Former Beastmaster starts farming

Chapter 7 Transporting Animal Power

Qing Ye heard this, thought for a while, and said: "You are right, after all, it is impossible for brothers to sleep together with their arms around each other, and it is impossible to transmit animal power like that."

"I didn't mean that." Cheng Feng couldn't help being a little shy when he heard what he said, and waved his hand.

Qing Ye looked at Cheng Feng, he walked over and put his arms around Cheng Feng's neck, and moved his face closer.

Cheng Feng did not dodge, and even took the initiative to meet some of them.

At the last moment, Qing Ye stopped.

Cheng Feng paused for a moment and said, "Isn't it to convey animal power?"

"Yes." Qing Ye leaned over.

Cheng Feng, who was infused with fourth-order light attribute animal power, soon turned red, and Qing Ye was also crazy, pouring animal power into Cheng Feng regardless of everything.

Cheng Feng couldn't help but slapped Qing Ye's shoulder a few times.

Qing Ye's hand grabbed Cheng Feng's palm, and after Cheng Feng let out a whimper, Qing Ye withdrew.

Cheng Feng sat on the ground with weak legs and feet, and looked at Qing Ye with some grievances and anger in his eyes.

Qing Ye wiped the corner of his mouth and asked, "How do you feel? Beastmaster Commissioner."

Cheng Feng lowered his head and breathed heavily, and soon a faint light appeared on his body.

A shadow rushed over.

Qing Ye raised his hand to block a few times, Cheng Feng's sudden attack made Qing Ye take two steps back.

Qing Ye turned into a glowing tiger, and the instant force suppressed Cheng Feng to the ground.


Cheng Feng looked at the tiger angrily, but he didn't have a beast body now, so he was no match for the tiger clan orcs.

"Don't be angry, okay?" Qing Ye turned into a human body after saying this sentence.

Cheng Feng jumped up, raised his fist and hit again.

Qing Ye raised her right hand, with a slightly glowing palm, she directly grabbed Cheng Feng's wrist, then pulled him into her arms, and said, "I just gave you so much animal power, it wasted again, and I have to replenish it again."

When Cheng Feng heard this, he held back for a long time before he roared, "No need!"

"Be obedient." The joy of growing his right hand and breaking through to the fourth level made Qing Ye unable to control his emotions, and he added animal power to Cheng Feng again.

This time he finished his replenishment and left.

Cheng Feng sat there by himself, and it took him a while to forcefully stand up, and slowly followed Qing Ye's footsteps.

Qing Ye turned around, Cheng Feng stopped again.

Qing Ye looked at Cheng Feng and said with a smile, "You don't seem to know my name yet."

Cheng Feng remained silent.

Qing Ye took two steps towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took a step back, made a blocking posture, and said, "Say it."

"Qing Ye, the green of the green grass, the night of the night." Qing Ye gestured and said.

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "Cheng Feng."

Qing Ye stretched out her hand towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng hesitated for a moment, looked at Qing Ye's eyes, walked over and shook hands with him.

After Qing Ye let go, she looked at her right hand with a smile, then at Cheng Feng and laughed.

Cheng Feng also understood his feelings, but it was impossible for him to keep laughing like this.

"Look at the piece of land you found." Qing Ye said a serious topic, and Cheng Feng led him around to the piece of land Cheng Feng found.

It can be seen that it is a long and narrow canyon-like place, the reefs on both sides are blown away, and thick soil is piled inside, and various green plants grow on the soil.

What Qingye noticed at a glance were the small jujube tree and the nest grass, these two grow in the territory of his clan, the nest grass can replenish water, and can also be used to feed cattle and sheep, etc., and the small jujube is Children's food, sour and astringent, useless.

"Where are the potatoes you're talking about?" Qing Ye turned on the system and searched, and soon found five potato seedlings in the corner next to it.

"Congratulations on your discovery of new crops. It is recommended to plant them. The more crops you plant, the faster the energy recovery speed of the Beast God Stone will be, and it will help you upgrade the Beast Soul Stone." The system sent another reminder.

During this process, Qing Ye also searched for various ways to make potatoes, which made his mouth water.

"Clean it up, clear it all out, plant wheat and potatoes directly." Qing Ye took Cheng Feng to clear almost half an acre of land as he spoke.

Although the two of them are very capable, they still feel a little sore and backache after they clean up.

But neither of them said anything.

"I'll dig the ground, you get out the workbench and see what you can do with tools that you can't." Cheng Feng reminded.

Qing Ye nodded, he opened the Beast God Stone again, a burst of light flashed, and the system reminded him that the Beast God Stone had been upgraded to level two, and the energy value of the Beast God had been upgraded from [-] to [-] Within the range of Minei, the animal power will slowly recover and nourish the body of the animal race.

Qing Ye nodded slightly when she saw it, so as long as she kept holding the Beast God Stone, she wouldn't worry about the lack of animal power.

"Workbench, workbench." Qing Ye opened the system warehouse, and found that there was indeed a square workbench inside, and there were a few simple recipes in that workbench.

Qing Ye opened it to look and found something like a stone axe.

"This doesn't use stones in our clan anymore." Qing Ye muttered, but considering his current conditions, it's not the time to pay attention to this, let alone after he read the recipe of his workbench and found that this thing can It is also convenient to get up, as long as you throw a stone and a stick into it, you can make it.

"Stone hoe, stone axe, and stone pickaxe." Qingye looked at making these things, and he could also upgrade the workbench. The higher the level of the workbench, the more things he could make.

There is no shortage of wood and stones in Heishui Island.

After Qing Ye was done, she tried it and found that the things made by this workbench can actually attach animal power.

Under the action of the animal power, the stone hoe was even more powerful than the iron hoe I got before!

Qing Ye gave the tool to Cheng Feng.

When Cheng Feng heard that he tried it in his hand, it was really useful, his face showed joy, and said: "Then after I finish digging, I'll go chop some good wood and see if I can make a bed."

"Beds?" Qing Ye and his family all lay things on the floor to sleep on, and beds are not commonly used. One is that no one knows how to make them, and the other is that it is too expensive to buy.

"En." Cheng Feng asked Qing Ye to make a tool for beating wheat, and put the harvested wheat over there for him to beat.

Qing Ye sat under the sun and pounded loudly.

Cheng Feng was digging the ground over there, and when it was almost noon, the two of them used thin rattan branches to make a fish basket in the workbench, and went to the beach to catch fish.

The knife made of stone is also very sharp.

Cheng Feng picked some small fruits on the island, crushed them and sprinkled them on the grilled fish and shrimp, and they tasted really good.

Although Qing Ye knows a lot of cooking methods through study, she will still be surprised when she actually eats it.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, I'll go grab some more." Qing Ye, as a fourth-level beast master, saw the fish and shrimp growl and was shocked, and the fish and shrimp stood there dumbfounded. few.

When he had caught enough, Cheng Feng quickly cleaned it up without saying a word.

"You can also dry salt." Cheng Feng looked at the sea and said, "After drying, put it in the workbench for processing, and good salt should come out."

"That's right, things taste better with salt. The salt in our clan is managed by priests. Every year, we bring a lot of animal skins to Three Beast City to exchange for a small jar of salt." Qing Ye gestured Said.

"Let's eat first." Cheng Feng handed the grilled prawns to Qing Ye.

Qing Ye raised his hand and told Cheng Feng to eat by himself, and he baked some for himself.

The two of them ate a lot of fish and shrimp into their stomachs without making a sound. Qingye ran over to plant the nest grass found in the morning, and then used some fertilizer.

Wowo grass matures very quickly, with wide leaves and thick leaves. A bite of it will produce clean juice besides the smell of green grass, which is much better than black iron tree juice.

"Try it, it's something you don't have there." Qing Ye smiled and plucked the largest leaf of Wowo grass for Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng took it in his hand and smelled it, then imitated Qing Ye and ate it, it really tasted very good.

"It's really good. It's much better than that tree sap. It's more like this." Cheng Feng divided the long and narrow land into three sections. The first section was planted with grass, the largest section continued to grow wheat, and the last section contained potatoes and jujubes. .

Qing Ye put the beaten wheat to dry on the ground nearby, and the seabirds in the sky flew over.

The scarecrow shrieked away the seabirds.

"Let's rest for a while." Qing Ye saw that Cheng Feng's upper body was bare and his trousers were rolled up, his whole body was darkened by two points.

He called Cheng Feng over.

"While I still have the beast power, I'll look for the enchantment." Cheng Feng said and left.

Qing Ye didn't follow him either, he sat there and continued beating the wheat.

It took an entire afternoon for Qing Ye to beat out most of the wheat, and the husks were blown away by the wind, and he got fresh wheat when the sun went down.

Cheng Feng also came back, holding an egg covered in rocks in his hand.

"What?" Qing Ye noticed the egg first, he turned on the system and scanned it, and found that the egg was Zipin's and could not be identified.

"I found a barrier, and I got it after opening the barrier with animal power." Cheng Feng pointed to the direction he came, and said, "I suspect that there are four barriers in this Heishui Island. Only when the world is completely opened can we leave here."

"Four sides enchantment?" Qing Ye held the egg in his hand, feeling no signs of life.

"Yes, all around." Cheng Feng told Qing Ye about the general situation of his discovery of the enchantment, saying that the enchantment he discovered was in the direction of the mark of the beast god, because the separation of the mark of the beast god destroyed the barrier. A gap was opened.

That's how he went in, and when he went in, he found that there was only one egg inside, so he brought it back.

"I suspect that this egg has been nourished by the mark of the beast god, so I wanted to bring it here for you to have a look at." Cheng Feng said.

Qing Ye glanced at Cheng Feng and said, "Shall I call it with the mark of the beast god?"


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Lingyuan 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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