
The tone of the whole space was extremely dark. It was early in the morning, but the mist above the head was white with gray in it. Seeing that the landing point was safe, Ye Luo went back to the space to take a look, and it was still pure white.

Choosing a direction with fewer tentacles, Ye Luo took out another small bamboo raft from his backpack, spread it in front, walked up, and took out the first bamboo raft that became clean after recovering the space. If the rafts alternate, such a safe portable "small bridge" can be regarded as a successful construction.

The speed of walking in the swamp was extremely slow, and the walking was very difficult, which made people feel upset and irritable.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I arrived near the first dense reed bushes. Ye Luo took out a shovel, planning to shovel a few bushes first, and try to plant them in the pond when I go back at night. If it can grow, I will dig more. If you concentrate on collecting, you can also speed up the collection. The scenery in this space is really not pleasing to the eye.

After digging out 8 rooted reeds, Ye Luo took back the shovel and collected the outer reeds without going deep in. The roots of the reeds looked very thick, and there were obvious mud pits at the dug-out places. Water filled it, and amid the rippling water, it seemed that something could swim from the nearby silt to the puddle, driving the surrounding silt to quickly fill the pit.

After a while, the excavated mud pit was filled again, and after the mud surface returned to calm, Ye Luo collected all the reeds here and set off again.

When he came to this space, Ye Luo didn't bring his watch on purpose. If he accidentally fell into the water, he wasn't sure if the watch would be damaged.

The color of the space was gloomy and gloomy, and after an unknown amount of time, Ye Luo finally arrived at the location he had hoped for in advance.

The density of tentacles in this space is actually higher than the one marked as extremely dangerous, and in addition to the tentacle icon, a "swamp spider" is also marked on the map.

These two creatures seem to have some kind of companionship before. There may not be a spider nest near the tentacles, but there must be tentacles near the spider nests, and there are not many of them.

The spider nest in front of me was about as high as half a leaf. The oval-shaped spider nest looked like a cocoon fixed on the ground, with a spider web extending from the bottom to the surroundings, which looked very dense.

From the navigation map, it can be seen that there are two "tentacles" at the edge of the spider web. On the system map in the upper right corner, this place has been clearly drawn, but only the pattern of a spider's nest can be seen.

After staring at the navigation map and the swamp ground for a long time, I felt my brain hurt, and finally found that the two swamps seemed to be bubbling regularly. After confirming the position of the tentacles, Ye Luo retreated to a In a relatively safe place, an arrow was shot out!


A purple-brown tentacle sprang out from the center of the bubble that was shot, with some white spots scattered irregularly on it!

The length of the tentacles protruding out of the swamp is about five or six meters. The thickest part of the root is slightly thinner than Ye Luo's waist, and it becomes thinner as it gets closer to the top. The tip is raised high, and there are three hideous bone spurs growing on it!

After dancing around in a circle, no attacker was found, and the tentacles slowly retracted. The blood volume of a tentacle is 500 points, and the attack power of a small hand is 40 points, which is exactly 13 arrows!

After the tentacle dies, it breaks directly from the root, and the break is filled with silt. It is impossible to see what it looks like underneath. Click [Decompose] to get [Tentacle Skin*1], [Tentacle Spike*1], [Monster Meat*2] .

Ye Luo stepped back a few meters, took out a torch from his backpack, used it and threw it out.

The torch fell on the area around the nest, and along the spider silk spread on the swamp, the flames quickly rushed towards the spider's nest!


A golden-haired spider and five black-haired spiders escaped from the spider's nest, and the tentacles on the other side of the spider's web were also burned and waved around.

The golden spider rushed towards the tentacles without hesitation, and two of the remaining five black-haired spiders rushed over together, while the other three ran around, and one directly ran into Ye Luo!

The blood volume of the black spider was 100. Ye Luo first took out the tentacles and stabbed it, and then used the battle spear to make up the knife. The first spider was on all fours.

Withdrawing the combat spear, he used his small hand to shoot at the second black spider that was closer to him. Seeing that he had attracted hatred, Ye Luo moved forward a little and stood on the edge of the bamboo raft, waiting for the opponent to approach.

The spider's torso was not as high as Ye Luo's thighs, and there were two spider legs on each side of the body, which were not very long, and the proportion was a bit like that of a crab.

The spider's body is covered with a layer of long hair, and the lower part of its torso is covered by a big mouth. Right above the mouth is a pair of big eyes with only the white of the eyes. There are six "white spots" around the eyes. It turned out to be the other six eyes of the spider.

How should I put it, she looks dull.

Ye Luo directly stabbed the spider to death with the tentacles, and asked casually, "Can this spider be raised?"


"? Fengxing? Little assistant? Got stuck?"

"...After testing, there is no mature spider nest in the current space, and it cannot be transplanted."

Ye Luo was stunned, and almost got punched in the face by a spider!

Seeing that the scuffle over there was about to come to an end, Ye Luo picked up his hands and first harvested the two black spiders with 100 HP, then killed the 120/400 golden spiders, and ended up with an arrow at 20/ 500 tentacles.

While collecting the loot, he hesitated and said, "Can you really raise it?"

"A mature spider queen will gestate a new spider queen in the egg bag on her chest. Before the spider queen matures, she cannot breed offspring and cannot move. She can produce up to three black spiders per day, because spiders of this race have the habit of avoiding light. And it has a low IQ, and it can be covered with traps around the spider's nest, and after analysis, it can't pose a life-threatening threat to the host under normal circumstances."

"Is that so..."

If Ye Luo was only a little moved after the little assistant finished the analysis, then after collecting the loot, Ye Luo had already started fantasizing about the days of brushing a few spiders every day.


After testing, the attack power of the tentacle spikes is between 60-100. The purpose of the tentacle skin is unknown. The monster meat Yeluo is afraid to eat it for the time being. The spider web should be a raw material for many things, and the spider gland!

It can actually return blood!

You must know that even if there is a little assistant to provide navigation and strategy, Ye Luo will inevitably be attacked due to mistakes. After being attacked, the blood volume will not recover naturally. It will only recover a little when sleeping and eating.

Except for going back to the space to eat a meal at noon, Ye Luo killed spiders for a whole day. When dusk approached, Ye Luo didn't even plan to go far. When he encountered tentacles blocking the way, he cleared them all. I didn't take it seriously when I was pumped a few times at the position that I didn't plan to avoid. Anyway, there was blood from the spider gland.

But this kind of game doesn't have any pain adjustment after all. After a day, although the defensive equipment is more powerful, the blood volume doesn't drop too much, but when he returns to the space at night, Ye Luo can't help but feel his brain bursting. throbbing.

Throwing away today's gains casually, Ye Luo fell asleep.

Autumn No.18 at 5:50 in the morning, Ye Luo was woken up by the biological clock, and stared at the pot on the earthen table for a while. I went to the mechanical watch next to me and found that it was almost 6 o'clock. I gave up thinking and walked to a certain door in my impression. Before entering the door, I deliberately clicked on the navigation map and looked at it. After confirming that there was a swamp behind the door, I opened the door and left. go in.

The moment he entered, something seemed to be brushed in front of his eyes. Ye Luo didn't have time to think about it, and found that he was stepping on the swamp, and subconsciously took out the bamboo raft from his bag and climbed up.


Ye Luo looked at the system map in front of him blankly. He originally wanted to confirm the direction of today's exploration, but except for his current location, the entire map was black, as if yesterday's exploration was a dream.

"Have you actually entered the wrong space..."

On the surface of the swamp around the bamboo raft, some faint bubbles could be vaguely seen. Ye Luo tilted his head and thought for a moment, then chuckled: "Forget it, I guess when I go back now, the space has been refreshed. My goal is to Reed."

After all, he directly took out his medium-sized pistol and shot towards the bubble!

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Three tentacles appeared in front of him instantly, and Ye Luo unhurriedly released another bamboo raft to observe the attacking rhythm of the three tentacles.

The distance between these three tentacles is relatively close, otherwise there would be no linkage reaction, but it is obvious that each tentacle has its own ideas, and the three tentacles can't cooperate well, and they almost got entangled several times.

The bamboo raft was spread by Ye Luo at the base of the tentacles. Before each attack, the tentacles would lift up the tip vertically, and then pull down fiercely. Taking advantage of the other two tentacles getting entangled, Ye Luo stepped towards the single At the root of the tentacle, the force in the hand instantly switched to an axe, and slashed at the root!

At this time, the tip of the tentacle hadn't stood up straight, and it froze in pain!

Ye Luo didn't give it a chance to react, and cut it down again without hesitation!

When the two axes came down, two-thirds of the tentacles were cut off directly, and the remaining one-third of the joints could not support the huge body at all. The several-meter-long tentacles twisted and fell to one side, and they were still on the swamp after falling Shaking wildly!

Take advantage of his illness!Kill him!

Ye Luo used his arms and sides to control the twisting body of the tentacle, and the third ax cut off the tentacle directly!

The nearest one had been destroyed, Ye Luo jumped back to the original bamboo raft, and the remaining two could not attack him at all, and were easily harvested.

After collecting the tentacle corpse, Ye Luo stared at the moss on the ground and licked his lips.

"Who is that, can this stuff be eaten?"




"Ah, forget it."


"Tsk, not reliable."

Ye Luo randomly found a direction and continued to explore.

Behind him, where the tentacles were broken, something was faintly growing...


The author has something to say:

Harmful!Originally, the fantasy scene in my mind was thrilling, but I found that my writing skills were still insufficient, and I couldn't describe that kind of big scene. After thinking about it, let's keep it simple, after all, the child is just a farmer.

Yesterday's chapter went through online review successively, and it seemed to be the second day when it was released when it was awaiting the high review. Then today, a friend commented and I found out that crossbow is actually a blocked word!

I really want to sign a contract. After signing the contract, at least I can update it first, and then it will be reviewed slowly, and I can QAQ faster if I find problems.

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