Former Beastmaster starts farming

Chapter 20 The Man's Experience

Qing Ye woke up in the morning.

He heard the sound of water coming from the side, and opened his eyes to see Cheng Feng was washing there.

"What are you washing?" Qing Ye sat up, turned around and saw marks all over Cheng Feng's neck.

He grinned.

Cheng Feng stared at Qing Ye, and said: "Aren't you a tiger, you are a dog, right?"

Qing Ye shook her finger, and said, "It's all for a taste, don't make a fuss, it exposed the fact that you have no experience at all."

"It sounds like you have one." Cheng Feng laughed.

Qing Ye paused, scratched his head, laughed himself, and said, "I can learn it in the system."

"You think I don't? I knew a lot when I was in high school." Cheng Feng packed up and walked out by himself.

Qing Ye glanced at him, and smelled Cheng Feng's breath with satisfaction.

Cheng Feng pushed Qing Ye away, and went to feed the calf by himself.

"Planting the land first or going to see the mine first?" Qing Ye asked.

"Let's go and see the mine first, and grab a few big hairy cows by the way. Then we can dig the ground." Cheng Feng said.

Qing Ye nodded, and the two of them simply ate some breakfast and headed towards the third barrier.

The ground that used to be full of reefs has now become a flat and fertile land. Just stepping on it makes people feel much happier.

"Come back here and plant a circle of trees." The two planned as they walked.

When they got to the third enchantment, they saw a natural hole appearing, and there was still the breath of a fierce beast in the hole.

Cheng Feng waved the sacrificial staff, and a light silver light flew into the cave.

After a while, Cheng Feng nodded to confirm it was safe, and walked in with Qing Ye.

Qing Ye knew that this was the function of the sacrifice. Although he didn't need it now, letting Cheng Feng play more and develop good habits would be of great help to them in future battles and adventures.

"I'll hold you." Qing Ye reached out and grabbed Cheng Feng's palm.

Although he said it was fine to go by himself, Cheng Feng still smiled and walked to the bottom of the cave holding hands with Qing Ye.

The flat and empty cave seemed much quieter because of the absence of ferocious beasts.

"There are still glow-in-the-dark grasses growing there." Qing Ye pointed, and she could see some glowing long grasses growing in the gaps in some stones.

"It can be used as medicine." Cheng Feng went to pick some.


From a deeper place came the sound of a cow braying.

Qing Ye walked around with Cheng Feng, and after confirming that there were no other traps, they walked to the depths of the cave.

Only the half-person-high inner rock cave is covered with hard ore, just enough to prevent the rock crocodile from entering.

Cheng Feng carefully observed the opening of the hole. He tapped it a few times with his staff, and after shaking a few times, the opening of the hole slowly grew bigger.

"There is also a magic circle here?" Qing Ye was shocked.

"I'm guessing too." Cheng Feng said and walked inside.

As soon as the two of them went in, they saw an open flat mine cave, with a lot of crystal ore shining inside.

"A grown-up cow will chew on the impurities in the ore to help purify the ore." Cheng Feng said, holding up his staff and chanting a spell.

Soon, several light spots flashed on the walls of the entire cave.

Under the flickering of the light spots, there will be a faint light falling on the ores and the hairy cows.

"These are growth crystals, which can release growth light regularly to help these crystals and hairy cows grow." Cheng Feng said as he put on the mask, flapped his wings and flew up, and saw that each growth crystal was surrounded by magic circles.

"It's so powerful. Not only can it display the perfect big sealing circle, but the inner small magic circle is quite exquisite. Who set up the barrier on Heishui Island?" Cheng Feng praised one after another after he landed.

"I don't know, I don't remember such a powerful priest in our clan." Qing Ye shook his head and said.

Cheng Feng turned around again, but found no written information.

"Then can we still mine the ore here?" Qing Ye asked.

"Yes, the magic circle and growth crystals here are at the end stage, so they won't be very effective, just take them directly." After Cheng Feng finished speaking, he went to catch the cows, while Qing Ye came over there to pick up some ore.

Crystal ores are mainly used on some magic tools or magic circles, or some rich orcs will also use these crystal ores to create some accessories.

It can be said that these crystal ores are equivalent to a relatively high amount of liquid currency.

General Qing Ye picked a lot of crystal ore, and the system interface directly popped up a lot of transaction content.

Qing Ye looked around, and there were third-rank and fourth-rank beast pills appearing in the transaction content.

But he didn't care too much about these, but first changed Cheng Feng into a set of magic robes and spell casting rings that third-rank priests could wear.

Cheng Feng yelled when he saw it, saying it was too expensive.

"It's more helpful to you, it's worn by other priests." Qing Ye even exchanged Cheng Feng for a god cup specially used for sacrifices.

The God Cup can help priests cleanse themselves, make their skin smoother and their five senses more sensitive.

This will be more beneficial for them to accept the blessing of the god of sacrifice, and it will also be more helpful for their meditation practice.

"Your thoughts are not here at all." Cheng Feng looked at the cup speechlessly, and could imagine what kind of changes he would bring to him if he used this cup for a long time.

"You've misunderstood me." Qing Ye said with a smile.

"You also bought me a set of white robes, how can I wear white with my skin?" Cheng Feng thought about it.

Qing Ye watched Cheng Feng put on the magic robe, and quickly said: "You look cool in it, you look like a very capable priest."

Cheng Feng waved his staff.

Qing Ye told him to walk a few steps.

Because ordinary priests are relatively thin and thin, wearing this kind of robe will be looser, but Cheng Feng is different. He is tall and has a very good figure. Wearing the robe gives people the feeling that this priest is super powerful. .

And when he walks around, he will show his figure, which makes people look at him.

Cheng Feng's figure is strong, but what's amazing is that his waist is thin and his shoulders are wide. With his somewhat cruel facial features, he doesn't give people a solid and strong feeling at all, but has a strong sense of sexiness inside.

Qing Ye whistled.

Cheng Feng glanced at Qingye warningly, and then bought some light armor worn by orc warriors at the trading bar.

"No, I don't need these." Qing Ye didn't feel sorry for the crystal mines, but looked down on these fourth-rank and fifth-rank light armors, always feeling that it would affect his battle.

"Try it and you'll know." Cheng Feng insisted on buying it.

After Qing Ye put it on, she moved her hands and feet back and forth, and found that it didn't affect it at all. After checking the function of the light armor, there was a defensive magic circle on it, and then she realized that it was a really good thing.

"The crystal mines just received are all gone." Qing Ye bought some high-grade meat and wine for the remaining crystal mines.

"Drink?" Cheng Feng's eyes moved.

"That's right, let's have some." Qing Ye placed the things on the front of the warehouse, and then followed Cheng Feng to drive the ten oxen out of the cave.

After the hairy cow came out, it mooed and began to have fun.

Cheng Feng took out the scarecrow and carved a magic circle on it, and soon the scarecrow will be able to drive away the cow.

"Does this allow them to plow the ground?" Qing Ye said in surprise.

"We have to adjust the magic circle on them again." Cheng Feng said with a slight frown as he watched the scarecrow huddle the cows into a ball.

"You can do it, I believe in you." Qing Ye said encouragingly.

Cheng Feng glanced at him, smiled and ran over to adjust the magic circle on the cow and the scarecrow.

After a while, the scarecrow could finally walk the cow correctly.

"In this way, the land can be plowed, but I need to use my mental strength to control it a little bit." After Cheng Feng finished speaking, Qing Ye placed the plowshare and the reins.

The beast soul stone was also used on the plowshare, so that all three points of control fell on Cheng Feng's staff.

Cheng Feng waved his staff, and the scarecrow began to drive the cows to plow the ground.

Although it looked a little weird, it went smoothly.

Cheng Feng sprinkled the cotton seeds from behind.

Twenty acres of land, two people worked hard for five days and almost finished planting.

The twenty acres are all planted with cotton.

The price of cotton is high, and it gives more animal power. More importantly, it is more convenient for them to upgrade the level of the seed store, and they can produce more advanced crops faster.

"worn out."

The two of them were lying there next to each other, and the conversations between the two of them doing farm work had decreased a lot in the past five days.

Qing Ye simply bends down to sow seeds, but this kind of complicated movement is also enough to grind people, causing backaches and backaches.

Cheng Feng kept controlling the three points of the ox plowshare and the scarecrow so that their actions would not go wrong.

"Although it's hard work, it's good for me to have a stronger control over my mental power." Cheng Feng said as he took out a bottle of mead from the cabinet next to it.

This is the expensive wine they exchanged crystal stones for.

The two drank a little in the middle, and the evaluations were quite good.

"Let's take a bath and drink." Qing Ye said.

Cheng Feng thought for a while, and ran over to prepare some fruit snacks.

Now that they have wool cows, maybe dairy products can be processed in the future.

"come over."

Now their bathing equipment has also been upgraded a lot. The large oval bathtub made of fragrant wood can easily accommodate two people.

Food and drink can be placed on the baffle protruding from the side.

"Thanks for your hard work." After Qing Ye finished speaking, he clinked his wine glass with Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng drank a glass of wine in one breath.

Qing Ye glanced at Cheng Feng in surprise, and said, "Take it easy, you don't have a lot of alcohol."

"Underestimate me?" Cheng Feng raised his chin slightly.

Qing Ye looked at him like a boss, smiled and stretched out her tail to wrap around Cheng Feng's ankle.

Cheng Feng glanced at Qing Ye.

Qing Ye's heart beat suddenly when he saw it.

Cheng Feng touched the tip of Qing Ye's tail and said, "If you say I become an orc, what will I become?"

Qingye's eyeballs moved, and said: "Mao Niu?"

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