
The terrain of this space was something that Ye Luo had never explored before. The horizontal area of ​​the entire space was not too large, but the difficulty of exploration was not small.

Most of them are on the mountain. The shape of the most edge of the hill looks like a "fly" character, but it is slightly different. There is a short steep slope extending downward between the highest point of the mountain and the fog wall. Strictly speaking, it seems to be cut off. The character "Ji" with half a leg, the tail on the right side of the word "Ji" starts to pick up, and a slightly shorter mountain peak extends upward.

In addition to these two highest peaks, there are also many small hills around. These large and small mountains surround a large lake in the center. On the whole, it will be very difficult to explore this space.

Thinking about those famous scenic spots, climbing on the artificially built mountain roads is very hard, not to mention this kind of wild mountains, especially the two tallest peaks covered with snow, it is difficult to walk visible to the naked eye.

I don't know if luck is good or not. Ye Luo landed on the edge of the space, that is, on the left half of the "ji" character. It is convenient to get ice. If you don't want to explore the space, you can take it This acts as a freezer.

If you want to explore space, you must first climb over these two mountains.

The space upgrade is just around the corner, and everyone is coming. Naturally, wherever you go, Ye Luo, an otaku, seems to be passing by most of the time, no different from those colleagues who can see the future at a glance. In fact, only Only then did I realize how yearning Ye Luo was for extreme danger.

I don't know what other people's first reaction is when they enter the game. Ye Luo is actually a little excited. Even if his strong self-control didn't restrain him, he couldn't help but want to go to the game when he had nothing at first. Explore spaces marked as extremely dangerous.

If he hadn't known from the beginning that the game had a world channel and other players existed, and if he hadn't been accompanied by Fengxing when he first entered the game, Ye Luo might have let go of himself in the unfettered game world.

That is the self that makes the current him feel disgusted.

Thinking of having the opportunity to challenge the extreme environment in such a situation with company, escape, and preparation at this time, Ye Luo only felt his blood boil, how could he give up.

Isn't this much better than those donkey friends who often challenge extreme challenges and occasionally cause trouble for uncle firefighters in reality?

Considering that the landing point at this time is on the edge of being cut off by the fog wall, the structure of the mountain may be affected or even shattered. Ye Luo put on a defensive helmet on his head to prevent stones, ice and snow from falling from above and cause a lot of blood loss.

In fact, mountaineering is not as difficult as Ye Luo imagined, maybe he is not far from the peak here, although from the map, the highest peak in this space is very steep, but it is not known how many times smaller In fact, the slope under Ye Luo's feet is relatively gentle. As long as the angle between the body and the ground is controlled, climbing the mountain does not seem to be much different from the usual exploration, except for a little physical exertion.

Of course, this is only in the game. Ye Luo's own physique has been digitized. Even if his physical strength is exhausted quickly, as long as his hunger and thirst are replenished at any time, he will not feel the fatigue in reality, even as a climber with zero experience , Ye Luo did not suffer from altitude sickness.

I don’t know the altitude of this snow mountain. Considering that the highest peak on earth is only 9000 meters, it is impossible to surpass Mount Everest if you want to come here. Experienced donkeys can climb to a height of 2000 meters in a day. Although Ye Luo In terms of experience, they are not as good as them, but their physique is indeed much stronger. In addition, their landing point is not far from the peak. Even though it is not too early to enter the space, they finally reached the peak before nightfall.

Today's goal is to clear the peak. There is a large platform here, and the ice layer is easy to mine. After the surface layer is mined, Ye Luo can also artificially water the lake and wait for it to freeze again. It is more convenient than looking for the ice layer when climbing. many.

And if you want to mine ice with peace of mind, you need to kill the danger here first.

Ye Luo found a place with relatively flat terrain, and cooperated with Fengxing to collect the snow on it. Fengxing was responsible for shoveling the snow with a shovel, and Ye Luo was responsible for putting it in the backpack. Light a campfire around, leave enough space in the middle, slowly pour a bucket of milk boiled on the campfire in the center, the milk will melt the surface and slowly seep into the ice layer, and the bucket will be mixed with milk The corn that was boiled together was piled on the sunken ice, Feng Xing picked up a few corns and threw them not far away.

Not only the antler goose swallowed while watching, Ye Luo also felt a little distressed, but considering the rewards of these efforts, Ye Luo still covered his chest and prayed secretly.

In order not to scare the snake away, the two living creatures, Ye Luo and the Antler Goose, hid beside the farthest campfire, leaving only Feng Xing where they were, pretending to be a snow sculpture.

Because no campfire was lit in the middle, the night was getting darker and darker. Even with the help of Fengxing's perspective, Ye Luo couldn't see things under the ice clearly. He could only vaguely see a black shadow two or three meters long gradually falling under the milk corn. condensation.

From being indistinct at the beginning to becoming almost solid, Ye Luo began to hear the sound of fingernails rubbing against hard objects. It was the things below digging up the ice layer, and the sound lingered in Ye Luo's ears through the conduction of ice. It was really numb, the goose stomped on the spot almost uncontrollably, as if it was going to rush up at any moment.

Ye Luo grabbed the antler goose's neck to calm it down. As the friction sound disappeared, a big nose protruded from the middle of the ice layer, followed by two big fleshy claws. The nails on them were extremely sharp. Looking in the direction, they found that there seemed to be nothing unusual, and Ye Luo and Goose dared not make a sound in the downwind.

The other party hugged the corn at the exit of the ice layer into his arms, and gradually leaned out his whole body. He looked around at the surrounding fire lightly, and just wanted to pick up a few scattered stalks of milk corn nearby and ran away.

Naturally, Feng Xing would not give it this chance. Seeing that Xi Shu's whole body left the ice cave, he picked up the stone bricks prepared in advance to block the entrance of the cave.

Xi Shu was frightened and ran all over the ground, but he didn't dare to get close to the surrounding fire, so he had to flee in the circled place. Once the opponent stopped and started digging ice, Ye Luo shot with Nu arrows. Luo's long-range attack provided a lot of convenience.

Xi Shu looked angrily at the direction where Nu's arrow came from, but he didn't dare to get close. As the blood volume became lower and lower, the opponent rushed towards Fengxing with red eyes, attacking wildly with two giant claws, and was about to drag one into the water before dying !

Although he knew that the other party couldn't cause even a little damage to Fengxing's robot, but seeing Xishu's whole body pressed against Fengxing, with two giant claws scratching out a phantom, Ye Luo still felt a wave of evil fire rising, and forcibly restrained it Don't rush into the circle of fire yourself, the archer's hand will tremble due to psychological abnormalities.

Fortunately, Xishu also gave up dodging at this time, which made Ye Luo's attack not miss. Ye Luo frantically added arrows, arrows, arrows, arrows, arrows!

It wasn't until Feng Xing picked up Xi Shu and threw it aside that Ye Luo realized that the other party had already passed away at some point.

After the inexplicable evil fire subsided, Ye Luo calmed down his panting, thinking it was a belated altitude sickness.

Ye Luo was not in a hurry to disassemble Xishu's body, first he cooperated with Feng Xing to smash all the ice with a pickaxe and put it in his backpack, then filled the dug-out gap with lake water, and came back to harvest ice tomorrow morning.

Only then did Feng Xing and Antler Goose return to the portable space.

Related records can also be found on the earth for the Xi mouse. This is a giant mouse that lives under the ice. It looks a bit like a field mouse, but with longer hair and sharper nails and teeth.The weight of an individual can reach over a thousand catties, because it lives under the ice all year round, the meat is delicious, and the fur can be made into quilts, which is very effective in keeping out the cold.

Xishupi also has some miraculous functions in legends. If it is used to cover a drum, the sound can be transmitted thousands of miles away when knocked on. In ancient times, when information transmission was inconvenient, its effectiveness can be seen.In addition, Xishu's hair can summon rats, and it will have a magical effect under special circumstances. (Note)

After decomposing it, Ye Luo obtained: [Xishu Meat*12], [Xishu Fur*1].

Considering that several hundred catties of beef cattle can only decompose 80 catties of beef, this amount is not too small.

Long-term consumption of Xi rat meat can increase the resistance to cold environments, and Ye Luo still has some expectations for this.

I have encountered South Sea butterfly meat with similar effects before. Long-term use can increase the quality of mental value, and it can also be understood as resistance to negative emotions such as fear or hallucinations. Ye Luo originally thought that this kind of long-term effect would really take a long time. However, in fact, after only a few days of eating it, Ye Luo could clearly feel that the rate of mental decline in the dark was slowing down.

There is still a lot of butterfly meat left in the South China Sea, and it is unexpected to get so much Xishu meat.

Just in time to stay in this space for a while, Ye Luo decided to eat Xishu meat first.

It is worth mentioning that Xishu has white fur all over its body, and its skin is indeed black. Fortunately, its meat is a normal color, because this kind of creature lives under the ice all year round, its food is single and it does not move a single inch all year round. smell.Cut into large pieces, put on bamboo sticks, and after being cooked by Fengxing, it tastes delicious.

As for Xishu fur, the system did not separate it, and Ye Luo did not intend to use this thing as a drum. According to the legendary efficacy, Ye Luo speculated that Xishu fur would most likely be a material for transmission or communication tools. The stand-alone party Ye Xiaoluo didn't need this kind of thing, but made it into clothes. Ye Luo also worried that a large number of mice would be attracted when exploring outside, so he had to put it in the space, save the winter bedding, and cut a piece temporarily when necessary Fur down.

Compared with the benefits that Xishu can bring to Ye Luo, he is more concerned about the fact that the space he explored recently seems to be somewhat separated from before, and he doesn't know whether he came to two different continents or the original world. Different places have different development processes.

Combined with some previous guesses, perhaps, some places in this world, or most places, for some reason, touched things that should not be touched, resulting in changes in some areas, and some places, because of separation, Or it is a guardian similar to the skeleton in the pigman village, and some things are preserved.


The author has something to say:

Note: Xishu is a giant rat in Chinese mythology. It lives under the ice, weighs a thousand catties, and has edible meat.Fur can be used to make clothing and quilts, which are top grades for keeping out the cold.With its leather drum, its sound can travel thousands of miles, and its hair can summon rats. It is contained in "Shen Yi Jing".

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone`


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of light rain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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