
Although it is said that the poisonous mist will only bring the negative state of blood loss to the player, and there will be no real sequelae caused by inhaling the poisonous mist, the cautious Ye Luo still wants to take some protection.

Originally, he planned to find a way to make a gas mask or mask, but unexpectedly, Feng Xing found a handmade gas mask in the mall.

Ye Luo bought one and came back. The main body of the gas mask is a mineral water bottle. A big hole is cut out on the body of the bottle. The mouth of the bottle is facing down. A tin box is connected to the mouth of the bottle. Inside the box are filter materials such as cotton and activated carbon. , This kind of gas mask is compatible with the seller's raincoat. It happens to be rainy in summer, so Ye Luo, who is selling it in bundles, doesn't care.

Early in the morning, one person and one plane arrived at the entrance of the cave. Feng Xing went down first with a torch to lure away the bats spraying poisonous mist at the entrance of the cave. After the air was refreshed a little, Ye Luo followed with a torch.

He is not worried about the oxygen in other parts of the ground, because there are plants growing underground.

Going down the spiral staircase, he shot and killed the fish that slipped through the net. After walking the stairs, Ye Luo saw Fengxing standing motionless not far away, surrounded by a group of bats. on, and gave him an innocent look.

It's kind of cute.

Ye Luo was inexplicably amused by this scene. Seeing that most of the bats hadn't noticed him, Ye Luo lit a wooden campfire on the spot, and then retracted the torch, holding a spear in one hand and arrows in the other, and harvested the bats that rushed over one after another.

However, it was somewhat troublesome to kill these aerial creatures. Ye Luo resisted the attack and took a long time to clean up these active creatures.

After killing this batch of bats, Ye Luo will recover the blood volume dropped by the continuous attacks, and together with Fengxing, smash all the bat nests attached to the outer wall of the spiral staircase, mainly Fengxing smashed and killed him.

After all, this is a game. If these lairs are not demolished, they will have to be cleaned up again when he returns the same way.

After some exercise, Ye Luo was also a little tired, and his hunger and thirst value dropped a lot. The hunger and thirst value in the game is basically equivalent to the physical value.

But after so long, Ye Luo has also found a pattern. Since it is the hunger and thirst value, eating and drinking can restore it. He just had breakfast not long before he came down. Although with the exhaustion of physical strength, he feels that the food has been almost digested Now, even if you eat some more food, you won't feel uncomfortable.

But Ye Luo still decided to drink honey water to regain his hunger and thirst.Let him feel that he is more like a real life, rather than a set of inexplicable data.

After the platform was cleaned up, Ye Luo led Fengxing along the only path. The place where this path connects is still a platform. To be exact, the entire underground world is almost full of such paths and stone platforms. The place is full of bottomless abysses.

I don't know how this landform was formed.

Ye Luo replaced the combat helmet and anti-virus raincoat with [miner hat].

The miner's hat blueprint is a blueprint that was exchanged in the forum a long time ago. It needs a black gold, a straw hat and a firefly to make it.The straw hat is a blueprint that comes with the system. It only needs 12 pieces of hay. Fireflies need to be caught in the dark with an insect net. Ye Luo rarely explored at night before. Didn't look for it on purpose.

It's a coincidence that there are a lot of fireflies in the oak forest where the pigman is. When exploring, Ye Luo deliberately stayed for a while longer at night and caught many fireflies. Except for the miner's hat, the rest They were all released by Ye Luo on the grass in the portable space. It will be easy to catch them later, and maybe they can breed more.

The range of the miner's hat is much farther than that of the torch, which opened up Ye Luo's vision a lot. The stone path is quite long, and Ye Luo walked for a long time before reaching the next platform.

The area of ​​this platform is more than ten times larger than the square at the entrance, and it is covered with strangely shaped mushroom trees.

Looking at the trunk below, it seems that it is no different from ordinary trees, but the crowns are strangely shaped. The green crown seems to be the most normal, and the whole is a huge mushroom head; the red tree has several branches. There is a slightly smaller mushroom head at the top of the branch, of course, this kind of smallness is compared with the green mushroom; the last one is a blue mushroom tree that looks very poisonous, layer after layer, it looks It's like putting layers of skirts on the trunk.

However, Fengxing told him that blue mushrooms are the staple food of underground rabbitmen.

Red mushrooms are the most poisonous of the three types of mushrooms. Eating raw can fill your stomach, but it will drop about 20 points of blood. After roasting, it will not drop blood but will drop spiritual points.

Green mushrooms will lose half of their spiritual value if they are eaten raw, but they can restore a large amount of spiritual value in an instant after they are cooked.

Blue mushrooms, as the staple food of rabbitmen, can restore 20 points of blood and drop part of the spiritual value when eaten raw, and can restore a small amount of spiritual value after roasting.

The three kinds of mushroom trees grow together, and without one, they cannot grow. Except for the green mushrooms, which are special, the red and blue mushrooms are somewhat mutually reinforcing, and they can be eaten together to fill the stomach and offset each other's side effects.

Ye Luo felt a little regretful: "Is it really impossible to transplant?"

Feng Xing was not surprised at Ye Luo's question: "No, mushroom trees cannot be transplanted, and the requirements for the environment are extremely strict. They cannot receive a little sunlight, otherwise they will wither instantly."


Ye Luo is not greedy for mushrooms, he is greedy for others to shine!

The whole area is illuminated by the shimmering light of the mushroom tree. This light is naturally soft, and it may be slightly better than the sun fruit in terms of comfort. Moreover, because there are no regular branches and leaves on the tree, Ye Luo's vision is extremely wide. Circle down to explore the entire platform.

What a pity!Ye Luo sighed while cutting down the tree.

It's not greedy, just cut down those blocking the way on the exploration route. Most of the entire underground space is covered with various mushroom trees. I'm afraid this scale is not something that the rabbitmen in that village can plant.

Either these mushroom trees were originally underground products, or these things were indeed researched by the rabbitman, but as they grew naturally, the spores fell everywhere and gradually expanded in size.

However, Ye Luo will consciously cut down some green mushroom trees. A tree will drop two pieces of wood and a large green mushroom. This kind of mushroom slices are baked on the fire, and only need a little salt. The taste is extremely delicious. , the most important thing is that in the dark underground world where the spiritual value is slowly dropping all the time, this kind of mushroom that can restore a large amount of spiritual value is the real treasure.

However, the roasted mushrooms lose a lot of water. Even if the volume of a mushroom is not small after roasting, the hunger and thirst value will not be restored at all. It can only be used as a side dish, not as a staple food.

These mushroom trees are not only the staple food of underground bunny people, but also the staple food of spiders.

Ye Luo was a little speechless, these things are really everywhere, and they are really not picky eaters.

There are many spider nests hidden in the junction between the mushroom forest and the darkness. In fact, there are also many spider nests in the entire underground space. Some of the spiders seem to have undergone some mutations.

The ones in front of me are quite normal, no different from the spiders on the ground. Perhaps it is because the place near the entrance has not been visited by rabbitmen for a long time. The spider nests here are all in a complete state. After cleaning, Ye Luoshun harvested two more spider eggs that could be planted.

After exploring the mushroom forest, Ye Luo continued on the road. There was still a narrow stone path in front of him. He casually threw a big stone into the darkness until he reached the next platform, but Ye Luo didn't hear the sound of falling.

After passing the third platform, a fork began to appear at the end. Ye Luo opened the navigation map, ignored the two roads on the right, and walked directly to the path on the far left leading to the Rabbitman Village.

The underground world is completely different from the ground. It is divided into one piece after another by the abyss, leaving only narrow entrances and exits. Naturally, it is impossible to go around and return to the original point like the ground. If you want to explore other routes , can only go back the same way.

Ye Luo turned off the map and moved forward without hesitation. There were also some strange-looking things on the map over there. Maybe those things were important, but if he had to make a choice, Ye Luo would only choose this side.

Not just to look at those bunnymen, of course.

Along the way, in addition to large areas of mushroom forests, Ye Luo also saw some relatively humid platforms. These platforms are usually very large in size, and occasionally small ponds can be seen on them. There are many mosses growing on the edge of the ponds. Ferns.

When meeting it for the first time, Ye Luo was still curious about where the water came from. After all, the air is circulating in such a large space, so it won't dry up.

It was a sad story until Ye Luo passed by this kind of platform again.


The area of ​​this mixed landform space is very large. Ye Luo spent several days exploring the ground. The area of ​​the underground corresponds to the area above the ground.

The entrance is in the upper right corner of the map, but the end point is in the leftmost middle of the map, right under the huge skeleton.

Even if it is a straight line, it will take a long time, not to mention that the underground is divided by the abyss, most of the time there is only one road to go forward, but the direction of these roads is not controlled by Ye Luo, sometimes knowing that the rabbit man is on the left, But there is only one small road that leads to the right side, and it can only go around in circles.

Not to mention that some trails were so narrow that Feng Xing could not even pass through them, so he had to put them in his backpack and let them out to accompany him after passing through this area.

Even Ye Luo had to be careful when walking. If he accidentally stepped on a loose edge, he could still hear the sound of the stone breaking, of course, only the sound of breaking.

In addition to difficult routes, occasionally you will encounter some roadblocks on the road, such as bats that are attached to some stalagmites to build nests. I don’t know if they are spiders with hard shells that grow up eating stones. These spiders are not only normal monsters. And outside the gland, it can actually decompose rocks.

It's a pity that this kind of spider eggs that can't be planted can't be dropped.


On the second night of going underground, Ye Luo was hurt by the ruthless nature and forced to come here to hide from the rain.

After all, although there are leaks underground, they are only in some places. To be precise, only the top of the pond can leak rain.

Ye Luo found a relatively dry place and camped there, couldn't help cursing at the game!

The thunder in this game is actually chasing people to strike!

If you have the ability, you can hack it to the ground!


The author has something to say:

There will be a magical thing next, I was very greedy when I knew this thing a long time ago

Finally we have the chance to write

If you are interested, you can also go to the s (anti-harmony) cp foundation, there are really all kinds of strange things in it!


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 small round persimmon;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Ann! 2 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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