Former Beastmaster starts farming

Chapter 23 Beginning to Transform

Cheng Feng also knew that Qing Ye might be a little anxious because the people from his side were about to pass over, so he said, "It probably won't come over so soon."

"Don't be careless." Qing Ye said with a serious face.

Cheng Feng sighed, and in the afternoon, he and Qing Ye began to cultivate a large amount of grain.

The afternoon sun is very venomous, and Qingye will look towards the seaside from time to time.

He must ensure that his domain is not violated.

Even if the other party is from Cheng Feng's side, he will not be too merciful, unless the other party shows enough sincerity to enjoy everything with him.

Seeing Qing Ye's vigilance, Cheng Feng couldn't say much.

At present, he is also very disapproving of sending other people from the modern world.

It was getting dark gradually.

Both Qing Ye and Cheng Feng were too tired to talk.

When the two returned to the cave, Qing Ye pointed to Cheng Feng and said, "I will stimulate your mark at night, and it will be a little uncomfortable at first. Remember to try to keep thinking of some kind of beast in your mind, so that there is a chance that you will be let go." You turn into an orc."

"Start today?" Cheng Feng was a little nervous.

"Of course, we don't have much time left." After Qing Ye finished speaking, he drank a lot of water, and then began to pack his things and prepare to eat.

Cheng Feng saw that he had a serious look on his face, and he actually had a great leadership ability, which made it difficult for people to refute him.

The two ate meat and rice, and Qing Ye poured a small glass of wine for Cheng Feng.

"It can add to the fun, but you can't completely lose your mind." After finishing speaking, Qing Ye clinked glasses with Cheng Feng.

After Cheng Feng finished drinking, he carefully asked Qing Ye what kind of stimulation mark he wanted.

Qing Ye showed an adult smiling face, and said: "It's nothing, it's just an exchange of breath, the more you accept, the greater the speed and probability of change."

Cheng Feng didn't understand what he heard, but he looked at Qing Ye and said, "I'll just listen to you."

Qing Ye showed a satisfied smile.

When the two finally had their meal, the atmosphere in the cave became quiet.

Qing Ye walked to the side, took out two sticks of incense from the system warehouse, and could smell the strong aroma after lighting them.

Cheng Feng sneezed twice in succession.

"I'm not used to it yet, it will be fine in a while, this thing is made of my breath mixed with animal blood, you should get used to it and like it soon." Qing Ye shook herself after speaking tail.

His eyes began to become warmer.

Cheng Feng stood up nervously.

"Wash it up." Qing Ye prepared hot water for Cheng Feng.

When Cheng Feng came over, he saw that Qing Ye had already turned on the lamp, and the cave began to become brighter. The soft light fell on Qing Ye's body, making him look stronger and braver.

The current tiger ears added a bit of wildness to him, and the light-colored pupils released excited and dangerous emotions.

Cheng Feng turned around and went into the bathtub.

Qing Ye turned into a tiger, half lying there, the animal power on his body filled the entire cave little by little, combined with the incense, Cheng Feng felt that the surroundings were all surrounded by Qing Ye's embrace.

His fingers trembled slightly.

Qing Ye jumped in front of Cheng Feng, opened the tiger's mouth slightly, and could see the sharp animal teeth.

Beautiful big eyes carry human emotions.

Cheng Feng felt danger, but that danger made him feel abnormally excited.

Tiger felt Cheng Feng's nervousness, and gently rubbed Cheng Feng with his nose.

Cheng Feng couldn't help laughing, and reached out to stroke the tiger's head.

As soon as he moved, he felt his arm being grabbed by someone, and his mark was gently bitten by Qing Ye.

Although it was only a thin layer of skin, it gave Cheng Feng a terrible stimulation.

He couldn't help screaming, feeling that the blood in his whole body was ignited, and the powerful energy impact was beyond his control.

Qing Ye held Cheng Feng's face and sent him some animal power.

On the contrary, the fiery breath made Cheng Feng feel an inexplicable comfort.

"So good acceptance?" Qing Ye said with a smile.

Cheng Feng patted Qing Ye and told him not to speak.

Qing Ye easily pulled Cheng Feng out.

Cheng Feng couldn't stop breathing, he lowered his head and waited until Qing Ye put him on the bed and wrapped him in a quilt.

"Go to sleep, you may feel a little uncomfortable at night, just be patient." Qing Ye said.

When Cheng Feng heard this, he looked at Qing Ye in a daze, and said, "That's it?"

"Of course, I will stay up all night to take care of you." Qing Ye said.

"I mean, is that the end of instilling animal power?" Cheng Feng frowned and asked further explanation.

Qing Ye's eyes moved, and he said, "Yes, it's enough to stimulate the imprint gradually, what else do you want?"

Cheng Feng pouted and looked at Qing Ye.

Qing Ye finally couldn't help laughing, and said, "Are you thinking that way?"

Cheng Feng was about to deny it, but he forced himself to look at Qing Ye and said, "I have already admitted my feelings for you, so... I am willing."

"You are too serious, this is not an uncomfortable thing." Qing Ye blew out the lamp and jumped onto the bed after speaking.

The next day, the sun shone early.

Qing Ye poked her head out from under the quilt, sniffed the air, and said, "Did you smell a strange smell?"

After he finished speaking, Cheng Feng next to him moved his fingers, and it took a while before he let out a miserable cry of pain.

Qing Ye got the medicine from the trading column with distress.

After a while, Cheng Feng opened his eyes and said, "I'm going to die."

"What silly things?" Qing Ye patted Cheng Feng's face, and got out of bed happily.

Although the sky outside was still a bit dark, Qing Ye was in a very good mood.

"How is it?" Cheng Feng's hoarse voice came.

"Great, very comfortable." Qing Ye replied.

"Let me ask you, what is the probability of me becoming an orc!" Cheng Feng took a light breath after saying this.

"Let me see." Qing Ye came over, and he stretched out his hand to press Cheng Feng's mark.

Cheng Feng felt the scorching fire flowing into his whole body again, which made him scream out, but soon the animal power in his body gently took over the too rough and fiery flow.

Cheng Feng closed his eyes and hummed twice.

"Yes, you are great." Qing Ye touched Cheng Feng's face and said.

Cheng Feng opened his eyes and looked at Qing Ye after a while, and asked, "How long will it take to change?"

"How do I know, maybe after one time, maybe after a hundred times." Qing Ye shook his head.

Cheng Feng frowned, but he had no other choice.

"Didn't you say that this method is the fastest?" Cheng Feng struggled to sit up, he felt that there was too much energy flowing in his body.

That feeling is not comfortable.

"Of course it's the fastest, but the speed depends on the individual. With your talent, I believe you should succeed soon." Qing Ye walked over again and sent some animal power to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng struggled and twisted for a while, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Qing Ye touched Cheng Feng's face, then walked out of the cave.

After he came outside, he started farming.

Of the [-] mu of land on Heishui Island, Qing Ye has only planted [-] mu of land now.

It is not suitable for Cheng Feng to walk around now, so Qing Ye placed beast soul stones and crystal stones on the processing table, and made a semi-automatic earth-turning machine.

The rattling machine made weird noises, and Qing Ye always felt like it was going to explode halfway.

But fortunately, the materials he used were all excellent. Even though the earth-turning machine made a lot of noise, it could hold up.

I've been busy all morning.

Qing Ye felt very relieved looking at the five acres of land she had opened up.

He tidied up and walked to the sea, the coarse sea salt he and Qing Ye dried was almost ready to be put away.

Originally, these were also inedible, but now because of the upgrade of the processor, sea salt can also be turned into edible fine salt.

The land and cultivated things were destroyed before, but this place has not been affected.

Qing Ye put all the coarse salt into the warehouse, and then returned to the cave.

In the cave, Cheng Feng was still lying there, but his whole body looked wet, so he must have been washed.

"What did you do?" Cheng Feng struggled to sit up.

"Lie down, you are not only suffering from the transformation of animal power, don't be brave." When Qing Ye touched Cheng Feng, his eyes would change.

When Cheng Feng was touched by him, the animal power on his body would flow.

His fingers moved, grabbed the staff and cast a healing and stabilizing spell on himself.

After a while, he felt better.

"By the way, I almost forgot that you still have this ability." Qing Ye said suddenly.

Cheng Feng sat up slowly, he touched his face and it was still hot.

"What have you been doing today?" Cheng Feng asked while applying some crystal powder on himself.

Qing Ye told about her plowing the land and collecting sea salt.

Cheng Feng nodded slightly and said, "I can work in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, the strength in your body is not stable right now, it will be uncomfortable if you move around." Qing Ye said, Cheng Feng was about to open his mouth.

"And it will continue tonight, at least for a month." Qing Ye said pointedly.

After Cheng Feng heard it, he also fell silent.

Qing Ye originally thought that he would say words of struggle.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng said hello after a while.

What he said, Qing Ye felt strange and soft in his heart.

"Hmm..." Qing Ye's face became hot.

Cheng Feng glanced at him again and said, "Let me get you something to eat."

"No, you rest, I'll do it." After Qing Ye finished speaking, he started to cook. They still had fresh vegetables in the warehouse. Qing Ye made a light vegetable soup and some fruit.

"It's better to eat lightly." Qing Ye said.

Cheng Feng nodded obediently.

After the two had finished eating, Qing Ye cleaned the dishes again.

Cheng Feng was ready to go to the ground.

He walked a few steps, but not as fast as before. He looked at Qing Ye, and seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it in the end.

Qing Ye thought he was suffering.

"No, I'm full of your beast power now, and I can't suppress the uncomfortable energy." After Cheng Feng said this, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

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