"It's time to wake up, wake up!"

The door was knocked loudly, but the people in the room who were still immersed in their dreams remained motionless.

This person's sleeping appearance is not honest.One leg hung casually from the edge of the bed, and the quilt wrapped around her body was rolled several times, and half of it slipped to the ground.A head with curly black hair was resting crookedly on the pillow.

The high school student who had been knocking on the door outside for a long time to no avail finally pushed in and sighed silently after seeing this scene.

Then he raised the mobile phone in his left hand and started playing a ringtone—this was the exclusive ringtone set by the other party for his boss and colleagues.

Generally, hearing this kind of ringtone in sleep means that something dangerous has happened, and he needs to go out to work overtime immediately.

Sure enough, before the bell rang to the third syllable, the person on the bed straightened up and sat up.He shook his head, trying to wake himself up as quickly as possible.

"What happened again..."

While lifting the quilt, the curly-haired young man grabbed his mobile phone to take a look at the general situation first.

This grasp found something was wrong.

My mobile phone was lying quietly aside, it didn't look like I had experienced a set of ringing and vibration reminder packages.

That means……

He turned his head slowly, and found that his cat-eyed high school student was looking at him with a smile.

"It's nothing serious, but Officer Matsuda, if you don't get up, you will be late."

The curly-haired young man called Police Officer Matsuda turned cold.

This was confirmed when he ate breakfast.

"Then I'll go to school first."

The high school students bid farewell to him at the entrance as usual.

The young man who had just sat at the table just waved his hand lazily in response.

"See you tonight……"

Afterwards, he picked up the exquisite sandwich that was still hot on the dinner plate, and took a big bite——

The youth froze.

The young man's complexion began to twist.


In the apartment building, there was a roar, which startled a group of birds standing on the telephone pole.

The high school students who had already walked downstairs seemed to hear the roar from the many floors.He didn't look up, but let out another long sigh.

Question: What should I do if I accidentally raise an adult in the family?

Answer: Then you can only add some chopped ginger to his breakfast, so that he can supplement his nutrition.

The high school student named Hikaru Morota, who accidentally raised and disabled an adult, is currently living with Officer Matsuda from the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division.

His previous name was Zhu Fu Jingguang.

However, with the friendly help of a well-known long-haired man who was not enthusiastic three years ago, he successfully violated the law of growth, shrinking from a 26-year-old good young man to a struggling in the sea of ​​questions, unremitting struggle with test papers, day and night middle school students.

In this regard, Mr. Zhu Fu expressed his gratitude and deep regards to the enthusiastic long-haired man, who gave him the honor to re-experience the youthful time on campus.

He also said that if there is a chance, he will pack the real test papers over the years, the special product Wusan and Huang 〇 Mijuan from the florist next door as a return gift, and present them to the enthusiastic person.

After being taken home by his contemporary Matsuda Jinhei, he changed his name to Morota Hikaru in order to conceal his identity.

Don't ask why he isn't called Matsuda Hikaru, it's because he really doesn't want to follow the other party's surname.

In order to repay the other party's kindness, Zhu Tianguang, who was still a middle school student on the surface, diligently took on the housework of the family, especially the power of the spoon.

And bad adults who accept feeding from minors without any psychological burden.Although he is still a cool police officer who looks like a human being on the surface, in fact he has gradually slipped into the abyss of life waste.

In the past three years, in order to avoid being reported by neighbors to deprive minors of their right to education at the same time, and also to prevent his bright-faced guardian from being arrested by his colleagues one day, Zhu Tianguang has been acting well. Playing the role of a well-behaved student, he was promoted from junior high school to high school.

Currently, he is studying in Class B of the second year of Didan High School.

"Good morning, Morita!"

"Good morning……"

As soon as Zhu Tianguang pushed open the door of the classroom, there were many greetings one after another.

He habitually showed a gentle expression, and then nodded to these enthusiastic students in response.

Among a group of mature and immature boys, the good-tempered, stable and reliable Morota is extremely popular.

He walked over to the seat, pulled the chair away and sat down, taking a quick glance at the empty front desk.

"Mori, did Kudo ask for leave again?"

"Yeah, he said he had work to do."

Talking about her childhood sweetheart, the girl named Mao Lilan was quite distressed.

"Don't worry about that egomaniac reasoner! He's always thinking about events, events and whatnot..."

Mao Lilan's best friend, Suzuki Sonoko, appeared out of nowhere, hooked his arm on his friend's shoulder and comforted him.

The girls quickly changed the topic, while Zhu Tianguang looked at the empty space in front of him thoughtfully.

Sitting in front of him is a high school detective named Kudo Shinichi.He is very famous both within the police system and among the public, and he has been classmates with him since middle school.

He is also happy to make friends with such bright young people.

Under the light of the other party, his keen, dexterous thinking, and deduction ability as an undercover police officer can be best concealed, so that he will not appear abrupt among his peers.

But this smart Kudo classmate has not come to school for more than a week.

The reason given by the other party's childhood sweetheart was to handle the case.

But in Zhu Tianguang's view, such reasons are somewhat untenable.

As far as he knew, Matsuda and his criminal department didn't have any major cases that required long-term investigation.If it was a case with a higher degree of confidentiality, the higher-ups would not let a high school student participate.

Then Kudo Shinichi can only deal with private cases.But a private case that allows the other party to conceal his whereabouts and has to be pursued mysteriously for so long...

Zhu Tianguang couldn't help squinting his eyes.

This kind of case, either involved an extremely large scale and extremely complicated relationship, or he himself was involved in the incident and got into trouble.

And the police didn't get any news...

This is really bad news for a high school student.

His sense of responsibility and sensitivity as a police officer made him decide to find out.

So, after school, Zhu Tianguang naturally blended into the small group of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko who went home.

"Well—are you going to dine with Poirot tonight?"

"But I seem to remember that you, like Lan, are responsible for the dinner at home."

Sonoko held the bag in one hand and rested his index finger on his chin with the other, thinking.

"Yeah..." Zhu Tianguang answered her question with a smile, "But today, my brother who lives with me has to work overtime, so he won't go home for dinner."

"If I'm alone, I don't really want to cook, and I think I haven't eaten Polo's pasta for a long time, and I miss the taste there. So I decided to change the taste and came here."

"Hmm... Poirot's pasta is delicious." The brown-haired girl who was lucky enough to eat the bento made by Hikaru Morota had sparkling eyes, "But I don't think you are as good as Morota-kun!"

"Oh, really?" The young man asked with crooked eyebrows.

The black-haired girl on the side also nodded heavily: "Of course it's true."

"Okay, then I will accept your compliments unceremoniously."

Zhu Tianguang's tone was relaxed, but it caused a burst of laughter from the two girls around him.

On the way to the Polo Cafe with Mao Lilan and the others, the shrunken Mr. Public Security inquired about the actions and performances of Kudo Shinichi before and after his disappearance, and finally delineated the suspicious place in the one in Dorobiga Paradise. night.

"Maori, did you see any suspicious people or things the night you went to the amusement park?"

"Suspicious person or thing?" Mao Lilan didn't know why the other party asked this question.

"Look, since Kudo left while you were playing, could it be that he saw some clues about the case halfway? That's why..."

Zhu Tianguang didn't finish his sentence, because the other party had already followed his words into thinking and memory.

"It's nothing suspicious...Although there was a brutal murder, the culprit was arrested on the spot..." the black-haired girl murmured.

"If I have to say it, the aura of the two men in black at the scene of the murder is quite terrifying, and they don't seem too easy to provoke..."

"But maybe it's just a matter of his personality..."

Realizing that talking about others behind their backs doesn't seem very good, Mao Lilan smiled and slapped her hands to make up for her slip of the tongue.

Hearing the girl's words, Zhu Tianguang's heart tightened, and he asked, "What are the characteristics of those two men in black?"

"Huh?" The black-haired girl was stunned for a moment, and then gestured with her hands, "Both of them are wearing hats, the one in the long windbreaker is about this height, and the hair is rare golden long hair. The other one who is shorter looks like Relatively ordinary, the only feature... is wearing a pair of sunglasses?"

"It seems to be like this, I can't remember clearly. What's wrong?"

"No, nothing, I just want to see if I can find any clues from the details."

"But I really can't do this kind of thing. Kudou is better."

The boy let out a haha ​​and touched his head.

This made Yuanzi purse his lips: "What, I think Mr. Zhutian is much better than that reasoning maniac..."

The setting sun pierces through the street trees, and the laughter of boys and girls floats briskly into the distance with the wind.

Zhu Tianguang, who was amiable on the surface, completely sank in his heart.

Gin, Vodka.

When the girl described it, these two names flashed through his mind for the first time.

The last time he saw Gin was two years ago.

On the street, one-sided.

At that time, the other party was facing away from him.

And he knew that, in a situation like that, it wasn't a good idea to go head-to-head.

So he just put on his hood and left in a hurry.

I didn't expect that I would hear the other party's news from my classmates today.

At the same time, he hoped that this was just an accident or a coincidence.

If the disappearance of Kudo Shinichi really has something to do with the people in the organization, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good.

Even if it's just a little side, it means great danger and trouble, which is not something that a high school student should get involved in at all.

But when Hikaru Morota was dealing with his classmates and was distracted thinking about how to find the news about Shinichi Kudo, he suddenly stopped and looked straight ahead.

"Poirot has arrived."

"Hey, why did you just come back, Conan?"

"Ah, there are some things in school that are delayed, hahaha." A kid wearing glasses in front of him scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

It always feels like there is no need to look for it.

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