Veronica cried for a long time, and the shoulders of Lin Ji's clothes were already wet with her tears. Veronica's crying gradually subsided, she raised her head, and sobbed, "Lin Ji, I seem to have wiped my nose on your face. Clothes are on."

Lin Ji's expression froze for a moment. Although he still smiled and said it was okay, he immediately got up and took out another one from his locker to put on. Veronica's voice was hoarse from crying, but there was a smile on her face, "You despise me!"

"No, just, it's better if it's clean, right? I..." Lin Ji was a little embarrassed, Veronica stepped forward and held Lin Ji's hand, "Thank you, my best best friend." Veronica showed a faint smile, it was sunny after the rain.

Only then did Lin Ji relax, and let out a soft breath, "You scared me."

Veronica smiled and rolled her eyes, "It won't happen in the future, I believe you, you never lied to me, right?"

"Well, so, don't be afraid."

"Lin Ji..."


"I'm so hungry! Go find something to eat!"

Lin Ji walked out with a helpless smile and met Yu Miao and Shen Wan.

Yu Miao paused, "Passing by."

Shen Wan's eyes fell on Lin Ji's clothes, her face was indifferent.Just as Lin Ji was about to speak, Shen Wan patted Lin Ji, "Yan Huan said he asked the kitchen to cook porridge." Then he left gracefully.Lin Ji blinked, feeling a sense of enigma.

When Veronica returned to the room, Yu Miao seemed to have fallen asleep. Veronica felt that it was a good thing not to have to face Yu Miao now, but when she turned into the cup, Yu Miao suddenly ran to her bed.

"I was just pretending to sleep."

Veronica was speechless, "Now I know."

"Why are you crying today? Am I that bad?"

"No, I..." Veronica paused, feeling that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, "I'm crying because of Lin Ji, and it has nothing to do with you. My emotions have always been controlled by Lin Ji."

Yu Miao's face became even more ugly, "But she already has someone she likes, wouldn't it be a better choice to let go and try another one?"

"Love shouldn't be like this."

"Huh?" Yu Miao frowned, "I don't believe you are such a person."

"Yes, I don't want to worry about a lot of things. Letting go is much easier for me than being persistent. But this matter is different. Over the years, I have become accustomed to being uncertain, casual, and even not expecting. Because I don't think there are so many bonds between people." Veronica said with a smile, "but Linji is different."

"I like Lin Ji. This matter has been my habit and obsession for so many years. And she is the only person I can trust with all my heart. I can let go of other things, but this is the only thing I want to worry about."

"Okay, very good." Yu Miao turned cold and went back to her bed.

"Feel sorry."

"It doesn't matter anymore." Yu Miao spread her hands, "It's a common thing in this world."

"Actually..." Veronica hesitated.


"It's alright, go to sleep."

"Oh..." Yu Miao turned around, "You still have a chance before I meet the next person I like."

Veronica didn't answer, and turned her back.

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