Former Beastmaster starts farming

Chapter 5 Harvest and Rewards

Cheng Feng nodded, held up the Beast God Stone and searched around, but found nothing.

He didn't go too far after all and came back.

"Shall I go with you?" Qing Ye got up and said.

"Don't worry, it's more important to guard this place first, I'm afraid those seabirds will come and steal the wheat." As soon as Cheng Feng's words fell, a seabird appeared in the sky, circling above their heads and singing.

Qing Ye turned into a tiger and roared towards the sky.

The seabirds were frightened and flew away.

But soon they gathered again and landed on the surrounding rocks, but their eyes fell on the wheat field.

Qing Ye also became nervous.

"Release a new mission now to drive seabirds away from your wheat field! Reward a moving screaming scarecrow and a bag of primary fertilizer. Fertilizer can shorten the growth cycle of crops and reduce diseases."

After the task popped up on the system panel, Qing Ye immediately turned into a tiger and pounced on those seabirds.

The seabirds were frightened and flew around, but soon gathered again.

Qing Ye swooped one after another.

Not long after, he fell to the ground, sticking out his tongue.

"It's better to use stones." Cheng Feng said at this time. He grabbed a few stones and threw them vigorously. Shout out, not daring to approach.

Seeing this, Qingye turned into a human body and sat there, saying: "Seeing this kind of bird, I feel uncomfortable if I don't pounce a few times."

"You also belong to the cat family, understandable." Cheng Feng explained.

Qing Ye couldn't understand this sentence, so she immediately opened the book in her mind and quickly understood it.

He was silent for a while, and said: "I did this purely to rush, and it has nothing to do with my blood."

Cheng Feng nodded, he got up and went to the high rock to have a look, then jumped off, walked into the nearby woods and dragged a straight small tree over.

He took the stone flakes to clean up the branches, finally untied his coat and tied it to it, and finally tied it beside the wheat field.

The wind blew the clothes like a flag, and the seabirds that had just flown from the sky ran away in fright.

Qing Ye laughed when she heard the movement.

Cheng Feng glanced at him, and took out a stone whistle from his trousers pocket.

"Use this, blow it." Cheng Feng handed it to Qing Ye.

After Qing Ye got the whistle, he said with a smile: "Is that what you were grinding in the cave?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that after I leave you, you will encounter some danger." Cheng Feng said.

Qing Ye twitched the corner of her mouth, put the whistle in her mouth, and blew it vigorously.

A sharp whistle sounded, and Cheng Feng frowned.

The seabirds in the sky did not come over.

"I'll blow it later." Cheng Feng told Qing Ye to take out the hoe, and he went to dig the ground again.

"There's not much soil here, so there's no need to turn it over." Qing Ye listened for a while, then reminded.

Cheng Feng looked at it, then came over to chase away the seabirds, and said, "Are you thirsty? Find you some water to drink."

Qing Ye stood up.

Cheng Feng told him to sit down to prevent seabirds from coming over.

Qing Ye nodded, and Cheng Feng stepped on the reef to get sap from the northernmost black iron forest.

He could hear Qing Ye's whistle from time to time, the rhythm was relatively even and slow, and he was even a little lazy inside.

This also means that the tiger orcs are safe.

Cheng Feng took a lot of tree sap, and after filtering the sticky things, it became a relatively cool juice.

Qing Ye knew that taking black iron tree sap was not an easy task, so he simply took a sip and stopped drinking.

"Drink, the trees over there are quite mature, and it's easier to pick them up with a hoe in hand." Cheng Feng said.

Qing Ye nodded and drank a few more sips.

The seabirds in the sky gradually dispersed.

Qing Ye received the sound from the system that the task was completed.


Qing Ye saw a scarecrow with a strange shape and a bag of primary fertilizer in her warehouse.

Qing Ye brought the scarecrow out, and after being prompted by the system to pour her own animal power into it, the scarecrow began to hop around the small wheat field.

After jumping around three times, it will raise its head to the sky and let out a long howl.

The surrounding seabirds whizzed away.

Qing Ye covered her ears, feeling that the scarecrow's cry was inexplicably harsh.

He read the scarecrow's introduction, and its function can be used to fight against the enemy. He said that its cry is a sonic attack, and it has automatic induction of wild beasts, and it will actively drive some small wild beasts away.

"Excellent." Qing Ye didn't expect the rewards given by a temporary mission to be so strange and powerful.

Cheng Feng picked up the bag of fertilizer and poured it on the small wheat field.

The wheat seedlings grew rapidly, and didn't stop until they reached the bend of the legs.

After hearing Cheng Feng's description, Qing Ye turned on the system to check the growth status of the wheat seedlings and found that the growth cycle had been shortened from ten days to six days because of the use of fertilizers.

And after he completed the task of driving away the seabirds, he immediately took on the task of loosening the soil and weeding the crops.

Each mission rewarded them with a small bag of fertilizer, and after loosening the soil, they were rewarded with a bucket of clean water.

The two of them didn't use it for Maizi and kept it for themselves.

"Almost, it should mature in about three days, and then we have to do the task of deworming." The two of them were busy until the afternoon, and Cheng Feng got up again to find something to eat.

In the evening, I caught a few seabirds and grilled them.

Both of them didn't eat enough, so they didn't say much, tried to save energy and went to bed early.

The two of them didn't go back to the cave at night, but guarded their wheat field.

Cheng Feng took some twigs over, and the two of them pressed down and slept together.

Qing Ye was worried that at night when the sea breeze was cold, she would turn into a tiger and guard Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng originally said that he didn't need it, but as the sea breeze gradually blew in at night, he still honestly slipped into the tiger's arms.

"Will it be too hard to use the animal power like this?" Cheng Feng asked, stroking the big tiger's thick paws.

"will not."

Cheng Feng trembled when Tiger spoke in a low voice.

The big tiger stretched out its tail and rubbed against Cheng Feng's calf. Cheng Feng closed his eyes and let out a soft hum.

The tiger's ears moved, and he pulled Cheng Feng into his arms again.

After sleeping like this, it was actually much more comfortable than in the cave.

The next morning, the two were awakened by the scarecrow's sharp cry.

Cheng Feng opened his eyes abruptly, and found that he was lying beside the humanoid tiger orc in the posture of a little bird.

He sat up abruptly, turned around and saw the scarecrow not far away was bouncing around and waving his sleeves, and there was a hole in the ground beside him.

"Oh no, it's the gophers!" Cheng Feng jumped up and drove the gophers away with a stick, but more than a dozen of the visible wheat had been eaten.

"Without the seabirds, did the gophers come again?" Qing Ye sat up in a daze, and saw the mission of the gopher disaster appeared on her panel again.

Cheng Feng brought water and poured it into the gopher hole, forcing the gopher to flee in a panic.

Cheng Feng filled up the hamster hole, and then went to look for breakfast.

Qing Ye saw that his wheat had dropped from 90.00% to [-]%.

"The task is to complete 90.00% to get ten soul stones. It seems that we can't relax our vigilance." Qing Ye said and yawned.

After all, maintaining the animal body will consume a lot of animal power, and he is still a little bit exhausted now.

"I found some bird eggs and some berries." Cheng Feng said that he found another piece of land on the north side of Heishui Island. It may be that the rain washed all the soil on the island together. bigger.

"Really?" Qingye just wants to guard his small wheat field right now.

"Yes, and I also found a few potato seedlings there. I don't know if it's true." Now that Cheng Feng knew that the development method of the Beast God Stone had changed to farming, he changed his route and began to help these people. A tiger orc to farm.

"Potatoes?" Qing Ye knew that this thing can be used as a staple food or as a dish, it tastes good and is very big.

"I don't know much about these things, so I probably need to use the system to confirm." Cheng Feng said with some embarrassment.

Qing Ye nodded, but he suggested to guard the wheat field in front of him first, and wait for it to mature.

Cheng Feng nodded, and the two began to guard Maizi in shifts, no matter it was day or night, one of them would always be awake.

Fortunately, it only took three days for the wheat to mature.

Later, the wheat was sprayed with the medicine provided by the system in advance, so as to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

"It's almost there." Qing Ye laughed when she saw the long and heavy ears of wheat.

It was also the first time he felt this feeling of harvest.

Qing Ye stretched out her hand to touch the ears of wheat, her fingers felt hot and itchy from being pricked, making her a little uncomfortable.

However, this did not affect his joy.

"Harvest." Qing Ye took out the sickle given to him by the system.

Cheng Feng smiled and said, "You come first."

"Come on." Qing Ye pushed.

Cheng Feng glanced at him, put the sickle into his hand, he grabbed the wheat and let Qing Ye slowly cut off the bunch of wheat.

"That's it?" Qing Ye saw that the system's task completion interface showed that [-]% of the task had been completed.

"Leave it to me next." Cheng Feng bent down and quickly harvested all the wheat, and there was a small pile when they were put together.

"Congratulations on completing the task of ripening the wheat, now please collect your reward." The voice of the system came.

Qingye saw that there were ten more green beast soul stones in her space warehouse. These beast soul stones can not only replenish the beast power, but also temper the beast race's body and provide the possibility for the beast race to upgrade its rank.

Qing Ye reached out and grabbed a piece of Beast Soul Stone, and a strong light burst out from the Beast Soul Stone, covering Qing Ye completely.

In just a split second, Qing Ye's whole body emitted a strong light.

"Is this going to break through?" Cheng Feng was forced to take a few steps back, and saw a golden beast pattern formation appearing under Qing Ye's feet.

Every orc will reflect his future development path when he breaks through, gold, wood, water, fire, earth plus wind, light, and darkness, a total of eight possible attributes.

The latter three are rare in the end, with powerful abilities but more restrictive conditions.


The golden light spread out, bursts of halos falling on the tiger.

The tiger raised its head to the sky and roared, as if it had hit a key point.

Then I saw the golden light shatter, and the tiger passed out on the ground.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 2 for the attacking peers;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Absolute Attack; 491726349 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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