
Ye Luo stood at the back of the line, listening to the discussion of the tutors and guides in front of him with a blank face, and the students around him looked at him, a little hesitant to speak.

After the game is cleared, the players wake up one after another.

I don't know if the speed of people's awakening is related to the degree of exploration in the game. Ye Luo should be the first to wake up. The moment he opened his eyes, he only felt a feeling of not knowing where he was. After his consciousness gradually returned, he moved He lowered his somewhat stiff body and sat up.

As far as he can see, it is the underground base dormitory where he was before entering the game. There seems to be no difference between here and before entering the game. If he hadn't touched the hard disk that disappeared after entering the game in his pocket, he wouldn't even know how to get there. Verify whether this is a game or reality.

Except for a few ordinary people like Ye Luo who woke up early, most of the first batch of people who woke up were soldiers responsible for maintaining the order of the base. They didn't know how the base outside was doing. There was no disturbance in Ye Luo's place. People Physical adaptation training was carried out step by step, and then on a certain day, a notification came from the radio in the base. After the first batch of volunteers tested, the environment on the ground had really returned to a survivable level.

Coincidentally, the boss Ye Luo met in the game happened to be in an underground base with him before the doomsday. As the most precious scientific researcher, the boss was naturally arranged in the safest place, while Ye Luo Because the first person who came in was actually on the same floor as the boss, but they were in different dormitories.

After meeting in line for dinner, the boss transferred Ye Luo to his side. After confirming that the ground could survive, Ye Luo followed the boss's team and returned to the ground first.

At this time, they didn't realize that the appearance of the earth has undergone great changes, like a city where humans survived, and there were no major changes, until Ye Luo followed the boss's team and set off as a student , When they went to the archaeological places corresponding to some ruins in the game, the scenery along the way told them that the world had changed.

Obviously, judging from the plates on the satellite map, the earth is still the same earth, but the various animals and plants that have only been seen in the game in the wild are telling them that the game is real and it is not a dream.

No one can tell them what happened, they can only speculate from the results, maybe the purpose of that game is to move the things they explored to the destroyed surface without any life.

However, all of this is incredible. Whether it is the restored atmosphere above the head or the vibrant ground under the feet, these technologies are beyond the reach of people on the earth.

In order to solve this mystery, the places in the game where spaceships and alien visitors have been discovered have been circled by professionals on the world map at this time. Except for those places that were circled in the deep mountains by the crustal movement, they are not suitable for the time being. The places that were explored, the ones that might correspond to the locations in the game were searched, but no, there was nothing there that should not exist on this planet.

But it can’t be said that nothing has been found. After many investigations, people confirmed that there are traces of something that has existed here. This trace is very fresh, and it must not exceed ten years. Judging by the size, it is very likely that it is an alien spaceship. .

In short, no matter what kind of conclusions can be drawn in the end, people's lives still have to continue. After half a year of the end of the earth, the surviving population is less than a hundred. Because of the unique system, the Chinese survived the most, almost It accounts for more than half of the remaining population, which makes some ethnic groups who have been keeping an eye on China before the doomsday even more worried.

However, the earth is full of waste. Compared with the entire planet, the total population today is really not much. There are countless basic livelihood problems waiting to be solved, so the world is still in a state of peace for the time being. To ensure the end of the game In the end, before human beings are still in an absolutely dominant position, internal fighting is absolutely not advisable. If someone wants to make trouble, then the fists of Big Brother Huaxia will not be polite.

After half a year of collective life, the survivors have almost no assets of their own, and everything has to be accumulated again. Fortunately, the state machine is still operating normally. As long as you obey the arrangements and actively participate in various constructions, everything will gradually get better .

In order to be able to survive in the real world, and in exchange for a state-of-the-art intelligent robot that can carry Fengxing data, Ye Luo joined the big boss's scientific research team without hesitation after learning about the salaries of various jobs.

Although infrastructure construction needs to be done and new food sources need to be researched, some research is still very meaningful, and this is what the team of the boss is doing.

Originally, with the physical fitness of Luo otaku at the end of the day, it should be very hard to do such a job, but I don’t know if it’s because of his relatively high contribution in the game. He obviously felt the strength of this body, as if his The body has been dropped, but whether it is the tear mole at the corner of the eye or the scar left by that man's domestic violence in childhood, tell him, there is no need to doubt, this is your body.

Apart from his physical health, Ye Luo's biggest feeling is that his thinking speed has increased significantly. Originally, he was considered an elite part of human beings. After waking up from the game, some of his current abilities can be called evildoers .

This allowed him to integrate into the new job very quickly, and was recognized by other people in the team in a very short period of time.

Because of the danger of the job itself and the scarcity of talents, Ye Luo's salary is relatively high. After saving enough money, Ye Luo finally got the one he wanted that was newly developed before the end of the world. smart robot.

"Yellow? Are you okay?"

Ye Luo came back to his senses, looked at his classmate who looked at him with concern, shook his head slowly, and didn't want to speak.

Ye Luo is now a graduate student of the boss. This classmate has cooperated with him many times in the game. The other party admires Ye Luo's luck and observation skills in the game. After returning to reality, he was still I thought Ye Luo would have to get used to it for a while, but I didn't expect that he was much better than him now.

The classmate didn't have any jealous thoughts about this, but was a little worried about Ye Luo's state after returning from the last vacation.

Sure enough, after the discussion between the instructor and the guide was over, and when they were about to choose someone to lead the way to the sea, Ye Luo was the first to stand up again.

The boss frowned. He was also a little worried about Ye Luo's recent state. Although he had to have enough adventurous spirit to choose this line of work, Ye Luo was really, really desperate recently. Where? Where does the danger go.

But considering that this place was discovered by Ye Luo first in the game, and he was indeed the most physically fit member of the scientific expedition team, the boss had no choice but to give Ye Luo some instructions, emphasizing safety first, and agreed to Ye Luo's entry into the water.

Ye Luo put on a diving suit, carried an oxygen cylinder on his back, adjusted the underwater camera on his head, and jumped into the sea together with the professional adventurers hired by the team.

The original archipelago in the game was not found in reality, but after repeated analysis and on-the-spot investigations, the team finally locked in a deep-sea cave made of rubble ruins.

Ye Luo followed the adventurer to swim to the underwater cave. The entrance of the cave was spacious at first, but as it went deeper, the surrounding space gradually narrowed. In the game, the entrance that could only accommodate one person became more difficult to pass through. When encountering a hole that was deemed impossible by the adventurer again, the other party pulled the guiding line, turned around and gestured to ask whether to give up.

Ye Luo glanced at the oxygen scale and shook his head. The oxygen was still enough for them to use for a while. After exploring here, he already felt familiar. It was a very strange sense of déjà vu, even though it had happened many times in countless years. The original island had long been broken and sunk, or drifted somewhere with the waves, but he was still able to find an accurate route in the ruin-like underwater cave.

His intuition told him that their destination was not far away.

Ye Luo didn't want to have a pointless argument with the other party, so he gestured to the other party, indicating that he switched to the front. It was really difficult for the other party's strong body to pass through the gap in front of him, but Ye Luo could.He originally had a relatively slender frame. Although his years of field research had made him a lot stronger, he was still the slender one compared to others.

The judgment of a professional adventurer is accurate. This gap is indeed difficult to pass through. Even Ye Luo is stuck in the hole. He adjusted various angles in the water and found that he can actually come over, provided that he needs to put down the oxygen bottle.

Without any hesitation, Ye Luo took a step back, handed the bottle to the adventurer, took a deep breath of oxygen, and swam towards the entrance of the cave again. This time it was obviously much smoother, and he swam in almost without any lag.

This is a shuttle-shaped space with narrow ends and a spacious middle. Surprisingly, there is air in this space. Ye Luo surfaced and took a breath of fresh air. faint.

The oxygen content here is very low, and the quality is also very poor. I don’t know if there is any harmful gas. This mouth did not relieve him much, but only slightly relieved the pressure in one side, so he dived again and rushed to the other side without hesitation. gap.

His intuition was correct. After crossing the last hole, Ye Luo kicked his feet and surfaced. This is indeed the cave with a lot of murals and clay pots in the game.

The air quality here is obviously not very high, but the oxygen content is still slightly higher than the shuttle-shaped space just now, but it cannot withstand too much consumption.

Ye Luo didn't waste any more time, and took pictures of this place with the camera above his head, and then pulled the guide rope with the agreed signal, and after getting a response from the outside, tied the end of the guide rope to a raised stone, deep Taking a breath, he felt the thread and went back the same way.

The next thing will naturally be done by more professional people.


The author has something to say:

See you tomorrow~

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