Age of Global Lords

Chapter 23 Rampage Beast

"Tie Niu, take a rest."

Luo Ling took Brook to the edge of the forest outside the territory, which had been cut down by several farmers and left many stakes.The strong-bodied farmers are extremely strong, and they eat well and sleep soundly, so they work very hard.

The honest and honest Tie Niu, Tie Zhu, Dabao, and Fat Hu came to the lord in a proper manner, with sweat dripping from their foreheads, and they began to claim credit for themselves.

"My lord, today we have cut down 9 trees, much better than yesterday!"

"Yeah, now that we've got the knack of chopping down trees, it feels really fast."

"It's as if I've got the hang of it. I know where the ax should go and how much force I should use."

These farmers chattered and discussed, and each of them discovered the changes in themselves.

The more trees you cut, the more experience you will have.

Luo Ling looked at the panel data of these farmers and found that they had all changed jobs and upgraded!

[Iron Bull: lv.3, ordinary lumberjack.Food: 88, Loyalty: 100. 】

The rest of them have also turned from ordinary farmers to loggers!

When they were first recruited, they knew a little about everything, and they belonged to the kind of masters but not skilled. Now they have become lumberjacks after a long period of tree cutting, and the amount of wood they can get per hour has increased a lot.

Luo Ling praised: "You have done a good job, you have worked hard. Today at noon we have a pot of dragon and tiger fighting to celebrate, and it is also Brooke's welcome ceremony."

"Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Brooke Bell, the military chief of the territory. He will be responsible for the training of soldiers in the territory and the security maintenance of the territory."

Tieniu's eyes widened, like a copper bell, he bluffed and said, "General Brook? It's you!"

"No way, the famous General Brook is actually in our territory!"


"Why did you come to our territory, my God."

"With General Brook around, the security of our territory is absolutely fine!"

Luo Ling was very surprised. He didn't expect that the farmers he recruited knew Brook's identity. Could it be that they came from the same place?Truly a legendary hero.

Several farmers cheered happily, even happier than when they had meat to eat.

They looked at Luo Ling and Brook respectfully one by one, and their sense of belonging to the territory increased in their hearts.Even the former general can be recruited, the lord himself is too powerful!

Brook Bell showed a smile, and explained: "I thought that the soul should belong to the Lord of Light, but there is an extremely stalwart existence in the dark who gave me another choice, let me listen to the Lord's recruitment, and finally Had a chance to live again."

"Don't worry, with me here, I will never let the beasts hurt you!"

Luo Ling asked: "Presumably you are all the people of the Norman Empire, so what happened to this country and where is it located?"

Brooke, Tieniu and the others shook their heads in unison. There was no corresponding information about the empire in their memory.

"Okay, you guys should cut down the trees here. After the lumber reaches 100 units, the rest will be used to build the lumberyard. Brooke, you will be responsible for their safety."

After Luo Ling recruited such a great god to the territory, the safety was guaranteed enough, and he could safely explore the second-order cold spring to see what was under that spring.

Back in the territory, he took a special look at the tree stumps that had been cut down before.It was originally a dense jungle, but it was cut down for territorial development and resource acquisition, but he replanted oak seeds.

The green shoots are waving in the wind, they are more vigorous than the rest of the plants in the territory, and they can feel the druid breath on Luo Ling.

[Oak tree seedlings: provide 0.01 experience points every day. 】

All 300 oak seeds have germinated, and they constitute such a small oak forest.It can provide experience points just after breaking through the ground. If it grows according to this growth rate, it may become a forest within a few dozen days, and the experience points it can provide will definitely be very considerable.

All in all, he has one more channel to gain experience points than other lords, so the upgrade speed will naturally not be slow.

Thinking of this, Luo Ling asked in the dawn group: "Do you think that the plants in this world grow very fast?"

Although his natural magic can promote the growth of plants, it is obviously not all due to this magic.

Soon, the group became lively.

"That's right, the plants here are also growing very fast, and they have grown a lot in a few days."

"I read in the forum that they said that the growth cycle of these plants has been shortened. Some experts who specialize in farming said that rice can mature in only one month, which is much faster than on the earth!"

"No wonder! I haven't even grown flowers before, so I thought this speed was normal."

"Fortunately, it's so fast, otherwise there wouldn't be enough food and vegetables."

"I used to grow land when I was a child. If it weren't for the help of the system, how would I know how to grow vegetables?"

Sure enough, the entire game world was hacked.

It wasn't his own territory that had this effect, Luo Ling felt much more relieved, at least everyone didn't have to worry about being starved to death.

Players in the entire game world are now intensively developing their territories.

There are many people who repelled the first wave of beasts, and there are also some territories that are still struggling, and even fell into a state of intense heat.


Luo Ling came to the second-order cold spring at this time, squatted down and touched the spring water, it was still freezing cold.

Usually the melting of ice and snow into water is such a cold problem. Obviously, the mountain around him is not that high.

He had always known that there was an arowana in it, and even the original water-attribute spar came from the mutated arowana in the cold spring.Therefore, Luo Ling was very curious about this cold spring, and had wanted to find out for a long time, but now he finally had the opportunity.

After Transformation is upgraded from level 1 to level 3, the duration becomes 1 minute, and the cooling time is shortened to 3 minutes, but because he has the eternal wood cane and the green crystal ring, the cooling time can be reduced by 15%. In fact, every It can be cast in 2 minutes and 33 seconds.

Luo Ling knows that after his physique becomes stronger, he can hold his breath underwater for a long time. Two and a half minutes of holding his breath is not difficult for ordinary people who have been trained. simpler.

But he didn't act rashly, but used bottles and bags to store the air in the game package. In case he held his breath underwater for a long time, he could take out the bottle to breathe oxygen.

Everything was ready, Luo Ling used the transformation technique to instantly transform from an adult human wearing leather armor and a cloak into a mermaid with a fishtail body!

The upper body is still Luo Ling's own appearance, but the equipment is hidden, while his legs have become streamlined fish tails, and the fish scales are shining brightly under the sunlight.

With a light move of Luo Ling's hands, a stream of spring water rose into the sky and lingered around him, as if he could control the water with a single thought.

"If only I could take pictures!"

"I don't know if I cry now, will pearls fall."

Luo Ling admired in his heart, this skill is so miraculous that it turned himself into a mermaid with the ability to control water.He didn't waste time, and fell directly into the spring water. He obviously didn't grow a tail, but he swam naturally without any hindrance.

The blue spring water is like a bottomless black hole, absorbing all the light refracted by the water surface.

As he dived down, he looked at the world of spring water.

The bottom of the cold spring seemed to be a complete underwater world, with fish of different sizes swimming in it. Luo Ling saw those ordinary dragon fish, each fat and strong, and they looked very suitable for grilling fish.

These fish completely regarded him as the same kind, and instead of avoiding him, they swam closely around him.

A world without natural enemies is so comfortable.

Mermaids can breathe directly under the water, and Luo Ling feels that every pore of his skin can breathe, so he doesn't have to think about drowning at all.

Seeing that it took more than ten seconds for the merman to transform, he quickly wagged his tail, and at the same time a stream of water swam towards the bottom of his body.

"Gulu", "Gulu"

Chilling spring water bubbles from stalactite caves.

Luo Ling was surprised to find that he couldn't get into the cave, the entrance was too small!

Even if it regains its human form, it can't get in through this hole with a diameter of tens of centimeters. Perhaps the mutated dragon fish accidentally entered this stalactite cave when it was young.

Just when he was at a loss, it was time for the transformation technique, and the fish tail transformed by Luo Ling disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, he took away the magical power of controlling water.

Without the blessing of skills, it was difficult for him to breathe at the depth of hundreds of meters. He didn't dare to open his nose or mouth to breathe, but used the remaining air in his lungs.

The water was too deep, the pressure squeezed Luo Ling's body, and the buoyancy of the water also made his body float upwards.

Luo Ling hugged the stalactite next to him with both hands to stabilize his body, and at the same time boldly stretched out his hand towards the hole, wanting to detect what was inside with his hand.

Perhaps because of the boldness of Yi Gao, Luo Ling never considered that there were poisonous snakes, organs, and beasts in it.

[Congratulations to the player for discovering the first-order water attribute spar x1]

[Congratulations to the player for discovering the first-order ice attribute spar x1]

[Congratulations to the player for discovering the second-order water attribute spar x1]

[Congratulations to the player for discovering the second-order ice attribute spar x1]

The inside of the uneven stone cave brushed by the palm, the prompts of the game system also appear on the panel continuously!

Luo Ling really took a breath this time, almost choking the spring water into his throat.

The closer to the entrance of the cave, the lower the quality of the spars. Basically, they are first-order water and ice-attribute spars, and those further inside are second-order spars.

There is a feeling of being frozen in the whole palm, as if there is something great in the depths.

At this moment, Luo Ling really hoped that his arm could be longer, so that he could detect more things, maybe there would be a third-order spar in it!

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