"This time the number one monthly review is Qinmian again, right?"

"Who else is there besides her? I heard that Mr. Liu personally chose the number one."

"Mr. Liu is so busy, how can he have time to pay attention to the trainees..."

The girl's voice stopped abruptly, she rolled her eyes and lowered her voice.

"Qin Mian is going to debut?"

The rookie trainee who was holding hands with her also lowered his voice mysteriously at this moment: "It is said that it will be this year."

The two walked forward chattering, and when they entered the cafeteria, they found that the person in the center of the topic was having a meal. The girl who was more active immediately pulled her companion forward to say hello.

This chattering lasted 10 minutes, and by the time their hype was over, Qin Mian's food was cold.

Qin Mian touched her cheeks, deeply doubting whether the goddess they were talking about, who could sing and dance, had fair skin and beautiful skin, was a trainee with the same name and surname as her.

The seatmate Song Panxia was more straightforward, rolled her eyes, and muttered displeasedly: "There is nothing to show courteousness to, either adultery or robbery."

Qin Mian reminded her: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful not to be overheard."

Song Panxia said indifferently: "If you hear it, you will hear it. I will say it to my face."

Qin Mian thought, Niu is still the little princess Niu.

The two of them were interrupted from eating and were not in the mood to eat slowly. They returned the plate and went back to the practice room. Qin Mian was called away by the producer again.

Song Panxia teased, "You are a busy man."

Qin Mian lightly pinched her fair and tender face: "I'll teach you a lesson when I come back."

Song Panxia grimaced without fear.

As soon as Qin Mian turned around, the smile on his face disappeared.

Those two rookie trainees guessed well, she was already a reserve for debut.

Although the company didn't issue a formal notice, they have been frequently summoned by the leaders for assessment recently, and all the signs point to a way—debut.

Qin Mian stood at the door of the producer, checked the instrument on the screen of the mobile phone, then took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A thick male voice came from inside: "Come in."

Qin Mian pushed open the door and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu is good."

Wu Zao nodded and gestured for her to sit with his chin.

Qin Mian noticed that another woman was sitting in the room, wearing a black sportswear, looking down at her mobile phone. The brim of the hat blocked most of her face so that she could not see clearly, and she exuded an aura that no one should enter.

Qin Mian subconsciously classified her as a composition teacher, and almost shouted "Hello, teacher".

Fortunately, Zao Wu opened his mouth in advance: "Mao Yu, this is Qin Mian, you should know each other."

Qin Mian and Mao Yu made their voices almost at the same time.

"Of course I do!"

"I have seen."

Then in the next second, the eyes of the two people met across the air, and the air was about to liquefy at the touch of heat and cold.

Qin Mian was surprised by the delicate and immature face of the other party, and her first reaction was: she is so young!

Mao Yu has not been in the company for a long time, but the company already has her legend.

It is said that she was caught by the boss when she was performing on the street, and she looked at the thatched cottage three times, and it took her a month to sign into the company.

When Qin Mian heard that Mao Yu was a rapper, what naturally appeared in her mind was a mature Yujie face, but she didn't expect that the other party looked younger than herself.

At this time, Zao Wu clicked the mouse twice: "Qin Mian sent me a self-composed song a few days ago, please listen to it, Mao Yu."

Qin Mian's face was as immobile as a mountain, but her toes almost pierced through the soles of her shoes. She couldn't help crying in her heart, wouldn't she be punished publicly?

The answer must be yes.

For a moment, there was only the sound of the stereo in the room.

As soon as the sound track fluctuated, Mao Yu frowned, and within ten seconds, she opened her mouth to stop.

Mao Yu crossed his hands on the table, his eyes were sharp, and he had an astonishing aura that didn't match his age.

Qin Mian couldn't help staring at her anxiously, but saw her lips parted slightly, and she spit out four words - this song is not good.

Listening to her contemptuous tone, Qin Mian held back her anger, and gritted her teeth: "I can't hear anything from the prelude, so you can listen to the chorus part."

Mao Yu sneered, disapprovingly: "Why can people endure the chorus of a song that doesn't even work in the prelude? Do you get paid for listening to the song?"

Qin Mian was shocked, how could someone speak so mercilessly.

Wu Zao didn't expect that Mao Yu couldn't even say a word of politeness, so he hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Qin Mian is still a novice, and everything is difficult at the beginning." With a gun and a stick, everything must go through a process.”

Mao Yu replied: "I'm not targeting anyone, you ask me what I think, and that's what I really think."

Absolutely, Qin Mian has witnessed what it means to have a negative EQ.

Producer Wu coughed twice in embarrassment: "I called you two here today because you both want to take the creative route, so that you can communicate and learn from each other in the future."

Mao Yu didn't talk to her, and her eyes revealed straightforwardly: Is this also called creation?

However, Qin Mian was keenly aware of the deep meaning of the producer's words. She formed a practice group with three other trainees from the company, and Rapper quit midway due to personal reasons, so it is very likely that Mao Yu will come on top and debut together. of.

For future teammates, no matter how upset Qin Mian is, she can only bear with it, and if she can't come up, there will be disagreements within the team.

With a set of combined punches in her heart, Qin Mian squeezed out a smile, looked at Mao Yu and said, "I'm still far behind, but I will study hard."

Mao Yu nodded slightly, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Come on."

Qin Mian: "..."

Without any empathy, can this person really know how to create?

Qin Mian smiled, smiled, and smiled again: "Thank you."

Mao Yu looked at the perfect smile on her face that seemed to be carefully calculated, and was speechless, like a Barbie doll, how could she create good music without real feelings.

In just 5 minutes, both of them left a deep impression on each other.

Qin Mian: Self-righteous.

Mao Yu: Pretentious.

Producer Wu, who has no mind-reading skills, was very relieved. He said to them meaningfully: "Mao Yu has just made a new song, and Qin Mian's voice is very suitable for singing DEMO. You just take this opportunity to communicate more and cultivate a tacit understanding. "

One sentence confirmed the conjecture in Qin Mian's heart.

Just as Mao Yu was about to say "no need", Qin Mian agreed first.

"No problem," Qin Mian turned to Mao Yu with a smile, "It's just a good time to experience Mao Yu's creative ability."

Mao Yu swallowed the previous refusal, pursed her lips, looked directly into Qin Mian's eyes, and said, "Then I will also teach you your singing skills."

Zao Wu asked about Song Panxia and Wu Qingya's recent situation, and Qin Mian naturally picked the best ones.

"Keep it up," Wu hinted, "Your hard work will always pay off."

Qin Mian naturally pretended not to understand his voice-over, but just bowed his head modestly: "You are right, we will continue to work hard."

So Wu Zao waved his hands in satisfaction and asked them to go back to practice.

Qin Mian and Mao Yu hurried out the door, Qin Mian wanted to connect with each other, but just opened his mouth, this time Mao Yu preempted him.

"I'll send you an email when the recording time is over, bye."

Mao Yu bid farewell neatly.

Qin Mian: "..."

Sticking out her tongue at Mao Yu's back, Qin Mian hummed in her heart, what's the big deal, is she ranked first in the monthly rating? The real talent should be a low-key person like her.

Back in the practice room, Song Panxia was waiting for her there.

Since she didn't have a good lunch, Song Panxia went to the small shop to buy two sandwiches, and when she saw Qin Mian came back, she stuffed them into her hand.

Qin Mian thanked her, and while unpacking, said that she met Mao Yu.

Qin Mian didn't want to make public about her upcoming debut, and was hesitant to say what Wu Zao wanted them to cooperate with.

Song Panxia said directly, "Mao Yu is going to join our group."

Qin Mian was stunned for a moment, and then thought that this little girl seemed heartless, but she actually joined the company earlier than her, so she couldn't see any signs of it.

She poked Song Panxia on the shoulder, and whispered: "It's not settled yet, don't say it yet."

"Don't worry," Song Panxia grinned, "I won't tell Qingya, it's interesting to see her startled."

Qin Mian considers herself a mature big sister and decides not to get involved in their childish games.

In the evening, there was an extra email in the mailbox.

After downloading the attachment, Qin Mian put on the earphones. It has to be said that Mao Yu's creative level is indeed more than one level higher than hers.Compared with Mao Yu's songs, Qin Mian's own works are simply patchwork and inferior products.

"It seems that there are indeed two brushes."

Qin Mian mumbled and turned on the recording equipment. She originally wanted to let the rain dry for two days, but now she couldn't wait for the other party to listen to her singing.

The range of this song is not high, Qin Mian is not difficult to sing, she struggled for more than an hour, found Mao Yu's LINE from the company group, chose the most satisfactory version and sent it, and then waited eagerly Mao Yu replied.

Mao Yu's reply was quite quick, but it was a pity that there were only two words: Received.

Qin Mian paced back and forth in the room. After 5 minutes, she checked her phone and email, but there was no new message.

Could it be that she sang so well that Mao Yu couldn't help playing it on a loop?

Qin Mian lay down on the bed happily, and listened to it by herself, humming along with her singing.She thought that when Mao Yu praised her, she had to be more reserved, she hadn't shown her full strength, and she would slowly amaze the other party in the future.

As a result, another 10 minutes later, the message interface still only had the word "received" coldly.

Qin Mian couldn't help asking: What do you think? Is there any room for improvement?

This time, the other party didn't reply so quickly, and said slowly: I haven't heard it yet, I should go to bed, and I will discuss it with you tomorrow, good night.

Qin Mian stared at the phone screen in disbelief, and quickly called up another chat window to ask Song Panxia what she was doing.

Song Panxia returned her with a loving expression, saying that she was chasing an idol's new drama, followed by three lines of rainbow farts.


Qin Mian was so angry that her feet kicked wildly in the air.

Going to bed is just perfunctory for her, how can a young man go to bed at eleven o'clock, the excuse is too bad!

She lifted the quilt angrily, and was about to eat an ice cream to calm down, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, her eyes went dark and she fell to the ground.

2 minute later.

Mao Yu opened his eyes.


The author has something to say:

Qin Mian: If you don't stay up late, you won't be young!

Mao Yu: I'm young and I don't want to be bald.

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