Maybe not people.

An exhibitionist ghost.

Qi Cheng's back felt cold for a while.

He silently withdrew his hand, pretending not to see the "ghost", turned around and washed his hands "calmly", then tried his best to control his feet so as not to flee in a hurry, accurately calculated the normal position of each step until he walked out of the bathroom.


Qi Cheng slammed the bathroom door shut.

When closing the door, because of nervousness, I fell harder. The doorknob, which was already shaky, was completely loose, shook a few times, and fell straight to the ground.

"Kang Dang." There was a sound.

Qi Cheng was so frightened that he hugged himself tightly.

Losing the confinement of the door lock, the door behind him creaked open.

Afraid and curious at the same time, Qi Cheng slowly turned his head and glanced back.

It was the same small bathroom, and everything in it was business as usual.

So normal that Qi Cheng couldn't help but wonder if his eyes were dazzled by reading the script for a long time.

Qi Cheng patted his face hard.

He didn't want to go in, but the nearest public toilet was two kilometers away.

In the end, he couldn't take it anymore, Qi Cheng simply pushed the door, making the door open even more.

Let alone a ghost inside, even the heat from just now has disappeared.

Maybe it was an illusion, Qi Cheng did a few psychological training for himself at the door.

Take the first step carefully.

He walked to the place where he met the "ghost" just now, pretended to drive away mosquitoes, and clapped his hands a few times indiscriminately, but didn't touch anything.

Finally feel at ease.

Pull the zipper down and start releasing pressure from your bladder.

The silence around him made the sound of water falling into the toilet particularly clear.

Qi Cheng wanted to end it quickly and go out.

He didn't even notice that behind him, everything was constantly twisting, as if being sucked in by a black hole.In just a few blinks, the originally narrow bathroom became spacious and bright.

When Qi Cheng felt something strange, a tall black shadow enveloped him from behind, covering his whole body.

It was a figure.

Qi Cheng's scalp tightened, and he shrank from urinating.

He lowered his head, closed his eyes, and silently recited all the gods and Buddhas from the East and the West.

"Honey, are you done?"

Qi Cheng is going crazy.

He was frightened half to death by the male ghost's voice, and when he tried to escape, his pants suddenly slipped down and fell to his ankles.


Don't fall early, don't fall late.

This is to take his life!

"Baby, are you graciously inviting me?"


Does this ghost have a split personality?

When Qi Cheng was so nervous that his body trembled slightly, his waist was suddenly grabbed by a pair of big hands.

The whole body is in the air.

Fell into a warm embrace.

Immediately afterwards, the place that had never been offended by anyone was suddenly pinched and deformed.

The tactile sensation was too real to be ignored.

Fortunately, it is not a real peach, otherwise the juice will be squeezed out with such strength.

Qi Cheng became angry from embarrassment, and his anger completely overshadowed his fear.

"I'll fuck you, can ghosts take advantage of me?"

Qi Cheng struggled hard, and bit his head sideways on the other's ear. When the other party let go, he quickly jumped to the ground and ran out.

Qi Cheng ran all the way back to the living room, his palms were cold.

He frantically rummaged through his cell phone on the sofa, but couldn't find it, but stepped on the script that fell to the ground at some point.

Qi Cheng bent down to pick up the script, and found that when the script fell, he turned to the later plot.

When he picked it up, he glanced at the writing on it.

[Qi Cheng's pants fell off, and Wen Siyu pinched his waist from behind and lifted him up, like an adult holding a child...]

The entire description fits 100% with what just happened.

Qi Cheng opened a pair of almond eyes, quickly turned to the previous page number based on memory, and found the description of "Qi Cheng" who strayed into the bathroom while Wen Siyu was taking a shower.

That was what happened when they first participated in the recording of variety shows. Although Wen Siyu was forced to participate in the recording of the show, he was very resistant to Qi Cheng in his heart.


Qi Cheng stared at these two descriptions repeatedly.

Gradually realized one thing.

He seems to be wearing a book.

Wear the usual settings in the book.

The same name is cursed.

He should have sucked that sentence into his lungs.

But it doesn't seem right.

Don't those novels on the Internet that wear books all wear the whole person?

He seemed to be stuck in it for a short while.

The card is still the script.


Qi Cheng recalled it and quickly threw away the hot potato in his hand.

The script fell to the ground, face up, and opened a "drag racing" plot of a play within a play.

Qi Cheng's eyesight is so good that he can tell what the text is at a glance.

Afraid of being stuck for the third time, he quickly picked up the script without hesitation.

Close up.

After smoothing the corners and corners, he placed it on the coffee table and pressed the Bluetooth speaker next to it.

Qi Cheng squatted beside him, staring at the cover of the script for 10 minutes.

The more I think about it, the more nervous I get.

He was startled when the phone rang.

Qi Cheng touched the phone, and when he saw Lai Xian, his heart was still in his throat.


"Chengcheng, have you got the new script?" Xia Guhe's voice reached his ears.

"En." Qi Cheng stared at the script again, and said nervously, "Xia Guhe, can I stay at your house for one night today?"

"Of course." Xia Guhe said.

Xia Guhe is Qi Cheng's high school classmate and good friend, a rich second generation, but he never puts on airs in front of Qi Cheng. When he was studying, he often went to food stalls with Qi Cheng to have beer and barbecue.

Revolutionary friendship is accumulated in alcohol.

"Then I'll go there now, are you home?"

"I'm on my way home now, and it's just in time for you to take a taxi." Xia Guhe said.

After Qi Cheng hung up the phone, he hurriedly found a pair of pants and put them on, then took his keys and mobile phone and ran out.

Qi Cheng forgot to close the window when he went out.

An evil wind blew in and blew the script by a corner.

[Qi Cheng has no experience in kiss scenes, and he was too clumsy when filming active kisses. NG gnawed Wen Siyu's lips countless times. ]

Qi Cheng trotted all the way, intending to wait for the bus in front of the community.

He ran in a hurry, not noticing the changes in the surrounding scene.

It wasn't until there were more and more people around that Qi Cheng realized something was wrong.

"Brother Cheng, where have you been? It's easy to find, the next scene is the kiss scene between you and Wen Yingdi, haven't you been looking forward to it for several days? Hurry up and get ready."

The one who spoke was a melon-faced girl with short hair, who kept chatting with Qi Cheng with her head up.

She also handed Qi Cheng a bottle of mint-flavored mouthwash, "Brother Cheng, don't be in a daze, hurry up, kiss for the first time, and try to impress Wen Yingdi."

kiss scene?

Wen Yingdi?

good impression?

"You..." Qi Cheng was about to ask who you are, when he lowered his head, he saw the girl's light-colored rose tattoo on her mouth.

The table is sweet.

"Qi Cheng"'s life assistant is a talented student selected by several older brothers to take care of "Qi Cheng".

Qi Cheng was dizzy for a while and almost couldn't stand still.

Why did you get stuck again?

It's so hard to die, but what's stuck is still a kiss scene, NG is an endless time.

He remembered that after filming this kiss scene, the relationship between "Qi Cheng" and Wen Siyu quickly dropped to freezing point.

Wen Siyu even used up a whole bottle of mouthwash in front of "Qi Cheng".

The attitude of dislike and disgust is vividly expressed.

"Chengcheng, what kind of clothes are you wearing? Hurry up and change into costumes." The director came over and saw Qi Cheng's clothes, and frowned fiercely.

"I'm sorry director, we'll change right away." Xi Tiantian carried a large satchel on her back and pushed Qi Cheng towards the RV.

The two passed by Wen Siyu who was sitting under a tree enjoying the shade and reading the script.

very close.

Qi Cheng saw Wen Siyu's expression was more indifferent than what he saw when he was stuck in the script for the first time.

His expression was irritable, and the boiling anger was suppressed in his eyes.

It seems that he is trying to suppress some scourge, and the sense of sight will be destroyed if he relaxes for a while.

Qi Cheng touched the tip of his nose, and after repeatedly confirming through his memory that the script was just a bloody modern drama and did not have fantasy material, he calmed down a little.

At least your own safety is still guaranteed for the time being.

After Qi Cheng changed his clothes in the caravan and got off, he felt a piercing gaze on him, he subconsciously looked over, and went straight into Wen Siyu's sight.

Wen Siyu's gaze was so cold that there was no warmth at all, as if a killer had set his sights on his prey, like a poisoned snake letter.

Qi Cheng shrank his neck, and quickly turned his gaze, not daring to look at each other again.

But I feel puzzled in my heart.

Isn't Wen Siyu's setting from an ordinary family?Why does it feel oppressive like a moody superior?Cold-blooded capitalist?

Qi Cheng walked around the set, trying to find a breakthrough.

The first two times he was stuck in the bathroom, he could return to reality by rushing out of the bathroom door, so he wanted to confirm whether there was an exit every time, and he could go back when he found it.

It's just that until the director called to start shooting, he couldn't find the exit to escape.

"Your Youth, My Memory", the second scene of the third scene, one preparation, Action."

The sound of hitting the board fell, and Qi Cheng looked up at Wen Siyu.

This was the first time he looked at Wen Siyu at such a close distance. He was really handsome, with deep eyebrows and distinct facial features.

Very high.

A bit taller than him.

Wearing a blue and white school uniform on him, he looks very youthful, but his eyes are too sharp.

Compared with a student, Wen Siyu is more suitable to play a cold and ruthless boss, or a murderer with a high IQ.

[Lu Liang: "Song Zhixiao, have you ever kissed someone else? Do you know the taste of kissing?"]

[Song Zhixiao shakes his head. ]

[Lu Liang smiled, stood on tiptoes to wrap around Song Zhixiao's neck, pressed his forearm against the white collar of the opponent's school uniform, and directly touched Wen Siyu's hot skin on the side of his neck with his tender white wrist. ]

[Lu Liang licked his lips, his voice was very seductive, "Then do you want to try it?"]

[When Song Zhixiao opened his lips slightly in shock, Lu Liang took the initiative to bite his lips. ]


Qi Cheng's mind is full of these words from the script.

Nervous to the point of sweaty palms.

The design of this plot.

Lu Liang played by "Qi Cheng" is a precocious student who is very good at kissing. After making a bet with others, he began to crazily tease the taciturn student tyrant Song Zhixiao, and almost unlocked every place suitable for kissing in the school.

This time it was in the small woods of the school, Lu Liang blocked Song Zhixiao who was going to the library, after a few words of teasing, he started to move, and even took away Song Zhixiao's first kiss.

The plot design, Lu Liang's kissing skills are amazing, kissing the straight man Song Zhixiao until his face blush.

In fact, "Qi Cheng" doesn't know how to kiss, and his acting skills are also very poor, so he kept NGing throughout the whole process. The two kissed again and again, and their mouths were almost bald.

Others thought that "Qi Cheng" did it on purpose, and deliberately took the opportunity to kiss Wen Siyu, who played Song Zhixiao, several times.

But I don't know that he really has no actual combat experience.

The only thing to blame is that "Qi Cheng"'s usual behavior is too easy for people to misunderstand, misunderstanding that he and Lu Liang are the same person, flirtatious and seductive.

Qi Cheng was nervous.

Because he has no actual combat experience like "Qi Cheng".

The roles he has played in the past few years have not had a kiss scene, so the first kiss on the screen is still there.

He wasn't sure he could pretend to be a good kisser.

Qi Cheng took a few deep breaths before entering the mirror.

The moment you step into the camera, you enter the scene in a second.

He smiled like a seductive little wild cat, nimbly standing in front of Song Zhixiao, "Song Zhixiao, have you ever kissed someone else? Do you know the taste of kissing?"

Song Zhixiao shook his head.

"Then do you want to try it?" Lu Liang stood on tiptoe, put his arms around Song Zhixiao's neck, pouted and tried to nibble on Song Zhixiao's lips.

Qi Cheng could clearly feel that Wen Siyu's body gradually became stiff after he went upstairs, and his eyes were stormy.

He thought it was Wen Yingdi's response to the character, but in the next moment, he was suddenly grabbed by the elbow and thrown out violently.

The moment Qi Cheng fell down, his mind was in a daze.

Is there no such link in the script?

Qi Cheng staggered and fell, his posture was very indecent.

Fortunately, he protected his face and only scratched his elbow.

But being thrown out for nothing, Qi Cheng was furious.

He patted his butt and got up, opening his mouth to curse.

"You fucking..."

When he turned around, there was no one behind him.

Not only Wen Siyu was gone, but all the crew members were gone.

He was standing on the side of the road, and beside him was a little boy with a runny nose and licking ice cream, looking at him blankly.

"Mom, this big brother fell on the ground." The little boy said.

Qi Cheng: "..."

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