Age of Global Lords

Chapter 53 Countdown to Advent

"A circle around the territory, how long should it be?"

Gary is not very good at math, so he calculated with his fingers foolishly.

Luo Ling said with a smile: "Anyway, you will patrol directly on the city wall when the time comes, so that your vision will be clearer."

He walked down the inside of the city wall with two reluctant soldiers, and then replaced the other 29 meters of wooden city wall with stone city wall.

Thinking that there are still 800 meters to be replaced, Luo Ling is full of motivation, and immediately bids farewell to the two patrol soldiers, and goes to the sweet potato vine to continue spawning.

Some people will give up when they see 38 pieces of stone, while some people want to conquer this mountain, the challenge is impossible.

At first glance, many magnificent wonders are impossible things, just like the Great Wall, but it happens to lie between the mountains and mountains for thousands of years, relying on perseverance.

Luo Ling is very confident in the Oak Territory, and he believes that he can definitely accomplish this feat!

A sweet potato vine sells for 10 stones, which is actually quite a bargain.It only needs Luo Ling's natural magic power, and has relatively low requirements for the rest.

He changed the place where the sweet potato vines were ripening to the bottom of the oak forest, where he could resume meditation immediately after consuming mana and life points.

"My lord, these sweet potatoes are already ripe, why don't you go to spawn these next to them? Shall we dig out the sweet potatoes and store them?"

Before you know it, the sweet potatoes are growing and ripening.

After the farmer finished reminding, he carefully dug up the soil with a hoe, and the strings of sweet potato pieces inside looked very pleasing, bigger than the palm of his hand.

These plants are all integrated, it is impossible to grow vines without the sweet potato pieces underneath, it is inevitable to encounter such a situation.

Luo Ling simply took them back to the warehouse to store the sweet potatoes, whether it was roasted sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, or sweet potato porridge, they were all pretty good.

The residents in the territory jumped directly on the sweet potato without eating any fried sweet potato vines.

I don't know how long it took, and Vera walked over quickly with a piece of paper. She has been thinking about the smelting workshop today, and finally found a solution.

"My lord, I found a purification magic circle in my memory. It was originally used to purify poison gas, but we can improve or even simplify it."

But she really overestimated Luo Ling's ability. Although he is a druid, the spells he casts are all built-in skills, and he doesn't understand magic and magic circles at all.

The complex magic array on this piece of paper made him dizzy, so he could only ask: "If it is simplified, one of the functions will be retained. It is just that the purification needs to be divided into air purification and water purification. It should be divided into several parts. version?"

"I'm relatively new to the knowledge of magic circles, and I can't simplify them. Many magic nodes in them are more important." Vera was a little distressed. Although she dug out such a magic circle from her memory, she lacked the corresponding knowledge. It is a profession that lives and learns.

Luo Ling suddenly thought, this magic circle is very complicated in his eyes, so is it possible for other scientists with high IQ to analyze it?After all, the IQ of those people is beyond what ordinary people like me can imagine.

Maybe someone has already started researching it, but it has not been announced to the public.In other words, these scientists are stuck at a relatively basic level because they do not understand the basic knowledge of the magic circle. If they can thoroughly understand the purification magic circle, they may be able to draw inferences from one instance and derive other functions of the magic circle!

One person counts the short and the other counts the long. If the group of high-smart businessmen brainstorm, it may be possible to usher in the rapid development of magic.

So he tentatively asked Vera: "Actually, I don't know much about magic circles, but I have some companions who are very smart. Maybe they can simplify it for us."

Magic knowledge is strictly kept secret in this world. Once any new discoveries or new creations are made, they will be sealed up as unique secret books and will never be actively spread.

In a sense, this also prevents the spread of magic.

"If you want, I can send them the original purification magic circle." Luo Ling had to ask for permission, otherwise it would be too much.

Fortunately, Vera doesn't have a strong idea of ​​the concept of portals. Any member of the elf tribe she belongs to can read a lot of literature and books. This purification circle is not elf magic, but a general-purpose magic they collect, so There's nothing wrong with sharing.

"You can share it, but if there is a corresponding simplification result, I hope to make a copy and keep it in the elves." Vera readily agreed, and at the same time made a small request.

In Luo Ling's opinion, this is not even a request, and he immediately replied: "No problem, it should be. It's just that you need to help make notes, what do these symbols mean or something."

Some scientists may have obtained the basic knowledge of magic, while others may not have the opportunity to come into contact with magicians, so they can only let Vera work hard.

Although Vera had doubts in her heart, considering the lord's miraculous performance all the time, she thought it was just a trivial matter, and it was not a problem at all.

Luo Ling entered the forum after getting Vera's permission. He first checked the current discussion trend.

It seems that no one cares about the accidental death of the players on the leaderboard. Everyone has already focused on the Beast God Altar. At this time, the number of destroyed ones exceeds 20!

More and more areas began to destroy altars, and even cleared the entire area.

Luo Ling is also very willing to see this kind of situation. After all, when he was the first to destroy the altar of the beast god, he was not only remembered by the beast god, but also gained the title of a blasphemer.

If the beast god comes, even if there is no altar in the Twilight Forest, they will probably be found.

The smaller the countdown number, the faster the players will destroy the altar, which may have a more sense of urgency.

Luo Ling finished what he could do, he didn't want to stare at those numbers all the time, but focused on himself.

The Great Wall, which has just started in the territory, still needs to be repaired by myself. It would be better to ask everyone to help crowdfund the magic circle.

[I just got a high-level purification magic array, which requires a third-level magic spar to drive it. Is there any boss willing to study and simplify it into a low-level magic array that can purify air or water alone?Here are the drawings, friends who need them can record them, in case they will be used later. 】

Luo Ling did not cherish his own broom, and released the drawings of the magic circle and the corresponding basic knowledge openly. At the same time, he did not hide his purpose, which is to invite everyone to use brainstorming and crowdfunding to solve problems.

The privilege of highlighting the players on the leaderboard immediately made this post discovered by other players, and then upvoted it.

"Help, thank you for sharing~~"

"Put the magic circle up directly? This method is really impressive!"

"Although I don't know magic, I think this magic circle will be useful in certain occasions."

"Third-order magic spar? Sorry, I am not worthy."

"I recorded this high-level purification magic circle according to the gourd painting, but it seems to be very troublesome to draw. I hope that there is a real master who can simplify it. If it can be simplified successfully, it will be a great merit!"

"Favorite the post, squat a big guy."

"I'm going, can I still share the magic circle like this? If someone learns the forbidden spells, can't they share it with everyone."

"This post can't be heavy. If you can simplify the composite magic array into a single-function magic array, the applicability is too strong."

"Wow, this function is great. The swamp where I live is often full of miasma, so I don't dare to explore everywhere. It would be even better if the simplified purification magic circle could be carried with me. I know it must be difficult."

Players have never seen such a player who throws out a complete magic circle at the slightest disagreement. On the one hand, many people have never been exposed to this level of magic circle, and on the other hand, they are not as generous as Luo Ling.

If you want to get it, you have to pay. Everyone hides it. Naturally, no one wants to share it. What he does is to attract jade.

I don't know how many other posts on the forum have been changed. Only Luo Ling's post has been upvoted all the time. Everyone helps recommend it on various channels.

It's a pity that this post cannot be downloaded or browsed for a fee. Even if everyone only needs to spend 1 survival point, Luo Ling can immediately become the richest man.

People with high IQs became interested in the magic circle one after another, and began to study it while struggling to survive and develop.


"Sergey, there is a dagger being auctioned on the trading market. Its attributes are very good. You can go and have a look."

Sergey, who was lying on the hills of the grassland, saw the private chat messages sent by his friends for many years, but he did not reveal any breath. They are all blank daggers.

His stealth skills are good, and he can pick locks and set traps. He was sent by the temporary alliance as a scout to detect the information of the guards near the beast god altar not far away.

At first, the nearby lords were unwilling to take the risk to destroy the altar of the beast god, but in the past two days, watching other lords not need to worry in the middle of the night, and the days without being affected by the beast tide are too comfortable.

In addition, the number of beast god altars destroyed by the players is increasing. At first, everyone felt that 50 altars were too many, and it was simply an impossible task, so they planned to lie flat.

Now that the victory is in sight, everyone feels that as long as they work hard, they can achieve the goal of the game mission, so they formed a temporary alliance and marched steadily towards the altar of the beast god.

Sergey used to fight bears in Siberia, but after entering the game, he became a dancer in the dark, quietly harvesting the life of the enemy with a dagger.

There are two wild wolves of different colors patrolling over the altar, and the calf-like body looks very powerful.

He planned to wait for the stealth skill to cool down before going to the other side to check. The rest of the players used their life lessons to give a truth: Warcraft will also sneak attack and ambush!

Although there are only two wolves here, they are pack animals, and they might attract a large pack of demon wolves with a howl.

Sergey carefully wrapped the cloak around his body, blending with the surrounding rocks, then opened the game panel, entered the trading market, and directly searched for the keyword dagger.

What appeared in front of him was a lot of search results, most of which were blank products like the dagger in his hand, and a few daggers with extra attributes were sky-high prices.

No game has ever had billions of players online before, but this damn game did.

Too many players means a high demand. Any type of equipment with slightly better attributes can be sold at a high price, whether it is a long sword, short sword, wooden warehouse, knife, hammer, staff, or dagger. .

Sergey's strength is not bad, otherwise he wouldn't be able to persist until now. He wanted to buy an excellent or excellent weapon, but he didn't even look at the blank board.

And the hottest thing right now is the [Dragon Tooth Dagger] that is being auctioned.

When he saw the attributes of the dagger, his eyes lit up.

Both strength and agility are increased, and these two attributes are very suitable for the rogue profession. Agility can increase movement speed and combat reaction speed, etc., while strength can increase damage.However, the Dragon Tooth Dagger also has the function of bleeding. After launching an attack, he immediately flees away, and then comes over to sneak attack from time to time. Even the boss can slowly die!

As for the magic pattern, although I don't know much about it, it is worth mentioning by the game system alone, and it should be very powerful.

Sergey was moved. If he had this Dragon Tooth Dagger, he would be able to increase his chances of winning the battle later.

But after seeing the auction price, he was in a bad mood, and the current price has soared to 2800 points of stone.

"Stone? Why do you have to use stone!"

A normal lord would store so many stones if he had nothing to do. Usually, there would not be too much surplus of basic resources. Basically, they would be quickly used to build the territory after collection.

Sergey's wood, stone, iron ore and other basic resources combined are not enough for 2800 points, and he is desperate.

This price is indeed beyond the tolerance of most Lone Rangers, not because the price is unreasonable, but because only stone is selected.

Many players can only choose to exchange other items for the stones in other people's hands. For a while, the price of stones in the entire market fluctuates vaguely.

It's just that on the basis of billions of players setting up stalls for sales, the fluctuations are not big.

The Lone Ranger had no choice but to scrape together these stones, but Sergey planned to find friends and the lords of nearby channels to trade and turn around.

What's more, some players who joined the voluntary organization are backed by the organization and can effectively concentrate resources, so the price is soaring higher and higher!

"Kirill, I plan to participate in the dragon tooth dagger auction, can I exchange a batch of stone with you for wood?"

"My dear Ivanov, how many stones do you still have? Could you lend me some, if possible?"

"Anthony, can I exchange some prairie specialties with you for stones? I plan to buy a dagger."

In the game world, unless it's really a life-threatening friendship, you generally don't borrow things directly, because the risk of not returning is too great.

Most of the time, Sergey used the method of trading to find familiar friends, and only a few borrowed. In order to obtain more stones, he even asked other players for help in the group chat of the crusade against the beast god altar .

"Hey, guys, I have something to ask for your help. I want to exchange some equipment, blueprints and special products with you for some stones."

These things are not worthless, but it is difficult to sell them in the trading market in a short period of time.

After I deal with these things myself, maybe the dragon tooth dagger belongs to someone else.

He also posted the same words on nearby channels, trying his best to exchange things that he didn't need for the time being with stones.

"What do you need so many stones for?"

"I have a few hundred points of stone, but I have to look at your goods first, and change it if it's worth it."

"Sergey, you should be investigating on the front line, right? Why do you suddenly think of a deal?"

"Shouldn't you hide somewhere and work without doing your best?"

"I have stones, too."

"What's going on, several people suddenly said that they want stone materials, do you have any secret news? Please share and share."

Facing the doubts of these players, Sergey quickly responded: "I was on the way to investigate, but I received news that there was a dagger with good attributes in the trading market for auction, and I just wanted to buy it just short of a high-quality weapon. It did not hinder my investigation, and I have seen two wild wolves so far."

These people are just neighbors, not friends.

The group of friends did not ask Sergey's purpose in detail, but reported the number of stones they owned.

The speed of raising resources is very important. Sergey managed to gather 2500 points of stone materials, and as a result, he saw the price of the dragon tooth dagger soared to 3100 points.

He wanted to keep changing, but almost all the items that could be traded were traded out, leaving some less useful items.Unless it is a designated group of people, most people will not use it.

No one raised the price for a few minutes, and finally the Dragon Tooth Dagger was bought by someone else.

Before he could get out of his annoyance and regret, Sergey realized that something terrible had happened!

He almost sold out the package, but he couldn't buy the dragon tooth dagger. It was useless for him to take so many stones, and he couldn't find someone else to exchange them for it.

"Damn, what about this?"

There are not a few people who have had a similar experience with him. If they want to participate in the auction, they must have so many stones, but they did not get the dagger, and there is no way to change it back. The whole is very anxious.

Just when Sergey was worried, another dragon tooth dagger suddenly appeared in the auction area.

Mountain darkly, vista!

Sergey almost collapsed, but the appearance of this dragon tooth dagger saved his mood. It turns out that they can be mass-produced!

Although it has the same name, its attributes have changed slightly. The strength and agility of the dragon tooth dagger just now increased by 5 points, while the agility of this one increased by 1 point.

Players at the current stage basically have no way to pk each other, and they are dealing with monsters in the wild, so everyone's sense of competition is actually not very strong.

Especially after knowing the energy production of Dragon Tooth Dagger, everyone is more cautious in bidding.

The auction price rose slowly from 1000 stone points, and finally Sergey spent 2500 stone points to get the dagger.

The rest of the thieves players were waiting for the third dragon tooth dagger to appear, and they all thought the price would be lower.

But wait and wait, there is no third handle!


"Sure enough, this kind of deep processing equipment is valuable. When can I earn 38 points of stone by selling some raw materials."

Luo Ling laughed from ear to ear as he watched the two dragon tooth daggers being sold at shocking prices of 3100 and 2500 stone points respectively.

Players are in great demand for good equipment!

At the same time, Luo Ling saw a high-quality long sword sold for a sky-high price of 4800 points of wood.

There are many more players using long swords than daggers, so the price will remain high, especially now that the surviving players are not considered weak, and they want to arm themselves well.

This price strengthened Luo Ling's determination to let Andre build the Daybreak Sword. The raw materials for the Dragon Tooth Dagger were hard to find, and the raw materials for the Daybreak Sword could be traded with Buzhou Territory, which was basically unlimited.

The two daggers earned 5600 survival points, which was much more efficient than his hard work in spawning a bunch of sweet potato vines.

But such things don't happen very often. As a senior first-class blacksmith, Andre makes mistakes from time to time when he makes sophisticated equipment.

On the surface, two dragon tooth daggers were forged, but there were two other daggers that failed!Perhaps the success rate can only be increased after Andre Blacksmith's level has been improved a bit.

"What kind of hunger marketing!"

"Quickly take it out for auction, we have changed so many stones, it's not for looking good."

"I'm going to throw up, profiteer!"

"I had a good impression of Luo Ling at first, but I didn't expect him to be such a person who fell into the eyes of money. What are you doing with so many stones, making coffins?"

"On the shelves! On the shelves! On the shelves!"

"If you have the goods, put them out quickly, don't fix what you have."

Luo Ling was particularly funny after seeing the private messages sent by the players. He really didn't intend to be hungry for marketing, but was really out of stock!

Andre has been exhausted from forging a total of four daggers today, and is currently retiring to the second line, standing aside to guide two apprentices.

Luo Ling quietly came to Andre's side, and asked in a low voice: "There are 46 raw materials left, how many excellent dragon tooth daggers do you think you can produce?"

Andre made an estimate, and replied conservatively: "If there are no accidents, we should be able to hit 20 shots."

At present, the sample data is too small, so let’s calculate the 50% success rate for the time being. If there are 46 raw materials, it may be 23 dragon tooth daggers.

But taking into account the improvement of Andre's proficiency, the more times the same weapon is forged, the success rate will definitely increase, and it may not be uncommon to have 25 weapons in the end.

"Then let's count on 20 handles." Luo Ling said to himself, "I'll see if anyone buys this pre-order."

Andre raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand what the lord meant. He was thinking to himself how to improve the efficiency of his crafting. Even if he couldn't upgrade to Tier 2, at least he had to build more times.

Luo Ling knew that his thoughts were relatively simple. In this game world, who would believe in such an unguaranteed transaction method as pre-sale!

In case he refuses to accept the account after getting the stone, the other party has no way to defend his rights except to go to the world channel and forum to scold him.

In other words, the pre-sale depends entirely on the reputation of the seller, and there is almost no guarantee.

Even if Luo Ling is not bad at his debt, in case of any natural or man-made disaster, the buyer will lose everything.

"Forget it, don't use this method, it's not good if you really trick others." Although Luo Ling has enough confidence in his own strength, he plans to look for the kobold's treasure tomorrow. In case of accidental death, But there is nothing.

He would really like to let the game trading market introduce this kind of trading method, let the game system act as a guarantor, even if a part of the intermediary fee will be deducted, it will be a guarantee for both parties.

If the seller dies unexpectedly, the pre-sale money can be returned to the buyer.

If the buyer dies, the seller cannot trade and ship, and the transaction can be canceled automatically.

Luo Ling had fun in the bitterness, and complained in his heart: "I don't know if there is a developer's mailbox for this game. It would be great if I could give suggestions!"

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