Age of Global Lords

Chapter 40 Countdown to Advent

"This is the first time a full-server broadcast has appeared, right? Why!"

"Why can't I understand this broadcast, what is the Beast God Altar? Why can it be broadcast after being destroyed!"


"It's too fierce, it's just a big ruthless person!"

"Am I the only one who cares about the use of the beast god altar after it is destroyed?"

"It's just the daily operation of the leader of the leaderboard, everyone calm down."

"I remember seeing a post on the forum before, saying that this beast tide is related to the altar. Could it be what I guessed?"

"As expected of a boss, you can do anything!"

The update speed of the news on the World Channel is very fast, and players from all over the world, different nationalities, and different genders on the earth have been touched one after another.

The vast majority of people are just shocked, but very few people know the truth, and only a very few can realize what happened.

Luo Ling originally wanted to keep a low profile, but the game system didn't give him any chance to hide, and announced his name directly.

Now Luo Ling's game panel is occupied by various friend adding and private chat messages, and various chat contents are sent over.Mainly, everyone is too curious about the Beast God Altar, and really wants to know what it means.

So far, the players have not had much conflict before, and they are far away from each other. Unless they take the initiative to expose their location information on nearby channels, they will not be able to directly fight against each other.

In the dawn group, the players on this group of leaderboards are also concerned about various issues.Compared with ordinary players, they are stronger and have enough ability to fight back against the beast tide.

In particular, many of them feel that their strength is not inferior to Luo Ling's. Since the other party can destroy the Beast God Altar, then they can do it too!

"@红树地球-罗琳, boss, is this beast god altar the one you mentioned last time for summoning beasts and monsters?"

"There should be a reward for destroying this altar, right? Is it convenient to talk about it? If it is inconvenient, forget it."

"I just want to know one question, after the altar is destroyed, will there still be beast hordes near your territory?"

"Yes, yes, I want to know too."

"I'm envious of the boss on the full-server broadcast, it's so embarrassing!"

"Boss should be busy collecting the loot now, and the ranking will definitely rise later."

"I haven't found the location of the Beast God Altar yet."

"How to destroy this altar, please guide ~~"

Players have the idea of ​​imitation, but at the same time they are worried. They don't know the details of the altar and want to get more information.

At this time, Luo Ling didn't make a move, and as soon as he made a move, he dismantled the remnants of the Beast God Altar and obtained 8 units of stone.

The stone was disintegrated, and a crystal clear spar appeared in the center of the original altar.

[Divine power crystallization: the crystallization that contains a very small amount of divine power of the beast god, and the divine power has been exhausted at present. 】

If there is no accident, this crystal of divine power is the energy source of the protective cover of the altar just now, but the divine power has been exhausted, so I don't know what it is useful for.

Even so, Luo Ling still picked it up and put it in the game package, which may come in handy at a later time.

Brook originally thought that he was the main force in the battle, but the lord used this method of thunder to completely destroy the altar of the beast god, and it was impossible to see that there was a portal here.

"That's it?" He said in a daze.

"It should be." Luo Ling didn't know whether he was completely eradicating the Beast God Altar, so he could only leave for the time being, "I will turn into a raven to come and have a look at night."

Now the two of them walked from the white bones to the open space on the edge of the valley and sat down, each recovering their physical strength and magic power.

Before the large crouching dragon mulberry tree bears fruit, the mulberries that can restore health and mana must be used sparingly.

Anyway, there was no danger nearby at the moment, so Luo Ling released the baby dragon from the pet bag so that it could breathe.

Perhaps because of being conceived for thousands of years inside the dragon horse egg, the baby dragon hates being in a claustrophobic space, and just such a short time makes it sluggish.

Luo Ling touched the dragon horn on top of its head, and said comfortingly, "I won't let you into the pet bag next time, but you have to work hard to become stronger."

If he is strong enough and can stand on his own, he can let the baby dragon stay outside with peace of mind.


Hearing this, Baobaolong raised his spirits a little, but it didn't know how to become stronger quickly. Since it didn't sign a soul agreement with Luo Ling, it couldn't enjoy the experience increase, and Luo Ling didn't have the ability to open the panel for it.

For babies, perhaps all they can do is eat more and exercise more.

"I don't know if there is a dragon raising strategy in the forum. It would be much more convenient if there is a guide."

Luo Ling was thinking silently, and he put his mind on the game panel, not surprisingly, he found that all the friends in the Dawn Group were waiting for him to bubble up.

And several players who added friends with him also sent messages to ask.

Huo Yuwei: "I just saw your name on the broadcast of the whole server, congratulations, now people all over the world know you."

Cui Yangcheng: "Boss, is it convenient to disclose the relevant information about the Beast God Altar? I can pay with sea salt and turtle eggs."

Lu Ming: "It's amazing. You are the world's most famous person. Even if you are not as famous as the number one person on the ranking list, what is the origin of this beast god altar? It can be displayed on the game interface."

Bu Zhou Territory-Jiang Feng: "Brother Luo Ling, is it convenient to share the detailed information on the Beast God Altar? Is it directly related to the beast tide? We can buy the information for a fee."

These are all players who have traded with Luo Ling before, and their curiosity is almost bursting.

And the players on the nearby channel are even more excited. What is more exciting than having a legendary player by your side!

"Boss Luo Ling is awesome! He is a role model for my generation."

"The master is actually by our side!"

"Suddenly felt a lot safer."

"Is it the beast god altar on our side? Will there be a wave of beasts coming tonight?"

"I really want to rely on the boss."

"If Boss Luo Ling is willing to form an alliance, I will be the first to respond!"

"Our forest can produce a world-class master, obviously I am not so excited."

"I beg you to help me demolish the Beast God Altar near my territory. I just want to develop in peace and stability for two days."

Originally they knew that Luo Ling was a leaderboard player, but they didn't expect him to be able to trigger the broadcast of the whole server, so that all players could discuss it.

The hottest topic on the forum right now is Luo Ling and the Altar of the Beast God. The post he posted before was topped again and became a big hot topic. Afterwards, there were all strong crowds watching, chatting and even making wishes.

With so many people concerned about the altar, Luo Ling felt that there was no need to cherish the altar at all. On the contrary, it should expand the publicity to let more players know.

Previously, the destruction of the altar by himself had been recorded in the small book by the beast god in the shape of a bull head, so he should simply destroy all these altars to prevent it from being resurrected from the kingdom of God or returning to the world.

No matter what the specific purpose of those altars is, as long as they are destroyed, it will definitely destroy the beast god's plan.

So Luo Ling replied in the group while resting: "Don't worry, everyone, I will pass on the relevant information through the forum, and everyone can check it later. No matter whether you have the ability to destroy it or not, it is always right to know more."

"Okay, thank you boss~~"

"As expected of Lord Luoling, this matter is handled openly!"

"While patrolling and waiting for updates."

"Do you want to post it on the forum? We'll post it later."

"That's right, the beast hordes on my side are under too much defensive pressure now. If the altar can be destroyed, the pressure on the territory will be much less."

"Hey, I haven't had a chance to develop steadily since the novice protection period. Now my territory has completely become a military base, and basically there is no livelihood for the people. It won't last long like this!"

Everyone has problems and complaints in their hearts. Now that they have the opportunity to solve the beast tide from the source, it is naturally better.

Luo Ling also sent similar messages to those who privately messaged him, asking them to go to the forum to see for themselves later, but he really didn't have enough energy to reply one by one.

[Attention all Earthlings!Your territory is actually in great danger, and the reason behind it is staggering...]

[Shocked, you didn't repair this building, it is the king of cost performance! 】

【so close!A lord of the plain was caught in the beast tide, and turned his back on it in the end! 】

[Warcraft infested, Earth players try not to go out in the near future. 】

[It is related to the development of the territory, these two types of residents must be recruited! 】

【Urgent Reminder!There are monsters mixed in the beast tide recently, and many lords have died, so we must pay attention! 】

[Expansion, the five territory development templates drawn by Huaguo architectural design masters and military theorists have been uploaded! 】

The various posts made Luo Ling a little ashamed, which really looked like the titles of those articles forwarded in the circle of friends back then.

Originally, he also planned to use the name of a headline party to attract attention, but now he found that it didn't work at all, and he couldn't tell it apart from it.I can only be honest and use the normal name, anyway, this topic is hot now.

After thinking in his head for a while, Luo Ling described what he saw and heard, and then posted it on the forum.


The Buzhou territory located in the middle of the mainland is developing like a raging fire. Various defensive towers are set up according to a predetermined distance, and the city wall is surrounded by a moat. It looks like an ancient Chinese country defending the city.

In order to prevent the wild beasts from having a place to hide, Jiang Feng used the wall clearing tactics to the extreme. Anything outside the city wall that could block the line of sight was leveled out, which was convenient for observing the movements of the wild beasts and for the cavalry he recruited to have The best assault environment.

Jiang Feng, who was wearing black iron heavy armor, stood on the city wall and looked at the distant sky. He punched hard on the brick wall and said, "Austin, haven't you found out where the altar of the beast god is? "

"Report to the lord, we have eliminated three suspicious locations so far, and we will be able to eliminate the last two locations when the beast horde comes tonight."

This blond man named Austin doesn't look very eye-catching, but he is a high-ranking thief in the Zhou territory. Most of the time he is active on the plains and wilderness outside to spy on the enemy.

Jiang Feng nodded: "You must pay attention to your safety tonight. A lord has already successfully destroyed the altar. Presumably, the black hand behind the scenes will definitely strengthen defense and counter-reconnaissance. After you confirm the location, don't be obsessed with fighting, and come back immediately."

The plain outside was so vast that even Austin tried his best to detect it on horseback, but he couldn't find the location.

For a long time, Jiang Feng didn't just want to defend the city, but wanted to counterattack.Blind defense is really not his style.

Fortunately, someone figured out the origin of the beast horde, and even destroyed it, which is simply delightful!

"Xiao Jiang, have you seen the full server broadcast?"

Jiang Feng replied immediately after seeing the private message: "Report to the leader, I have seen it, I am arranging scouts to search for the nearest altar in the Buzhou territory, and the location can be determined tonight at the latest."

"Before you had a deal with this Lord of Luoling, did he disclose relevant information to you? How to destroy the altar, if it is destroyed, can it stop the beast tide in some areas?"

"Report the territory. Comrade Luo Ling replied to the private message and asked me to watch the forum later. He will put everything he knows on the forum, so that every player can log in and check it out."

"That's right, then this little comrade has done a very good thing!" The other party said immediately: "Xiao Jiang, if the other party releases the information, we will contact the think tank to do a feasibility analysis, and then we will do it in several different territories. Experiment nearby to see if his information and strategies are correct."

Jiang Feng replied immediately: "Leader, Buzhou Territory requests to fight! I am confident to complete the task!"

Since the legendary Buzhou Mountain was used as the name of the territory, Jiang Feng just wanted to hold up a piece of sky.Since the organization and the people need it, it is incumbent on me.

If he can verify the authenticity of Luo Ling's Raiders, it will indeed save hundreds of millions of human beings, and he will do his part!

"Okay! We will mobilize relevant resources, and you can tell us if you have any needs. Weapons, equipment, skill books, recruitment scrolls, one-time bombs, and various auxiliary potions and life potions are given priority to the few of you."

"Leaders and organizations please rest assured!"

Jiang Feng did not refuse the organization's help. He knew that almost all territories were on the verge of life and death. Almost everyone survived with their belts tight. While ensuring production while ensuring the safety of the territory, it was not easy to produce so many good things.

Now that you have enjoyed these resources, you must take corresponding actions, and you cannot just enjoy without paying.

After finishing the call, Jiang Feng turned his attention to the forum. At this time, the forum was very lively, with countless posts being refreshed every second.

After the number of speeches on the World Channel was exhausted, they spoke freely on the forum, but people in the know were worried that Luo Ling's posts would be drowned out.

Suddenly, he saw a post that was specially marked red: [How to destroy the Beast God Altar].

The topic of the post is very clear, directly to the topic, straight to the point, without any twists and turns.

Posts posted by a leaderboard player are directly distinguished from the rest, and will never be missed.

Jiang Feng, like the other billions of people in the world, opened the post at the same time, wanting to see what happened.

[Maybe someone missed my previous post, here is the first introduction to what is the Beast God Altar.As we all know, our player's territory is always attacked by beast tides. Whenever the blood moon rises, the beast god altar will open the portal with the help of the mysterious power of the blood moon, and send out various beasts and monsters from unknown spaces. Warcraft. 】

[Beast God is an old-fashioned god in this continent. He once set off a war of gods, but was killed by Goddess of Life, Goddess of Nature, Sun God and other gods.The Beast God has now been revived and wants to occupy the entire continent with the Beast God Altar. 】

[After understanding this background, let's talk about how to destroy it.Take the altar I found as an example. It is located in a hidden valley, surrounded by three boss-level monsters of more than 20 levels as guards. 】

[If you are unable to kill these powerful guards, it is recommended not to try them, it will kill you.If the guard can be killed, there is one last problem, that is, the altar has a transparent protective cover.To destroy this protective shield requires a powerful and continuous attack to consume its energy. The protective shield on my side is driven by divine power crystals. 】

[Destroy the protective cover and you can face the Beast God Altar directly. Here it is recommended to destroy it quickly and use the decomposition function of the game system flexibly. 】

Luo Ling also emphasized in the post that the Beast God Altar he faced was just an example, it might be unique, and it might not be suitable for the lords in other places.

Maybe there are three leader-level monsters on his side, and five or ten leader-level monsters in other places, or maybe two elite-level monsters.

All of these require the player lords to spy on the information themselves, rather than copying it directly.

At the end of the post, Luo Ling posted the detailed information of the three leader-level monsters, which discouraged most players!

When the territory is attacked by beast hordes, even with various defense towers to help guard it, it is difficult to kill elite-level monsters.

If you go to destroy the Beast God Altar, you won't have the help of the defense tower, which is equivalent to cutting off your own arm!Only high-end players can try it out, and ordinary players just go to deliver food.

Even the players on the leaderboard have to be more cautious. After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Try to find some powerful teammates to help. Soldiers trained in ordinary barracks will not be effective there.

[As for destroying the altar, whether there will be a beast tide on my side will have to wait tonight to verify.I will update relevant news in time, please pay attention to this post. 】

There were a lot of replies under the post. Although everyone guessed that destroying the altar would be very difficult, they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

To kill three leader-level monsters!

"Learning is useless, study is useless!"

"After reading this post, I only have one thought. Boss Luo Ling is too strong! He was able to deal with three leader-level monsters at the same time. Now I can only deal with three ordinary monsters at the same time."

"To sum up, I hope that everyone will have self-knowledge, and players with insufficient abilities should never try it."

"God? The beast god is actually real?"

"I have a question. Since the Goddess of Life and the others killed the Beast God, why don't they kill it again now? It would be nice to cut the weeds and root them out."

"At first I wanted to end the beast horde, but now I should develop the territory silently. It is definitely right to rely on the strength of the territory."

The vast majority of players know that they are not that material, and some other players on the leaderboard are also browsing the posts.

Jiang Feng saw Xia Yu, a player who ranked 18th on the lord strength list, replied: "Thank you for sharing the information. I found out the location of the altar closest to me yesterday, but there are too many monsters to dare to pass. Now I have this information I'll try it later, and if it works I'll post in the forum, wish me luck."

The unknown is the most terrifying thing. Once the situation of the Beast God Altar is known to everyone, it will not be able to resist the wisdom of the masses.

Whether it is a single-handedly rushing in with strong personal strength, or the nearby territories unite to deal with the guards with collective strength, that is another story.

Jiang Feng also replied thank you, he has a heavy responsibility.


"I hope everyone can destroy as many altars as possible while ensuring their own safety."

Luo Ling said to himself that he repeatedly explained in the post that he should pay attention to safety, but he also knew that there would inevitably be a lot of casualties.Some players may give it a go. Anyway, defending the territory is already very difficult, so why not try it at the altar.

But if you try it, you may die. Luo Ling didn't dare to announce in the post that he could gain divinity after destroying the altar. He was afraid that someone would take risks for this thing.

As the saying goes, "Birds die for food, and people die for wealth." This part of the income should be regarded as a surprise for players who can really destroy the altar.

In other words, he actually hasn't figured out what is the use of divinity now, and he is going to ask the magic mirror of mantra after returning to the territory.

Suddenly Luo Ling looked at the game panel and there was a countdown timer, the number was decreasing every second, and the system reminder was long overdue.

[Countdown to the Beast God's Advent 71:59 minutes, the Beast God altar is destroyed more than half can prevent the Beast God from coming. 】

[Remaining number of beast god altars 999999/100 million]

"Will the Beast God really come?" Luo Ling knew the answer, but still asked.

There are only 72 hours left!

Is this time related to me or not?

Luo Ling's face turned pale. He suspected that it was because he destroyed the altar that the beast god came early.If I hadn't destroyed the altar so quickly, maybe this reminder wouldn't have appeared!

Now the player's territory is crumbling under the impact of the monster, let alone the battle against the beast god, when it comes, it will definitely be ruined.

Now he knows the number of beast god altars in the whole continent, a total of 100 million!

In other words, 50 altars must be destroyed to stop the Beast God, which is simply difficult.

It is difficult for the top 100 players to deal with the altar, let alone the weaker players behind.

He had a clear realization in his heart, maybe this is the game system forcing everyone to unite and form an alliance.

The guards of the altar cannot be dealt with by one's own strength, so how about five lords, ten lords, and twenty lords unite!

Luo Ling patted his forehead annoyed, he could only edit his post again, adding a "sorry" at the end.

"Luo Shen, you didn't feel sorry for anyone!"

"Even if you don't destroy the altar, the beast god will come. Now we at least have a strategy and time to prepare."

"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault!"

"It's all a damn game, it's all a damn god!"

"Originally, I wanted to continue to fight, but now let's unite, we will definitely tide over the difficulties."

"None of us have prophetic abilities."

"This just proves one thing, that is, destroying the altar can really stop the beast tide and weaken the beast god's ability!"

"Isn't it the Beast God? Pull what? Let's push those damned altars down one by one!"

When it comes to their own interests, there are indeed very few players who complain about Luo Ling, thinking that he should not be impulsive.And the vast majority of players chose to support him, and no one thought that destroying the altar would be a big pit.

I don't know when, Luo Ling was nicknamed Luoshen by this group of players.

This sounds weird, especially for Huaxia players. Everyone knows that there is an extremely beautiful goddess named this name in mythology, but they all call it with enthusiasm.

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