land on your heart

Chapter 39 In Your Heart

After a few days, the hot searches about the film gradually subsided. Although the film plan was not permanently terminated, some passers-by and fans recognized the filming location. The filming had to be temporarily suspended for a few days to let the crew circle the cordon and strengthen confidentiality measures. To prevent illegitimate children and paparazzi from entering.

During the few days when the filming was suspended, several leading actors were given a rare gap to adjust and rest, and prepare for the next filming.

During this period, Ye Yunchu rarely received a call from Ye Weihua, saying that he was shocked and frightened after seeing the hot search, so he quickly called to care about her safety, and said that he would come to the set to "accompany her to read".Ye Yunchu quickly refused, amused and moved, and what surprised her even more was that her old father, who had been on the 2G network for many years, actually played Weibo.

She was quite curious, what would Ye Weihua's reaction be if he saw Li Ling and her cp clips, or if she told Ye Weihua that those clips were not fake, would Ye Weihua open the sky?

Thinking of this, Ye Yunchu rubbed his temples, couldn't help but smile wryly, there was nothing wrong with her, what was she worrying about?

After that day, Li Ling never talked to her about that topic again. After a long time, she couldn't help wondering whether that hug really existed. Belongs to a sweet dream.

Maybe it was just a consolation—out of sympathy for her being hacked by the whole Internet, she gave her a comforting hug.

The sun lazily swayed down through the trees, mottled with light and shadow, Ye Yunchu poked out his fingertips and touched the dots of light on the table, and the words of Li Ling that day reappeared in his mind, and his white as jade fingers outlined the picture under the sunlight. A circle of golden light came out, and she murmured, "Don't you have to shine so brightly?"

But sister, if I'm really gloomy, how can I be noticed by you?

From the time she stepped into this star-studded city, every minute and every second was just to make Li Ling look at her more sideways, and to give this gentle sister in memory a few more sweet toffees. Might take away a bit of bitterness.

Still, it seems that time can change a lot of things.

Li Ling's indifference and contempt at the beginning are still fresh in his memory, but there is also the warmth of Li Ling hugging her on his waist.Ye Yunchu couldn't figure out what kind of person Li Ling was.She only knew that if Li Ling was a poison, she would have already died of terminal illness.

No one would appreciate the sense of security brought by illness, but she was so lonely and unsatisfactory.

Today was the first day the production team resumed work after a short break. She found the dialog with Li Ling and wanted to send something, her eyes drooped slightly, but she paused again.

The chat interface stays on the jerky and boring good morning and evening, and then it is just a discussion about the script, and if it goes deeper, there is nothing... Her eyes flickered and she turned off the screen.

Eight o'clock in the morning was Xiao Shen Youru's first scene after growing up, and it was also her first rivalry scene with Li Ling.The staff had already arrived, and the set was bustling with people. Even so, Ye Yunchu saw Li Ling in the crowd at first sight—sitting peacefully in the corner, just like seeing him at the beginning of the year.

Perhaps it was because her gaze was too wide open, Li Ling seemed to notice it, raised her head slightly, and looked at her.

She responded with a polite nod, took the script and sat down beside Li Ling, concentrating on memorizing the lines.

Li Ling turned sideways slightly, looked at her for a while, and saw that she didn't give her eyes any more to her, her eyes were dim, but the tension in her heart was slightly relaxed.

fair enough.

Director Chen Weiguo didn't see that the atmosphere between the two was a bit weird, and after seeing the makeup artist in place, he informed the actors to put on makeup.Although the previous turmoil had an impact on his emotions, he was prepared from the beginning to be attacked by public opinion due to sensitive themes. This blow will not destroy his enthusiasm for this movie.

While Ye Yunchu and Li Ling were changing clothes in the dressing room, he seized the time to analyze the plot.

"In this scene, Shen Youru is already 16 years old. She has been protected and loved by Mu Manqiu since she was a child. She is a very lively image. Yunchu, you have to show this kind of girlishness, and that ghostly spirit Feel."

Ye Yunchu buttoned his clothes one by one, thinking about the scene with Li Ling, he paused with his fingertips, but his heart speeded up involuntarily, and after a while, he said yes.

Chen Weiguo said a few more words, then turned to Li Ling's dressing room: "Xiao Li, you are more experienced, the only thing you notice is that Mu Manqiu's aura is not quite similar to your own, but I believe you can make this gentle Act out your feelings, and you will bring Yunchu with you later."

Li Ling was silent inside for a few seconds, and the air suddenly became quiet. Just when Chen Weiguo thought that Li Ling hadn't heard clearly, and was about to repeat it again, he heard Li Ling's voice faintly: "Ye Yunchu himself is very concerned about this The role is sure, I trust her, I don’t need to take care of her.”

After the words were finished, the sound of the collision of makeup brushes and the sound of setting spray reappeared one after another.

Chen Weiguo was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, and quickly explained: "It's not that I don't believe in Yunchu."

"Well, I know." The murmur in the dressing room still didn't stop, this time he could hear Li Ling's little emotions clearly.

Chen Weiguo looked annoyed that what he said was wrong and wrong, he didn't explain any more, and left the dressing room helplessly and funny.

Does what he did just now mean he was bullied by Li Ling?For Ye Yunchu?Just because he implied that Ye Yunchu's acting skills were not enough?

This... this is also the truth.No matter what he is, he is also a famous director of the generation. Although Ye Yunchu's talent is considered high among his peers, it is indeed not enough when compared to the artists he has worked with.

Chen Weiguo touched his nose, and the little girl turned her elbow outward.He remembered that it was Li Ling who recommended Ye Yunchu to audition at the beginning, but now it is more direct, defending Ye Yunchu in front of him like this, it's really a girl who doesn't want to stay.

He caressed the sandalwood Buddhist beads on his wrist, but his heart sank. He could support Li Ling in pursuing happiness, but the Li family might not have the same idea as him.Especially Li Ling's grandfather... Ever since Li Ling's parents passed away, for some reason, he has been looking forward to hugging his grandson and granddaughter, praying to God and worshiping Buddha, and it is difficult for his thinking to keep up with the changes of the times.

Speaking of which, Li's house will have a party in a few days, and Mr. Li will arrange a blind date again when he comes to Li's house. This kind of thing is inevitable.

Chen Weiguo sighed softly, and when Ye Yunchu looked up again, Ye Yunchu had already come out. The aqua-green coat with a black skirt that reached his knees was already full of student flavor, and this dress was supported on the youthful Ye Yunchu, his eyes wavered slightly The movements are nimble and pleasant, with every movement, "Shen Youru" appears vividly in front of his eyes.

Chen Weiguo overflowed with surprise, and clapped his hands to signal Ye Yunchu to come closer. Although it was not the first time he saw Ye Yunchu's appearance, every time he saw him, he would be happy that he had chosen the right actor for the role.The more Chen Weiguo looked at Ye Yunchu, the more he liked this little girl, the one carved in jade was the Shen Youru he liked.

He took out his mobile phone and bent his body slightly, focused his eyes on the screen and took a few photos of Ye Yunchu from different angles to prepare as a promotional picture for the official blog, and told the staff: "That's really good, Xiao Wang, you can give me and Yunchu later." Take a group photo for the first time."

In the end, I didn't wait for Xiao Wang's reply, but I got a cold answer: "I'll take pictures for you."

The next second, the phone was also taken away.Chen Weiguo stared at Li Ling who was already posing for a photo, and was taken aback for a while, but obediently stood next to Ye Yunchu, and said to himself, "It's really changed, this girl actually took the initiative to take a photo of me..."

When Ye Yunchu heard it, her thin lips curled into a clear and shallow arc. What image does her Teacher Li usually have in the eyes of others?

She fixed her eyes on Li Ling, who was still wearing a water-green cheongsam, her long hair was coiled neatly, and her makeup was plain and elegant.She and Li Ling Mingming are only one step away, but at this moment, they are like a mountain away. These days, the play is closed to tidy up. She thought it was time for each other to calm down, but she didn't expect that just such a superficial glance, there are thousands of clues in her heart. Emotions.

Only then did she understand that these inexplicable emotions had invaded her heart since she saw Li Ling many years ago.Now, it has been dormant for a long time.

Chen Weiguo didn't notice the emotional fluctuations between the two girls, but just smiled formulaically and stood with arms crossed.After 2 minutes had passed, his face was about to freeze with laughter, only to see Li Ling keeping the original pose for taking pictures without even changing the angle, he gritted his teeth and said, "Girl, did you take the picture well?"

As if there were shallow ripples on the calm lake, Li Ling hummed lightly, tapped the screen a few times with her fingertips, then walked slowly, and handed him the phone.

Chen Weiguo took the phone, rubbed his sore cheeks, and asked casually, "You two also have a pair of heroines?"

Li Ling didn't hesitate: "No need. Putting it on the have to make groundless guesses."

Chen Weiguo didn't hear what she said, and secretly slandered, is that an unwarranted guess? It's clearly a fact, but what he said inevitably had something else to say: "Okay, stinky girl, what an unwarranted guess. Then you and you My good sisters, let’s go get ready first, the filming of our beautiful friendship movie "Great Grass" will officially start in 5 minutes."

Li Ling didn't refute, just glanced at him lightly, there seemed to be reproach in her eyes, but she didn't seem to have anything, she turned and walked away.Ye Yunchu also didn't seem to understand Chen Weiguo's hints about the relationship between the two, but after Li Ling walked away, he asked a few questions about the script, and after asking, he was ready to continue to consolidate his lines.

Chen Weiguo finally found that the relationship between the two had some unquantifiable changes. He stopped Ye Yunchu and frowned slightly: "You and Li Ling, where are you now?"

Ye Yunchu paused, Li Ling's cold and lonely back and deep eyes flashed in his mind, with a bitter smile: "Ms. Li and I... are just friends."

She finally understood that what Li Ling wanted was not the enduring companionship, but the loneliness that no one knew about.Li Ling is a cat who just wants to lick her wounds alone. She doesn't want to share those unresolved sorrows, she can only savor them alone.

What is her relationship with Li Ling?

It's a relationship that you can't have if you know every inch of each other's skin.

It is a distance that can be approached but can never go deeper.

It is within close proximity, and it is also the end of the world.

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