Jiang Jiuhuai told the truth about his feelings.

Lin Ji had no expression on his face, "If something breaks down, it's probably because of your integrity. The coming and going of love is not the reason for your fuss."

Jiang Jiuhuai felt an arrow shot in his knee and ran away quickly.

Today I will shoot two big scenes in succession.

One is that Wei Xun and Shang An are married, and Wei Xun passes by Shang An's sedan chair on a horse, and the two protagonists with drums and drums have their own thoughts.

One is that Wei Xun and Shang An reunited at a banquet hosted by Shang An's husband and servant, Li Huaice.

It may be because Lin Ji was too serious the day before, the first scene was filmed very smoothly, which is unbelievable.Even if one is saved, it still takes very little time.

Because the second scene was in the evening, I freed up an afternoon.Lin Ji thought about it, and did not arrange any more sessions.

"Did I scare everyone yesterday? Today's filming went very smoothly." Lin Ji smiled at the actors, "Don't worry, the assistant director who is in charge of lecturing will be here this afternoon, so you don't have to be so tired. So , I have a holiday this afternoon! I will shoot the second scene tonight!"

Everyone cheered. Although it was only the second day of filming, Lin Ji was really exhausted and the strings were tense. She really only wants you to be in the best condition.

After we parted, Lin Ji went to find Shen Wan, who was discussing with Xia Xia what to have for dinner.

When Shen Wan saw Lin Ji, her voice softened a lot, causing Xia Xia to roll her eyes. She was indeed a woman in love, so disgusting enough.Shen Wan didn't take it seriously, it's not normal if a relationship isn't sweet.

"What do you want to eat? Together?"

Lin Ji smiled apologetically, "I'm going to pick up a friend at the airport at noon today, so I can't have dinner with you."

Shen Wan was a little disappointed, but still understood.

Lin Ji took out a membership card, "This restaurant is very good. I usually go there to eat when I come here for filming. You can try it."

Shen Wan took it happily, "You must like it well."

"But there is your play at night, don't eat too much."

Shen Wan felt that if she found a strict director to be her girlfriend, she might not hear love words like "Eat whatever you want, I will like you even if you get fat", but Lin Ji might just say "Eat less, if you get fat, you won't look good on camera" .”

Shen Wan made up his mind, and looked at Lin Ji with strange eyes.

"You can eat more when you're not filming." Lin Ji said with a smile in his voice.

Shen Wan was shocked, "Did you install a bug in my mind?"

Lin Ji couldn't help laughing, "Maybe your eyes can speak."


"Immortal Lin, long time no see. I'm really flattered that the Immortal came to pick me up in person." The man bowed exaggeratedly.

Lin Ji patted her bowing hand, "Shen Qing, don't be poor, give me a sweet date so that you can teach you how to endure hardship."

The man straightened up, with a slender figure, black shoulder-length hair neat and neat, although he was not as beautiful as Lin Ji, but he had a kind of intimacy that made people want to get closer. Receive more pursuits, life in the university has confirmed this point.

"Lin Ji, you've changed. You used to be called Ai Qing, is there someone now?"

Lin Qi couldn't help but smile.


"After the shooting at night, I will introduce you to each other."

"Huh? Not Veronica?"

Lin Ji suppressed his smile, "No, don't make her unhappy by mentioning it indiscriminately."

"I know, please don't worry, the gods, even if I am so heartbroken, I will never mention half a word!"

Lin Ji shook his head speechlessly, "Shen Mubai, be normal."

Shen Mubai then calmed down, and quietly followed Lin Ji into the car.Who told her that when she first met Lin Ji, Lin Ji had a cold look, so she couldn't help but liven up the atmosphere when she saw Lin Ji now.

In the evening, while checking the lighting, Lin Ji answered Shen Mubai's questions about the script.Shen Mubai became Lin Ji's friend by relying on his high understanding of Lin Ji's thoughts at the beginning, and now they communicate with each other with eloquence.However, when Lin Ji was listening, Shen Mubai suddenly stopped.

Lin Ji couldn't help turning his head to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Shen Mubai's voice trembled a little, Lin Ji only made such a voice when he knew she was too nervous, "I saw my ex and her incumbent."


Shen Mubai signaled with his eyes, "The one in white is my ex, named Xia Xia, and the one next to her in costume is her current one, named Shen Wan."

Lin Ji was taken aback, "You admitted your mistake."

"How is it possible, don't talk about our relationship, three years in high school, how can we admit our mistakes after knowing each other for so long."

Lin Ji said patiently, "You are wrong, Shen Wan is my incumbent."

This time Shen Mubai was stunned, and retorted: "How is it possible, last time I gave her...", Shen Mubai paused, because with the relationship between Shen Wan and Xia Xia, it is possible to lie to himself.Shen Mubai didn't know what to do for a moment, "Do you think I should hide..." Should I hide for a while?Before Shen Mu finished speaking, Shen Wan and Xia Xia had already looked over, and the two people who were originally smiling changed their expressions the moment they saw her.

Xia Xia's breathing was a little messy, "I'll go first."

"You..." Shen Wan pulled her back with a worried expression.

Xia Xia reluctantly thought about it, and pulled her hand away, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Shen Mubai over there also turned pale, "I'll come back tomorrow."

Lin Ji expressed his understanding, "Escaping cannot solve the problem, I think you better talk about it."

Shen Mubai shook his head, "The matter between me and her is not easy to talk about."

Xia Xia felt that she was going crazy. She thought she had let go, but she didn't expect to see that person, and she still lost control.Didn't that person go to America to study?Don't you have a good time in America?She thought she would never see her again in this life, but she did.

Those memories that were obviously almost forgotten suddenly surged up. She couldn't help falling in love with that person's sunny smiling face; Cheating, her endless disappointment; that person's disgusted "disgusting" face, her nightmare again and again.Xia Xia felt that she just wanted to get drunk, otherwise it would be difficult to restrain her desire to hit Shen Mubai. That person left without saying goodbye after leaving insults, why should he appear in front of her now.

Xia Xia drank one cup after another, her mind was full of Shen Mubai's face that made her angry, for some reason, that face became clear, but the smell was fresh and pleasant.

This night scene is a highlight, a turning point for Wei Xun and Shang An. If there is no reunion, maybe they will really spend the rest of their lives with someone they don't love.

Wei Xun was invited by Li Huaice and brought Yan Qingyun to the dinner.He thought he was just getting to know some nobles in the capital, and he didn't want to meet the person who made him hang around the street for more than ten days but never met again.

"This is my wife Shang, and this is Wei Shilang."

"My wife Yan."

Shang An saluted, Wei Xun returned the salute, so that they met each other, the two of them coincidentally buried the love in their hearts deeper, fearing that others would see it and cause trouble.

"Why doesn't Wei Shilang go to recite poems to fight against him? With his talent as the number one scholar of the servant, he will definitely be able to surprise everyone." Wei Xun was confused, and found a remote place to hide, never thinking of meeting Shang'an.Seeing him, Shang An couldn't help asking.

Wei Xun smiled casually, "My ambition is not here."

"Where is the servant's ambition?"

Wei Xun yearned for it in his heart, "Rectify the court, suppress the style of writing, and control the world."

"The servant has the world in mind."

"It made Madam laugh."

"How could that be?" Shang An shook his head, "Having a talent like the servant is the blessing of His Majesty and the luck of the common people."

The two finally couldn't help but looked at each other, and with just this one look, they seemed to see clearly the love hidden in each other's eyes.Wei Xun couldn't help it suddenly, "I boarded the street where I saw you that day and waited for many days, but I didn't see you."

"My father wanted me to get married, but I didn't want to, so he locked me up at home for more than a month and forced me to get married."

The two of them really understood.

Wei Xun took a step forward, "I read the Four Books and Five Classics since I was a child, and what I learned was loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. The history books taught me that the country is the most important thing, and the world is the big one. Love and love are all trivial details."

"When I was a child, I read Precepts for Women's Training, and I learned the three virtues and nine virtues. The book said that I should follow the three virtues and obey the four virtues. When I think about it, I think that I will love and not get what I want."

"Since I was young, I valued love, and I never noticed any details."

"I have been troublesome since I was a child, and what I hate the most is not being able to love."

The vast crowd, how many people pass by, the imperial capital is prosperous, how many people can see each other again, they just saw each other, the imperial capital is prosperous, they just met each other again, there is nothing they can do, but if there is a chance , neither resignation nor giving up should be the result.

"I will make peace with her."

"Me too."

"Five years later, I will marry you." Wei Xun's eyes were firm.

Shang An tilted his head and chuckled, "It's best to carry a big sedan chair eight times."

The two made a commitment, but they were both spotted by Li Huaice and Yan Qingyun who were looking around.

Li Huaice's eyes were filled with unwillingness, "Can you let go?"

Yan Qingyun replied lightly: "Naturally."


"I don't know if the servant has heard a common saying that a twisted melon is not sweet."

Li Huaice was a little stubborn, "You can quench your thirst."

Yan Qingyun lowered his head slightly, "How can you take a melon to quench your thirst if you have three thousand weak waters."

The person next to him caught his breath and turned to leave.Yan Qingyun raised her head, her face was full of bitterness, she also turned around and left, I thought about my wish, but in the end I couldn't love it.

After getting stuck twice, several actors entered the state, and after a scene, the staff were all a little surprised.And Shen Wan, who is the most junior among them, did not hold back at all, and the co-actors couldn't help but praise. Shen Wan responded modestly, but at the same time couldn't help worrying about Xia Xia.

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