Qi Cheng didn't know that when Wen Siyu disappeared, two people in the alley just happened to witness this scene.

An Yiqiao's pupils trembled, and he almost screamed with his mouth open.

It was Cui Songyuan who reacted quickly and quickly covered his mouth, so he didn't shout out.

Cui Songyuan didn't wait for Qi Cheng to come out of the alley, but pulled An Yiqiao away.

After he went back to pay the bill, he dragged An Yiqiao out of the restaurant.

Before driving, he sent a text message to Qi Cheng, saying that he had something urgent to leave first.

"You are in a hurry, why did you drag me along?" An Yiqiao was pushed on the passenger seat and put on a seat belt.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"And what was that just now? Is it a person or a ghost? Why did such a big person disappear suddenly?"

"You look like you know who that person is? Who is he to you? Is it because of that person that you approach us Chengcheng?"

Cui Songyuan didn't answer An Yiqiao in a hurry, turned the steering wheel and drove on the expressway.

An Yiqiao looked at the road conditions, rolled his eyes fiercely, "Damn, are you afraid that I will jump out of the car? Obviously, you don't need to take the expressway to get back to your home."

After Cui Songyuan calmed down, he was in a particularly good mood.

He also pressed play music, turned down the volume, then turned his head to look at An Yiqiao, and said, "How do you know I'm going to take you home?"

An Yiqiao sneered, glanced down between Cui Songyuan's legs, and said with a sneer, "A wild animal like you who can only think with its lower body, what else would you do besides that?"

Cui Songyuan smiled: "Don't you also enjoy it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and answer my question first."

"We haven't seen each other for half a year, so you're not curious about me?" Cui Songyuan said.

"If you die, I might be interested in your tombstone, nothing else." An Yiqiao said indifferently.

"I'm in a good mood today, I don't care about you." Cui Songyuan stepped on the gas pedal.

Increased driving speed.


Qi Cheng received Cui Songyuan's message and went back to the hotel to find An Yiqiao.

No one was seen.

The guess is that he left with Cui Songyuan.

He didn't bother them.

Instead, send a message to an unknown source.

[Qi Cheng: What's going on?Why did Wen Siyu appear beside me? ]

[UNKNOWN SOURCE: His mission is nearly complete. ]

[Qi Cheng: What about me?I don't have to go in? ]

[Unknown source: Not sure yet. ]

[Qi Cheng:? ? ?What's the meaning? ]

[Unknown source: He has a strong desire to complete the mission now, so he is making rapid progress, and may be able to complete all the important plot points without your help.But there are still several chapters of the plot in the future, full of uncertain factors, so I can't say that I don't need you yet.You just might not be needed. ]

Qi Cheng read this sentence several times.

Finally came to a conclusion.

His task is almost done.

Wen Siyu will soon be able to break through the barriers by himself.

Obviously, he should breathe a sigh of relief and feel happy.

But now he is facing the mirror, but he can't smile.

Just touching the bite mark on the collarbone, my heart is in a mess.

Tooth marks are deep.

When Wen Siyu bit, the force seemed to eat him.

Qi Cheng came out of the bathroom shirtless, took out the medicine box, and prepared to apply some medicine to the tooth marks.

When the potion was on the cotton swab, he hesitated.

After thinking statically for a while, Qi Cheng threw away the cotton swab.

The medicine got better too quickly.

Qi Cheng touched the wound, and thought of the only sentence Wen Siyu said to him after he appeared.

"Chengcheng, wait for me."


An Yiqiao was taken to his mansion by Cui Songyuan.

As soon as he entered my room, Cui Songyuan couldn't wait to kiss An Yiqiao.

Both are familiar with each other's sensitivities.

Like two piles of dry firewood, a spark burns blazingly.

Five hours later.

An Yiqiao was so exhausted that she kicked Cui Songyuan.

Cui Songyuan held An Yiqiao's slender ankle wearing a chain, held it in his arms, and pressed gently.

An Yiqiao was itchy and kicked everywhere.

Cui Songyuan simply grabbed him and held him in his arms.

An Yiqiao is only 1.7 meters eight, and Cui Songyuan is three centimeters taller than Qi Cheng.

There is not only an 8 cm difference in height between the two, but also a big gap in body shape. When Cui Songyuan was imprisoned, An Yiqiao couldn't break free at all.

"Let go, let me go." An Yiqiao couldn't match her strength, so she could only curse.

"Don't you have a lot of questions you want to ask me? You can ask them now." Cui Songyuan's big hand slipped from An Yiqiao's round shoulder...

An Yiqiao didn't move any more, but blushed, put his hands on Cui Songyuan's shoulders, and said angrily, "Are you fucking talking to me like this?"

Cui Songyuan smiled, "I'll feel it to see if it's swollen."

"You fucking..."

An Yiqiao's curse words were directly crushed.

"That person's name is Wen Siyu, who was my childhood friend and the president of Wen's Group. Before I finished writing a novel, I would send him a copy, but he never read it until I wrote this "Wild "Rose". He disappeared after reading it, and I couldn't find him anywhere for a long time, until something called [Unknown Source] found me, and I didn't know that he was in the book I wrote."

An Yiqiao heard his mouth open.

"This is too unreal."

"There is something even more fantastical. [Unknown source] told me that there is a boy named Qi Cheng who can freely enter and exit the script and can also save Siyu."

"So you chose Qi Cheng on the grounds of film and television?"

An Yiqiao remembered that his agent Lu Xiaowei said that the screenwriter was very satisfied with Qi Cheng and even strongly recommended him to play the role.

Looking at it now, it was for Qi Cheng that this novel was turned into a film and television.

"You can say that." Cui Songyuan said.

"When you first wrote it, how did you write Qi Cheng's name and still fit his image so well? Did you write it based on him?" An Yiqiao asked again.

"Actually, this book was just a product of my own entertainment." Cui Songyuan paused, and continued: "I saw a picture on the Internet, it was a P picture, and the P picture was Wen Siyu and Qi Cheng. The picture of people together gave me a strong impact, and the inspiration was almost irrepressible, so I just wrote a fan work. I didn’t even think about publishing it when I wrote it, but just sent it to Wen Si Yu. I didn’t expect him to read it. After reading it, he wore the book. Later, I had no other choice but to follow the advice of [unknown source] and publish the book. I also adapted the script and started casting.”

An Yiqiao was extremely shocked.

Before Cui Songyuan explained, he had made many assumptions about this matter.

But all assumptions are far from reality.

Who would have thought that it would be like this?

just like……

"How do I feel, the whole thing, you are more like a tool person, a tool person who promotes their emotional development and gets to know each other?" An Yiqiao said his inner thoughts.

Cui Songyuan: "..."

He was quiet for a moment.

"Fuck, why do I think you're right?"

Cui Songyuan immediately took out his phone and sent a message to [unknown source].

[Cui Songyuan: You...]

Cui Songyuan didn't ask the question yet.

News from [unknown source] arrived first.

[Unknown source: I have good news for you. Although the person in your arms has a poisonous tongue, he has only slept with you, and he also likes you in his heart, even more than you thought. ]

Choi Songwon: ...

Oh shit.

This dog is still the same as before, specializing in attacking people's hearts.

But [acting from the position] changed the subject, and let Cui Songyuan understand that what An Yiqiao said just now was not wrong.

He was played for no reason.

Cui Songyuan felt depressed.

"Mr. Cui, let go of your hand immediately, I'm hot." Seeing that he was holding the phone all the time, An Yiqiao kicked it speechlessly.

Cui Songyuan glanced at An Yiqiao, thinking of what [unknown source] said, his hands didn't loosen but gripped even tighter.

Then he threw away the phone and started a new round...

An Yiqiao cursed.

His body reaction was much more honest than his mouth.

I haven't seen you for half a year.

Cui Songyuan just found out that An Yiqiao had him in his heart, so he was so excited.

After half an hour.

An Yiqiao began to scold.

an hour.

An Yiqiao began to beg for mercy.


Qi Cheng's life seems to be on the right track.

His and Wen Siyu's timelines are different, and the passage of time is also different.

Although he only went in a few times before, his time elapsed was less than a day.

But the time span that Wen Siyu needs to experience in the script is almost half of the content of the book.

From the recording of "Our Three Meals a Day" to halfway through the filming of the script, it took almost a year.

his day.

Wen Siyu's year.

Except for the first few days of recording variety shows, after a long time, I only met briefly a few times.

He didn't know when Wen Siyu knew that he was not "Qi Cheng", nor did he know how Wen Siyu identified him from "Qi Cheng".

It was even more unclear whether Wen Siyu knew that he and "Qi Cheng" were not alone.

He had no way of knowing that when he was not by Wen Siyu's side, the plot changes in the script.

I don't even know how Wen Siyu and "Qi Cheng" get along.

What if Wen Siyu didn't know that "Qi Cheng" wasn't him?Will he also regard "Qi Cheng" as him, and then will he hug "Qi Cheng" and kiss?

"Chengcheng, what are you thinking?"

When Qi Cheng was in a daze, An Yiqiao slapped his arm.

Qi Cheng shook his head, looked at An Yiqiao, "Where did we meet just now?"

He was reviewing the script with An Yiqiao, trying to get familiar with the script and character setting before starting the film.

So that after starting up, you can enter the role faster.

Qi Cheng is a very trustworthy, hard-working person who walks the talk.

He promised Lu Xiaowei and An Yiqiao that he would teach An Yiqiao to act, so he would not break his promise.

And he really had nothing to do.

Idle is idle.

He immediately asked Lu Xiaowei for a copy of An Yiqiao's itinerary, and asked An Yiqiao to spare time, and then he and An Yiqiao took time to review the script.

It's just that even with a schedule, An Yiqiao would occasionally disappear.

Each disappearance is not a night, it is a few hours.

When it reappears, it becomes more hydrated and transparent.

An Yiqiao's recent changes made Qi Cheng feel that he is getting more and more beautiful.

Like a well-moisturized flower.

Delicate rose.

"I didn't think about anything." Qi Cheng took the milk tea handed over by An Yiqiao, and took a sip, "Have you finished reading the content just now? What do you think?"

An Yiqiao put his legs crossed on the coffee table, exuding a lazy posture, folded his hands behind his head, shaking his feet and said: "In the final analysis, this drama is still a drama with a female lead, and the male lead has not yet been cast. The heroine is more than half, so there is no need to pay so much attention to it, right?"

"When you hear this, it means that you haven't read the script thoroughly." Qi Cheng said.

"I'm not wrong, don't you think so?" An Yiqiao asked.

"Although you are right, there are indeed very few male protagonists, but the male protagonist's personality is beautiful, strong, upright, and has a backbone. This is still different from those ordinary leading female protagonists on the market. Most big The heroine of the heroine role is a background board tool person who only serves the heroine and does this or that for the heroine, or is responsible for abusing the heroine and making the audience feel sorry for the heroine. But the man in this book Lord, her own charm is very strong, although there are few scenes, but there are many high-profile plots, if she plays well, she can attract fans, and she is no worse than the heroine." Qi Cheng said.

"Why do you and Lu Xiaowei say the same thing?" An Yiqiao tilted his head back, and the things in his eyes turned upside down.

All kinds of busy staff around him turned into people walking upside down on the ceiling in his eyes.

"Because that's the truth." Qi Cheng likes this character very much, so he spent a lot of time researching it, "It's good to have a small number of roles for this character. Do you understand that it's difficult to understand? After the broadcast, there will definitely be many viewers who love him. It’s hard to beat, I will remember him for a long time, and I will also remember you.”

An Yiqiao grinned happily after hearing Qi Cheng's words.

His hands were folded in front of his chest instead, and his feet were shaking faster than before, "But it's good to have less scenes, so you don't have to be so tired."

An Yiqiao glanced at Qi Cheng and said, "You don't need to be so tired of teaching."

Qi Cheng grabbed An Yiqiao's wrist and pulled him up.

When An Yiqiao stood up straight, the collar of her baggy clothes fell off, revealing the fresh hickeys inside.

Qi Cheng: "...You're going to record a show later, so wear a high collar."

An Yiqiao followed his gaze to see what was on the collarbone, didn't feel shy at all, and put his arms around Qi Cheng's shoulders with a smile and said: "It's okay, even if it is photographed, my lovely fans will regard it as a It was a mosquito bite."

Qi Cheng: "..." It's great to have a lot of fans.

An Yiqiao said, stretched out his hand and pulled Qi Cheng's collar, pointed to the shallow tooth marks on his collarbone, and said, "Why haven't your tooth marks disappeared? It can't be a mark, Is it going to get better?"

Qi Cheng is not as thick-skinned as him.

He snatched the clothes from his hands and covered them.

He also pressed his hand on the neckline, "It's not a tooth mark, I didn't stop hitting it."

An Yiqiao laughed meanly, "Who can you fool with such an obvious tooth mark? To be honest, your family's tooth is really good."

Qi Cheng: "..."

An Yiqiao saw Qi Cheng blushing, and wanted to tease him even more.

He touched Qi Cheng's finger on purpose, and said in an ambiguous tone, "You're looking for this zero. It's a tooth mark that hasn't faded in half a month. You don't have to worry about biting, do you?"

When Qi Cheng heard the number zero, he thought of Wen Siyu.

Although he feels that he should be No. 1.

But no matter what, he couldn't imagine Wen Siyu becoming number zero.

Qi Cheng touched his ears and began to worry.

You won't be competing with Wen Siyu in the future, will you?

When Qi Cheng is in a relaxed state, he actually doesn't know how to hide his thoughts.

Almost everything you think is written on your face.

An Yiqiao is also a fine person.

Very good at observing words and expressions.

In addition, he also clearly knew who the person who left the teeth marks on Qi Cheng's collarbone was.

Still curious, he pestered Cui Songyuan to come and see Wen Siyu's photos.

So he already knew that Wen Siyu would not be number zero.

The reason why he said that was because when the two met for the first time, Qi Cheng swore that he was No. 1, and An Yiqiao deliberately teased Qi Cheng out of a playful mood.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have this time, why don't you memorize the lines of "Sheng Fan An". Although you don't have many scenes, you have a lot of lines, and they are all literary words. If you don't memorize them smoothly, it will be easy when the time comes It will get stuck. You didn’t expect to shoot at the right time, so you kept NGing?” Qi Cheng tried his best to be calm, but the red ears still betrayed his mood at the moment.

He didn't dislike An Yiqiao's mention of him and Wen Siyu.

Although he still couldn't name Wen Siyu.

But even if it is the object of reference, it can only be Wen Siyu.

Indirectly, it can be regarded as talking about him and Wen Siyu.

Every time he mentions it, he can think about him again without any burden.

"The lines in "Sheng Fan An" are really scary, why are there so many words? Can I cut some words according to the context?" An Yiqiao asked.

"No, you definitely want to cut corners and speak casually in vernacular, but that will reduce the charm of your character. Your current character will have fewer scenes, and you can't casually delete his own charm value." Qi Cheng refused. Joe's lazy suggestion.

Although this kind of lazy mode, many people in the circle will choose it.

But Qi Cheng never thought of being lazy.

Nor would An Yiqiao be allowed to be lazy under his nose.

"Why are you more troublesome than Lu Xiaowei?" An Yiqiao puffed his cheeks, but obediently picked up the script and began to recite the lines.

Qi Cheng also had a script in his hand.

But his roles are too few.

In the heavy notebook, his lines still take up less than a page.

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