Gin doesn't know how things turned out like this.

The neighbor who told me that he was in a bad mood said with a ferocious expression that he would take time to teach cooking.According to him, it leads to calming emotions and healthy eating.

But choose when there are no discounts in the mall, when he has finished his chores, and his wife Meijiu is not at home.

It always feels weird.

It's not that I'm afraid of the other party, after all, if we really want to compare, we don't know who is stronger than who.

It’s just that this new neighbor completely ignored his dangerous aura, and said solemnly that this is a part of the community’s friendship, mutual assistance, and building a harmonious relationship. After teaching cooking, I hope to be selected as a good neighbor in my mind Vote for him.

Because his wife really likes the first prize - a set of figures of "Policewoman Angel".


The last sentence is the real purpose.

Because the image and tone of voice are too separated from the bear apron on him, coupled with the output of the other party's categorical gnashing of teeth, even Gin is a bit in a trance.

So did you agree to the cooking class?

It seems... I agreed.

Gin was biting a cigarette, his mind was a little confused, he was thinking about it, he lowered his head and got into the car waiting for him downstairs.

It wasn't until the car started that he remembered where the sense of familiarity came from just now - isn't this good neighbor who talks about cooking, isn't he the undead dragon of the Chenzaki group of the polar organization?He is famous in the underground world for single-handedly defeating the ten offices of the hostile organization.

Although the Tatsuzaki group is nothing, there is no need to even take a look at it.But for this kind of well-known peers, the organization has simply paid attention to them.

So, why did the undead dragon appear here?

Still wearing a bear apron?

Gin frowned.

Get in touch with your own situation, so he...

Go undercover!

Gin suddenly became enlightened.

I just don't know which force is nearby, should I say hello to this undead dragon first, and let him not disturb me when he does things.

"Big Brother—Big Brother—"

Saburo, ah no, it should be called vodka at this time, and he is calling for the distracted man in the passenger seat with all his heart.

"what's up?"

Gin, figuring out the behavior of his new neighbors, turns his thoughts back to the present.

"Are you going directly to the mission location to gather?"

"Go to the Hitney Hotel to pick up Mark first."

Some time ago, organized traitors stole internal information and defected, intending to sell it to the chairman of Sada Shipping.

He thought that his concealment ability was very strong, but in fact, this person's whereabouts were always under the control of the organization.

The reason why he was allowed to flee freely was nothing more than one purpose - the organization wanted to fish him.

And now, the fish took the bait.

Ryoichiro Sada, chairman of Sada Shipping, also had business dealings with the organization before.But in a state where no one can understand anyone.

This time, Ryoichiro Sada relied on himself to take both black and white, knew that he was a traitor, and dealt with the other party without fear, and even offered asylum.

Therefore, the organization decided to wipe out both parties and recover the data this time.

After receiving the mission, Gin seconded the sniper Scotland and the intelligence team's Mark to carry out this operation.

The black car parked silently at the back door of the Hitney Hotel, and there was already a small figure with a bag waiting there under the signboard.

The rear door was opened, and a gust of cold wind came in. A little loli with double ponytails quickly got into the car. There were two white pompoms on her black hair, which was the same color as the jacket she was wearing outside. against each other.Her complexion was as white as snow, but her eyes and long eyelashes looked like frost.

The little girl code-named Mark didn't say a word, and didn't give any extra glances to the gin and vodka in the front seat. She just took out her notebook from her bag and started typing expressionlessly.

The two men in front were obviously familiar with her attitude, and they didn't take it seriously. The only sound left in the car was the sound of typing on the keyboard.

The silence was broken by the ringing of a bell.

The man with long blond hair took out his mobile phone from his pocket, didn't even look at the caller ID, and put it to his ear with one hand.



"In 15 minutes."

Maybe the person on the other side of the phone said something again. The man who was responding paused for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the little girl behind him, his tone still calm.

"Mark's in my car."

After hanging up the phone, Gin leaned back in his chair, and looked at Mark through the rearview mirror.

"You and Grappa are still playing that childish game?"

The little girl had no expression on her face as usual, and asked, "Is it Scotland?"

"He's already in place. Thanks to you, he thought I had some kind of tail."

"Anyway, the task hasn't started yet." Even so, she began to rummage around herself, took down the bugs that made noise on the phone just now from various places, put them away carefully, and wrapped them tightly. Tucked tightly into the corner of the car.

"I thought you would find Ley as a sniper. Don't you guys get along well?" Mark, who had retired from work, finally sat obediently in the back seat.

"Rye has other tasks, Scotland has enough."

"Hey——" she leaned her elbows on her legs, and said, "I thought you didn't like this kind of gentle-looking one."

"I only look at ability and loyalty, besides..." Gin put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, implying, "Isn't a wolf in sheep's clothing a wolf?"

"Hmph..." I don't know what came to mind, the corner of the little girl's mouth curled up, "I just think that a kind-hearted person like him is suitable to be sent out as an undercover agent, after all, he is very deceptive."


I feel like this word has been popping up too often lately.

Gin squeezed the center of his brows with some pain in his head, and said casually: "Scotland? Could it be possible to let him go undercover in the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Wait until Burgai sends a message saying that he needs an internal support person before considering him."

"Brother, we're here." With the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, the car came to a steady stop.

"According to what I said before, I will deal with the traitor myself, and Ryoichiro Sada will hand it over to Scotland, and you will sneak into the venue to recover the materials."

"Just use...your harmless sheepskin."

Gin showed an evil smile that had been practiced for many years and would definitely scare ordinary children to tears.

But the kids at the scene didn't buy it.

This loli, to be precise, was a legal loli. She dug out a small sheep satchel from her belongings and held it tightly in her arms.

After exercising his facial muscles twice, a pure and lovely smile spread out on his already somewhat paralyzed face.

She stepped out of the car door, and then, as if deliberately disgusting, she curled up her little hands and waved back to the people in the car, and shouted sweetly: "See you later, brothers!"

Needless to say, she achieved her goal.

Thinking that this body is actually an adult, Gin couldn't help but get goosebumps all over his body.

The vodka next to him laughed very spinelessly, with some blush on his face.

"Hey, see you later..." He whispered what Mark said just now, immersing himself in his own world.

"Oh—brother, what are you kicking me for?"

Today, Ryoichiro Sada held a banquet in the Golden Ring Hall, the east side hall of his group headquarters, and even the traitor who should have been hiding in a dark corner will appear at the banquet.

Seemingly wanting to show off his extraordinary network, to invisibly deter the organization that has already been eyeing him, and at the same time warn the organization not to do it lightly, Ryoichiro Sada invited various people from different forces to come.

In addition to chaebols and congressmen, there are also many underground business people who are also invited, and the black and white circles coexist harmoniously in this banquet.


Gin directly gave Sada Ryoichiro a conclusion.

Do you think that the organization will not dare to do it if you put on such a battle?The traitors who agree with such a bad idea are also in a daze.

The organization is not intimidating. When did this group of people take other people into consideration.

Expose the existence of the organization, be noticed by the authorities, and affect the long-term development of the organization.

He is an undercover agent!

It's none of his business to organize the future, even if one day he needs to drive a helicopter and shoot the Tokyo Tower with a submachine gun, it's nothing to think about.

After all, what does Gin do have anything to do with me, Kurosawa?

However, the chairman still managed to stay sane, at least the surrounding security was quite tight.

On the other side, Mark hid his presence and sneaked into the banquet hall behind the guests with children.

The security guard might have been notified and was nervously looking for suspicious persons, especially adult men. Naturally, such a loli-looking little girl mixed with children was skipped over.

Mark, who entered the lobby, was obviously very used to such an occasion. She blended in as if it was a matter of course, and walked around with a glass of juice.

Of course Mark was chosen to recover materials not only because of her appearance.More importantly, she is one of the best hackers in the organization. Coupled with her cautiousness and ability to not hold back, she is a good sneaker.

For Ryoichiro Sada, who trusts in technological means, it can be regarded as the right medicine.

After patrolling the hall, playing with other children and passing many adults, and quietly visiting several rest rooms, separate reception rooms, power distribution rooms, and control rooms under the pretext of going to the bathroom, Ma According to the pre-planned plan, Ke sent a signal to Gin that he was ready.

Then he picked up a piece of cake, preparing to stay away from the crowd and reduce his own sense of existence.

When she was slowly retreating to the corner, in order to avoid a waiter carrying a tray, she unconsciously took a few steps back, but she accidentally bumped into someone behind her.

She was startled, even if she was forced to retreat suddenly, she would not fail to notice the ordinary people behind her.

The people behind reached out to stabilize her, and the smiling young voice said, "Be careful, little-sister-sister-"

The author has something to say: Winery Classroom (1)

In addition to the protagonist gin and his pendant vodka, two bottles of wine officially appeared in this chapter.In addition to the fake wine Scotch that everyone knows, the other bottle is Mark.

Marc, also known as Marcbrandy, grappa, a bottle of real wine, so now the score is 3:1

Two other bottles were not officially released, but were briefly mentioned.

One bottle is Grappa, that is, Grappa, which is also a brandy made from grappa. One of it and Marc is an Italian version, and the other is a French version.

The other bottle is Burgue, that is, Pulque, a kind of tequila, which is also translated into Pulque, mainly because of transliteration.At present, it is suspected that the Metropolitan Police Department is undercover.

The above refers to Du Niang, because Ben Gu doesn’t know much about wine, so if there is a mistake, just... please pretend that you didn’t see it (bow.jpg


In addition, it is not easy to find the name of the wine that has not been used.So it doesn't follow the rules of male spirits and female fruit wine.

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