Former Beastmaster starts farming

Chapter 31 Silver Tiger and Infrastructure Functions

The sky swirls and the breeze brushes the fur of two tigers.

When Qing Ye woke up again, she found herself lying in a forest, and the surrounding air was a bit cold.

He looked around, and he was sure that this was not Heishui Island.

And he didn't see Cheng Feng either.

Qing Ye's heart sank, and he instinctively sensed Cheng Feng's existence, and soon he sensed a square stone in his palm.

Qing Ye poured animal power into it, and a light flashed in front of his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the blue crystal tree he had planted by himself.

"Are you back?" Qing Ye looked down at the square stone in his hand. After closing his eyes, he could perceive everything on Heishui Island. Of course, he also sensed the large group of energy belonging to Cheng Feng in the cave.

"Congratulations on reaching the Beast King Realm achievement. Now the island construction function is enabled for you. After enabling this function, you can spend different animal power to expand and transform your Beast King Realm, plant more magical crops, and improve your Beast King status more quickly. Grade." The reminder from the system came quickly.

Qing Ye raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and teleported directly from the original place to the cave.

It happened to see that the golden cocoon of animal power was constantly expanding, as if it was about to open.

Qing Ye did not forget the restrictions imposed on Cheng Feng by his people.

Transforming from a human race to an orc is also equivalent to a new life, and various problems in the body before this new life will appear.

All Qingye has to do is to help Cheng Feng eliminate or limit these things.

He believed that under the reflection of the Beast God Stone, he could help Cheng Feng remove these things.

"Let me see." Although he already knew that Cheng Feng would become a tiger clan orc, Qing Ye couldn't help but get excited when he saw the silhouette of the tiger clan in the golden cocoon when he sacrificed the beast god stone.

"Drip drip."

As if sensing Qing Ye's animal power, Cheng Feng's weak animal power came from the cocoon.

Qing Ye comforted her with a smile, and saw the tiger ears in the cocoon shaking.

Qing Ye was even more gentle. He closed his eyes and reflected the Beast God Stone on the golden cocoon. He could see that Cheng Feng's body was covered with eighteen energy chips, each of which was in a key position. There are six places for the heart and the head.

Qing Ye expected that Cheng Feng would be set up, but when he saw this real scene, he still couldn't suppress his anger.

As if sensing something, Cheng Feng's beast power in the golden cocoon trembled.

Qing Ye hurriedly comforted him, then closed his eyes and let his animal power pour into Cheng Feng.

This kind of behavior can not only strengthen Qing Ye's physique as a beastman, but also better remove the things in Cheng Feng's body.

Qing Ye used the imprint to input her animal power, and Cheng Feng subconsciously had no intention of resisting him.

With the assistance of the Beast God Stone, Qing Ye first tried to remove the chips in Cheng Feng's joints, and blood seeped out from the cocoons little by little.

A little pain made Cheng Feng tremble.

Qing Ye also became a little nervous, but he still tried his best to appease Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng quickly calmed down and began to fall into a deep sleep.

Qing Ye was a little surprised, she didn't expect Cheng Feng to react correctly in this state.

After Cheng Feng fell into a deep sleep, Qing Ye was able to remove those things better.

At the same time, he also saw the ring on Cheng Feng's finger corresponding to the three chips on his brain.

This is the hardest.

Qing Ye continuously poured animal power into it, wrapped Cheng Feng gently, and then moved the chip bit by bit to escape the restriction of the ring.

These alone took Qing Ye a whole day.

Doing these things is also extremely exhausting for Qing Ye's spirit. Fortunately, his rank is high enough and he has the blessing of the Beast God Stone. In addition, Cheng Feng was transformed into a beastman. After the three extremely strong conditions are met, Qing Ye Only then can he continue to maintain such concentration and slowly pull out the chips in Cheng Feng's body one by one.

There was more and more blood on the golden cocoon.

Cheng Feng's breathing also began to become weaker.

Nervously, Qing Ye stimulated Cheng Feng's heart with animal power from time to time to keep him awake.

This matter was many times more difficult than Qing Ye imagined. He knew it would be difficult to pull out the things in Cheng Feng's body, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.


After the last chip was pulled out, Qing Ye knelt on the ground with a pale complexion, his fingers trembling, he wanted to open the trading bar and buy another beast pill.

At this moment, a faint animal force drifted over from outside.

Qing Ye stretched out his hand, and the heart of devouring started to work, he felt the gentle animal power being continuously transmitted to his palm.

When he felt a little better, Qing Ye stopped devouring.

He sat up and opened the system panel, and saw that the wheat he planted had withered and turned yellow, and the wheat was completely gone.

"Could it be that I absorbed the animal power of those crops?" Qing Ye was a little surprised, and the golden cocoon next to her made a clicking sound.

Qing Ye turned her head and saw the cocoon burst open, and Cheng Feng with animal ears crawled out of it with difficulty.

There are still faint bloodstains on his body, obviously taking out those chips did him a lot of damage.

Qing Ye hurried over and hugged Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng couldn't stop breathing, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Qing Ye, he showed a weak smile.

Qing Ye caressed his face, Cheng Feng's animal ears folded a little, and the tail swung around Qing Ye's tail.

Qing Ye sent the animal power over little by little.

After a while, Cheng Feng pushed Qing Ye away.

"I'm fine, just rest for a while." Cheng Feng could also feel Qing Ye's current difficult state.

"Okay, wash up and go to bed." Qing Ye prepared hot water, and Cheng Feng soaked in it for a while before falling asleep.

He didn't know when he was carried to the stone bed to rest.

The next day, the bright sun shone in.

Cheng Feng woke up before Qing Ye.

As soon as he woke up, he could feel the surging and exuberant animal power all over his body.

Even if he was a vigorous person before, but compared with the current state, he doesn't know how much worse it is.

He saw the big tiger sleeping next to him, and he took the initiative to move over to it.

Qing Ye opened her eyes and saw Cheng Feng looking at her energetically, and smiled and turned into a human body and grabbed Cheng Feng.

Before Cheng Feng could say anything, he was arrested and packed up.

The two stayed in the cave like this for three days.

The wind from outside blew over, and Qing Ye's animal power gradually returned to its peak state.

The pale golden beast power spread out, and the provocative Cheng Feng's tiger ears stood up again.

"I'm not coming." Cheng Feng closed his eyes, as if giving up on life.

"They're all orcs and still so delicate." Qing Ye said with a smile.

Cheng Feng glanced at him, wanted to say something but finally gave up.

After he got up, he prepared some water to rinse.

The two were sitting in a big tub, Cheng Feng looked at his ring, there had been several messages from the ring concerned about his safety.

Cheng Feng learned about the chip bomb that those people planted in his body from Qing Ye, and his mentality naturally changed. He only responded with a safety, and then ignored the news in the ring.

Seeing Cheng Feng's expression, Qing Ye knew that he had already made it clear in his heart, so she didn't need to say anything more.

Qing Ye took the initiative to stand next to Cheng Feng, and talked about the new functions that the system gave him.

"Any place can be modified?" Cheng Feng didn't expect Qing Ye's authority to be so powerful. He took a look and found that even the geology can be changed, and even water fountains can be created without restriction. enough.

"Are you at the seventh rank now?" Cheng Feng asked instead.

Qing Ye nodded and shook his head again, and said: "It's a pseudo seventh rank, my combat skills and beast power have all improved, but because this beast king is inherited and not mine, so it can only be regarded as a seventh rank , but I don’t have my own Beastmaster Realm.”

"So you have to create another Beastmaster Realm of your own to be considered the real Seventh Grade? Then you will have two Beastmaster Realm?!" Cheng Feng thought faster.

"Yes, I will have two beast king realms." Qing Ye said with bright eyes.

Cheng Feng clicked his tongue, this is not something that ordinary people can imagine, the animal power and effect brought to Qing Ye by two beast kings at the same time is quite terrifying.

He has become an orc now, but he can feel Qing Ye's strength even more.

It may be extremely difficult for him to catch up with Qing Ye's footsteps.

"Then how much is your total beast power now?" Cheng Feng knew that Qing Ye not only took Heishui Island to become the Beast King Realm, but also absorbed the afterimage power of the Dark Beast God left in the square stone.

Although it is just an afterimage, it is already like a vast ocean to the orcs of the fifth and sixth ranks like them.

With the Devouring Heart and the Beast God Stone, Qingye must be able to absorb the power of the afterimage to the greatest extent.

"70." Qing Ye said pretending to be normal.

Cheng Feng's eyes widened when he heard it, and he said, "You're already at 70 even if you're not a real seventh-rank?"

Qing Ye was shocked when he heard that Cheng Feng was shocked, so he smiled. He stretched out his hand, and the golden beast power continuously spun in his palm.

Qingye raised her hand, a golden light flashed in front of her eyes, and the cave, which was originally somewhat curved, suddenly became a flat and three-dimensional cutting surface.

Cheng Feng was taken aback, and immediately understood that this was Qing Ye's authority, he could transform anything on Heishui Island into something different.

As long as he uses animal power it is enough.

Moreover, his use of animal power is not to directly reduce his total combat power like his combat skill exchange, but to consume animal power just like his use of combat skills.

With his total beast power of 70, there are too many things he can do.

"It takes less animal power to turn a stone into a stone, but it takes more animal power to turn a stone into wood or a plant." Qing Ye dug out a round hole in the nearby stone wall after finishing speaking, turning into a A sweet dream flower was handed to Cheng Feng.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 cloud and rain;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Tangtang, Xpress, and bad words;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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