at that time was about to broadcast it."

"Which one?" Qi Cheng asked.

""May You Sincerely" will be renamed "I Prefer You" and will be aired soon."

It was an idol drama that Qi Cheng filmed in the second year of his debut.

After filming, there will be no more stories about this movie.

Qi Cheng thought that he would never have a chance to broadcast it in his life.

"It is estimated that in these two days, the official expo will spend money to check the hot search and announce the broadcast time." An Yiqiao said.

"The platform spends money to buy trending searches?"

"Really, you can ask Little Viagra."

Enduring the excitement in his heart, Qi Chengan found the phone from under the sofa pillow, and just as he turned it on, Lu Xiaowei's call came in.

Qi Cheng immediately pressed the answer button, "Little Viagra."

"Is Xiao Qiao at your place?" Lu Xiaowei asked.

An Yiqiao leaned closer to the phone, "Little Viagra."

"Then you should know the news about the broadcast of a previous movie, right?"

"Is it the modern idol drama "Promise Your Heart"?"

"Yes, it will be renamed "Preference for You" and broadcast."

"Have you confirmed the start time?" Qi Cheng asked.

"The specific time will be fixed on the platform in the next two days. I called you because I have other good news. There is also news about the follow-up broadcast of your other two dramas and a movie. If there is no accident, it will be broadcast one after another. out."

"It depends on the broadcast effect of "To You" next, as long as the few dramas behind the passing line are on the list, there is hope."

Lu Xiaowei was also a little excited.

These scenes are still squeezed, although they may not meet the current market demand, but those are all filmed by Qi Cheng in the past.

Both are good plays.

If it can be broadcast, it can also play a very good publicity role for him.

more importantly……

"Do you still remember who were the people who acted with you in "Preference for You"?" Lu Xiaowei asked.

"Who is there?" An Yiqiao was more excited than Qi Cheng.

"Jiang Xiying, he played the role of the heroine's elder brother at the time, so he didn't have many roles," Qi Cheng said.

"Do you still remember that he doesn't have many roles? Aren't you bored with others?" An Yiqiao said.

Xia Guhe came out with the cut watermelon, "What happened to Jiang Xiying? He still wants to chase you?"

"What do you mean? You know Jiang Xiying? He even chased you?" Lu Xiaowei said in shock.

Qi Cheng: "..."

Xia Guhe walked in and found that Qi Cheng was still on the phone, quickly put down the fruit plate containing watermelon, and closed his mouth tightly.

But it's all said and done, it's almost impossible to get around without saying anything.

"He is my classmate in high school, and also the school girl of our school. Because he is handsome, he has made friends with both boys and girls. So I guess he just had a good impression of me for a while. After I rejected him, he didn't talk to me much. Later, he graduated more. There is no connection." Qi Cheng recalled some memories and said lightly.

"Then what about filming before?" An Yiqiao asked.

"During filming, we didn't have much contact with each other." Qi Cheng said.

"Aren't you in touch in private?"


Jiang Xiying had a girlfriend at the time, and her girlfriend was the daughter of the investor of "Prefer You".

But Qi Cheng didn't mention it.

Because not many people knew about it at the time.

He also discovered it by accident when Jiang Xiying and that girl were kissing in the dressing room.

a few days later.


Hot search.

Hot #[-] topic.

"Preference for You" will be aired on October 10st.

When Qi Cheng saw it, he swiped his phone screen and glanced at the date of the day.

9 month 25 number.

There are still a few days left.

Qi Cheng went into the hot search and found that almost all of them were empty bottles of Jiang Xiying's fans, and there was very little mention of him and another female lead who had already been found in the entertainment circle.

The top [-] comments were all strictly controlled by Jiang Xiying's fans.

Even if Qi Cheng's fans want to comment on him, they can't compete with the top fans.

Organized and disciplined, quickly dominate the occupied territory.

People who don't know think that this movie is starring Jiang Xiying.

Qi Cheng knew that this was helpless.

The only consolation is that in the popular news on the official blog, Aite's first person is him, the second is the female lead, and the third is Jiang Xiying.

The square is almost full of Kua Jiang Xiying's activities, with his beautiful pictures and works, boasting wildly.

Qi Cheng swiped for a while and felt bored and didn't plan to continue, but when he quit, he accidentally clicked on a comment on a marketing account, which was also an [-]-word praise of Jiang Xiying's good news.

After Qi Cheng liked it, he immediately canceled it.

He thought it was over.

After all, he was the one who liked Jiang Xiying, not Jiang Xiying who liked him.

But because of this incident, Jiang Xiying followed his Weibo, and generously reposted the official blog post of "I Love You", and Aite Qicheng said a line from the drama at that time.

[@琼成, we will be a family from now on. 】

The lines are what the heroine's brother said to the hero on the wedding day of the hero and heroine.

Jiang Xiying's movement represents the wealth code of traffic.

After the marketing account saw it, it quickly fermented the topic, and it quickly became the hot search position.

#江希影focus on Qi Cheng#

#江希影,From now on will be a family#

Qi Cheng was inexplicably pushed on the trending searches.

Still in the top three.

Before he had time to digest the news, a WeChat friend he hadn't contacted for a long time sent him a message.

[jxy: Chengcheng, long time no see. ]

Qi Cheng was stunned for a while before realizing that this was Jiang Xiying's WeChat account.

Added it while reading.

Because I don't chat much, the chat records have long since disappeared with the replacement of mobile phones.

Qi Cheng hesitated for a moment.

[Qi Cheng: Thank you for the hot search. ]

Regardless of whether Jiang Xiying helped him on purpose or not, it was of great benefit to him.

Can't say thank you enough.

[jxy: What are you being polite about, the heat is all on me, just passing on you. ]

That being said, compared to the positions of the two, Qi Cheng still has an advantage.

[jxy: If you really want to thank me, how about treating me to dinner? ]

[Qi Cheng: Okay, next time when you are free. ]

Qi Cheng thought it was probably just a small talk, after all, Jiang Xiying is a busy person now, time is precious, so why would he have time to have dinner with him.

Not long after, Lu Xiaowei helped him accept a new play, and the leading actor was Jiang Xiying.

They met when the new drama started.

After the filming ended that day, Jiang Xiying asked about a meal appointment. Qi Cheng wanted his agent to help him book a high-end restaurant, but Jiang Xiying refused.

"I'm tired of eating those. I want to eat something simple today. How about the snack street outside when we were studying?" Jiang Xiying said.

"But if you go there, it will cause traffic jams." Qi Cheng said bluntly.

"It's okay, I'll just pretend to be a little bit better, and just eat the Mala Tang I used to eat in high school. I saw that it was still the old boss when I was shooting a scene before, and it should still be the same old taste."

Since the last Weibo interaction, Jiang Xiying would chat with Qi Cheng from time to time.

When there is no topic to talk about, Jiang Xiying will bring up the past and always try to get closer to Qi Cheng.

Jiang Xiying's topic has always revolved around their previous school days.

Qi Cheng wasn't enthusiastic, but he wasn't indifferent either.

Arrived at the place to eat.

The boss has long since forgotten them.

They just went around and said, "You two are so handsome, like movie stars."

Jiang Xiying was wearing big sunglasses that covered half of her face, and she also wore a peaked cap to keep it low.

The boss and his wife don't often watch TV, so they don't really recognize each other.

Qi Cheng wore a white peaked cap himself.

The two of them, one black and one white, sat face to face in the small shop by the window and ate a bowl of Malatang that cost no more than 20 yuan a bowl.

Qi Cheng was halfway through eating when his phone vibrated.

[Wen Siyu: Where is it? ]

[Qi Cheng: Eat out. ]

[Wen Siyu: With whom? ]

[Qi Cheng: friend. ]

[Wen Siyu: An Yiqiao?Or Summer Valley River? ]

[Qi Cheng: Neither.An entertainer friend. ]

[Wen Siyu: Jiang Xiying? ]

[Qi Cheng:? ? ?how do you know? ]

"Baby, why didn't you call me when you came out to eat?"

As soon as Qi Cheng's puzzled message was sent out, a shadow came down.

Immediately afterwards, a sexy voice full of aura sounded from above his head.

The next moment, he was held down by the shoulders, and then Wen Siyu squeezed in from the side and sat next to him.

The chair was a double bench, and Qi Cheng was sitting in the middle, Wen Siyu just squeezed down like that, firmly sticking to Qi Cheng's half body.

Qi Cheng hasn't recovered his soul yet, since seeing Wen Siyu squeezed a commercial smile, he held out his hand, "Hello, my name is Wen Siyu, and I'm Chengcheng's boyfriend, may I ask who you are?"

"Mr. Wen, hello. My name is Jiang Xiying. Yes, I am Cheng and Qi Cheng's high school classmate." Jiang Xiying was startled at first, and after seeing Wen Siyu's face clearly and knowing the identity of the other party, she immediately handed over her hand Shake each other back.

He was so nervous that he didn't even pay attention to what Wen Siyu said just now.

"Baby, are you full?" Wen Siyu and Jiang Xiying greeted each other politely, and then turned their attention to Qi Cheng.

"Why are you here?" Qi Cheng asked.

"A partner who came back from overseas used to study in high school here, and this time he came back to talk about cooperation and wanted to visit his alma mater." Wen Siyu stared at Qi Cheng with gentle eyes.

"Then don't you need to be busy?" Qi Cheng asked.

"I'm done with work, I've been talking all afternoon, I'm thirsty." Wen Siyu hinted in his eyes.

Qi Cheng casually handed over the glass of water he had drunk.

Qi Cheng picked it up and drank half of it, then gave it back.

She even pushed it towards Qi Cheng's hand until the cup touched the back of Qi Cheng's hand.

Qi Cheng subconsciously took it up and drank the rest.

Wen Siyu cast a sideways glance at Jiang Xiying, and said again, "I haven't had dinner yet, so I'm a little hungry because of work."

"Shall I order you some Malatang?" Qi Cheng said immediately.

"I want to eat yours." Wen Siyu said.

Qi Cheng immediately took a meatball from his bowl and fed it to him.

The two of you talk to each other, as if no one else is around.

Jiang Xiying's face changed slightly, she endured it for a while, put down her chopsticks, and made excuses to run away.

"You deliberately?"

After Jiang Xiying left, Qi Cheng asked.

"What? Baby, I'm really hungry." Wen Siyu raised his face slightly, his expression teased and beating.

"You don't need to get mad at him, he is the leading actor in my current drama, and I'm playing his friend, most of the scenes are tied to him." Qi Cheng said.

Wen Siyu: "..."


We have to find a way to follow the group.

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