
Ye Luo was teleported by pulling Fengxing's mechanical arm. Originally, the two entered the door side by side, but when they landed, before they could react, they were carried by Fengxing on their shoulders and rushed out.

Ye Luo adjusted his posture on Fengxing's shoulders to make himself sit more comfortably, and looked behind him.

Good guy, he almost broke out in a white sweat from fright.

The landing point this time was a bit unlucky, and it actually landed in the magma pool!

Fortunately, it was only on the edge, and by the time he realized it, Feng Xing had already carried him to the ground.

If it wasn't for him filling up his blood volume before coming here, if he didn't put on the most defensive equipment on purpose, if it wasn't for Fengxing's quick response...

...He may not die, but he will definitely be hurt.

According to Fengxing, everything in the game has been digitalized. Falling into the magma will not melt it instantly, but will continue to lose blood. As long as the reaction is fast enough and the defense is high enough, you can escape from the magma before the blood volume runs out. area.

But this refers to this kind of small open-air magma pool. If you really fall into the crater, even if you escape, you may have no direction. Armor, but a suit of marble armour.

Although the wooden armor has good defensive power, its nature in this world not only can't play a defensive role, but will continue to burn the body, resulting in faster blood loss. As long as the player reacts a little slower for a few seconds, it may even return to the initial state in an instant. There is not enough space.

Whenever encountering a similar situation, Ye Luo couldn't help feeling that it was an advantage to be able to know the situation of the next space in advance.

With this function alone, you are the cub that Papa loves the most!

"...I always feel that you seem to be thinking of something strange."

"Ah? Ah! Yes, I was thinking, whether to shoot these hyenas directly! But the temperature is so high nearby, I am a little worried that there is no way to recover the arrows."

"You don't have to worry. Hyenas never give up when chasing their prey. They will never stop dying. They will leave this magma area in a short distance. At that time, you can continue to sit on me and kite them."

"Okay." Ye Luo was a little bored sitting on the mechanical arm erected by Feng Xing, looking around.

The whole space takes the giant crater as the origin, followed by the crater, the small magma pool area, the hot spring mineral pool area, the Gobi rock mine area and the outermost sparse vegetation area.

Ye Luo was very unlucky and teleported to the area of ​​the second circle of small magma pools. In addition to scattered small open-air magma pools, this area is also a hyena nest full of bones.

Except for the most central crater, this area is basically the most dangerous place in the entire space.

Seeing that he was about to rush out of the magma pool area, he could already see sporadic white mist-filled hot spring pools and tall birds beside him not far ahead, but Feng Xing suddenly turned a corner.

"? What's the matter? Isn't it good to rush over and let them kill each other?" The tall bird is also a master of attacking things when it sees them.

"There are too many hyenas. After killing the tallbirds, they will destroy the food immediately. With their eating speed, the eggs cannot be rescued."

"This is absolutely impossible! Don't let the tall bird see us! Run!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo took out the arrow and shot it!

Fengxing's crawlers are very stable when walking. If you don't consider the hot wind blowing around, it really feels like driving.

All the way down from the second lap, there are more than a dozen hyenas behind them, but the blood volume of this kind of social creature is usually not very high. The blood volume of hyenas is 150 points, and three or four arrows can kill one. Fengxing travels instead of walking, and Ye Luo doesn't need to run by himself. After a few laps, he can easily harvest everything.

When recovering Nu Arrow, the hyena carcass was decomposed. 14 hyenas lost a total of 28 dog teeth, 4 rubies, and no meat.It may be that, as Fengxing said, hyena meat contains strong fire poison and cannot be eaten, and it is judged as a useless resource by the game.

"Hey, what's the use of the monster meat decomposed by spiders and tentacles?"

"Monster meat contains a small amount of psychotoxins. Even if eaten raw, it will only cause physical weakness and reduce the player's mental value, creating some illusions. Control the amount of consumption, and there is no fatal danger. Monster meat can be eaten normally after special treatment , some related recipes have appeared in the forum, if you are interested, I can cook it for you."

"It's not necessary!"

Is it because the beef jerky is not fragrant, or the egg soup is not delicious? !Unless I'm starving to death, I will never eat that kind of thing!

"However, according to my observations, players in the Huaxia region seem to like monster meat dishes that have been specially processed. In fact, although Mr. Abe was the first to discover that monster meat was safe to eat, the recipes that are currently widely used are almost all Provided by Chinese players."

"That's because you don't understand the Chinese people's obsession with eating. Anyway, with normal food available, I don't want to try unknown meat."

"Although I don't understand, I will abide by your opinion."

Shouldn't it be respecting my ideas? !

Ye Luo sometimes has a headache when Fengxing uses strange words. It stands to reason that as an artificial intelligence, he should strictly follow the settings, and the logic of his speech should completely conform to the one in the textbook.

In fact, it was indeed like this at the beginning, but since he truly evolved into an artificial intelligence, he has obviously added his own understanding to the words, often making some confusing things, but after thinking about it, he feels that there is nothing wrong with it. The combination.

It can only be said that it is worthy of artificial mental retardation.

It may be that Ye Luo's desire to complain is so strong that he is artificially retarded, oh no, that Feng Xing seems to have sensed something, and asked cautiously: "Yes... did I say something wrong again?"

"Ahem, no, I'm too greedy for bird eggs! Let me down! I'm going to kill tallbirds! I don't know what's going on with this creature. In autumn, there is an egg by my side, but in winter it's still with me. With an egg."

"Tallbirds are relatively independent creatures, but they have the instinct to reproduce. They don't have nestlings, and they won't raise their own children. They just like the process of hatching eggs. When the chicks are born, tallbirds will Leaves the nest, finds a place where there is no one of its kind nearby, builds a nest, lays an egg, and dies."

"Living without raising? Still living in death?"

"Yes, you summed it up very brilliantly."

Ye Luo was a little silent, "Then...how did the little bird grow up?"

Feng Xing was puzzled by Ye Luo's sudden mood swings, but he still explained in a comforting manner: "As you can see, the tall bird eggs are huge, but the tall bird chicks that have just hatched are actually very young. After hatching, a large amount of egg liquid will be retained in the eggshell as nutrients, and tallbirds have tenacious vitality, and they only need sufficient sunlight and rich minerals to survive."

Ye Luo twitched the corner of her mouth: "That's really easy to feed."

A sluggish expression appeared on Fengxing's display screen, and he asked in a trembling tone: "You don't want to raise tall birds again, do you?"

"Oh." Ye Luo took out his battle spear with a blank expression, and walked towards the tall birds step by step: "I just want to help them relieve their pain."


After getting rid of the tall bird in front of him, Ye Luo led Fengxing to explore the space step by step. The scope of the whole space is not particularly large, and the volcanic hot springs accounted for more than half of it. Ye Luo walked along the current direction and walked to the map. On the edge, it still feels very warm.

In the third Gobi mining area, sporadic vegetation has begun to appear. Most of them are succulent plants that look like cacti. Occasionally, some spiky shrubs can be seen. I don’t know if they are dead or alive.

When it reached the edge, the plant types were significantly more abundant, and some tall trees could even be seen. Although the branches and leaves were sparse compared to the previous forest space, Ye Luo clearly felt the vigorous vitality.

Caressing the surface of the dry bark that grew wantonly in such a harsh environment, Ye Luo moved back to the original space and took a set of tree species.

When cutting trees in the forest space before, many tree species would fall, half of them were planted by Ye Luo in situ, and the other half were collected for planting some in the space in spring.For more than ten days, there was nothing to do except cut trees every day. By the time I left, I had filled half a box with tree seeds alone.

There are 99 tree species in one group. Ye Luo explores along the periphery. When passing by places where the vegetation is extremely sparse or the trees are dead, he will plant a tree species. I don’t know if it’s because the tree species themselves are full of vitality, or the game is for players to plant them by themselves. There is no judgment on what is planted. After the tree is planted, it will directly grow into a small sapling.

After half a cold winter, Ye Luo was greedy for the warmth of this space, so he simply stayed here at night, went to the mall to buy a tent, found a relatively flat place to camp in place, and filled up Fengxing with fuel before going to bed. Without lighting the torch, Feng Xing was asked to turn on the monitor and play cartoons all night.

After exploring the outer circle at the fastest speed, Ye Luo came to the Gobi mining area. There were more than [-] tree species left in the first group of trees. Ye Luo took out the seeds, looked at the dry surface, and walked more than ten meters Finally, an operable area appeared. Click to plant, and a small sapling appeared on the spot. It seemed that there would be no problems in the short term.

After walking and testing all the way, when he encountered operable land, he planted it on the spot. After planting more than a dozen tree species, Ye Luo gradually discovered the pattern. It seemed that trees could be planted in places where there were sparse plants nearby.

Thinking about it, the underground water resources in this space are quite abundant, otherwise there would not be so many large and small hot spring pools in the third circle in the middle of the transition.

Ye Luo looked into the distance. The fourth mining area he was in at this time was the largest area in the entire space. It would take several days to explore this area. The large area is one reason, and another reason is because of this area. There are all kinds of ores all over the place, the closer to the hot spring area, the more sulfur ore, and the more common rock mines near the vegetation area. Ye Xiaoluo, the collector madman, naturally plucks hairs and will never let them go.

It took Ye Luo two days to plant these thirty or so trees. That night, Ye Luo clicked on the map before going to bed, feeling a little disappointed, but also somewhat expected.

As an effective material, the forest is marked on the map. Whenever Ye Luo plants a new sapling, it will be drawn on the map accordingly. It only took two days. Most of the first batch of saplings have disappeared from the map, but it is gratifying that there are still a few that are still surviving.

It's just idle and boring, planted casually, and it has nothing to do with him if he is dead or alive.

Ye Luo comforted herself like this before going to bed.


The author has something to say:

I went out temporarily today to get a scanned copy, and I'm already working on a contract~

If there is no accident, the review should not take so long in the future~


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: Xiao Yuqing 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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