Qin Mian obediently followed Mao Yu back to the dormitory, they really had to clean up, the fairy house was almost turned into a garbage dump.

I was too tired from the training before, and I fell asleep when I came back, and I didn’t feel much. Now I went out for a walk, and I could smell a sour smell as soon as I opened the door. Clothes were poured out on the sofa, tables and chairs, and there was nothing in the sink. The cleaned dishes and chopsticks are piled up like a hill...

Qin Mian pinched her nose: "It's a good thing my mother said she wanted to come and see me but I refused, otherwise she would scold me for raising pigs again."

If you don't raise pigs, how can you make your home look like a pigsty?

Mao Yu hooked the corners of his mouth, put the coffee in the porch, rolled up his sleeves and divided the work with Qin Mian.

Both of them left home early and became independent, and Qin Miangao was in charge of cleaning windows and drying clothes, while Maoyu swept and mopped the floor to sort the garbage and pile it to the door first.

Qin Mian took off the bed covers and pillowcases in the room and threw them into the washing machine, and replaced them with bright yellow ones. The pattern was chosen by her mother, and there were a few ducklings embroidered on them, which looked very childlike and cute.In the eyes of her mother, even if Qin Mian is taller than her, she is still a baby.

After tidying up her own room, Qin Mian was about to go to Qingya's room again, but was stopped by Mao Yu.

"Don't spoil them, let them come back and clean up by themselves."


Based on Qin Mian's understanding of them, she probably complained of being tired after practice, and was fooled about cleaning the room again.

Mao Yu waved her hand: "I will supervise them."

Qin Mian had to give up.

The two of them worked back and forth for more than an hour, sprayed air freshener in the room, opened all the curtains, opened the windows and doors for ventilation, and the dormitory looked brand new.

Qin Mian slumps on the sofa and asks Mao Yu if he has a bath.

Mao Yu opened the laptop, swiped the mouse, and replied: "You go first, I'll wait."

"Then I'll go after a rest." Qin Mian picked up the pillow and hugged it in his arms, watching Mao Yu knocking and beating helplessly.

Mao Yu took off the earphones: "Anything to say?"

Qin Mian shook her head and nodded again, staring at her toes and said, "We will officially debut in two days."

Mao Yu observed her expression: "Are you nervous?"

"No." Qin Mian touched her thumping chest, "I'm a little scared."

At first, she was excited when she knew that she could debut, but as the day progressed, that excitement was gradually overwhelmed by restlessness. She was afraid of making mistakes, fearing that the audience would not like it, fearing that all the hard work for so many years would be in vain, and even more afraid of being sorry for the company and the company. Rain's expectations.

Sighing deeply, Qin Mian thought, Pan Xia should be as anxious as her, otherwise why would Pan Xia, who usually dances a few times and complains of foot pain, take the initiative to practice more.

Mao Yu noticed that Qin Mian was a little abnormal today, so it turned out to be such a thing.

"I'm afraid it's normal," Mao Yu was not very good at comforting others, so he had to use the people around him as an example, "EIGHT brothers will also be nervous enough to make mistakes, but this does not affect their charm."

Qin Mian understands the truth, but when it comes to him, it is not something he can solve.

"Are you afraid?" Qin Mian asked in a low voice.

Mao Yu didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "I originally planned to sing a song for Du Yiyan, do you want to hear it?"

Sing to Du Yiyan?

Qin Mian blurted out: "I want to."

Mao Yu clicked the mouse, and the music played. She spoke very well, enunciating the words clearly, and even the fast lyrics can be heard clearly.

"...I'm not interested in playing childish crossword puzzles with you. Battle isn't about making you lose your temper."

"...Your strength is not as good as a child... Want me to encourage you? Why don't you look in the mirror first, is the Loser in the mirror very familiar?"

Mao Yu made a gesture of wiping his neck, his eyes were full of disdain.

"That's right, that, the clown, is you!"

Qin Mian was dumbfounded when he heard it, and was thinking that thanks to Du Yiyan walking fast today, he would not shed tears on the spot when he heard this song, so Mao Yu continued to sing:

"Don't cry, your soul has long since dried up, and all that comes out is resentment."

This is amazing, and the on-site reaction is included.

Qin Mian was speechless and clapped her hands.

Mao Yu turned off the music player: "I haven't given this song to Brother Li before."

Qin Mian knew what she meant. Li Chang didn't allow her songs to be offensive, and had to change them if she wanted to post them.

Mao Yu stared into Qin Mian's eyes and said, "I want to attract attention and sing on the biggest stage, so I compromised and don't blame the company's decision."

Qin Mian stood up, ignoring her fear, and instead comforted Mao Yu: "Then let's work hard and make more money. When we have money, we will open a studio like those big stars, and sing whatever we want , no one cares."

Mao Yu smiled: "You have a beautiful idea."

Qin Mian raised four fingers: "There are four of us, more people are more powerful!"

Yes, they are a team, colleagues, friends, and family.

Mao Yu rubbed the black keyboard with her fingertips: "You ask me if I'm afraid, the only thing I'm afraid of is that I won't be able to take off the mask after wearing it for a long time."

"No, no," Qin Mian assured, patting her chest, "I will remind you often, you are super fierce."

Mao Yu looked at her: "Say it again."

Qin Mian emphasized his tone, and said word by word: "You, super, fierce!"

Mao Yu was satisfied: "Good boy."

Qin Mian: "Huh?"

Finally that day came.

"It's a nice day today."

Qin Mian opened the curtains, the morning sun coated her face with a layer of pale gold, and her long eyelashes seemed to be shining, especially when she turned her head and smiled.

"Yuyu, you are right!"

Today they woke up in their own bodies, and Qin Mian suddenly felt that such an exchanging day is also very good, every day is very fresh.

Mao Yu's eyes stayed on her face for two seconds, and she didn't answer. Instead, she raised her hand to lift up the thin quilt, and unbuttoned her pajamas, gradually revealing the skin on her shoulders.

Mao Yu has a small frame and a slender but not thin body. His long-term exercise body has a beautiful layer of muscles, which looks very tough. The phrase "clothes to look thin, undress to look fleshy" is not too much for her.

Qin Mian hurriedly closed the curtains again, and criticized: "If you want to change your clothes, tell me first, what if you are seen by the building opposite."

Mao Yu didn't stop, she took off her pajamas, and fastened the chest button on her back.

"Across from the park."

"That doesn't work either."

Qin Mian let out a long breath, put her head on her hips and said, "You're so unsuspecting."

Mao Yu put on a T-shirt, brushed her messy hair casually, and gave her a look of "you are so embarrassed to say".

Qin Mian touched the bridge of her nose and smiled, walked to the bed, knelt on the mattress, and skillfully combed Mao Yu's round hair.

Squeezing the soft hair in her hand, Qin Mian sighed: "Today's weather is really nice."

Mao Yu bent down and lifted his trousers: "You said so."

"Really?" Qin Mian didn't care, "Then say it again, the important thing is said three times."

Mao Yu stood up and pinched her face: "Tell Pan Xia and the others to get up."

Qin Mian was used to being pinched, so she didn't break free, and just said, "Got it."

As a result, Qin Mian opened the door and unexpectedly found two people who always get up late, one sitting cross-legged on the sofa in a daze, and the other opening the refrigerator to study what to eat for breakfast.

Looking at his face, he didn't sleep well yesterday.

That's right, Qin Mian thought, today is the day when their dreams set sail.

What a day.

The nanny car picked them up at 8000:[-] a.m. to go to the venue for rehearsal. The SHOWCASE stage was built in a gymnasium that can accommodate [-] people. Lifting platforms and flamethrowers are all available. The host even invited Ying Zhen, a brother of the company. .

Li Chang was so busy that he didn't touch the ground, he arranged for two assistants, a man and a woman, to accompany them all the way.

Suddenly, Qin Mian had the illusion that he was not debuting, but had been famous for a long time.

"Is this what it's like to be an artist?" Qin Mian murmured, suddenly feeling that going to a convenience store to ask people to recognize their faces is very stupid. The real big stars will be recognized by fans even if they cover themselves tightly. The temperament is far beyond ordinary people, it is cultivated by soaking in the stage for many years, and the charm of every gesture.

"That's where you go," the female assistant laughed, "When you become popular in the future, you will be followed by a group of fans wherever you go, and you have to arrange vehicle escorts before and after to prevent illegitimate fans from chasing the car."

Qin Mian swallowed, and the pie in front of her eyes became rounder and rounder.

"OhmyGod," Song Panxia exclaimed, holding her face in her hands, "I'm going to be on fire."

The people in the car were amused.

Wu Qingya asked worriedly: "Is the 8000 seats full? Isn't it embarrassing when we get on stage and see empty seats below?"

Mao Yu said: "Don't worry, the company will buy fake fans, the audience must be very enthusiastic."

"It's true," Wu Qingya muttered, "Fake fans are also fans."

The female assistant said: "Don't worry about it, they are all real fans, so the company arranged for a few fans to bring atmosphere and shout slogans."

"Hey," Qin Mian blinked, "Do we already have fans?"

"Actually, it's mainly family meals." The female assistant didn't give them false confidence, "EIGHT organized 5000 people to help."

The four of them thought it was reasonable, but felt that they had once again been honored by their senior brother.

Wu Qingya said: "Now I feel that Brother Song is not a brother but a father."

Song Panxia felt disgusted: "I don't have a niece as old as you."

Wu Qingya called out affectionately: "Auntie!"

Song Panxia moved her mouth: "Brother Wuen, GUN!"

Listening to the cross talk between the two of them, Qin Mian covered her mouth and smiled lightly. Most of the tension disappeared. She secretly glanced at Mao Yu, but seeing that the God of Rain was still calm and confident, she gradually clenched her fists.

Don't be afraid, being on stage is not a scary thing, on the contrary, it is the utopia in the dream.

When they arrived near the gymnasium, they saw four giant posters hanging outside the stadium through the window, on which were the album makeup photos, and two small stalls at the door to give free support items.

Qin Mian asked, "Can we go down and say hello?"

The female assistant shook her head: "There will be a fan meeting tomorrow, you can give back to the fans, then we can talk about it."

"But," Qin Mian kept looking at the girls in front of the stall, "It was very hard for them to come so early in the morning."

The female assistant sighed: "You will give the fans an illusion if you go down now, as long as you wait early and wait long enough, you will be able to wait for the real idol. You must use official channels to meet fans, otherwise you will stay at the hotel entrance in the future. People near the parking lot and the company are more difficult to eliminate.”

Qin Mian didn't expect to be so far away, so she lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, take your time," the female assistant smiled gently, "You all know everything, so I'm about to lose my job."

Qin Mian laughed.

They enter the venue through the dedicated passage for the staff. Before the official performance, they have to rehearse three times. The lighting, sound, and the path of getting on and off the stage must be confirmed.

Song Panxia had an extra-large name tag hanging on her chest, and she threw herself on the floor with a "smack" as soon as she came on stage, causing Wu Qingya and Qin Mian to turn pale with fright.

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