Wen Chu blushed, who can let go of Jin Zhien who only wears a little clothes at night?Especially with the first time, there must be a second time, which is similar to domestic/domestic violence.

Jin Zhien hugged Wen Chu's arm and shook: "Wen Chu, what should I do if I miss you after you return to China?"

Wen Chu replied in a low voice: "You can develop it yourself."

Kim Ji Eun:  …

"Do you want to die?" She let go of Wen Chu's arm, reached out and rubbed the top of Wen Chu's hair vigorously.

Standing up, she still gently took Wen Chu's hand to get off the plane.

After waiting for a while, Li Enya and Liu Zhisheng arrived, and it was Jin Zhien who sent them home one by one.

"Are you going to China tomorrow?"

"It's back to China. When are you going to America?"

"It's back to the United States. Tomorrow, a little later than you, I will take you to the airport."

For such a long flight to the United States, Kim Ji-eun always bought first class.Wen Chu's two-hour plane bought an economy class without water, and Wen Chu's sudden sense of inferiority made her feel sour when she faced Jin Zhien's face.

"Jin Zhien, I'm not good enough for you." Wen Chu said to Jin Zhien who was packing his luggage with red eyes.

It scared Jin Zhien, thinking what happened to Wen Chu.Hugging Wen Chu into his arms in a hurry, he softly coaxed her: "What's wrong? Our baby Wen Chu, my sister only wants Wen Chu and no one else, okay?"

Wen Chu nodded, "Then remember to send a WeChat Moments to let me know who you are doing with. I won't be able to access Instagram and Kakao after I go back."

Jin Zhien responded gently, "Don't go out with Yang Yang."

"I told her it's alright if we're together?"

"No. If you let me know that you went to play with her behind my back, I will go to the handsome American guy to piss you off."

Wen Chuxiao fell into Jin Zhien's arms.

Jin Zhien is always afraid that she will be abducted by others, but she doesn't know anything about her own charm, which is probably how Xi Shi appears in the eyes of beholders.

Wen Chu, who stayed at home, not only had to deal with Wen Quan's paternal concern at any time, but also stared at his mobile phone all the time.If Jin Zhien contacted her for more than half an hour and did not receive a reply, no matter whether it was voice or video, he would definitely send it on time.

Wen Quan saw his girl holding a mobile phone every day, sometimes laughing and sometimes pouting and sulking, so he knew that his Chinese cabbage had opened up.

When Wen Chu held up his mobile phone and laughed again, Wen Quan said: "Girl, tell Dad, what kind of person is he? Korean or Chinese? I heard that Korean men are very chauvinistic. If he asks you to be a housewife to serve his parents and take care of the family, Dad will not agree."

Wen Chu was so frightened that he locked the screen directly, "What men? No, there are no men."

"Not a boyfriend? Then why are you laughing and crying every day?"

"Who is crying? I can't explain to you." After speaking, Wen Chu picked up the phone and went back to the room.

Wen Quan laughed in the living room, this big girl was still shy. "Father has made an agreement with you. You are not allowed to be a good wife and mother for others. You must have your own job, do you know?"

Wen Chu yelled in the room: "Got it, it's really long-winded, Dad, I really don't have a boyfriend."

In the evening, Kim Ji-eun made a video with her, and she said to Kim Ji-eun shyly, "My father forbids me to find Koreans, saying that Koreans have machismo, which prevents me from being a good wife and mother, and I have to have my own job."

Kim Ji-eun replied over there: "I don't have male chauvinism, macho chauvinism is about the same. If you want to work, you can work. If you don't want to work, my sister will support you."

Wen Chu yelled: "Jin Zhien, you are so old, didn't your parents urge you?"

Jin Zhien was speechless: "How old am I? James is my neighbor. They always thought that James and I were in a stable relationship."

"Then James didn't tell your parents about you?"

"He, he can't. Before he has a girlfriend, he will help me hide it."

Wen Chu put the mobile phone on the bedside, and asked Jin Zhien on his stomach: "How did you manage to make James obey you?"

Jin Zhien smiled: "How powerful I am, you sit up, don't lie on your stomach, you are too small."

Wen Chu looked down at his neckline and suddenly realized. "You're a rascal, Kim Ji-eun."

Sure enough, after returning to school, Kim Ji-eun has already moved to Seoul.He also left Wen Chu the key to the small villa, and asked her to water the flowers when she was free.

Wen Chu, who was directly forced to start a long-distance relationship, couldn't adapt anywhere.The exclusive driver is gone, and the pillow for sleeping is gone.

The only weekend that Jin Zhien can come back is the day of part-time work. On Saturday, Jin Zhien catches an early flight back to the small villa in Jeju, and then drives to pick up Wen Chu from get off work.

When Wen Chu was at work, she would find a coffee shop by herself or just sit in Wen Chu's shop and wait.

Wen Chu felt sorry for Jin Zhien and refused to let her come back.Jin Zhien naturally disagreed, but changed once a week to once a half month, and then changed it to once a month.

Wen Chu gradually got used to the days without Jin Zhien's company. Jin Zhien was busy at the hotel and would not reply her messages in time.

When Jin Zhien is free, he will frantically bombard Wen Chu's phone with messages.

I received a lot of messages during class, and I was in a bad mood.It's not a good mood to receive a lot of messages when you are busy at work.I received a lot of messages while I was sleeping, and my mood fell into the dust.

Wen Chu still chooses to go back when he can, and pretends not to see when he doesn't want to go back.

Chuxue was also watched by Kim Ji-eun and Wen Chu at the same time at the local movie theater.

Jin Zhien is also very wronged, usually the two of them are willing to squeeze in a video chat.Since the work has become more and more busy, and there are more and more exams in class, the two of them have not had a video for more than two months.

When Jin Zhien is busy, he is so busy that he doesn't know where to put his mobile phone.As soon as I was free, I hurriedly sent a message to Wen Chu.

Wen Chu returned from seconds back to every few hours and then back to the next day, Jin Zhien finally couldn't help but completely broke out.

Christmas is a public holiday this day, and Wen Chu happens to be out of work, so he wants to go out to have a carnival and relax with his Chinese classmates.

There were two cars full of people who came, and Hu Feng and Li Lei drove.

A group of ten people first went to a hot pot restaurant for dinner. The man and the driver were all blushing and thick necked.Hu Feng went to the bathroom five times, and when he came back, he leaned beside Wen Chu and didn't move.

Wen Chu also drank a lot, without Jin Zhien's drunkard, no one would stop her from drinking.

Her phone buzzed, and Wen Chu was used to it by now, so she dialed the mute button without even looking at the phone.

The drink was high, and Jin Zhien couldn't let Jin Zhien know that she went out to drink with others, so she simply went back and told Jin Zhien that she was asleep and didn't hear it.

When Li Lei was coaxed by everyone to confess his love to Wen Chu, Wen Chu became numb.She poked Hu Feng who was lying next to her with her hand, and Hu Feng was so drunk that he couldn't count on him at all.

She can't disclose her sexual orientation for Kim Ji-eun, and she doesn't dare to.All I can say is: "My dad won't let me fall in love."

People around him continued to boo, and at this moment, the door of the box was opened with a "snap", and standing at the door was Jin Zhien, with snow all over his head, red nose, and little clothes on.

At this moment, Wen Chu didn't know what expression to make, he opened his mouth, put down the wine glass in his hand, and finally said nothing.

Jin Zhien walked up to Wen Chu step by step, took out Wen Chu's mobile phone forcefully, and opened the lock screen to show Wen Chu the missed calls.

Under the gaze of so many people, he broke down and cried and asked Wen Chu: "Wen Chu, what do you mean? You can see for yourself."

Wen Chu wanted to grab the phone, but Jin Zhien refused.

She just stubbornly watched Wen Chu not move, and she didn't wipe the tears all over her face.

The noble embarrassment is mixed with a dilapidated beauty.

The other people who are still awake at this moment dare not breathe, they just look back and forth at Wen Chu and Jin Zhien.

Li Lei stepped forward to stand in front of Wen Chu and asked, "Zhi Ennu, is there some misunderstanding?"

Jin Zhien stretched out his hand and pushed him away forcefully, pointing to the missed call on the phone, he asked Wen Chu in a trembling voice: "Tell me, are you with him?"

Wen Chu looked at her as if he met Jin Zhien for the first time. This is Jin Zhien, the Jin Zhien who is always high and shines wantonly.At this moment, her body was trembling, her face was covered with tears, and in front of so many strangers, she still stubbornly wanted to wait for Wen Chu to give an answer.

Wen Chu took Jin Zhien's hand and reached it under his clothes. The normal temperature skin touched the cold fingertips, which made Wen Chu shiver.That's how long it's been outside, frozen like this.

Jin Zhien quickly withdrew her hand, she was afraid that it would be cold to Wen Chu, so she looked nervously at Wen Chu's face.

Li Lei stepped forward and said, "Nu Na."

Jin Zhien had a complete emotional breakdown, picked up the wine bottle on the table and threw it on Li Lei's head.

This large group of people were sobered up in shock, but Jin Zhien himself was shivering with cold and couldn't hold the bottle, and slipped away as soon as he touched the first bottle.

The bottle was broken on the ground, and Wen Chu stood up in a jerk, as if waking up from a dream.Backhand, he lifted the down jacket hanging on the hanger and buckled it on Jin Zhien's body, and covered Jin Zhien's entire face with the hood of the down jacket.

He knelt down and pulled the zipper of the down jacket all the way, held Jin Zhien's hand and said in a low voice, "Sister, no, I just got in a bad mood recently, I didn't answer the phone on purpose, I was wrong, I'm sorry."

Jin Zhien looked down at Wen Chu, as if looking for clues that she was lying.

Wen Chu wiped Jin Zhien's face with his hands, and wanted to pull her out.Jin Zhien refused, pointed at Li Lei and asked her, "What do you think is your relationship with him?"

Wen Chu pulled Li Lei aside and answered her: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all. It didn't happen before, it doesn't happen now, and it won't happen in the future. Sister, I swear."

Jin Zhien hurriedly grabbed Wen Chu's hand and shook her head, preventing her from saying something that would strike thunder from the sky.

Wen Chu turned around and apologized to everyone, saying that he had never seen Jin Zhien appearing here, so don't spread the word in school.

Jin Zhien let Wen Chu grab her hand and walk out the door.Walking to the gate of the hot pot restaurant, Jin Zhien wanted to take Wen Chu's down jacket back to her. Wen Chu pressed Jin Zhien's hand, turned around and smiled brightly at Jin Zhien: "Sister, we can watch a movie now. It's snowing today."


The author has something to say:

The girl calls her older sister Ernie and her older brother Ouba


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Siye; 217920501 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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