Xu Zaisi chose five songs to perform at the music festival, including the theme song, this song by Xiao Huo, and the three songs written by Xiao Xuan.

During the recording, all the harmonies were sung by Xiao Xuan. If you bring the band and don’t play the accompaniment tape, you need to find someone to harmonize.

Xu Zaisi didn't want anyone to harmonize, he would rather be like this, leaving some imperfect regrets.

My brother and sister didn't say much, and they all listened to her.

I wanted to test it out several times, and called Xiao Xuan to harmonize, but I held back, she was so busy.

It was only later that she realized that if she wanted to make an appointment with Xiao Xuan, she would have to start with a million dollars. She gave herself three songs in one breath before, tsk.

I simply don't know who is whoring who, and it's me who is working hard and... having fun.

If possible, she also wants to be like Xiao Xuan.

Participating in music festivals from time to time to get rid of the stage addiction, and more energy to create behind the scenes, it is very satisfying to have someone to ask me to sing.


After intense rehearsal, the day finally came to the 9th.

After getting off the plane in the morning, a group of five went straight to the music festival venue.

When I arrived, there was a rehearsal on the stage, and there were many staff members on site.

In order to ensure the ticket income, many of the bands and singers who came to this music festival were recently popular bands and singers, and she was one of them.

Her brothers and sisters were even more excited than her. The rehearsal was repeated twice, and after more than half an hour of tossing, they finally felt restless and settled down.


10nd night.

"Think again, no one seems to know you, but there are shops on the street that play your songs."

When eating near the venue and touching up makeup, Xu Zaiming looked around and even wanted to take off Xu Zaisi's mask to see if he could brush her face.

"It's probably the fate of people who are not popular." Xu Zaihui joked.

"I just want to be in a state where I'm not popular, so I'm comfortable."

Xu Zaisi took off his mask generously and looked around with his face held high.

It seems that the people passing by are very busy and hurried, and have no time to care about others.

So nice, so comfortable.

"I heard that the tickets are sold out long ago. If we come here, we should be able to earn several thousand yuan without air tickets and hotels, hehe."

Xu Zaiming balds off the last few mouthfuls of noodles, gets up and prepares to wait.

"When did the tickets sell out?"

Xu Zaisi was even more worried about when Xiao Xuan would come, and sent her a few wx messages, but she didn't respond, not even yesterday's wx.

If the tickets were already sold out, how did she come here, backstage?

But it's almost eight o'clock now, and I didn't see her backstage just now.

"Let's go, go to the waiting room."

"There is still more than an hour, why go so early."

"Then you wait and find me backstage."

Xu Zaisi seems to be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, just hoping that she can come for the first time.

On the stage, other bands were performing, and the scene was very hot, with cheers and screams one after another.

The lights kept flickering, Xu Zaisi looked at it for a long time, and scanned the table of relatives and friends dozens of times, but Xiao Xuan was nowhere to be seen.

The backstage was a mess, and everyone was busy coming and going.

Xu Zaisi managed to stop the main stage controller:

"Well, do you know Xiao Xuan from Qingyu?"

"I know, what's the matter?"

"Did she say she was coming?"

Hearing the sound, the chief controller chuckled:

"I remember that she is a member of the production team of the popular music variety show "Please Advise, Tutor". She is a creative producer, how could she come to an output-oriented music festival."

After speaking, the chief controller left.

He took out his mobile phone, and it happened that this variety show was being broadcast live. Looking at the introduction, the broadcast would not end until ten o'clock in the evening.

Anxious, Harmony without you, even the first stage, will you be absent?

After more than an hour, the mood gradually calmed down and calmed down.

When the time came, the previous singer followed the procedure and introduced Xu Zaisi who would appear next, bowed and left the stage.

Xu Zaisi stood on the stage, looking at the endless audience in front of him.

I don't even bother to be nervous anymore, my heart is like still water.

Together with the music, Xu Zaisi kept smiling and stood at the front of the stage, still looking for familiar faces.

Unfortunately, no.

The theme song ended just like a rehearsal, and the audience in the audience gave warm applause and cheers.

Between each song, there must be a 2-minute speech transition.

Xu Zaisi looked at the audience, smiled and asked the audience:

"true or false, send you my heart, in your arms, in your heart..."

"Have you ever heard this song?"

The audience cheered, as if they were waiting for this song.

The connection is smooth, just start directly, Xu Zaisi somehow wants to ask:

"True or false, send you my heart, in your arms, in your heart."

"……Are you there?"

The microphone was aimed at the audience below the stage, and crazy cheers were heard in the ears.


Like an auditory hallucination, in Xu Zaisi's ears, a soft but familiar voice of one word came.

Under the cover of cheers, the wind lightly passed over the eardrums.

She subconsciously turned around and looked towards the exit of the stage.

In the dim light, I vaguely saw a figure coming out, the first to see clearly.

It is the little blue that refracts the light of diamonds.

Before he could react, the prelude had already played, and Xu Zaisi followed the figure with his eyes.

Wearing a peaked cap, the figure walked to the side of the band under the cover of darkness, and stood in the harmony position that she deliberately vacated.

Xiao Xuan raised her face and smiled slightly at her.

Xu Zaisi chuckled, almost laughed out loud, and even forgot to turn around and face the audience.

"This singer is a bit rude. He keeps his back to the audience."

"Maybe the band has a problem with communication, just listen to the music!"

"She looks so cute, cute Britpop, it's the first time I've seen a singer of this style."

"I want to see her face, think again! Turn around!"

"If she can be popular, I guess she can become domestic Avril."

"This song is absolutely amazing. It's super nice. She seems to be a singer-songwriter, and she also wrote this song."

"That drum beat is so good|soooo! It's like listening to a mysterious adventure movie!"


After bowing deeply and leaving the stage, Xu Zaisi turned around and saw that Xiao Xuan was no longer there.

Brothers and sisters each pulled their best friends, all kinds of excitement.

Take out your phone and turn it on.

[Xiao Xuan: Come to the parking lot in area B3. 】

"I'm sorry, the show was suddenly changed to live broadcast mode, so I couldn't come over in time, and I didn't give you harmony for the first song."

In the car, Xiao Xuan was wearing a peaked cap and a mask.

Xu Zaisi took off her hat and saw that she had changed her hairstyle again.

Dye a dark brown color, with wavy long hair, and the tip of the hair is more than ten centimeters, faintly green?

Or is it the light?

"It's good if you can come. I thought you wouldn't come. Besides, it's good to be an audience."

"Then why didn't you find someone to give you harmony?" Xiao Xuan started the car and slowly drove out of the underground parking lot.

"I left it empty on purpose." Xu Zaisi smiled arrogantly and sweetly:

"Why is your hair green?"

Xiao Xuan smiled softly:

"I haven't seen you for more than two months, and I'm so bored that moss grows."

Xu Zaisi laughed loudly:

"Why don't you say that you suspect that I have cheated on you?"

"you dare."

Xiao Xuan squinted her domineering eyes, her face was full of possessiveness that could not be tested.

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