
Another problem is that electrical components can only be manufactured near the alchemy engine, otherwise even if there are blueprints, they cannot be manufactured, so it may not be suitable for him to sell the blueprint of an electrical component to the base alone, but directly sell the blueprint of the alchemy engine to The other party is also impossible, at least for now.

Ye Luo is willing to abide by the rules and obey the law, but the premise is that all this is effective.

Now everyone is in the game, but the so-called base is built in someone's personal space.Ye Luo believes that there are many great people in this world who would give everything, including their lives, to protect the stability of society.But when they no longer have the shackles before the end, when he himself has become the rule of a small space, can he still stick to his heart?

Just like many "good old people" in life before the doomsday, they are willing to be a good person, abide by the law, and be willing to help others when the society is stable. face.

At that time, the doomsday had just come, Ye Luo and the others, as the first batch of survivors who entered the first base in City A, were undoubtedly arranged as volunteers to carry out follow-up maintenance work. Of course, all of this was paid.

There is an old Zhou in their company, who is recognized as a good old man, the kind who is willing to help whoever has something, but when the end comes, when he has the so-called "rights", he starts to show another face.

Most of Ye Luo's companies are young guys, and when they retreated, everyone naturally hugged each other. Lao Zhou, as a good old man recognized by various departments, naturally became everyone's bond. Among the first batch of volunteers, they obviously became a group. the greatest power.

Due to the limited manpower of the old military, the soldiers rushed to the forefront of saving lives, leaving only some people who were responsible for coordinating the work and guiding the volunteers in the general direction. The real details were not noticed, or It can't be managed.

So in the beginning, when the military hadn't taken the initiative to enforce the management of the base, they had a certain decision-making power. The underground base was divided into several floors. First serve, on the other hand, because the beds in the underground base are compact, the bottom should be filled first, so that the subsequent people can pass through.

Although everyone didn't realize at that time that the ground would never go back again, anyone with a bit of thought and resources wanted to go to the bottom, which gave some people, such as Lao Zhou, the opportunity to make a profit from it.

From the very beginning of embezzlement of supplies, to the blatant financial transactions, and even forced bullying, it was only a week.

Of course, they only enjoyed the "privilege" for a week before reuniting with compatriots who were forced to give up because the ground was completely unlivable.

Ye Luo watched the whole process with cold eyes, only confirming one thing, and that was the ugliness of human nature.

Of course he, the indifferent bystander, was just as ugly as them.

So what about the actual controller of the base space?It would be fine if this person was originally a high-level military officer, used to serving the people, and possessed a strong ability to coordinate and control. After all, he was the best selected from among billions of people.But if he is just an ordinary person, can he really withstand the temptation?

Ye Luo admits that he has a dark heart, maybe his thoughts are too worrying, but now, at least now, he can't hand over all his cards.

Hey, Ye Luo sighed.

Therefore, the blueprints must not be handed over. If there is a chance, you can trade the finished alchemy engine with the other party. As long as you stand by the side and carry enough materials, you can still activate the blueprints. The other party has abundant resources. Maybe you can test it out More recipes he didn't discover.

It is as if I discovered a mysterious space, there are several in it, I keep one, and exchange the rest for them. If the other party finds any new blueprints, I have to let them share it.

If something really went wrong with this base in the future, some people would rebel if they accidentally smashed the alchemy engine, and they would have nothing.

Hey, I'm still too much of a dog.

Feng Xing, who was processing the ingredients over there, couldn't help but look over at a glance. Whenever Ye Luo sighed, he couldn't help but want to come this way. When he found that there was no follow-up, he forcibly stopped his track and fell back to the original place. Turn around to continue processing, then turn around and think about it when you hear it again, the whole machine turns around as if it's malfunctioning.

Seeing this retarded person, Ye Luo couldn't help laughing out loud, whatever, what does that have to do with him in the end, with Fengxing, he can live independently away from human beings, and it is in this game that he can stand alone to life There is no regret at the end.

Even if the game is over...

Ye Luo glanced at the bunch of question marks on the robot's display screen. Obviously, this thing should not appear in the game. Since you can send things in, it's not difficult to get something out.

The person who sent the robot in front of them should not let Fengxing be trapped in the game.

If he really went out, Ye Luo lowered his eyelids, and he would always find it.

What belongs to him can only be his.

Ye Luo just returned to the portable space from a warm place, and Ye Luo still felt quite comfortable. Last night, the temperature in the space was less than ten degrees below zero, and it was even a little hot wearing a rabbit fur coat. It's fine, but it's very uncomfortable during the day.

If possible, Ye Luo doesn't want to stay in that dark and closed place for a long time, but outside, it's hot in a rabbit fur coat, cold in single clothes, and feels dry in front of a campfire.

But at this temperature, squatting next to the earthen stove and eating hot pot is quite refreshing, and Ye Luo started to work after cooling off.

First, I cleaned the rabbit cage that hadn't been cleaned for a while. Before, every time I came in, I just threw a handful of grass, took a look at the antler goose eggs, and then went back to soak in the hot spring. I didn't clean it much.

But fortunately, rabbits are lazy in winter, and the design of the rabbit cage is also very reasonable. The rabbit poop is also a small ball, and it will be frozen directly on the ground through the cage, without any peculiar smell.

These poops are all made into a poop basket with wood. This is the blueprint that was exchanged in the forum at the beginning. Three human poops or cow poops plus four woods can make one, and rabbit poops need six. Use it once and it will fall. About 13%, one poop basket can fertilize eight plants, and it disappears immediately after use, which is convenient, easy to use and clean.

It is already the 26th day of winter, and if there are no accidents, it will be available in five days.

Afterwards, we worked together with Fengxing to break open the pond, and put the ice cubes in the refrigerator. In case the summer is particularly hot, we can put it aside to cool down. The fish that have been sleepy all winter scramble to come out to breathe, and eat salted fish meat and dried bacon all winter. Ye Luo grabbed two of the fatter ones and stewed them in fish head soup at night!

After one winter, Ye Luo didn't actually consume a lot of supplies. After all, it was only a few days, but people are like this. If there is no shortage, nothing will taste good.

Seeing that Ye Luo's appetite has been getting worse and worse recently, Feng Xing saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. After a routine exploration this morning, Feng Xing came to Ye Luo swearingly, saying that there were new ingredients. !

"What did you say? What did you see?"

"Pig! White and tender, the kind of pig that you humans love the most!"

Seeing that Ye Luo's reaction was not obvious, Feng Xing added, "I can cook many kinds of pork dishes, such as pot-wrapped pork, braised pork..."

Feng Xing suddenly shut up, he keenly sensed something wrong with Ye Luo, he was at a loss, he didn't dare to speak, he didn't dare to approach.

Ye Luo lowered his head, surrounded by the aura of death who was close to me, Feng Xing didn't feel afraid, but somehow felt that his data fluctuated, and the frequency of the vibration was a bit strange, which made his data derive something unknown It is something that should not exist for immutable data, as if it was a straight line that was suddenly bounced. The line itself could not make a sound, but it caused the air to resonate during the vibration, so the surrounding area There was a sound.

Feng Xing only felt that this kind of fluctuation in his own data seemed to have caused something, something happened.

A little sour?A little pain?

He had an impulse out of thin air, even though Ye Luo didn't order, even though Ye Luo seemed to be angry with him now, but he just felt that he should do this, if he stood there foolishly, he would regret it.

Of course he knows the meaning of the word regret. As an artificial intelligence, he is curious about the various emotions described in words. If he has the opportunity, he must try it.

But although he was very curious about this feeling, he also knew from the description that it was not a good thing, and he didn't want this bad thing to appear between him and Ye Luo.

Ye Luo only felt that kind of taste seemed to be lingering in his mind again. Intellectually, he knew that Feng Xing could not be blamed for this, and he never said that he could not mention a certain word, but he still couldn't control himself, and his palm was already scratched by his nails. It was broken, but the pain was not enough, not enough for him to control himself, he felt something stirring in his chest, like a black hole, a vortex, sucking him in desperately, he felt himself being stirred It became a ball, and it was difficult to breathe.

He wants to vent, as long as he vents, the vortex will rotate in the opposite direction, he will be released, and he will no longer be bound by any constraints. He can feel that it is a very powerful force. As long as he vents, the spinning vortex will The vortex can provide him with huge energy. Once it is reversed, that powerful force will even explode him. He can only vent, only vent. He can use this power to destroy everything in front of him, especially that...

No way, obviously he could watch his so-called family members eat braised pork without changing his face, pick up the braised pork that his colleagues put in his bowl without changing his face, and then politely express that he doesn't eat pork, how could he So easy to break the defense?

Ye Luo raised his head and looked at the robot in front of him who suddenly ran over to hug him. The pupils that were about to occupy the entire white of his eyes gradually shrank, and the sanity value that dropped out of thin air in the upper right corner also stopped at this moment.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes into a line, trying to relieve the dryness just now.

When did I get off guard against him?


The author has something to say:

Emotional progress!

I don't know if I wrote it or not, but I tried my best!


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Li Qitang 50 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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