"Mom, are you going out?" Si Ting looked at the suitcase spread out on the ground and asked strangely.

Liu Qin said in a heavy voice, "Your aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer in the provincial capital, and I will accompany her for surgery tomorrow."

Siting opened his eyes wide, "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"Isn't this just diagnosed? You lived with grandma these few days, and you said that your aunt is going to sell clothes, and I will go to the provincial capital with her to stock up."

Siting's eyes filled with tears, "Mom...Auntie, will she die?"

Liu Qin was taken aback, and patted her on the shoulder, "Silly boy, what are you thinking? Auspicious people have their own destiny. By the way - don't tell grandma about it, lest she get angry and make trouble again." .”

Si Ting wept silently, the news was like cold water on her head, freezing her day's joy in an instant.Thinking that my aunt is so beautiful, and she has to bear a crippled breast before she is married, she can't help but feel sad.

The next morning, Siting asked for leave, and rushed to grandma's house with the food prepared by her mother.Grandma's cataracts are getting worse, and she has lost vision in one eye. When her aunt is away, it is her mother who cooks her meals for the day. Now Siting is the only one who takes care of grandma's meals.

Cen Jin murmured in his heart, why was he so frightened that he was afraid to go to school today when he was about to confess his love last night?She texted Siting, "Why didn't you come, are you okay?"

Si Ting replied: "I have something to do at home, I will go to school in the afternoon."

Not long after, Cen Jin sent again: "Do you need help?"

Si Ting replied: "No, thank you."

Cen Jin: "...so polite? Feeling flustered."

Si stopped laughing, and felt that his "thank you" was unfamiliar and unreasonable.Thinking of last night, what would Cen Jin say if there was no matter about his aunt?

He was expecting it at first, but now his mind is very confused, and he is even a little afraid that Cen Jin will really speak and how to respond.

Suddenly hearing noises in grandma's room, I stopped to look, and it turned out that the spittoon had been knocked over.She cleaned up for grandma and sat down to talk with her for a while.

"How did your aunt come up with the idea of ​​selling clothes? She's messing around. She's never done business before," said grandma.

"It's good to try it. My aunt is so good at wearing clothes, she must have a good eye for selling clothes." Si Ting responded.

"Well, she has loved to wear clothes since she was a child, and she has loved to talk to someone since she was a child. After talking for half her life, she never married herself."

Si Ting felt sore and his eyes were red.Fortunately, grandma couldn't see clearly, so she said coquettishly, "Grandma, you are here again, are you willing to marry your aunt?"

Grandma tilted her head with a sad expression, "I was reluctant before, but now, grandma is a useless person, and living is a burden to you. I only hope to see her marry with my own eyes, and I will die with peace."

Siting stopped talking, "Grandma is nonsense, you are our lucky star, we can live well with you!"

Grandma smiled, "You have a sweet mouth. It's also strange, your mother and father are both clumsy and clumsy, how did you give birth to such a smart girl."

"I'll follow you!" Siding snuggled into her grandma's arms.

Grandma smiled and stroked her, "Little girl, it's a pity, you are also a miserable person..."

Afraid of hearing such words, Siting hurriedly said: "Grandma, my life is safe, you want to be healthy, and you will marry me personally in the future!"

The word "principal marriage" came out, and Cen Jin's face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he stopped thinking and was shocked.

"Okay," grandma continued, "Girl, remember, don't fall in love when you are in school, lest people say you are frivolous. Find a good boy after graduation and marry directly, and enjoy happiness early. If you marry a good man, our Lu family will also be considered lucky." Don't learn from your aunt, such a good condition has delayed me for nothing."

Siting's heart sank slowly like a lead weight fell.

In this family, the old, the sick, and the widowed.

Bearing such a fate, how far do you have to go to bring a little happiness to this family?

Cen Jin's text message interrupted his thoughts: "Shall we have lunch together? Do you want to wait for you?"

I haven't replied yet, another message came: "You're welcome."

Siting held the phone to delete, delete, and edit, and finally sent out: "A Jin, can you promise me that no matter what happens, we will be as good as we are now?"

The phone vibrated, and Cen Jin replied: "I promise you. But I want to be better than now, is that okay?"

Siting trembled for a while, speechless.

For the next few days, Siting was entangled in uneasiness about his aunt's situation, and Cen Jin was also very helpless, unable to even say words of comfort.

During class, my mother sent a message: "The plan has been confirmed, double mastectomy, surgery tomorrow. Take good care of grandma."

Siting managed to calm down and asked his mother, "Will it spread?"

Mom replied: "Not optimistic."

Siting immediately burst into tears, trembling all over, got up and ran out of the classroom.

Cen Jin hurriedly chased her out, and saw Siting squatting in the stairwell, covering her mouth and crying, she stepped forward and hugged her: "Siting, don't be afraid, everything will be fine, there will be no problem."

Siting hugged Cen Jin's shoulders tightly, "I'm so scared, Ah Jin, I'm really scared, if my aunt dies and grandma can't survive, what shall we do...what shall we do..."

"No, Siting, you are so good, God will bless you, and you have me, you have me..." Cen Jin hugged Siting tightly, stroking her back until she slowly calmed down, and gradually closed her eyes. Remove tear stains.

After a long time, Siting raised his eyes and said aggrievedly, "Ajin, I stained your clothes."

Cen Jin turned her head, the shoulders of her light blue school uniform were wet, she smiled and said, "It's okay, just wash it for me."

Si stopped pouted, "It doesn't matter, you wash it yourself."

"I can't bear to wash myself." Cen Jin blurted out.

Si Ting's eyes flickered, and Cen Jin realized that she regretted her slip of the tongue—she really shouldn't have made such a joke at this moment. She took out a tissue and handed it to Si Ting, "Wipe it, get out of class is about to end."

——If you can always be by her side, give her care, and give her warmth, why should you care about love or friendship, what name, what identity?

Cen Jin decided to put aside the confession plan for the time being, and accompany Siting through this difficult time.

Not long after, my aunt came home from the hospital, her hair was cut short, and she put on heavy makeup to cover her sick face. When she saw Siting, she said happily, "Well, our little padded jacket has grown up and can take care of grandma!"

Si Zing forced a smile, and grandma said angrily, "I'm ashamed to say that after leaving for so many days, we were left at home. What about the goods you bought? Are they all sold?"

My aunt laughed, "Walking all the way from the provincial capital to Guangzhou, I found that the clothing business is not easy to do, so I had to treat it as a tourist! My sister-in-law hasn't been out for so many years, so I might as well see it all at once!"

"Hey, when I stop going to college, I know you have no serious ideas when you go shopping! How much did you spend?" Grandma kept talking.

Siting hurriedly interjected, "Grandma, look at how fashionable Auntie's new hairstyle is. Going out for a trip will give you a lot of insight. If you invest, you will be rewarded!"

In private, Siting heard that her aunt and mother were settling accounts. This illness has literally emptied the family, and there is nowhere to borrow money.He never mentioned money in front of her, and treated her like a child, which made her feel sad.

A few days later, Cen Jin handed over a list, "Siting, my mother said, ask my aunt to prepare these documents, and she can ask someone to help me reimburse more medical expenses."

Si stopped to look at her, but she was a little embarrassed, "Well... maybe you don't need it, but it's always a good thing to spend less money."

Helping her and protecting her dignity, how could Siting not understand.

"Then Auntie Lao, I'll go back and ask my aunt to prepare the materials." Siting said with a smile, Cen Jin also felt relieved and laughed along with her.

Xue Yafen acted swiftly and resolutely, and made two phone calls with Aunt Siting, and the reimbursement money appeared in her aunt's account—what a surprise, a full [-]% was reimbursed.

The family was pleasantly surprised and didn't know how to thank them.Si stopped smiling, she knew that such friendship was beyond words, and Cen Jin treated her more than that.

My aunt has recovered well, and she still looks capable and beautiful. She never wants to be sloppy in front of others, and she never feels sorry for herself.

Siting looked at her, and he also held his strength in his heart. No matter how difficult life is, you must behave like a human being, with neat clothes, clean hair, and a clean expression—but Ah Jin, how many times have I been in front of you Crying out of shape, laughing out of shape, that's what I really look like, right?

Ah Jin, only you know what I really look like.

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